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Image of Deceit

Page 4

by Rumer Raines

  “What are you hoping doesn’t happen, Frank?” She looks at me and back towards Deluca as she tucks her hair behind her ear.

  “I was hoping it would be an easy night since Alex took off,” Deluca tells her, and she narrows her eyes at him. She’s smart enough to know when she is being lied to. She turns towards me and I nearly lose my breath.

  “I am going to need a ride home. How long will you be here?” she asks, and Frank looks back toward the now empty table.

  “Just hang out at the bar and we’ll leave in a few hours. By the way, this is Noah Boston. Noah Boston, this is Alexis.”

  “Noah Boston?” she questions, and I turn to look at her.

  “My last name isn’t Boston. I am from Boston.” I tell her, and she nods.

  “I can tell by your accent,” she laughs.

  “What brings you to Chicago?” she asks.

  “Family,” I tell her.

  “Good reason. Do you have a lot of family in Chicago?” she asks, and my gaze is drawn down to her cleavage displayed in her scoop neck shirt.

  “No, I don’t. I just have one brother here,” I tell her. I realize that I don’t want to talk about family, so I refocus the questions on her.

  “Do you just have the two brothers?” I ask, and she nods.

  “Just the two. I do have two amazing sisters-in-law and what feels like a herd of nieces and nephews.” She laughs, and it just sounds like music to my ears.

  “It must be nice to have a big family.”

  “No wife and kids back in Boston?” she asks.

  “Nope. No wife and kids for me. My brother does have a wife there,” I tell her, and I close my eyes thinking about Sam.

  “Your brother lives here, but his wife is in Boston?”

  “Have you always lived in Chicago?” I ask, hoping she doesn’t ask more about Nick and Sam.

  “Yes. My business and family are here.”

  “What type of work are you in?” I ask.

  “I own a store at the mall,” she advises.

  “How about you?”

  “I own a company with a friend and my brother. We’ve had it for several years and it’s actually done quite well,” I mention. She gives me a smile.

  The bartender comes over to ask if I want another beer and I request the bill. Alexis gives him a small smile and I can’t help but notice there is a little disappointment on her face. She doesn’t want me to go, and to be honest, I want to stay with her. I want to ask her for a nightcap, but then remember that Deluca is giving her a ride home and I am sure he’d break one of my kneecaps before he let me walk out of here with her.

  “What are you doing tomorrow night, Alexis?” I ask her.

  “I don’t have any plans,” she whispers quietly.

  Smiling, I suggest, “How about dinner?”

  “I would like that,” she accepts and I hand her my business card.

  “My cell phone is listed. How about when you get off work you give me a call and I’ll meet you?” I tell her, and she glances at the business card and back up at me

  “Okay. I’ll give you a call,” she says, and I lean over to press a small kiss to her cheek.


  The day drags by and I can’t stop looking at my watch. I don’t think nine o’clock will ever get here. I will rush home, shower, change and call Noah. Or maybe I should call Noah, then rush home, shower, and change? I am so nervous about having dinner with him since it will be my first date since Nick. Noah is so fucking hot, I bet I could rub a match against him and it would light up. He must be at least six feet and has the most beautiful brown eyes that almost look black. He has dark hair that he keeps very short and he has the perfect amount of stubble on his face. I can only imagine what it would feel like if he missed shaving for a day.

  “Alexis!” Alex shouts and I jump noticing he and Adele are both staring at me. Adele has a small smirk on her face and Alex just looks highly annoyed.

  “What?” I ask as I turn to walk away from them.

  “What is wrong with you? I have been calling your name for five minutes. You just stood there in a fucking trance,” Alex complains.

  “Nothing is wrong. I was just thinking,” I tell him, and he narrows his eyes as Adele walks over and nudges me with her arm.

  “I think Alexis has a date.” Adele teases and Alex’s eyes widen.

  “You have a date, Alexis?” Alex asks, and I hear his teeth grinding together.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I do.”

  “With who?” he asks as he closes his eyes and runs his hand through his short hair.

  “It’s none of your business,” I remind him curtly as I walk behind the counter to grab my purse.

  “Can you at least tell us where you met him?” Adele asks, and I narrow my eyes at her and look back at a hovering Alex.

  “I actually met him at Deluca’s.”

  “When did you meet this guy at Deluca’s? Last night you were there with that ball-less kiss ass that works here?” Alex announces, and I hear Chance gasp behind me.

  “I guess that would be my cue to say goodnight,” Chance announces huffily, as he gives Adele and me both a kiss on the cheek and swings his head away from Alex to avoid saying goodnight to him.

  “Do you have to practice being a jerk or does it come naturally to you?” I ask Alex as Adele glares at him

  “WHO.IS.HE?” he demands, and I turn away from him to leave.

  I take out Noah’s business card and decide to call him on the drive home. The phone rings and he answers right away.


  “Hi. This is Alexis. Are we still on for dinner?” I ask, and he doesn’t answer right away.

  “Alexis… this is actually not a good time.”

  “Okay. I hope you enjoy your time in Chicago,” I tell him, and I hang up, tossing my phone on the passenger seat. It starts to ring again, and I glance at the number and realize it’s Noah.

  “What?” I answer.

  “Alexis… it’s Noah.”

  “Yeah, I recognized the number. Did you need something?”

  “I said, now isn’t a good time, but how about later?” he asks.


  “Can we have dinner a little later? I guess it would be late, so maybe we could just grab a drink? I am not blowing you off. I do want to see you,” he says earnestly, and I shake my head not knowing if I want to do this.


  “Okay. We can have a drink later,” I whisper softly.

  “Should we meet at Deluca’s?” he asks, and my first thought goes to Alex.

  “No! Does your hotel have a bar?” I exclaim quickly because there is no way I will take him into Alex’s territory.

  “Yes, it does” he quietly admits.

  “Text me where you’re staying, and I’ll meet you in the bar in two hours.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you later,” he says and a few seconds later I hear my phone alert me to a new text message.

  What have I just done? Why in the hell would I suggest the bar that is in his hotel?


  I had another bad night. No new leads in finding Nick and I probably should just take my ass back to Boston and give up. As I was headed up to my hotel room, my cell phone rings and I didn’t recognize the number. It was Alexis and my first thought was I needed to cancel. I could hear in her voice that she thought I was just blowing her off and I was taken aback when she eventually hung up on me.

  When I called her back, the result wasn’t what I expected. She’s coming to my hotel and we’ll have drinks in the bar. I hung up, knowing that by the end of the night she was going to be in my bed. Am I wrong to assume? Hell no. She’s coming to my hotel instead of going to the safe setting of her brother’s club.

  I sit at a little corner table and wait for Alexis to arrive. As the waitress comes over to take my order, I advise her that I am waiting for someone. When she turns to walk away, I spot Alexis standing in the doorway. I sta
nd and wave her over and she smiles and walks toward me.

  When she finally gets to the table, I walk around to pull out her chair for her. I notice that she smells so good and I take a deep breath to inhale her scent.

  I don’t know how long we stare into each other’s eyes before the waitress brought over our drinks and a few appetizers.

  “Tell me about yourself, Alexis,” I ask. She starts to squirm in her seat. It’s obvious she doesn’t like or want the attention.

  “What do you want to know?” she quietly asks.

  “How are you still single? How is it that no man has claimed you?” I ask, and she stills suddenly.

  “Claimed me? You sound like my brothers,” she retorts. The last thing I want to be compared to is her brothers. It would complicate me getting her into my bed tonight.

  “I can assure you, Alexis, I am not having brotherly thoughts right now,” I tell her, and I start to chuckle when she starts to blush.

  “Are we going to fuck tonight, Alexis?” I ask and she chokes on her drink

  “Excuse me?” She wants clarification.

  “My room is upstairs. I am attracted to you and you’re obviously attracted to me. We are two single, consenting adults and I would like to take you up to my room so we both can relieve some of the stress.”

  “Excuse me,” Alexis says forcefully, as she waves her arms to get our waitress’ attention.

  “Did you need something?” I ask her as she moves her drink aside and I realize that she hasn’t finished her food.

  “Yes. I am getting the check. We can go Dutch and I am calling it a night,” she informs me angrily. I set my beer down as I realize that I have totally pissed her off.

  “You’re calling it a night?”

  “Yes, I am.” Alexis continues to wave for the waitress who is still busy with the other customers at the bar.

  “You’re leaving because I asked you to come to my room?”

  “I am leaving because you are an arrogant bastard who thinks he can just take me back up to his room and fuck me after a few drinks. You don’t even know me, yet I guess that doesn’t matter to you. I realize you’re from Boston, but I let me give you a tip about Chicago. There are hookers two blocks over, go pick one of them up,” she grits through clenched teeth. I lower my head and start to chuckle.

  “What the fuck is so funny?” she whispers.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to getting that kind of reaction.” I continue to laugh as I pinch the bridge of my nose which just pisses her off more.

  “Well, excuse me! But I am just not one of your usual girls who, apparently, just fall on her back and open her legs for you,” she warns hotly. Now I am starting to get pissed. I don’t consider any of the women I have been with sluts and she basically just said they all were.

  “Alexis, please. Will you please settle down and let me explain?” I suggest, and her eyes smolder with rage.

  “Excuse me? Explain what?”

  “I don’t sleep with sluts Alexis and I wasn’t suggesting that you were one either. You suggested coming here, not me. I won’t deny that I want to fuck you into tomorrow, but if you’re not interested I’ll survive.” I growl as she stares at me with a glint of wonder in her eyes

  We sit in silence just watching each other for a few moments. It’s almost like we are waiting for the other to make the first move. This girl is more complicated than I am used to. I am well known in Boston, so women throw themselves at me. I don’t have to apologize or explain myself to them. I am the fucking boss in my business and personal life.

  “It’s been a while I have been out on a date,” Alexis whispers and I pretend to put my shocked face on as she narrows her eyes at me.

  “Do you want to fuck me, Noah?” she whispers.

  “I do. Are you honestly saying you don’t want me too?” I question her as the waitress delivers our refills. Alexis raises the glass and finishes the entire thing before placing the glass back on the table. She stares at me while I take small sips of my drink.

  “Are you almost done?” she wants to know.

  “Why?” I ask. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. When she reopens them, something in her gaze is different.

  “I want to go up to your room, Noah.” I tilt my head and wonder what the hell is going on with this girl. I finish my drink so fast that I can barely remember tasting it. If Alexis wants to go up to my room, I am going to get her there before she changes her mind.


  Noah didn’t question me when I told him I wanted to go to his room. I don’t know why the words came pouring from my big mouth. My body is screaming yes, but my head and heart are saying no. He puts his hand on my lower back as he guides me into the elevator. Once the door shuts, he turns toward me, and before I realize what’s happening his mouth is on mine as I’m pressed against the wall. I can’t help but notice his very large, hard dick pressed against my stomach. I won’t deny that he feels so good. He feels too good and I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle him or this situation.

  Noah moans, as his tongue enters my mouth and I freeze wondering how I let it get this far. Maybe I should have met him at Deluca’s after all. I’m sure Alex or Frank would have been there, and I wouldn’t be in this situation. I hear another soft moan and realize that it’s me, as Noah cups my face in his large, strong hands and steps away from me.

  “You taste so good, Alexis,” he tells me, and I stop breathing for a few seconds as we reach his floor and the doors open. Noah takes my hands as he pulls me from the elevator and before I know it we’re entering his hotel room.

  Noah practically stalks me as I feel the bed hit the back of my legs and he gently falls on top of me. I want to tell him to stop. That this is moving too fast, but I can’t say the words. He feels too good and I am lost in the feel of his body on mine. He’s hard and at the same time, he feels soft. His lips are so tender and yet, so demanding and firm. Noah feels complicated but familiar at the same time.

  Noah moves from my mouth and starts kissing along my neck and I tilt my head, so he can have better access. I realize that my hands have started pulling him closer to me. I want him closer, I need him closer. I want him inside me now. I lower my hands to unbutton his pants and Noah lifts, so I have better access. He practically rips open his shirt and I stare at the most beautiful tribal-looking tattoos that are covering half his chest. I would never have thought he would be the type to have tattoos, which only reminds me that I don’t know this man. I am about to have sex with him and I don’t even know him. What the hell am I doing?

  Noah pulls me up and takes my shirt off and I raise my hands to cover my chest. I am such a moron. I am about to have sex with this man and I cover my chest. He’s about to stick his dick inside me and I don’t want him to see my breasts? Noah chuckles and sits back to look at me.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, Alexis?”

  “Yes… why do you ask?”

  “You're covering yourself. If I take my pants off and you do the same, it will defeat the whole purpose, won’t it?” he questions me, and I realize he’s right. My pants will come off and he’ll see that too. He’ll more than see that. I take a deep breath and stare into Noah’s familiar eyes.

  I slowly lower my hands and reach behind to take off my bra. I pull Noah closer to me and put my lips against his and pull him close enough he falls on top of me. Noah is gentler this time and he moves down to kiss each of my breasts. He puts each nipple into his mouth and gently sucks; giving attention to both. He moves down to my stomach and I moan as his stubble lightly tickles me. I start to squirm when Noah’s tongue makes his way around my belly button. He moves down between my legs and my instinct is to close them before he can go any further. Noah rises and pushes my legs open and pins them down as his darkened eyes stare into mine. He watches me as he pushes two fingers inside me and I gasp. He pushes them in and pulls them out and is relentless while doing it. I am going to come, and he only has his fingers inside m

  Noah watches me as I ride his fingers and he adds a third one. This is too much and too fast. I don’t know if I can handle this. I want him, but I can’t want him. I hear screaming and I realize it’s me. I start to see stars and may have blacked out for a few minutes. A few seconds later, I see Noah hunched over me as he rolls on a condom. He leans over me and he looks down into my eyes.

  “You don’t want this do you, Alexis?” he asks. I stare at his dick as it points at me.

  “I do,” I tell him.

  “Alexis...” he whispers, and I angrily wipe away the tears of betrayal falling down my face. I shake my head and sit up on the bed.

  “Noah, I do want you and I want this. It’s just the first time since…”

  “What’s the guy’s name?” Noah asks, and I ignore him as I yank my shirt back on.

  “None of your damn business!” I yell as Noah stomps past me to pick my pants up off the floor. I glare through narrowed eyes at him.

  “Give those to me!” I demand.

  “No. If you’re going to march out of here pissed at me, you’re going without them,” he advises, and I walk over to snatch them away, but he’s quicker than I am.

  “Noah. Give them to me,” I tell him, but I ask a little nicer this time hoping he just hands them over.

  “No,” he says as he walks past me toward the door.

  “Fine. You want me to climb back on the bed and open my legs for you? Will that make you happy? Then we can both go on with our lives and forget that this night ever happened?” I sneer as I sit back on the bed and lie back and throw my legs open for him.

  I glance at Noah and see he is still standing by the door. He shakes his head at me and laughs.

  “No, thank you, Alexis. As nice as that offer was, I think I’ll pass,” he declines.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “Have you ever been to the Navy Pier?” Noah quietly asks, and I narrow my eyes at him.


  “How about we go there tomorrow night for our second date?” he suggests, and I start to wonder if I have gone home with a psycho.


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