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Image of Deceit

Page 8

by Rumer Raines


  The next morning, I wake up with a heavy arm lying across my waist. He feels warm and comfortable, almost too comfortable and I turn to my side to glance at a sleeping Noah. I reach over to rub the back of my hand across the beard on his face but quickly pull back. The last thing I need right now is to wake him. I know that he’ll want to talk and I need to get the hell out of here. I can’t believe he came back to Chicago to see me. I know he promised that we would work things out, but after our last night together I thought he wouldn’t come back. “What are you planning, Alexis?” Noah grumbles as he inches nearer to me and pulls me closer at the same time.

  “Nothing.” The lie comes easily, and Noah starts to chuckle.

  “I think I know you better than that. You weren’t planning on sneaking out on me, again were you?” he asks.

  “I wasn’t, but we do need to talk Noah.” I hear my voice break. I am not wanting to end things with Noah, but feel that I have no other choice.

  Noah narrows his eyes at me and gets out of bed grabbing his pants to put them on. “Go ahead.” His tone has a degree of warmth and concern.

  “You need to go back to Boston. I can’t see you again.” I could hardly lift my voice above a whisper.

  “Fuck that.” Noah’s voice was calm and his gaze steady.

  “Noah,” I whisper.

  “I said, fuck that, Alexis.” He grinds the words out between clenched teeth. “I don’t know what the hell is going on in that head of yours, but we’re not over. We have something good, Alexis and I am not going to walk away from you without a fight. If I need to move into this fucking hotel, I will do it. I am not going anywhere until you promise to be mine.” His voice was soft but alarming.

  I shake my head, as I stare at the determined look in Noah’s eyes. I wish I could tell him that I am his. He believes his brother is alive and walking around the city and I know that he’s dead and my brothers got rid of the body. I can’t have a relationship with Noah and lie to him every second I am with him. I get out of bed and start grabbing my clothes to get dressed. Noah doesn’t move and watches me as I get dressed. I can feel his eyes burning a hole through me and I refuse to make eye contact.

  When I am fully dressed, I walk over to my purse and Noah snatches it away. I consider his dark and insolent eyes. Noah pulled me against him and his eyes softened. “This isn’t over Alexis,” he whispers, and he takes my mouth with a savage intensity. I moan as Noah forces my lips open with his thrusting tongue and I find my arms around his neck pulling him closer. In the back of my mind, I know I can’t do this. I should walk away, but for some reason, my heart won’t allow me to do so. I am kissing Nick’s brother. What I feel for Noah is so different than what I felt for Nick. Nick was soft and tender while Noah is rough and rugged. Nick made love to me and I can honestly say that Noah fucks me like he owns me, and I want him to own me. Noah has crawled into my soul and I don’t know how to turn him loose.

  “I can’t do this Noah,” I advise him as I grab my purse and walk out of his room.

  When I arrive at the store it looks like a flower shop has taken over. There are roses all over the fucking place and notice a smug-looking Chance arranging the vases.

  “What the hell is going on?” I ask him in annoyance.

  “I should be asking you. These have been delivered every ten minutes since we opened, and they are all for you,” Chance says as he smirks at me, and I turn around looking around the store. There must be at least fifty dozen roses in here. I take one of the cards to find out who the hell is sending them, and I am not surprised.

  The card reads: Alexis, We belong together. I am not giving you up without a fight. Noah

  I hear Chance chuckling and turn to find him reading the card over my shoulder.

  “Oh, my. Someone is rather persistent,” Chance sings and I walk to the back to put my purse away but I hear my cell phone beep with a message.


  I crawl back into bed once Alexis left. She is determined to end what we have, but there is no way in hell I am letting her walk away. I could see in her eyes that she didn’t mean any of the shit she was saying to me. I just need to determine why the hell she said it.

  I came to Chicago to find Nick, but I found something more. Alexis is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I won’t let her walk away from me. I know she feels the same way about me too. I have no idea what went on in her previous relationship, but I know it left scars. I plan on healing each one of them.

  A few hours later, I’m in a taxi headed to the best flower shop in Chicago. I walk in and there is an older lady behind the counter. She looks like she belongs at a flower shop, she radiates the fucking happiness that I am so not feeling right now. “Good morning. How can I help you today?” she asks.

  “How many red roses do you have in this shop?” I respond, and her eyes lift.

  “How many in the entire store?”


  “Maybe five dozen?” she answers, looking at me inquiringly.

  “Can you get more?” I want to know.

  She asks, “How many more?”

  “One hundred,” I announce, and I hear her gasp.

  “You want one hundred dozen red roses? Do you know how much that will cost, Sir?” she cautions me, and I shake my head as I pull my wallet out and place my credit card on the counter.

  “I don’t care. I need them all delivered today every ten minutes. They will be delivered to a store at the mall, hopefully, you have the address.” I watch her as she glances down at my credit card and back toward me.

  “I will see what I can do,” she whispers.


  I don’t understand how there aren’t more cab accidents in this city. Fortunately, I have always arrived at my destination in one piece somehow. When I open my eyes after silently praying that I survive this cab ride unscathed, I notice a townhouse for sale as we drive by.

  “Stop!” I yell, and the driver immediately pulls over, cutting off a few cars and looks at me questioningly.

  “Can we go back to that townhouse? I think there was a sale sign in the yard,” I tell him, and the driver quickly pulls back into traffic and drives us around the block, stopping in front of the townhouse. I borrow a pen from the driver and write the realtor’s name and phone number on a business card. “We can go. I have what I need,” I tell him and the tires squeal as we pull back into traffic.

  Back in my hotel room, I make two phone calls. The first call is to the realtor. I need to see the townhouse and it needs to happen today. The realtor answers immediately and schedules the showing at one. The second call is to my banker in Boston. He needs to know that there might be a very large purchase coming through and not to question it. I hope I am making the right decision. I hope Alexis sees what I am trying to show her. I call for a cab and hand him the card with the address once I am inside.

  The townhouse is perfect. It’s close to downtown Chicago with a fenced yard and has three floors. There are three bedrooms, a large kitchen that looks contemporary and wood floors. There is even a fireplace in the living room and the master bedroom. The realtor watches me as I walk through the house wondering if I am making the right decision. This is a major fucking deal, and if she still walks away from me, I’ll be pissed. I turn toward the realtor and nod my head letting him know that I will take it.

  “I know you will love this house, Mr. Hudson. Have you been pre-approved for any home loans?” he asks. I shake my head staring at the fireplace

  “I don’t need financing. I’ll be paying cash.” I tell him, and he tilts his head. “Excuse me?” he asks, stunned.

  “I don’t need a loan. I’ll be paying cash. I can have the money wired to you by this afternoon,” I tell him and hand him one of my business cards.

  “Where should I meet you to sign the paperwork?” I ask, as he still stares at my business card in apparent shock. He finally responds, giving me the name and address of his office and we arrang
e to meet at three o’clock.


  I am mad as hell after lunching with Adele and Alex.

  “How was lunch, Ms. Alexis?” Chance sings as I walk into the store. I glance at two customers that are testing products and walk past him without responding. After I toss my purse into the back room, I walk back into the store and Chance is waiting for me by the register.

  “Oh boy. That good, huh?” he inquires, and I shake my head violently.

  “Want to talk about it? We’re friends remember?” His eyebrows arched mischievously.

  “I am so pissed at Adele and Alex. I honestly think I hate them right now.” The tears start to flow as Chance’s brows draw downward in a frown. “What happened?” he asks, and I can hear the concern in voice.

  “I just fucking hate them, Chance. They are liars and they just…” I stop talking realizing I can’t tell Chance anything more. What the hell can I say to him? That my brothers are in the mob and I am upset that they buried my boyfriend and that I only found out because I am dating that same boyfriend’s brother, who my brother just threatened to kill?

  “I can’t talk about it, Chance. I just have never felt so betrayed, ever.” I start to cry harder chocking on my words as Chance pulls me against him and wraps his arms around me. I glance at the roses that are scattered around the store and tug him closer as I cry into his chest.

  “Am I interrupting?” I flinched at the tone of Noah’s voice as Chance and I pull away from each other and I wipe away any remaining tears.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Noah questions and his eyes darkened dangerously as he looked at me and Chance.

  “What are you doing here?” I sniffle and Noah stares back waiting silently for me to answer.

  “What’s wrong?” his eyes darkened with emotion and I close my eyes to avoid looking at him.

  “Nothing. I thought I told you that I didn’t want to see you again?” I cast my eyes downward as I remind him.

  “You did.” Noah glances around the store looking at all the damn roses he has sent today. “I’m glad you got them all. Or at least I hope you got them all, I won’t count them.” Noah turns around to look directly at me.

  “Noah,” I whisper shaking my head.

  “I have something I want to show you. Can you meet me tonight?” he stares back at me, waiting for my response.

  “Why can’t you understand that I don’t want to do this with you, Noah? I told you that we are done, as in we are over. As in I don’t want to meet you tonight or tomorrow.” I stare into Noah’s dark eyes praying that I can stay strong and resist this man.

  “Why don't you understand that I will not give you up, Alexis. I don’t know why the hell you're telling me this, but I don’t think you mean any of it. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me. I can hear it in your voice when you force the words out. What we have between us, Alexis, is too fucking strong for me to walk away from. I am not going to walk away without one hell of a fight. I really need to show you something, so if you will just agree to meet me, it will only take thirty minutes of your time,” Noah pleads as my eyes take in his powerful presence.

  “I am not going to your hotel room, Noah,” I whisper. My voice is fragile and shaking.

  “Baby, if you were going back to my hotel room, we’d need a lot longer than thirty minutes,” Noah says in a hoarse whisper, which wasn’t much of a whisper because Chance gasps behind me and I close my eyes as I turn to look at him.

  “Are you going to be waiting by the back door?”

  “Yes, I am,” Noah tells me matter-of-factly.

  Noah leans over and presses his lips to mine, caressing my mouth more than kissing it. I feel my knees weaken as his mouth descended. When Noah walks away from me, I think about Alex warning me to get rid of him. How can I tell Noah to leave Chicago when we both know that I want him here?

  Noah is waiting for me as promised when the store closes. He walks over to me and again pulls me into a kiss, forcing my lips open with his thrusting tongue and I let him. Hell, I want him too. I find myself kissing him back, savoring every moment that we are connected. When Noah pulls away, he takes my keys out of my hand and leads me towards my car.

  “What are you doing?” I ask as I try to take my keys back

  “I am driving,” Noah advises, and I stop walking. He stops to look at me and my reaction seems to amuse him.

  “Do you know where you’re going?” I ask, and his eyes grow openly amused.

  “Alexis, do you honestly think I would do anything to put you in danger?” his eyes were sharp and assessing

  I shake my head and his large hand cups my face and holds it gently.

  “I think I’m addicted to your taste, Alexis.” He puts his hand on my shoulder possessively as we finally make it to my car.

  I don’t like not knowing where he’s taking me, but at least he knows where he’s headed. Noah is also a very skilled driver, surprisingly. Chicago driving is not for the faint of heart, but he appears calm and dashes between the other cars with ease. When we finally stop in front of a townhouse, I notice the porch light is on and narrow my eyes at Noah. Why in the hell is he bringing me to someone’s house?

  “Whose house is this?” I ask him when he turns off the car and pulls the key from the ignition. Noah smiles at me and jumps out to open my door. I glance at Noah and back to the house wondering who is inside and Noah’s finger tenderly traces the line of my cheekbone and jaw getting my attention.

  “Alexis, I wouldn’t do anything to put you in danger remember? Please just trust me.” Noah reminds me, and his hands cover mine as I finally get out of the car.

  Noah pulls out a key and opens the door for me to walk in. I peek inside and hear Noah laugh. I walk in and the first thing I notice is the fireplace, which has a fire burning and the beautiful wood floors. There is no furniture. I walk in further and notice a staircase. The house is beautiful, but I still wonder who the hell lives here.

  As I continue to admire the house, I ask, “Whose house is this, Noah? Why did you bring me here?”

  “It’s ours. I bought it for us,” Noah says, and I look at him thinking I misheard him.

  “What?” I whisper. Noah grabs my hand and stares into my questioning eyes.

  “I bought this house for us, Alexis. I wanted to prove to you that we aren’t temporary. I am fully committed to you and to us.”


  Taking a deep, unsteady breath, she steps back. I could tell that Alexis was shocked and didn’t know how to respond to what I just said to her. Maybe I should have taken smaller steps and moved a little slower. I am not a man who does soft and tender very well. But I think she knows this by now. After watching her stare at me, speechless, I decide to break the damn ice.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask the words tentatively as if testing the idea. Awkwardly, she clears her throat and looks away hastily.

  “I don’t know what to say, Noah,” she muttered uneasily.

  “Say you’ll take a chance on us.” I hesitate, measuring her for a moment.

  She says, “I can’t, Noah.”

  “What happened while we were at Navy Pier?” I ask sharply.

  “What?” A blush colors her cheeks.

  “The Navy Pier, Alexis. You were happy and wanted to be with me. We go to the Pier, we laugh and have a good time and I made a fucking toast and your outlook on our entire relationship changed.” I sigh heavily, and I can hear the anguish in my voice. I stare at Alexis and see that her eyes are dark with pain.

  “I can’t do this, Noah. I am not going to tell you again. I don’t want to see you. Stay away from me. Please don’t come to my store again. We are over,” Alexis repeats while holding back tears. Somehow, she rigidly holds her tears in check.


  Chance talks me into going to Deluca’s for a drink. I am not sure how he did it, but I am sitting at my regular table and being served my regular drink.

  I notice Frank and Alex at the bar, watc
hing my every move. They have both stayed away, giving me space, but I feel their eyes on me. I notice Frank heading my way and I hear Chance groan when I see a figure standing at our table.

  “Alexis… can we talk?” Frank asks, and I shake my head. What more can they tell me?

  “I know you're pissed off, but we are still family.”

  “Oh, my God! What is it with you all reminding me that we’re family? Did you think of me as family when you were lying to me? Was I family when you were hiding...?” I yell and stop when I remember that Chance is still at the table. Frank closes his eyes and glances around Deluca’s to make sure I didn’t get anyone’s attention. Frank grabs my arm, pulling me from the table and forces me upstairs to his office. Chance stands to stop him, but Alex walks towards the table to probably threaten him.

  Frank shoves me into the office and before the door slams, Alex walks in. I clenched my jaw to kill the sob in my throat. These are my brothers and I know they won’t hurt me. I just don’t feel like fighting with them anymore.

  Tossing my hair across my shoulder in a gesture of defiance, I swallow hard, lift my chin and meet Frank’s gaze.

  “Are you going to rough me up, Frank?” I ask him with easy defiance and hear Alex’s evil chuckle.

  “Shut up, Alexis.” His voice was firm, final. Frank walks past me, moving to his desk and I watched as he ran his hands through his beard.

  “This is all unnecessary bullshit. You are mad as hell because of Nick. He was already fucking dead, Alexis. If you would have been honest and mentioned that you were fucking him, we would have filled you in,” Frank advises. I take a deep breath punctuated with several even gasps.


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