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Image of Deceit

Page 10

by Rumer Raines

  “Alexis…what the fuck is going on?” his contemptuous tone was starting to spark my anger. I shake Alexis’ arm off and I start to inch closer to him and Alexis moves to stand in front of me.

  “Alex… don’t!” her tone had become chilly and again I wonder what the hell is going on between these two.

  “I thought we already discussed him,” he said in a harsh, raw voice.

  “Alex!” Adele shouts and he, Alexis, and I all turn to see that Adele is now standing in the doorway with us. “Alex… can I talk to you NOW?” Adele asks, and Alex lets out a long, audible breath. He narrows his eyes at me and heads into the store following Adele.

  Alexis and I watch as he walks away, and I turn my attention back to her. She looks back at me with tears in her eyes and shakes her head. I step closer to her and she backs away from me.

  “You don’t know what you just did by showing up here.” Alexis shook her head in dismay and for the first time I take a deep breath and I walk away from her.


  It’s been a week since Noah walked away from me. It’s been a week since I felt whole. It’s been a week with a pain that I can’t get rid of. When Noah walked away, I wanted to go after him. I wanted to tell him everything, but I knew that I couldn’t. I already said too much and I know he would ask questions.

  After the store closes, I decide to take the long way home and drive by Noah’s house. I wonder if he’ll put the house up for sale? I need closure on my relationship with Noah and taking one last look at the house will help.

  The minute I step on the porch, the front door opens, and I am face to face with Noah. He is wearing a black suit and blue button-up shirt. The top two buttons are unbuttoned, and I notice that he is holding a suitcase. Noah’s eyes narrow and he looks past me and then back at me.

  “Alexis… I thought I heard my cab.”

  “No. It’s just me,” I reply, and Noah looks me over. When his eyes reach mine again, they are cold.

  “Why are you here?” his glare burned through me

  “I thought you would have gone back to Boston by now. I thought I would check on the house for you,” I replied in a small frightened voice. I hear Noah groan and I look up into his face that is a glowering mask of rage.

  “I don’t need or want anything from you, Alexis. Don’t do me any favors.” His voice is so cold when he answered that I almost shivered from the chill. I nod and turn to walk away, but I stop and walk towards him instead.

  “I know you probably hate me right now, Noah, but I am doing this to keep you safe. I only hope that one day you’ll understand this is for the best,” I whisper, and Noah comes closer to me.

  “I didn’t ask you to protect me. I should be the one to protect you. The only thing I needed was for you to trust me. I know you were involved with Nick. I only needed you to tell me,” Noah says and a heaviness centers in my chest. He knows I was involved with Nick, but I doubt he knows the entire story. He doesn’t know that Nick is dead and that my brothers got rid of his body. He doesn’t know that they are the real reason the search was called off. I am sure these will all be deal breakers in any possible relationship we can have.

  “You’ve known this whole time?” I ask, and Noah shakes his head.

  “No. I found out after I went back to Boston.”

  “How?” I ask, and Noah closes his eyes and rubs his stubbled chin.

  “You can keep secrets from me, but I have to be open with you?” he questions, and I look away

  “Don’t go,” I whisper and look back into his eyes.

  “Why should I stay, Alexis? You have told me plenty of times to go back to Boston because I am not wanted here.” His hands are shoved in his pockets, his shoulders hunched forward.

  “Stay because I am in love with you, Noah,” I answer, and my lips found their way instinctively to his. When I finally pull away, Noah’s eyes are less cold and dark. I walk away from him, for hopefully the last time. I must talk to someone before I can commit to Noah. When I am back inside my car, I glance at the porch and notice that Noah is still watching me. I nod letting him know that I will be back.

  I head straight to Deluca’s after leaving Noah. I am going to be with him, but I need to let Frank and Alex know. I won’t make the mistakes with Noah that I did with Nick. I pull into the alley and as always Thomas is watching the alley door. He nods when I get out and gives me a small smile. I see both Frank’s and Alex’s cars so I know I will only have to do this shit once.

  “Are they expecting you, Alexis?” Thomas asks, and I shake my head. “No, but I am sure they’ll be thrilled to see me,” I tell him, and Thomas laughs.

  I walk into Deluca’s and see Frank coming down the stairs and Alex is at the bar. I tell them I need to speak with them and we head back up to Frank’s office. Everyone sits down and looks at me.

  Looking them both straight in the eye, I tell them, “I’m not giving up Noah. I am going to tell him everything, except the part you both played. I would like you both to support me in this and not cause me any grief,” I tell them.

  I turn to look at Frank and he doesn’t look thrilled. Seeing Alex’s angry eyes tells me he’s not thrilled either. Neither one of them says anything for almost ten minutes. We just all stare at each other waiting for someone to crack. Alex stares at Frank then me, Frank stares at Alex, then back at me. I stare at them both. My heart is racing so fast and hard that I wonder if this was all for nothing because I am going to have a heart attack and die in this office.


  I watch the happy couple sitting in front of me in total disgust. I can’t wait to get out of Chicago. A few minutes after Alexis left, my cab arrived. I had to make a quick decision and I decide to get in it and stick to my original plans. I sat in that damn house for one week deciding what I was going to do. Stay in Chicago and fight for Alexis or pack my shit and go home?

  I have never been a quitter. You don’t reach the success I have by fucking quitting. I have had setbacks and people telling me ‘no’ more times than I care to remember. I took care of what was mine. I was determined and persistent when it comes to something I want. I won’t lie. I want Alexis. I just can’t keep fighting for her if I am not the one she wants.

  Alexis has made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want me here. I struggled with the decision of staying or leaving, but I think I only have one option. She wants me gone, so I am going. There are plenty of beautiful, willing women back in Boston. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t the one I want, I will find one that comes close.

  I can still hear her asking me not to go. Was she fucking kidding? Why would she show up after a week and ask me to stay? Then she tells me that she was trying to protect me? Who is she protecting me from? Was Maurice, right? Was Nick in the mob?

  The look on Alexis’ face before she drove away, haunts me as I wait for my boarding call. Am I making the right decision? Am I giving up on us too soon? No. I have given her plenty of time. I can’t put my life on hold while she pulls me in one second and pushes me away in the next.

  The flight attendant finally makes the announcement that the first-class passengers can begin to board. I head towards the short line with my boarding pass. I hand it her and she checks me in and I head towards the door to board the plane. A few hours later I fall into bed wondering if I made the right decision.


  “He’s a fucking dead man. You do realize that don’t you!” Alex yells at me and I glance at Frank who has suddenly taken a vow of silence.

  “Will you kill me when I go to the cops, Alex? I will go if anything happens to him!” I yell back at Alex and he closes his eyes and rubs his hand through his hair.

  We have been shouting at each other for at least thirty minutes and Frank has not said one word. It’s all been threats about Noah being killed. Or me turning my back on my family and going to the forbidden cops. I am a little worried about Frank. He is almost deadly silent, and I don’t like it.

  “Are y
ou going to say anything or does Alex do all the yelling and threatening?” I turn to ask Frank and his eyes are colder than I have ever seen them.

  “What do you want me to say, Alexis?” he asks, and I see Alex cross his arms and stop to look at Frank.

  “I want you to accept what I just told you. I love him, Frank, the same way that you love Lola and the same way Alex loves Adele. I want to be with him and the only way that can happen is if I tell him that Nick is dead,” I advise, and Frank shakes his head

  “He’ll want to know how you know he’s dead. What will you tell him then?” Frank asks, and I glance at Alex.

  “I’ll tell him that I heard that the mob had him killed,” I tell him and Alex chuckles.

  “You would throw us under the bus? We didn’t kill Nick.” Frank reminds me as he takes a deep breath and eyes Alex.

  “I’ll tell him about Adele. I’ll let him know that Nick was protecting Adele and that Garth killed him.”

  “The hell you will,” Alex spits. “You won’t get Adele involved.” Alex shakes his head and starts to pace the office which is getting smaller by the minute.

  “There is nothing you can tell him that will please him, Alexis. The first question he’ll ask is, how do you know? Are you honestly willing to sell us out just so you can date this guy?” Frank asks, and I sigh.

  “Do I not deserve the same happiness that you both have? Damn it. You both are fucking criminals. Let’s be honest. Is there ever going to be a man for me that will accept this? Or do I have to marry someone that you choose for me that is in with you?”

  “I am only concerned with keeping the family safe, Alexis. If you decide to tell him, and he can’t handle what you tell him, we’ll kill him. We won’t have any other choice,” Frank whispers and I can’t believe what he is telling me. I asked Noah to stay in Chicago and Frank is unwilling to back off. If I tell Noah and he starts asking too many questions, then what?

  I will never forgive myself if anything happens to Noah because of me. Fear and anger knotted inside me fearing that I just signed Noah’s death certificate.


  A quick and disturbing thought occurs to me as I sit across from Alex Deluca. I didn’t leave Chicago and after dropping my luggage off at home, I went straight to Deluca’s. Now I am wondering if Nick made the same mistake with Alex that I think I have.

  The silence lengthened between us, making me uncomfortable. Awkwardly, I cleared my throat. Alex Deluca had a fiery, angry look that was unfamiliar to me. His cold eyes sniped at me.

  Alex throws back several glasses of whiskey while his dead eyes closely watch me. He doesn’t say another word after telling me I was a thorn in his side. His eyes move between the glass he set in front of me and back up to me. I start to wonder if he feels insulted that I haven’t taken a drink of my own. I have a feeling that I need to be stone sober when dealing with this guy. I narrow my eyes when he pours himself yet another glass and he smirks at me.

  “Is this conversation going to wait until you finish the damn bottle?” I sneer at him and he tilts his head.

  “You’re not drinking. Why don’t you say whatever the hell you came here to say?”

  “I am not sure who I should ask you about first,” I advise and his once again narrow.

  “What are the options?” he asks.

  “Alexis or my brother,” I reply, and Alex’s eyes look past me towards the bar.

  “How about I give you a different option? I let you walk out of here tonight and you head directly to the airport. You get your ass on the first flight back to Boston and none of us, especially Alexis, hear or see you again,” Alex offers in his cold fucking voice that gives me the shivers.

  “Why would I do that? I like it here in Chicago and I don’t think I am ready to move on from Alexis,” I explain to him and he leans over the table rubbing his hand through his beard.

  “I really don’t give a fuck what you want. I am sick of you. Alexis will move on just like she did with Nick. Of course, I think he was probably the smarter brother. He knew his fucking place, Noah. You obviously don’t know yours,” Alex spat, and I close my eyes trying to contain the anger pulsing through me. This bastard throws my brother in my face?

  “What the hell do you know about my brother?”

  “I need you to pay close attention to me. I am not the guy you want to fuck around with. I can have two bullets in your fucking head before you reach the cab and that very cab driver would willingly help me bury your fucking body. I realize that you probably don’t give a shit. You’ll take your chances. However, I think you do care about your parents, don’t you? I have people watching them always and I am sure

  you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them while they are so close to the damn five-yard line.”

  When Alex threatens my parents, my vision darkens, and everything looks black but his miserable fucking face. I jump out of my chair, knocking it back as I stand up. Alex smirks and nods towards something behind me and I see three large guys headed in my direction. One of them puts his hands on my shoulder effectively placing me back in my seat and Alex nods his head again and they back away.

  I spend what feels like a fucking lifetime watching Alex finish the entire bottle of brandy. He smirks, and I can see him watching his security guys who haven’t budged an inch from behind me. I have never wanted to kill anyone in my entire life; but in this very second, I want to kill this cocky bastard. It’s one thing to threaten me, but to threaten my parents is crossing a line that I can’t ignore.

  “So, do we need to go over this again, Noah? You will leave town immediately. You will stay the fuck away from Alexis. If she even whispers your fucking name in her sleep, I’ll find out and I will start with your parents and I will make sure you are there to watch.”

  “You mentioned Nick?” I whisper and Alex sighs.

  “Fuck Nick. He doesn’t want anything to do with you. As I recall, Detective Morales told you that Nick saw the missing person report, identified himself and told them he didn’t want fuck to do with any of you. Take your ass back to Boston,” Alex warns, and I narrow my eyes at him and nod.

  When I finally leave Deluca’s, the realization hits me. I know that Nick was connected to the fucking mob and I think Alex is the fucking boss. I also know that I never mentioned to anyone, including Alexis, the name of the detective that I spoke to about Nick. How in the hell did Alex know that I talked to Detective Morales?

  I have the cab driver take back roads and instead of going back to the townhouse, I go to a hotel. I don’t even go to my regular hotel, I stay at a different one. I am not going to stay at the house knowing that Alex could be watching it.

  I stare at the ceiling most of the night thinking about Alex DeLuca’s threats. When I finally close my eyes, I see my entire life flash before my eyes. I watch my parents sitting across the dinner table from me and Nick as kids. I see Nick at his wedding with Sam and my mother in tears as my dad held her hand. I finally remember seeing Alexis for the first time. As if she knew she was on my mind, my cell rings and I glance at it and see her name on the caller ID. I lay the phone down deciding that I don’t want to talk to her.

  The phone stops ringing and a few seconds later it starts again. I check the ID and see it is Alexis calling again. I wonder if Alex told her that he threatened me if I didn’t leave town? Is she calling to see if I followed his instructions?

  “Hello,” I answer, and I can hear the bitter tone of my voice.

  “Is something wrong, Noah? You don’t sound like yourself,” Alexis asks, and I roll my eyes and stare back at the ceiling.

  “I’m fine, Alexis. What did you want?”

  “Well… I was wondering where you are? I am at the townhouse,” she replies, and I sit up in bed wondering if she is spying on me for Alex.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “Noah, what’s wrong with you? Why do you think I want to know? I asked you to stay in Chicago, I wanted to see you.”

��Are you asking for yourself Alexis or are you asking so you can report back to Alex?”

  “Alex?” she quietly questions “Why are you asking me about Alex? Oh fuck. What did he do? Did he say anything to you, Noah?”

  “What do you think he would say to me, Alexis?” I ask wondering if she will finally be honest with me.

  “I don’t know. Can you please tell me where you are, Noah? I really want to see you.”

  “I’ll meet you tomorrow at the mall. I’ll call you when I am there,” I tell her and hang up before she responds.

  I turn off my phone and think about how hell to get the truth out of her.


  I don’t know what Alex said to Noah, but it’s obvious he somehow got to him. I could hear the anger in Noah’s voice. He was cold and wanted nothing to do with me. I am tempted to call Alex but I know it’s pointless. Alex will only tell me what he thinks I should know.

  It is a long night staring at the ceiling thinking about Noah. I barely remember driving myself to the mall as I pull into my regular parking spot. I glance around, noticing that Lola’s car is already here, and I roll my eyes not wanting to talk to her today. When I walk into the store, Lola gives me a small smile and says ‘good morning’ and I just groan at her in response.

  “How is everything going, Alexis?”

  “You are kidding me, right?” I ask, and Lola closes her eyes, taking a deep breath.


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