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A Beauty to His Beast 2: An Urban Werewolf Story

Page 13

by Natavia

  “Do you want to get out of here?” she asked me. Anik looked at Demoore then rolled her eyes.

  He must like whores, Anik said when I heard her thoughts. I tried to think of everything except Keora. I didn’t want anyone to hear my thoughts. When I was around them, my thoughts were elsewhere.

  “Not tonight. I’m not in the mood,” I said to Demoore. She sucked her teeth then stood up to join the crowd that danced wildly on the dance floor.

  “You sure you aren’t gay? I have never seen you turn down pussy? Are you okay, bro?” Izra asked me.

  “One more word, Izra, and I will come over there to fuck you up. Matter of fact, I’m done with this shit.” I stood up then walked out the club. I got on my motorcycle then sped home, weaving in and out of lanes until I got back to the mansion.

  I woke up before sunrise to go hunting. When I was in the woods I smelled a familiar scent. When I followed the trail, I came across Anik. She was crouched down with her head bowed down over the small deer she had killed. After a few seconds, she tore into the baby deer. Chippewa wolves were different from what I had learned. They were more about nature, and they hated to kill. Before they ate their kill, they would bow their heads down asking for forgiveness. She turned then looked at me. She huffed then continued to eat. Her wolf had a round, red dot in the middle of her forehead. The tips of Anik’s paws were red and so was the ring around her tail. I had never really paid attention to her. I sat and watched her eat. Was it possible to have a desire for a wolf like myself?

  After she was done eating, she walked past me. Her long, bushy tail dragged along the ground. Blood covered her feminine, small face. I licked her face. It wasn’t a sexual gesture; it was like offering a human a napkin if she had something on her face.

  Thank you, her voice spoke inside of my head. Anik tried to walk away, but I playfully nudged her with my head. Her smaller body rolled on the ground. Anik reminded me of a younger sister, but there was something about her aura. She was a mystery to me. Most wolves are aggressive. Anik didn’t have an ounce of that in her. She was too perfect. She playfully bit my neck then growled. I rolled over on her, and then she kicked me with her hind legs then took off running. I chased behind her; she was fast. When I caught up to her, I gently bit her. Goon and Kanya jumped out of the bushes followed by some type of cat.

  I hate fucking cats! I shouted.

  It’s me, Adika.

  Izra, is fucking a feline? What type of bestiality is that? I asked her, and she hissed at me. Goon smelled a deer, and his big black wolf took off in its direction. Kanya and Adika ran behind him. I smelled them too. There were four deer close by and one big buck. I wasn’t really hungry. I chose to hunt later.

  Anik lay out in the shade chewing on a thick piece of wood to get the chunks of flesh she had between her teeth. Once she was done, she shifted into her human form with her back turned towards me. She had red paintings around her hips. I eyed her plump bottom and her thick, juicy legs. She grabbed her clothes, went behind a tree then put them on. I shifted back to human form. When she turned around, she gasped.

  “You never seen a dick before?” I asked her.

  “I was going to save myself until I went in heat. My mate never showed me himself in that manner,” she said, eyeing my piece.

  “Are you a virgin?” I asked her.

  “Yes, I am. I guess that really turned you off. I will see you later. I need to get dressed. Today will be the first day I work in a real place,” she said, then scurried off.

  “Stay away from her.” Keora was speaking to me inside of my head again.

  “Go to hell and leave me the fuck alone. If we weren’t concerned about Adika, you would’ve been dead by now, I thought. She didn’t respond. I needed to tell the pack, but I didn’t know how to tell them. She cursed me, making me feel things for her I shouldn’t. Was I betraying my pack?


  I walked to the end of the temple with a hooded cape over my head. Ammon was asleep when I snuck out of our bed. A woman wasn’t supposed to roam around alone at night in Anubi. Out of the darkness at the end of the hall, Jalesa stepped out.

  She bowed her head down to me. “What did you find? Did you see Saka?” I asked her.

  “No, I haven’t seen him or felt his presence around Keora’s sanctuary. I think her heart is getting pure; she is in love. If she is in love, then Saka would no longer have someone to use as a puppet. His time as a spirit is running out. I put an invisible shield around Goon’s house. No outsiders will be able to get to the pack or the pups,” Jalesa said.

  “Keora needs to be put away in an immortal prison for eternity, but it will take a very strong spell to put her there. It isn’t easy putting a demon witch inside of a prison. We need to hurry. Your spell is going to wear off soon, and you won’t be able to come back and forth between earth and Anubi.”

  As I spoke to Jalesa, A warrior marched down the hall with a fire torch. I pulled Jalesa into a small room until he passed us. After he went down the other end, I whispered, “Demon witches feed off anything to become powerful. Whatever you do, stay away from her until you know she is easy to capture.” Jalesa nodded her head in response.

  I smiled at Jalesa, but my smile quickly faded. “Your time on earth is limited. Do not hurt yourself by falling in love because it isn’t going anywhere,” I said to her. She put her head down.

  “I know, but Amadi has a heart of the finest gold. Our first date was amazing. He gave me flowers then fed me fresh fruit. He even massaged my feet. For the first time, I felt like royalty. I need to tell him that soon before I no longer exist to him,” she said.

  “NAOBI!” Ammon’s deep voice roared throughout the halls. Jalesa disappeared. He wasn’t happy that I had left our bed. I stepped out into the light of the fire torches that decorated the aged stone walls.

  “Yes, Ammon,” I answered him.

  “What are you doing roaming around the temple this late at night?” he asked me. He crossed his strong arms over his broad chest and looked down at me like a child misbehaving. His eyes turned blue; his beast was angry with me.

  “I had a vision,” I said, walking away from him.

  He grabbed me by the arm, lifting me up off the floor. “Are you meddling in Akua’s life again?” he roared.

  “No, now put me down,” I said to him. He snapped his fingers, and then five warriors came running down the hall with spears and shields.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him.

  Ammon threw some dust on me that made me weak. It was a punishment for witches who misbehaved.

  He held up my secret spell book, the one I used to send Jalesa back and forth to Anubi and earth.

  “This is what you have been busy with while neglecting you duties as my mate? You have been over stepping your boundaries. Akua is the son of Ammon. He has the heart of a warrior. You shame me when you try to fight his battles. Is my blood that runs through his veins not good enough?” Ammon yelled, causing the temple to shake.

  “Why are you doing this?” I cried.

  “Akua will fight his battles like a warrior! He will not have his mother interfere with centuries of tradition. His wolf will lead him through whatever problems he has to face, and he will defeat it. He will be who he was made to be.”

  “You will regret this,” I seethed as the warriors picked me up.

  “Take her to the tower. She will be locked away until she learns how to be a mate. It’s over Naobi,” he said to me, as they carried me away. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. He didn’t want to do what he was doing to me.

  They put me in the tower then locked the gate. “When I get out of here, I will turn all of you into beetles then step on you!” I screamed. Ammon is king, and his orders overpower mine.

  “Oh no, Jalesa will be stuck on earth,” I said to myself. I had to warn someone, but I couldn’t. I was in an immortal prison.

  “Ammon, I will never bed with you again! Do you hear me! Find another mate because I’m
going to kill you when I get out.” I screamed loud enough so he could hear me. I flopped down on the prison floor. I needed to find a way out. I closed my eyes then concentrated on widening the rails.

  “ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed as my head pounded. The rails widened a little, but it weakened me. I fell down onto the floor then lay there. It was going to take a while, but I was determined, even if it weakened me.

  Baki, one of the younger warriors, came to the rails. “This is an immortal prison. How did you do that?” he asked, with fear in his eyes.

  “I am Naobi. I created all of this. If it wasn’t for Ammon getting bit by a wolf, my curse upon werewolves would’ve never existed. Now, you can either let me out, or I can sit here and break out,” I said to him.

  “Ammon would not approve,” he said. I reached my hand out in a squeezing gesture, and Baki fell down, grabbing his neck. Two warriors ran to him.

  “This prison is supposed to make immortals like humans,” one of them said.

  I squeezed my hand tighter until blood dripped onto the floor. Baki’s eyes rolled to the back of his head then turned red. I was getting weaker as I forced my powers, but I wouldn’t let them see it.

  “Stop it!” one of the warriors screamed.

  “Get me out of here, or all of you are next,” I said as Baki struggled to breathe. I didn’t want to kill him, but I wanted to frighten them. They pulled out the weird shaped key—a key I made many ages ago. The warrior put it into the lock, and then it opened. When I walked out, I collapsed…


  I woke up and looked around. I was in a different room. I hurriedly sat up. “Be easy, my queen,” a familiar voice said.

  “Ammon hurt me,” I said to Kofi. He wiped my forehead with a wet rag.

  “Ammon needs to give more attention to his mate. He is ready to have another pup,” Kofi said to me.

  “I don’t have the desire,” I said, sitting up and stuffing grapes inside of my mouth from the tray that lay beside me. Opal walked into the small room; she’s Kofi’s mate. Her hair was braided down to her hips with gold and blue beads at the end. Her gold silk robe clung to her figure. Kanya looked identical to her ancestor. Opal was born a thousand years ago with jackal blood, the same blood as Kanya. Opal bowed her head down to me. “Morning, my queen,” she said. I reached my hand out to her, and she took my hand then pulled me up.

  “I told Ammon that not even immortal prisons can stop you,” Opal said to me.

  “Where is he?”

  “He went out hunting. He has been gone for a while,” Kofi said.

  “I’m going to curse him,” I spat. Then they laughed.

  “You have done so millions of times. You know when I see you and Ammon, It reminds me of Goon and Kanya,” Kofi laughed.

  “I want to meet Kanya,” Opal said.

  “She is just like you. She even looks a lot like you. I’ve heard that she can be a little feisty,” I told Opal.

  “Your bath is ready, my queen,” Kaira said to me. She was a servant. I wasn’t too fond of her, and nor was she fond of me. Opal left the room with Kofi following behind her.

  Kaira shut the door and poured water into the small hole on the floor that served as a tub. “When will I be allowed to tell Kofi about our son?” she asked me.

  “You seduced a mated male. You are lucky you didn’t get punished,” I told her as I undressed.

  “He doesn’t even know I was with child!” Kaira shouted with her eyes changing; she is a werewolf. She seduced many wolves, all of who had a mate. Some wolves could resist, but Kofi couldn’t. Opal was raped by a gang of wolves many ages ago. Her scent was like Kanya’s. Her scent previously turned many wolves into lusting beasts. Kofi was turned off by Opal’s scent after the incident, and he turned to Kaira who was in heat.

  “Pups that are born to wolves that are not soul mates cannot live in Anubi. You mated with a wolf who had a mate, which is not acceptable! You want to be a Jezebel, then go on earth to do that with some of the humans who don’t take traditions seriously!” I shouted at her.

  “I just want to see my pup.”

  “Dash is fine. He even has two pups now. He is the Alpha of his pack. Just be thankful that shifters raised him as their own on earth,” I said to her, as I stepped into the water.

  “You evil witch!” she screamed.

  “If I were evil, I would tell Opal what you did. Opal has a mean bite.”

  Kaira was ready to yell at me, but before she could, I snapped my fingers, and her lips sealed shut. I laughed as I relaxed in the tub.

  “I can’t hear you or your thoughts. Now get out!” I said to her. She headed to the door, and then I turned around. “Stay away from my mate. I can see that you are in heat again,” I said to her, but she couldn’t respond.

  After my bath, I got dressed then went into my hidden room. I looked at my crystal-like globe that not even Ammon knew about. I wanted to see what I have been neglecting to see. It was my extra pair of eyes. I could see Akua’s and his pack. I could even see Ammon running through the grass field while chasing a gazelle. Kaira was standing there watching him, and he sniffed the air because of her scent. I could hear his thoughts; he was aroused by her. She was tempting him, but he walked away. Ammon had thoughts about bedding Kaira. While I was watching our son, Kaira has been watching my mate.


  We all sat down at the long table awaiting our feast. The servants came into the feasting area to pour us wine. I watched Ammon. No words have been exchanged since he locked me away. Kaira poured wine into his cup. I watched her gestures. Her scent was tempting him; I could see it in his eyes. Werewolves are loyal to their mates, but even they get temptations when they aren’t getting pleasure. Werewolves are very sexual beasts. When Kaira walked away, Ammon’s eyes turned because of how badly he wanted her. Everyone sat down and ate, drinking wine as Egyptian music played.

  Thousands and thousands of years ago, you and I became one. I have never seen you look at another wolf with pleasure,” I said to his thoughts. He sipped his wine.

  Thousands and thousands of years, you never neglected your duties as my mate, Ammon replied back.

  I pushed myself away from the table then walked past him. He followed behind me into our room.

  “I’m lonely, Naobi,” he said to me, while my back was turned towards him.

  Tears fell from my eyes. “I can’t have any more pups. Akua almost killed me when I had him. Not even the strongest witch can give birth to a werewolf. I begged my father, Saka, to give me strength so I could have Akua. I promised him that I would give him Akua’s soul after a few years. He said Akua’s soul would make him stronger. I created Adika and Keora to watch over Akua so I could come up with a curse to put Saka away so he wouldn’t take Akua from us,” I said to Ammon.

  Ammon threw my spell book at me then walked out of the room.

  How much longer do I have to wait for you, Naobi? I need to hold you. I want to feel the inside of you. My dreams of you are just dreams. I need it to be reality, the voice said.

  Your wish will be granted soon, I said to him, with a tear falling from my eye.


  Kanya and I were walking through the mall as Kanya pushed the double-seated stroller with the pups in them.

  “Look at these outfits, Goon. Wouldn’t the twins look adorable in them?” Kanya asked me. I shook my head. I had almost ten bags in my hands because Kanya liked shopping.

  “Can we leave? Damn,” I said.

  “Give me five more minutes, baby. Let me run in here for one second,” she said, pushing the twins into the store.

  “Mr. Prince,” I heard a voice come from behind me. When I turned around, it was Dash and two new wolves that might’ve joined his pack.

  “I see you had to replace the slaughtered ones,” I chuckled as they growled. The two new wolves that stood beside him looked to be young; they were rebels. Young wolves kill just for the fun. Some of them even kill humans too just for the taste of bloo
d. They were both dressed in hoodies with sagging pants. The one with the cornrows grilled me then growled. “Who is this lame, Dash?” The dark-skinned one asked.

  I looked at Dash and noticed he had on expensive clothes. “You found a job I see.” Dash started to sweat, and the vein in his neck popped out; he wanted to shift. Kanya came out of the store. “That sexy bitch belongs to you?” The loud-mouthed wolf with the cornrows said to me.

  “Kanya, take the twins to the car,” I told her. She didn’t want to leave me, but we had our pups. She grabbed all of the bags I had in my hands then stormed off, pushing the stroller. If she was human, she wouldn’t have been able to do that.

  “Damn, and she got a fat ass,” The one with the cornrows said, grabbing his dick. I punched him in the face causing his body to fly into the glass window of the store’s showcase. I jumped into the window. He tried to get up, but I hit him again. People screamed as his body flew into a cash register.

  “Run that shit by me again, muthafucka!” I said, punching him again. His body started to shift; young wolves couldn’t control when they shifted. One lady fainted after the young wolf’s ears grew out, and his teeth sharpened. His face grew into a snout, and then he growled.

  “It’s a wolf!” someone screamed. I used my mind as I concentrated; everyone in the mall froze. The wolf charged into me while I was in human form. Dash and the other wolf tried to all attack me at once. All three of them were in wolf form. I shifted then started to attack them as they jumped on me. We knocked over a few people who were still frozen. All three of them bit me viciously. I shook them off of me then attacked Dash since he was close to me. I sank my teeth into his neck as he bit my face. Dash and I rolled out of the store and into a bench. One man was stuck with his melted ice cream cone in his hand. The other two wolves bit my hind legs to slow me down, but it only made me more aggressive. I slammed Dash then knocked the two of the other wolves over, biting the both of them. The one who had the cornrows charged into me. I caught him by the neck then crawled up the wall with him inside of my mouth. I burst through the ceiling window then leaped into the parking lot. Cars slammed on breaks, and people started running until they froze in place. When they come to, they won’t remember anything that they had seen. Our identity is to remain a secret; humans couldn’t know we existed among them.


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