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Millionaire Romance: In Love With My Personal Assistant - A Contemporary Romance (Millionaire Romance, Contemporary Romance, Comedy Romance Book 2)

Page 13

by Tolhouse, Audrey

  “Well, I guess out of the two of us, I was the one who should have traveled to see her,” Jennifer said softly. James nodded.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  Clearing her throat again, Jennifer took a moment to run her hand along her neck. She had just over half of her cocktail left. Condensation beaded on the crystal and slid down to the clear glass where it perched, a stout, long coffee table that connected the small groupings of outdoor seating.

  The air had a nighttime chilling bite to it, but with the sudden rush of heat to her skin, she didn’t feel cool enough. She needed to take off her jacket, but she didn’t move. She just breathed.

  “You don’t have to answer,” James countered.

  Lowering her eyes, Jennifer reached for her cup and drank until it was empty. She avoided looking at James and sat the cup down, and then stood abruptly.

  Across from the two armchairs was an open leather love seat with one flat cushion and a sectioned back. Jennifer moved to it absently and let the backdrop of the specular budding nighttime skyline steal her interest.

  One day, Jennifer hoped to live in New York. As someone with an interest in fashion, it was really the only logical choice. Except at 28, it really didn’t seem like her life was going to be headed in that direction any time too soon. She took a deep breath. At her side, the cushion dimpled with James’s weight as he joined her on the loveseat. She didn’t bother acknowledge his presence.

  “Jennifer,” James began by calling her name softly. Reluctantly, she turned towards him. “I never asked you to work late, or after hours.” The softness in his voice drew Jennifer’s eyes to his own.

  No, he never asked that of her, but it was something she did of her own free will. She wondered then if James ever knew how she felt about him. Her question back at the Hyatt in Denver was the closest she had gotten to disclosing her feelings, and even then, it didn’t even come close to revealing how she had really felt about him for the past three years.

  Then again, she thought those feelings were just a fluke. Maybe she was just a delusional assistant in love with the man because he had money. She thought she was over him, but the entire day had done nothing but make her think otherwise.

  Jennifer took a deep breath and finally forced herself to meet James’s soft blue eyes. She loved those eyes. So beautiful and kind. Swallowing back something hard on the back of her tongue, Jennifer positioned herself squarely in front of James and searched his face intently.

  “I always thought I’d work for you for a couple of years and then move on,” her voice was but a vanishing whisper on the wind. She wet her lips and hoped the cocktail would give her strength where her own flesh was bound to be weak.

  “I didn’t realize I would love it as much as I did, though,” she smiled weakly, drawing a grin from James. “I loved the traveling, the events,” her smile grew wider at the thought. “I really liked the events. The banquets, the awards,” she giggled. “I really liked seeing this side of the world I never knew existed until I came to work for you.” Her smile fell again.

  “The more I learned about you, the programs you started and funded, the more I really came to like who you were and what you stood for,” Jennifer took a moment to breathe. “I always thought you were a pretty incredible man,” she chuckled, “even now, I still think you’re simply amazing. You’re heart,” she smiled, “it’s beautiful.”

  James searched her face, the smile and tease gone from his lips. Instead, he reached for Jennifer’s neck. She tensed, but didn’t recoil. He touched her skin with a single stroke of his index finger and she drew in a breath.

  “But why did you work so much?”

  Jennifer pressed her lips together and held in a breath. After a few seconds, she exhaled deeply. It took her a moment before she could answer.

  “I think I wanted you to notice me.”

  James frowned. His fingers still lingered against the side of Jennifer’s creamy neck. He took his thumb and stroked the line of her jaw. His eyes fell to her lips and lingered. His thumbed followed where his gaze had turned and he ran it across her waiting lips.

  “I’ve always noticed you.”

  Her heart could have shattered. Within a second, James closed the distance between his lips and hers and she finally felt the man who had occupied the majority of her thoughts for the past three years. He tasted wonderfully. Strong and powerful, and yet still gentle with her. Her hand moved and found his, but her next thought wasn’t of feeling her tongue against his. It was of Andrew.

  Of all the things to remember, she remembered him, helping her along the mountainside. She recalled his gorgeous brown eyes and loose hair she had come to love running her fingers through and stopped.

  She pulled away from James and squeezed her eyes shut. What am I doing? A second later and she caught James’s eyes again.

  “I’m sorry,” she stammered, her voice a mush of shock and shame. She pushed her body from his and moved to the edge of the loveseat. She was too busy trying to regain her breath to try and decipher the look on his face when she met his eyes a third time.

  Something caught her eye to the left of his body. Dark skin and dark hair. Jennifer leaned to the left, her eyes growing wide as recognition dawned.

  “Nicole!” She called, waving her hand high. The woman, a lanky 5’9” black beauty with dark, wavy hair excitedly waved back. She was being escorted by a doorman, but immediately broke away to head straight for Jennifer.

  “Oh my goodness, child,” Nicole cupped Jennifer’s face in her hands, turning it to the left and right, “you look amazing,” she drew her into a hug, and then froze. “Who’s that?” Nicole whispered, pulling away from Jennifer. “Oh my, Mr. Delicious, are you here with my friend?” James laughed, and struggled to clear his throat.

  “Yes, she’s my,” he coughed.

  “He’s my boss,” Jennifer said in a calm tone. She met James’s eyes and held his gaze briefly before turning to Jennifer. “Mr. Delicious?”

  Nicole wiggled her fingers at James. “You’re beautiful,” she said outright. His sexy grin was back in full force.

  “Nicole, please, control yourself. What has the city done to you?” Jennifer asked, laughing. She never remembered her friend being so blunt.

  “Sorry,” Nicole said with a smirk and half-hearted shrug. “The city changes you,” she winked at James and wet her lips.

  Jennifer buried her face in her hands and James stood. He stretched out a hand to Nicole and grasped it firmly. Nicole stared him down with a widening grin.

  “Goodness, you’re strong,” she commented.

  James grinned and glanced towards Jennifer. “You told me it’s been awhile so I’m going to let you two catch up,” he released Nicole’s hand and sought to make eye contact with Jennifer, but she avoided him, and chose to tousle with her suit jacket instead. She finally start to unbutton it and slipped it quickly, revealing the chiffon blouse beneath.

  “I’m going to the bar for another drink,” James said softly. “I’m really hungry too. Don’t wait up to order something for yourselves ladies,” he finished the last bit in a rush and excused himself seconds later. Only then did Jennifer lift her head and watch him walk away. She touched her lips, remembering his kiss, and felt a wave of guilt crash over her.

  “You should have seen the way he was eyeing you when you took of your jacket, Jenn,” Nicole commented quickly. She too stared after James and tilted her head to the side for a better look. “Goodness, he is gorgeous. He works with you?” Nicole turned back to Jennifer and watched her friend take her seat.

  Jennifer sighed and closed her eyes. “He’s my boss, Nikki. He’s the same one I worked for when you were last in Chicago.”

  “Oh,” Nicole nodded her head with understanding and slipped into the loveseat next to Jennifer. She placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed. “You look good, too,” she said with a grin.

  Opening her eyes, Jennifer smiled weakly. “You look amazing,” she sat up then and reach
ed for her friend’s hair. “Is this natural?” She asked with curiosity. Nicole was Haitian but was born in America. Her exotic beauty often had many men pining for time alone with her, but she never entertained them, at least in Chicago that was the case. Jennifer had no idea how the city might have changed her friend when it came to love and men.

  “You know I don’t do chemicals,” Nicole giggled. “How are you? Is everything alright?” Her smile faded as she looked over Jennifer, who forced a smile. Jennifer wanted to tell Nicole everything, whatever that happened to be, but seeing as to how she hadn’t seen in her friend in over three years, she didn’t want to monopolize the time with her troubles.

  “I can’t honestly believe I’m seeing you right now,” Jennifer said softly. She leaned in for another hugged and squeezed tightly. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Nicole giggled, “Hard to tell that when you never returned my calls,” her voice was thin, but genuine. Jennifer pulled away and nodded solemnly. “I don’t say that to be rude. I’m glad to see you too.”

  With a nod, Jennifer ran a hand through her hair. “It’s okay, Nikki. It’s true. I could have called, I probably could have come here a couple of times but I never did.”

  Taking a deep breath, Nicole crossed her legs. “But you’re here now,” she said confidently, tapping Jennifer’s knee. “Let’s not worry about the past. We can’t change that.”

  “Yeah,” Jennifer agreed quickly. “Let’s enjoy tonight and worry about the future tomorrow,” she squinted her eyes at Nicole and the two exchanged a devilish grin.

  “So if I understood your hunk boss right, he gave us an open tab,” Nicole wet her lips and rubbed her hands together.

  “He sure did,” Jennifer agreed.

  “Well, I’ve never stepped foot Upstairs before, so let’s get this party started!”

  They caught the attention of a passing waiter and placed their first round of cocktails and appetizer orders. They began the evening sharing an order of stuffed mushrooms with goat cheese and pesto and moved to grilled chicken skewers and a dish called Scallop Crudo with hazelnuts, chili, and pea shoots.

  Jennifer didn’t realize how hungry she had been until the first order arrived. They devoured their food with old memories, laughs, and new tales from their unshared lives. Nicole explained how she came to get her first show on Broadway. It was an unpaid gig she managed by working two other jobs on the side and rooming with one other actor and two starving actresses. Together, they pinched pennies and clawed their dream out of stone to become their reality.

  From there, she started receiving first hand invitations to low paying plays and family dramas, which led to her first big Broadway hit. She was currently working on her second Broadway show, Aladdin, as an understudy for Jasmine.

  “I can’t believe you,” Jennifer said, cutting off a portion of the yellowfin tuna that had just arrived. She dipped it into the grilled pineapple salsa and placed it in her mouth, pausing to savor the burst of excitement dancing across her tongue.

  “You’re really doing it,” Jennifer managed after she finished the bite.

  Nodding, Nicole grabbed a forkful too. “I am. And what about you? You’re still with Mr. Freaking Hot!”

  Jennifer laughed, much harder than she thought she should. She was on her third cocktail. They kept serving them with their orders. The current one was called something she couldn’t remember. All she knew is that it tasted sweet, spicy, and delicious.

  “We should keep our voices down,” Jennifer lazily looked about her. She didn’t see James anywhere, but didn’t like the idea of him potentially overhearing their conversation. She wondered if she would see him again before she made it to her room later that night.

  She had her room key in her purse and her briefcase was somewhere… She glanced around the small lunge section they occupied and saw the briefcase resting against the first chair she had sat in. Still safe. She grinned.

  “You didn’t see it, girl, but when you took off your jacket, his eyes were all over you,” Nicole nodded quickly, and then paused. “You know this lounge is hella uppity right? I’ve heard they won’t even let you in if you’re not wearing good enough shoes.”

  “Good enough shoes?” Jennifer laughed and looked down at her striped open toe stilettos. Her nails were manicured to perfection. Nicole looked down at Jennifer’s feet as well.

  “I think yours are good enough,” Nicole commented. They shared a girlish cackle. “I’m serious though. Is he just your boss?”

  Jennifer groaned. She didn’t want to get into this conversation. She would have much rather ignored the kiss he gave her, and the fact that she technically kissed him back. She didn’t want to think about that, how she betrayed Andrew, because that’s totally what it was, right? She cheated—she was a cheater!

  “Oh my goodness,” Nicole covered her mouth and eyed Jennifer carefully. The awestruck in her tone caused Jennifer to sit straight and finally meet her friend’s eyes.

  “Oh my goodness what? Did I drop something on me?” Jennifer glanced down at herself. Still perfect. She sighed out with relief.

  “You two have something going on, don’t you?” Nicole asked; but, it was really more of a statement.

  Blinking repeatedly, Jennifer closed her eyes and shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

  “You totally do. It’s written all over you,” Nicole gasped and looked around before she leaned in close and lowered her voice to a decibel above faint. “Are you two sleeping together?”

  “Oh my god no,” Jennifer groaned. She rubbed her hands over her face, and then braced herself to meet Nicole’s eyes. She had decided to blow everything off, but when she met her old friend’s dark eyes, her breath suddenly began to shake and emotion crashed against her ribs.

  No, she and James weren’t sleeping together, but that was just right around the corner from how the day was going, wasn’t it? With all the flirting, the smiles and giggles, isn’t that what they were working up towards? And what would happen if that day came and passed?

  “Just talk to me,” Nicole whispered softly. She touched Jennifer’s knee. “You don’t want to burden me, is that it?” She smirked, “Like Amanda?”

  “Oh, gawd, Amanda,” Jennifer chuckled loosely. Amanda was someone they had all fallen out of touch with years ago with no regret. That woman was an emotional viper. She swooped in like a hurricane, destroyed happiness and good days with her negativity and chaotic problems, and dissipated into vapor just as quickly with her ever dramatic flares for attention. Anyone caught in the residual wake was left dazed and confused.

  “Look, you’re no Amanda,” Nicole comforted. “Just talk to me,” she patted Jennifer’s knee.

  After another deep breath, Jennifer shrugged loosely. “We’re not sleeping together,” she said calmly. Nicole eyed her carefully, holding her gaze steady. After a moment, she looked her over, and then smiled.

  “Okay. I believe you. Then what’s up? You’re into him? I can tell he’s definitely in to you.”

  Jennifer nodded. “Yeah, I know that,” she flipped hair over her shoulders and contemplated dumping the skinny of her situation on her friend. “The problem is that I just met someone. His name is Andrew—”

  “Oh my gosh, your smile!” Nicole grinned and pointed at Jennifer playfully. She was right, just saying his name made her smile brighter than anything she had done that evening, even with the excitement of having seen her friend again after so long.

  “Okay, so is this guy Mr. Awesome too?” Nicole asked, reaching for her near empty cocktail glass.

  Jennifer wet her lips. She was unable to stop smiling as she thought of Andrew’s strong arms around her waist. She remembered the last kiss he had given her. He didn’t want to leave. That much was evident; and she didn’t want him to go.

  “He’s Superman,” Jennifer said absently.

  Nicole laughed. “Seriously?” Her voice had fallen flat with skepticism.

fer leaned towards her friend and giggled. “Seriously. This guy has a chest harder than granite marble,” she paused, “wait, that’s two different things.”

  “How much have you had to drink?” Nicole teased, “And which is it? Granite or marble?”

  Rolling her eyes, Jennifer searched for the straw in her glass with her tongue playfully. “Both. Anyway, the man is gorgeous.”

  “Does he work with you too?”

  The direct question took the smile from Jennifer’s voice. She lowered her glass and Nicole only nodded.

  “So let me get this straight. You work with two incredibly handsome men that are both into you. Is that right?” Jennifer nodded.

  “Alright. You’ll have to correct me if I’m wrong on this, but judging by some of your reactions, there’s something going on with both of them. More than just being into to each other,” she marked the end of her sentence with quotation marks.

  Taking a deep breath, Jennifer nodded. “Two weeks ago Andrew joined the firm as a partner,” she sat her cocktail glass down and turned towards Nicole to get serious. “He’s pretty serious about dating me, and I thought I was about him too, but,” she paused and sighed. “I’ve always had a thing for James.”

  “How come you and James never worked out?”

  Shrugging, Jennifer tousled her hair lazily. “He never showed me that I was anything more than his assistant.” She hesitated, “Well, at least he didn’t until this past Friday where he told me he loved me.”

  “What?” Nicole’s jaw dropped.

  Jennifer nodded. “I know right?”

  “Wait a minute,” Nicole shook her head vehemently, “What?”

  Again, Jennifer nodded. “I know right?”

  “I’m confused,” Nicole stammered. “So how long have you worked for this guy?”

  “Five years.”

  “And you and Andrew are getting together—”

  “And he finally tells me he loves me and just a second before I saw you this evening, he kissed me,” the words tumbled out of Jennifer’s mouth like a cascading waterfall. She couldn’t stop the truth, or herself from saying more, so she blurted it all out. “He kissed me, I liked it, and I kissed him back.”


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