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by Ophelia Bell

  “Like all the other men you’ve moved on from?” the bitchy little voice inside her head said. It only gave her a moment’s pause, rationalizing that maybe she wouldn’t have to move on from him if she just gave him a chance. Except that she’d thrown caution to the wind with the last guy and look where it had gotten her—on the run and loaded with so much regret she could fill a swimming pool. Did Corey even want to be saddled with her mistakes? She doubted it. But right now she was desperate enough to test the waters.

  She slid her hand over his shoulder and down his arm. His thick forearm clenched tighter and she stared, mesmerized at the play of his tight muscles beneath her palm and the heat of his skin under hers. His head turned slowly to watch the movement of her hand from the corner of his eye, like he was just waiting patiently for it to happen.

  Focused on the shadows his muscles cast she was acutely aware of the change in light just behind her. The shadows darkened and a foreign yet very familiar presence pressed against her back. Hands gripped her hips and she jerked her head to look over her shoulder but saw only darkened air, the breath of a shadow. She released Corey abruptly when a hand gripped her jaw and pulled her head back. She couldn’t see who held her, and Corey only stood mutely as if nothing had happened beyond her having second thoughts.

  The shadow’s voice reverberated in a deep whisper in her ear. “You are mine,” it rumbled.

  She tried to stifle the whimper when he released her and disappeared again.

  “You having second thoughts about molesting me?” Corey asked, turning around and staring at her.

  “I’m sorry about that. I’ve been kinda not really myself tonight.”

  He raised one dark eyebrow. “You mean you don’t normally beg out loud to an empty room to fuck you?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, then closed it again, not quite sure what she’d say. She was still aroused and confused from the strange, ethereal intruder.

  And as frank and uncensored as Corey had been in the month that they’d known each other, he’d never once come across as a lecherous asshole. It was a refreshing change from the men she was used to. Honesty deserved honesty, didn’t it?

  “No, Corey. I don’t do that. I only do that when I’m actually being teased into oblivion. It felt so real but I can’t explain it, and even if I could you probably wouldn’t believe me anyway.”

  He settled back on the edge of the fire pit and crossed his arms, the glowing stone apparently forgotten.

  “Try me. I doubt you could one-up the crazy shit I’ve seen tonight.”

  “Oh?” She glanced around, remembering what he’d said about the rest of the team. “What happened to them?”

  “It’s a long story. Tell me yours first.”

  A brush of air against her back made her shiver. The breath on her neck felt like a promise and her nipples pricked beneath her flimsy cotton tank top. “Tell him the truth,” the whisper said.

  She released the air she’d been holding in her lungs in a soft gasp when a shadowy touch grazed across her nipple. She glanced down and only saw a darkening of air, but it definitely felt like a real hand.

  “You can’t see?” she asked Corey.

  “See what?”

  “He’s here now,” she said. “He… drove me mad before. And he’s still teasing me now.”

  Corey’s eyes followed hers down to her breasts. The voice in her ear whispered, “You like the way he looks at you.”

  All she could see was the faint shadow of a hand as it slid down, long, translucent fingers sweeping over her breast. Every little graze of finger across her nipple made her quiver. His breath was dry and hot against her neck. She couldn’t resist his urgent embrace, but she didn’t really want to. Having Corey’s eyes on her just made it all more intense. She hesitated and sensed the touch on her body pause.

  “You want him to see you undone, don’t you?” The voice sounded a little incredulous. An entertained chuckle sounded in her ear. “Well, then let’s give him a show.”

  “Yes!” she gasped.

  “Hallie?” Corey’s voice was rough and uncertain. “It’s all in your head, girl. Just let it go.”

  She whimpered when the fingertips lingering over her breasts decided to tease and pinch at her nipples.

  “N-no. Oh God, this isn’t in my head.”

  “You have that right, lover. I’m not in your head, though I would like to be.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked out loud. Corey’s eyes widened in confusion, but it was the shadow who responded.

  “Because you want me to. Because I was meant to. Because you are mine.”

  The shadow behind her felt as warm and substantial as a real man, yet apparently she was the only one who could sense his presence. He was strong and insistent, his lips hot on her neck and jaw. She tilted her head to give him better access.

  Corey stayed glued to his spot, watching. A sheen of sweat gleamed on his brow and upper lip and the front of his cargo shorts looked like it might rip open under the pressure of his erection. It wasn’t nice of her to enjoy that part, but she did. He was the man she’d been most attracted to during their expedition, but she was smart enough to figure out that she’d never measure up to what he wanted. Watching him struggle with the urge to fuck her now, while a hollow enjoyment, still gave her some validation.

  She vaguely realized how uncharitable she was being to Corey, though. He was the polar opposite of the man she’d left behind. Her ex had been polite and respectful, and a liar to the core.

  Corey was brash and rude most days, but honest to a fault.

  So she’d gravitated to him only to realize that he was even better behaved up close. The polite dismissals. Oh so polite. And respectful. Fuck the man for not wanting to dominate and violate her.

  It had been over a year, but David’s confession of love still twisted like a knife in her gut. Worse than that, his pursuit when he’d learned of her pregnancy had driven her to the ends of the earth to escape him. The child wasn’t meant to be. She’d begun this Hail Mary of a trip broken hearted and desperate, denying her misdirected love for the man she’d left behind and the baby she’d lost

  “You are mine,” the shadow had said, but something wasn’t right about the way he’d said it. She was too familiar with the tone of voice of a man who meant words just like that. The shadow’s words lacked conviction. Was this just some supernatural prank? Lies were her forte and this—man or creature or whatever he was—was a very bad liar.

  But he’d struck a chord. The small lie he told was twisted up with the truth. She wanted him to touch her, that was the truth. And he believed he was meant to. She could twist the belief around to her advantage.

  “Yes. I want you, but you can’t own me. No man can own me, you bastard. If you want me it’s on my terms, you got that? Now if you’re going to fuck me in front of my friend, which I would dearly love for you to do, stop being a little pussy and show yourself.”

  Corey stared at her, incredulous. She grinned back in response. He seemed transfixed by the unfastening of Hallie’s shorts through no power of her own. It felt like hot, urgent fingers trying to get her naked. This…shadow…wanted her, whoever he was. All she knew was that he’d teased her nearly to orgasm before and was back. Maybe this time he’d finish the job.

  “I’m not going to fuck you. I just want to watch you torture him a little bit,” the voice said.

  “Why?” Hallie asked.

  “Because you want it. I can feel how much you want it. What did he do to you?”

  It probably was terrible of her to resent Corey’s lack of interest, but she certainly had his attention now. Corey watched her with avid concentration. Her shadow’s fingers gripped her breast with one hand and the other teased again with expert care between her exposed pussy lips, rubbing her slick clit enough to make her eyes roll back in her head.

  Oh, Christ. She opened her eyes to see Corey watching, his hand pressing hard against his crotch like he could
keep the monster in check with enough effort. And as much as she would love to have him involved, having the hot hands of this stranger on her felt so good.

  “Nothing. That’s the problem. Is that so bad?”

  “Kiss him.”

  She didn’t have an obsession, did she? Maybe so, considering her blatant lie to Erika about why she’d never made a move on Corey. She had a bad habit of falling in love with men who were emotionally inaccessible. It wasn’t casual sex if you were in love, right? Corey was the first man she’d been infatuated with in that way who hadn’t gravitated to her like a moth to a flame. It just made her want him more, but professional courtesy dictated she maintain a boundary between them.

  Now she had to breach that boundary to prove that it didn’t matter anymore.

  Corey still sat on the raised edge of the fire pit, his gaze fevered as he watched her. She adjusted her clothes, feeling just a little too exposed for a simple kiss, then moved to kneel between his spread legs. His arms stayed braced on the stone ledge he sat on, and he just stared at her. God, she wanted to reach out and stroke the bulge in his shorts, but didn’t dare.

  He stared back at her with a mixture of hunger and conflict. In that split second he reminded her of one of her older brothers. Even before kissing him she knew how it would go, but she needed to do it anyway.

  His eyes were wide and curious, his brows raised in expectation. He must have known what she was doing, but he hadn’t objected yet.

  “Corey,” she said in a voice rough with need. “I’ve wanted you since we met, but you’ve been… reserved.”

  “Sorry, I… have some issues I guess,” he said.

  She splayed her fingers wide on his thighs and moved closer. He smelled nice, even after their sweaty day and haphazard bathing ritual. She was still dirty from the trek, too, she realized. But the aroma of the jungle on him just aroused her further. She didn’t like his passivity, though. He just sat there, watching, while she moved in. She pressed her lips against his throat and flicked out her tongue across the lightly stubbled skin, drawing away the salty taste of sweat.

  “He wants me to kiss you,” she confessed.

  “Ah, right. So I get tortured to fulfill the fantasy of an invisible man, is that it?” He let out a defeated laugh.

  “I guess we both do. So kiss me.”

  “Kiss you, huh?” he asked in a quavering voice. “That’s what he wants?”

  “It’s what I want.”

  “Fuck,” Corey muttered and gripped the sides of her head in his hands. He pressed his lips hard against hers. Hard enough to hurt, but the second his tongue plunged into her mouth she didn’t care anymore. Holy fucking Christ was he a good kisser.

  When she finally pulled away, breathless and elated, the look in his eyes destroyed her mood entirely.

  Hallie sighed. “You want something different, don’t you?”

  He looked so dejected she couldn’t help but reach out to him. He leaned his head into her palm when she stroked his hair.

  “Yeah. I love you, Hallie… more like… like…”

  “Like a sister?”

  His shoulders sagged. “Yeah. I admit I’m spun up enough to nail you right now, but I would feel incredibly dirty if I did. I’d never forgive myself.”

  Another hand roamed down her side from behind and she shivered from the touch. Corey seemed to notice the change and his brow furrowed.

  “Is he still here? Tell me if you’re okay, Hallie. I’ll figure out some way to make him go away.”

  “I will never harm you as he seems to think I might, but if you want me to show myself you have to come to me.”

  “No. I like what he does. I want to go to him, Corey. I know it sounds crazy. I don’t even know how to find him, but he’s somewhere in here.”

  “I get it,” Corey said. “I’ve been out of my mind with the need for sex since dinner with no suitable prospects in sight. No offense. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “No offense taken. And yes. Yes, I’m sure.”

  Corey nodded and turned back to the table where he’d left the odd stone among his other gear. He picked up one of his cameras and flicked on the power.

  “What’re you going to do with that?” Hallie asked, pointing at the stone.

  “Giving up. I’m a tech. I’m not a scientist like you guys. I just don’t buy into this dragon thing, though. Erika’s like the crazy cult leader and I feel like I need to be the voice of reason since nobody else is doing it. But I’m outnumbered. Starting to think if all the scientists believe this BS then maybe there’s something to it. Hell, if you believe it… maybe ‘voice of reason’ is not my true calling after all.”

  “You’ve always been that haven’t you?” she asked, suddenly seeing a piece of him she’d never seen before, and liking it.

  “I guess. Not that anyone ever listens to me. I’m the successful member of my family, but everyone around me still acts like morons in spite of all the advice I give them. And it’s not like I just volunteer it. They fucking ask for it and then brush it off. Why the fuck should I bother?”

  She didn’t have the heart to tell him she wasn’t even technically a scientist—not even a fraud of one. The resumé that had gotten her onto the expedition showed her credentials as a Ph.D. in ancient Eastern religious cults. But she figured she may as well play the part if it made Corey more comfortable.

  “Why don’t you believe it if there’s evidence to the contrary?”

  “You’ve heard of Jim Jones, right? Let’s just say at first I believed there was something in the Kool-Aid.”

  “And now?”

  Corey nodded at the camera and tilted it toward her so the small screen was visible.

  “Pretty sure the cameras can’t drink Kool-Aid,” he said.

  Chapter Six

  Kol was oblivious to the sounds coming from the other chambers when he retreated to his own, slipping beneath the door with an effort of will. He felt like a fraud, pretending to be the domineering, demanding lover. She’d seen right through him. He could be that way. He loved the heady rush he got when he was in control and his lover did as he asked, but it never began until she asked for it to begin with.

  He believed Hallie would ask for it. She was the one who would see him clear of this prison once and for all, but the waiting in these last crucial moments was even more tortuous than the last five hundred years. He hid inside the huge, rigid prison of his body. The massive black dragon the council had insisted he become before the temple was locked down and they were all frozen in their assigned chambers. His true form. But the truth was, he’d long since begun to hate himself for his shape. The urge for dominance was overwhelming after living that way, even in stasis. And in spite of it, he still hadn’t been able to convince her of his need to possess her.

  The door finally opened, but he kept silent, waiting to see what she would do. Two figures slipped in. One stood within the dim light of the entrance, the second moved in from behind to stand in a dark corner.

  “Did she come willingly? You didn’t force her, did you?”

  “Yes, Shadow. She found me and asked me to explain the ritual in detail. She is here by her own choice.” Kris answered out loud, causing Hallie to jerk in surprise.

  “Where is he, Kris? I can’t see a goddamn thing in here.” But Kris didn’t answer. Kol knew it was up to him now, and up to Hallie to make a decision.

  He sent his breath past her to push the door closed with a soft thud. After all these years cursing the darkness, somehow he felt too exposed even with the tiny amount of light that had come through that door.

  Hallie’s heartbeat seemed the loudest thing in the room. She seemed to be holding her breath. He manifested his shadow into his chosen form in front of her.

  “Follow my voice,” he said.

  “Can’t you turn on a light or light a torch or something. You said you’d show yourself to me if I came. Why can’t I see you?”

  She still hadn’t moved from her s

  “Hallie, you can trust me. I can see you fine. I won’t let you fall. Come toward my voice.”

  She barked out a harsh laugh that betrayed her lack of conviction in his words. “Trust you? I know better than to trust a man who believes he can own me. Did you actually believe that would work? Tell me, did it work on Erika? Camille? Did those dragons convince the women they should be their slaves? I highly doubt it. I know them. They’d never give in, any more than I would.”

  He winced at her misunderstanding of the situation. The other women had given in, as had the men, but they hadn’t known the truth beforehand, either.

  “Wake me first, please. Then I will tell you everything.”

  “Tell me just one thing now, alright? Can I leave this temple without doing what you want me to do?”

  “No. The doors above are closed. They won’t open again until the ritual is complete.”

  “Well, okay then.” She took a soft footstep toward him, then another. “As long as I’m trapped, you might as well finish what you started earlier.”

  The determination in her voice was unexpected. She was going to go through with it, willing or not. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. She had to want him to wake up and mark her and not just because she was trapped if she didn’t.

  “It’s true that if you don’t wake me you can’t leave, but someone else will come. Another team will crack open those doors. It’s inevitable. The rewards are too great for most humans to resist. Like your friends. They understand because the other dragons are…” he paused, hating what he was about to say. He released a heavy breath through his nostrils. “They’re better at this part of attracting humans than I am.”


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