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Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3

Page 13

by Mari Carr

  Hope bit her lower lip, a sure sign her cousin was worried. “What would be so terrible about going out with Liam for real? The two of you have a long history and my mom always says the best relationships are born from friendship.”

  Jade fell back on the same excuses she’d offered Liam. “We fight all the time, Hope. While he’s never said as much, I think my foul mouth and loud laughter sort of grate on his nerves. I’m way too fond of my independence and not about to give that up for anyone. Besides, I’m not his type. He goes for petite, giggly and girly. I’m none of those and don’t intend to ever be. I mean…you have to admit, I’m nothing like Celia Woods.”

  Hope squeezed her arm. “I think you’d make some man a wonderful wife.”

  Jade feigned a shudder. “You didn’t really just use the W word on me, did you?”

  “I wish you’d stop swearing you’ll never get married. What’s so wrong with falling in love and spending the rest of your life with someone?” Hope’s softly spoken question left Jade floundering for an answer. In the past, her determination to remain single had never wavered because she’d never been tempted. Liam was definitely messing with her head. Making her reflect on things she didn’t want to consider.

  Jade didn’t feel comfortable telling Hope why she preferred the idea of living alone. Given Hope’s belief in true love and forever, Jade suspected it would trouble her cousin to know how deep Jade’s fear of loss ran. The fact remained it was something that had always been there inside her and she didn’t see it ever going away.

  While she could handle closeness when it came to her family and her friends, the second a guy got too close, she felt herself closing up, suffocating on panic.

  If she were the type of person who could deal with personal introspection, maybe she’d find an answer, but she didn’t have the time or energy to delve too deeply into shit like that. It was easier to just accept this was who she was, chalk it up as a personality flaw and move on.

  She was saved when Vivi approached them. “You ready to go, Lucy?”

  Hope’s face fell as their grandmother called her by the wrong name. Though it happened more and more frequently these days, it never got any easier for them to admit that while Vivi was still with them physically, her mind was failing fast.

  “Sure.” Hope didn’t correct Vivi. It upset their grandmother too much when she realized she’d slipped up. It put her on edge and caused her to stop talking for a few hours just so she wouldn’t make any more mistakes. They’d all decided to roll with the mistaken identities in hopes of saving Vivi from suffering any extra anxiety. “Goodbye, Bruce. Hope you feel better soon,” Hope called out from the doorway.

  Jade waved as they left, understanding Hope’s hasty departure. When Vivi’s mind began to drift, they appreciated the importance of getting her home and out of public settings.

  Jade had just returned to Bruce’s bedside when she heard a male voice at the doorway.

  “Hey Bruce. How you feeling?”

  Jade turned, surprised to find Liam there. She gave him a flirty wink. “What are you doing? Following me around? Do I need to put a restraining order on you to stop this stalking?”

  Liam chuckled as he walked up and patted her ass. “You wish. Bucky nearly cut his damn thumb off with the band saw this morning.”

  “Oh my God. Is he okay?”

  Liam shrugged. “Actually I’m exaggerating to make the story more interesting. It’s only a little cut. I drove him here. His sister just got to his room. She’ll take him home after they finish putting five or six stitches in.”

  “Well. That’s good, I guess.”

  “Did you want to apologize for accusing me of being a stalker?”

  He looked so damn cocky and amused, she was tempted to dig her hands into the back pockets of his sexy jeans and do a little stalking of her own. She could bounce quarters on his tight, gorgeous ass. Instead, she said, “Bite me.”

  “With pleasure,” he murmured.

  “Jesus,” Bruce muttered. “Finally gave in to it, I see.”

  Jade scowled, annoyed that she’d forgotten to shield herself in front of her boss. She and Liam really were going to have to work out what to tell people about them. “What are you talking about?”

  “You two have been sniffing around each other for years. ’Bout time you stopped denying it.”

  Despite Hope’s advice, Jade never took the easy route. “We’re just screwing around, Bruce. It’s nothing serious. Pretty sure it’ll die out before the summer ends.”

  She expected Liam to back her up, but she was greeted by silence. She glanced at him, discovering her answer had obviously pissed him off. The story would only work if they were on the same page, and it didn’t appear they were.

  Rather than start an argument, Liam turned to Bruce. “When do you think they’ll spring you from this joint?”

  Bruce shrugged. “Not soon enough. Doc said two days at the earliest if I behave myself. Not sure what the fuck he thinks I’m going to do. They’ve got goddamn Attila the Hun out there pretending to be a nurse. Woman watches me like a hawk.”

  Jade rolled her eyes, but Liam laughed.

  “Hey, do me favor, Liam. Jade’s going to be running the bar the next couple of nights. You mind hanging out after closing to make sure she gets to her car okay?”

  Jade exploded. “Are you kidding me, Bruce? I don’t need a babysitter. And I certainly don’t need Liam hovering all night.”

  Liam ignored her outburst. “Sure thing, Bruce. No problem.”

  Jade turned toward Liam. “Listen, cowboy. I don’t want—”

  “Okay. Everybody out.”

  Jade turned to see Nurse Attila walking in. “Mr. Coulten is scheduled for some tests and I need to get him upstairs.”

  “See you later, Bruce. And don’t worry about the bar. Jade and I will take care of everything.” Liam added just enough emphasis to the I part to let her know he was trying to tweak her even more.

  Jade shot Liam a dirty look before adding her goodbyes. “I’ll visit again tomorrow. Okay, Bruce?”

  “Sure. And Jade. Don’t be stingy when you come back.” He gave her a meaningful look that told her she’d better come armed with more jerky or there would be hell to pay.

  Because she was pissed off at him for saddling her with a caretaker, she decided to get back a bit of her own. “I’m not making any promises. I might not be able to escape my babysitter long enough to shop. See you tomorrow.”

  She left the room with a grin as Liam followed her out. They hadn’t made it two steps into the hallway before she felt his large hand engulf her upper arm, pulling her to a stop.

  “What’s your hurry?” Liam asked.

  “I have errands to run.”

  “They can wait.” Liam propelled her farther down the hall, opening the door to a storage closet before pushing her in. He followed, then closed the door.

  “Oh wow. This is classy.”

  Liam gripped her hips and pulled her toward him. Even through their clothing, she could feel his hard-on. “Never promised you class.”

  His hands delved under her shirt, cupping her breasts firmly.

  “You realize I only left your bed a few hours ago.”

  He lifted her shirt, looking down at the skin he’d exposed. “That long? Damn.”

  He bent his head and sucked on her nipples through her bra. The lace and pressure of his mouth rasped against the suddenly sensitive nubs.

  Jade tugged at Liam’s dark hair, holding him in place as he deepened the suction. “Harder.”

  Her softly whispered word seemed to offer Liam the permission he needed. He straightened and turned her away from him. Reaching around her waist, he worked free the button and lowered the zipper on her shorts. Liam pushed them and her panties to the ground, then pressed on her upper back, bending her over.

  “Grab that shelf in front of you. And try to be quiet.”

  She didn’t take him to task for his highhandedness. The few hours th
ey’d spent apart seemed like an eternity to her as well.

  Liam quickly unfastened his jeans and freed his cock. She glanced over her shoulder, watching as he placed his dick at the opening of her sex.

  He grinned when he found her wet. “Somebody’s ready.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t flatter yourself. There are a lot of hot doctors around here.”

  He chuckled, and conversation ceased as Liam slowly thrust inside her. Jade closed her eyes, trying not to admit to herself how much she craved this. Him. They’d only spent two nights together, but it was enough to prove he was the best lover she’d ever had. Enough to make her want more.

  Liam’s grip on her hips tightened when he was fully seated. He paused. “Ready?”

  She nodded, hoping she’d be able to remain silent. Too many times last night, she’d yelled out with her release. She’d never been particularly vocal in bed before, but it was nearly impossible to stay quiet with Liam.

  He withdrew for only a second before plunging back in. Jade tightened her hold on the shelf as Liam drove into her hard. He used his hands to drag her toward him on every forward thrust, increasing the intensity.

  Jade cried out, louder than she intended. If anyone had been passing the closet at that moment, there would have been no denying what was going on inside. One of Liam’s hands left her hip. He used it to grip her hair, pulling her upright.

  “What did I say about not making any noise?” he whispered in her ear.

  Though his pounding was less powerful in this new position, his cock stroked her g-spot and she released another moan, unable to hold in the sound.

  Liam covered her mouth with his hand, making her feel captured, claimed. It drove her arousal even higher. She arched her back as Liam continued to thrust.

  He reached around her waist, the fingers of his free hand finding her clit. Jade jerked at the initial, too-soft touch.

  “You’re going to come, Jade. And you’re not going to make a single sound while you do it. Understand?”

  He was destined to be disappointed. There was no way she could remain silent. Even now, as his fingers stroked her clit, she couldn’t hold back the little mewls of desire.

  “You’ll be completely quiet, Jade. I mean it.”

  She shook her head, dislodging his hand briefly. “And if I’m not?”

  “I’ll drive you back to my house and tie you to my bed. I’ll put a vibrator in your pussy set on low, a plug in your ass, and I’ll leave you there, on the verge of an orgasm with no means of relief for the rest of the day. Any questions?”

  Why did that threat sound so hot to her?

  Liam didn’t wait for her reply. Instead, he pressed her forward once more, increasing the pace of his fucking until he found that incredible edge—that place where pleasure and pain blended, the combination better than peanut butter and chocolate.

  “Liam,” she whispered.

  “Not a sound,” he warned.

  She closed her eyes, struggling to hold back her gasping breaths. She was so close, seconds away from exploding. It would be so easy to let go, to set loose the screaming orgasm, but something resisted, longed to please Liam. To show him she could give him what he wanted.

  He pressed her clit more firmly and she was lost. Her body trembled forcefully, imploding rather than blasting apart.

  It was incredible and he was right there with her. His cock pulsed inside her, filling her with his come and his hold tightened as he murmured her name over and over.

  When Jade settled down and began to take notice of her surroundings once more, she was wrapped up in Liam’s strong embrace. No doubt she would have dissolved into a puddle of goo on the floor if not for his arms holding her, supporting her.

  It took several minutes for her to realize he was speaking, praising her. “God, Jade. So good, baby. You’re so amazing.”

  She longed to stay in his arms, wanted to remain snug, sheltered, safe. It was an alien feeling. Usually at this point in the aftermath of sex, Jade would already be dressed and halfway out the door. With Liam, she wasn’t searching for an escape, but rather an excuse to stay.

  She forced herself to move back. Liam’s face darkened briefly, obviously not happy with her hasty departure.

  “Jade.” He tried to draw her toward him again, but she dodged his hands, bending down to pull her shorts back on.

  She tidied herself without looking at him. “Thanks. I have to admit screwing around in a hospital storage closet is a new one for me. I’ll have to add that to my list of crazy sex places.”

  Liam nodded slowly as he refastened his jeans. “You heading straight to the bar from here?”

  “Yeah. I have a few things to do before I open.”

  Liam brushed her hair away from her face, the touch too familiar, too caring for her peace of mind, so she tried to step around him, anxious to put some space between them and this unfamiliar feeling.

  “I’ll stop by later tonight and hang around until closing.”

  “You really don’t have to do that.”

  He grinned, though the look appeared more grimace than happiness. “Actually, I do.”

  The expression soothed her ragged nerves. Maybe Liam was experiencing the same sense of unease.

  “Suit yourself. I’ll see you tonight.”

  He moved to the right to allow her to pass, but before she could reach the doorknob, he grasped her face and pressed his lips to hers. It was a relatively quick kiss, but Liam made up for it with skill. Pressure and heat combined to tell her there was more behind the buss than just saying goodbye.

  Jade’s heart had only begun to return to its normal pace, but Liam’s kiss set it racing again. When he released her, she struggled to find her bearings.

  Liam stroked her cheek gently. “See you later, kiddo.”

  She swallowed heavily, marveling over how much she didn’t want to leave. How the idea of walking away was almost physically painful. What did that mean? “Bye.”

  The rest of the day she found herself touching her lips, recalling his kiss. By the time they closed up for the night, she was a pent-up ball of desires and need, begging Liam for relief.

  They made it as far as his truck in the parking lot before Liam pushed her against the passenger door, taking her in a haze of quick, hard thrusts, clinging hands, breathless demands.

  Then they went back to his house, repeating it all in the shower. And again in his bed.

  Before dawn appeared on the horizon the next day, Jade knew she was in deep. Liam rolled over, pulling her to him spoon-fashion, his cock slowly sliding in.

  Oh, what the hell?

  Trouble was her middle name.

  Chapter Eight

  Jade let the roar of her motorcycle soothe her as she flew along the road between Compass Ranch and Liam’s home. A quick glance at the speedometer proved she was pushing ninety. She blew out a frustrated breath, her promise to curb her wilder instincts coming back to her as she quickly slowed down.

  For two weeks, Liam had followed through on his vow to spice up her life in style. The lingering sadness she’d felt consumed by at the beginning of the summer had definitely started to wane.

  Hell, who was she kidding? It was all but gone. She’d been too busy fucking to remember what was bothering her in the first place. For sixteen nights, Liam had given her orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm, pushing her limits until she wasn’t sure she even had any more.

  Last night, he’d introduced her to nipple clamps, driving her to a climax simply by playing with her breasts—issuing a sweet blend of soft kisses alternated with tight, stinging pinches. He showered her with so many sensations that her vision blurred and her body trembled. Liam had a way of taking over so completely Jade lost all sense of time and place. She disappeared into a world of Liam’s making. One so beautiful and warm and safe, she never wanted to come back to reality.

  She’d fought him initially when he’d suggested that they move in together, but now she had to admit that idea had been a
stroke of genius. Both of them were fairly hard workers, rising early each morning to do the chores associated with living on a ranch. They’d fallen into a routine, as they’d train the cattle until lunchtime, after which they’d break for food and a quickie. Jade grinned as she recalled all the creative ways Liam had taken her during their midday sexual escapades. They’d initiated nearly every inch of the kitchen and more than their fair share of flat surfaces in various other rooms in the house as well.

  After lunch, Jade ran errands or visited her cousins and Vivi before heading into town when it was her night to open Spurs. While Bruce had returned to work, he still wasn’t one hundred percent, so more than a few times he’d taken off once Liam showed up. The two of them would close the bar together when she worked late and head home, falling into each other’s arms, fucking and sleeping until the sun appeared and they started all over. She should be completely exhausted. Instead, she’d never felt more energetic, exhilarated. Alive.

  If she weren’t staying at Circle H, Jade wouldn’t have had much time to spend with Liam. And not seeing him was something she didn’t want to consider. She craved his touches, his kisses, his presence. While she hadn’t lost sight of the deadline, well aware of the day when all of this would end, she refused to deny herself one minute of the bliss found in Liam’s bed until then. There was something about him that was different, though she struggled to put her finger on exactly what.

  Today was likely to test the limits they’d drawn. She pulled up in front of the barn and threw down the kickstand on her bike. Her chest was tight and her hands shaking as she walked into the cool shade of the structure, looking for Liam.


  His deep voice came from one of the stalls. She turned to look for him in the shadows. Finally she found him, tossing fresh hay into the corner of a pen. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but his favorite pair of jeans and a cowboy hat. Sprigs of straw clung to the light sheen of sweat on his chest. He looked deliciously male. Just what the doctor ordered.


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