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Healing Fire

Page 14

by Sean Michael

  Jules flew from him, giving him something to chase. They played for a long time, flying and chasing each other through the sky, the air fresh and clear, the day wonderful.

  He took the lead again as they drew near the place where the mountains met the forest. They’d almost flown to the castle, and he wanted to check things. They’d heard nothing from the castle since they’d left. No sign of anyone from here among the many who had come to see Jules.

  The castle was quiet, still, no sign of either the Graithen or his kin. He landed at the forest’s edge, Jules landing next to him. Lem shook himself, his dragon falling away from him, leaving him naked and proud in the sunshine.

  *Lem?* His lover sounded worried, wings and tail wrapping around him.

  “I need to check the castle, my heart. I need to see what has happened. You will stay here where I know you’re safe.” He needed for Jules to be safe.

  *Leave it. Leave it alone*

  “I must see, my heart. We must know what will come for us.” He didn’t want to be surprised by an attack.

  Jules slipped into his man skin. “Then I will come with you.”

  Lem shook his head vigorously. “No, I cannot risk you.”

  “And I cannot risk you. I cannot give without you.”

  Lem was torn. He knew Jules’ words were the truth, but he also knew they needed the warning. He looked again at the castle, listening hard, but nothing moved, nothing made any noises. Nothing. Not even birds or insects.

  Lem frowned. “There’s something very wrong at the castle. I think we should do a flyover.” That way they could easily flee if they needed to. Jules had become strong as the dragon, wickedly fast when he needed to be.

  “Can I heal it, Lem?” Jules asked.

  “I don’t know, my heart. We need to see what there is first.”

  Lem let his dragon take him again. Jules joined him, staying close, the worry pouring off his Jules in waves. Lem took them up high to start with and circled the castle. He could see nothing from up here, though. Everything looked cold and still. He attempted to fly over the castle, but it was as if the air stopped, the winds themselves dead.

  *Lem. Lem, please. This is a bad place* Jules was nearly grey, his beautiful colors all but gone.

  Lem wouldn’t put Jules through this. *Leave. Home*

  He swooped near a courtyard once Jules had gone ahead of him. What he saw there shocked him. His kin and the Graithen alike were lying dead, tangled together in a violent picture. As he turned, he saw the prince, Jules’ brother, lying dead at the edge of the courtyard, his head at a wrong angle.

  Oh. Oh, no. His people, his masters.

  *Lem! Lem! It’s a bad place!* Jules’ mental voice was a panicked scream.

  His attention went immediately to Jules, and he flew toward his heart.

  *Lem! Home! Home! Home!* The sound was vast, a roar that shook the stones of the castle.

  He flew harder, pushing Jules ahead of him, refusing to leave Jules’ back open to an attack.

  The castle began to collapse behind them, the burnt ruins unable to resist Jules’ horror.

  It was only when they reached the base of the southeastern mountain that Lem dared circle in the air and watch as the last of the castle disappeared into a heap of dust, the cloud rising to the sky.

  Jules never looked back, just raced toward home.

  Sorrow in his heart, Lem followed Jules, putting on as much speed as possible. Jules roared as he flew, tears crashing to the ground, felling trees. He followed, his heart aching for the fallen behind them, but mostly for his Jules.

  *My fault?* Jules landed in a heap on the ground, wings beating the dirt.

  *No!* He landed next to Jules, wrapping his wings around the beautiful body. *Healer. You heal*

  The war they’d left behind was not about healing. That was death and greed. His Jules was the opposite of those things. His heart was everything that was right with the world.

  He trilled softly, whispering thoughts of home and love and peace. He stroked Jules with his wings, loving Jules as best he could.

  Jules slowly relaxed. *All gone*

  Lem rumbled out his agreement.

  Jules cried, mourning softly. *Bad place*

  *Yes. Bad* Lem whispered and rumbled, purred, speaking to Jules of love and magic.

  Slowly he took his human form. Jules slipped into it as well and melted against him. Lem rocked his heart, murmuring softly, holding on.

  “Lem. They were all dead.”

  “They were. They killed each other with their war.”

  Maybe it was better that they were all gone, that they had spent all their anger on each other instead of leaking it all over the world. Such hatred would have harmed his Jules irreparably had they come to him, Lem was sure of it.

  “I’m sorry.” The words were more sigh than sound.

  “For what? You did not kill anyone. There is only happiness in your soul.” His Jules was good.

  “They came for me. Twice.”

  “Marabelle said they wanted to use you.” He would not allow that to happen. Ever. “They wanted to use you, and the royals wanted to keep you hidden away forever. Neither of them will have you now.”

  “No. No, I belong to the mountain, to the earth. I belong with you.”

  “You do. And I was made for you.” He stood, getting ready to take on his dragon again. “We must go back home, let the sorrow heal.”

  “Will it heal?”

  “You can heal anything, Jules, even yourself.”

  And if Jules could not, then Lem would.


  So much death. So much ruin. So much pain that the air was dead. Jules took to his bed and stayed, so tired, so lost.

  Lem brought him lemon candies and tart berries, sweet spring water and the loveliest flowers. The care reminded him of when Mabon died and Lem came to him, loved him.

  “I miss your smile, my heart,” Lem told him.

  “I do, too.”

  Lem took his mouth and kissed him hard. “Then we will make healing between us so you can smile again.”

  “Are you going to take me out to the sun and feed me?”

  “I am going to take you out into the sunshine and love you.”

  “And if I say shoo, I wish to sleep?”

  “Did that ever stop me, my heart?”

  He almost—almost—smiled. “No, Lem.”

  “Then come on. Come into the sunshine. Come into my arms.”

  He reached up and let Lem take him, hold him. “Please, Lem. I don’t want to cry anymore.”

  “No more crying. You need to have joy. You need to be joy.”

  Lem carried him to the mouth of the cave and out into the open, the sunshine thick, solid. The light filled him, and he arched back into its touch.

  Lem hummed, the sound pleased. Then his bodyguard, his everything, began to undress him, baring his skin to the light’s touch. The touches of light and Lem joined, became the beginnings of magic.

  Lem pressed kisses over his face, lips warm and lingering on his skin. His lips clung to Lem, and Jules began to breathe. Lem explored his body, fingers sliding on his skin like he was the most precious thing in the world.

  “No one will live there again, Lem. No one will read my books.”

  “There will be other books, my heart. Other things that bring you happiness.”

  “No more fires. Just us.” This was his prayer. His life now was good, his bed soft, the sunshine warm.

  “Just us, my heart. Making a good life.” Lem’s kisses spread down his throat and over his chest.

  “Healing the wounded, their souls.” Jules arched up, begged for more.

  “It is what you’re meant for, bringing joy into the world.”

  “And to you. I bring you joy, Lem.”

  “Oh, Jules. You are my joy.”

  Jules held on tight, lips meeting his Lem’s. Their hands joined, the marks on his palms flaring, blue light beginning to surround them. Yes.

  He gasped, offering himself to his Lem. His legs spread, and Lem pressed into him, thick shaft opening him up. The joining filled him—both with the pleasure of Lem’s cock and with pure, simple joy.

  “My heart.” Lem met his gaze, love and joy and tenderness filling him.

  “My light. Please. Please, let us fly.”

  “Yes. Fly together.” Lem moved into him, taking him over and over, the pleasure building.

  His climax was secondary to the way sorrow fell from him, to the way his chest filled so that he could breathe clean air. Lem fixed him, Lem completed him. Lem loved him, and he loved his guardian beyond all else. He would do anything to keep Lem with him.

  “All you need is to be my Jules.” Lem kissed him hard. “Mine. My heart. My need. My life.”

  “Yes, Lem. Now!” Heat sprayed from him in a rush.

  More heat filled him, Lem spending as well. They were together, spun into a single spear of light. Lem’s breath filled him as they soared together.

  As one, they took on their true forms, and together, they flew.

  The End

  About the Author

  Sean Michael, often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice," spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the Kama Sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago."

  A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

  Barring any of that? He'll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

  For more information on other books by Sean, visit his official website:

  Also By This Author

  Torquere Press

  A Family of his Own, A Mannies Incorporated story

  A Private Hunger

  All Roads Lead Home

  And Manny Makes Seven


  Balls and Strikes

  Bar None

  Bases Loaded, A Going for the Gold story

  Beaten, A Hammer novel

  Beginning to Believe


  Between Friends

  Between Friends: Sammy's Place

  Between Friends: Trial by Fire

  Blue Sky Lodge

  Blue, a Jarheads story

  The Bohemians

  Box of Nails: Making Repairs

  Box of Nails: This Old House

  Box of Nails: This Young Stud




  Catching a Second Wind

  Cereus: Building

  Cereus: Opening

  Cereus: Rescue


  Christmas Angel, A Hammer story

  Christmas Auction, A Hammer story

  Christmas Homecoming, A Hammer story

  Control, A Hammer story


  Daddy, Daddy and Me

  Deeper, A Hammer novel

  Ding Dong Bell, A Jarheads Story

  Don't Ask, Don't Tell


  End of the Line


  Everyday Stories: Jarhead Shorts

  First Time at School

  Flying With Dragons

  For Love and Money



  Fur and Fang



  Hitched, A Hammer story

  Homecoming, A Jarheads story

  Horsing Around

  In Sickness and in Health


  Life as a Front Porch

  Little Jamie, A Hammer story

  Little Square of Cloth

  Love and the Farmer, A Velvet Glove story

  Love in an Elevator

  Love is Blindness

  Made to Order

  Making a Splash, A Going for the Gold novel

  Mannies Incorporated

  Mentor, A Jarheads Story

  My Hero, A Short Story Collection


  Need for Sale, A Hammer Holiday Story

  New Toys, A Hammer Short Collection

  New, A Hammer Story: The Two of Swords

  Old Ghosts, A Jarheads Story

  On the Sand

  Out of the Closet


  Perfect 10, A Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Best, a Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Best 2, A Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Best 3, A Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Leave

  Pour Me a Triple


  Put a Ring On it

  Radio Boys

  Renew, a Hammer story

  Screwdrivers, Collected Hammer Short Stories

  Searching the Seas

  Secrets, Skin and Leather

  Seeing Love





  Switch, a Hammer novel

  Taking Inventory, A Hammer Story


  The Briar Rose: Controlling Parker

  The Briar Rose: Hoarse Play

  The Broken Road

  The Games we Play, A Hammer story

  The Sight of Home

  Three Day Passes

  Three of a Kind

  Top Bidder, A Hammer story


  Toy Box: Domination

  Toy Box: Submission

  Treat, A Hammer story

  Trust, A Hammer story

  Underground: Special Teams

  Welcome Home

  When Harry Met Jason

  Wicked Gift

  Winning Hand

  Winter’s Gift

  Yes, Master: A BDSM story collection

  Amber Quill Press

  Art and Snowflakes

  Blue Collar

  Carved in Wood

  Corpus Christi

  Crouching Vegan, Hidden Werewolf

  Digging for Gold

  Dirty Kisses

  Full Disclosure

  Into the Looking Glass

  Living the Dream

  Making Your Own Luck

  No Regrets

  Office Hours

  Recipe For Love

  Revving it Up

  Royal Line

  Serving Mr. Right

  Silver Edges

  Spot the Difference

  The Good Life

  The Moon

  The Wizard and the Thief


  Welcome Home

  Working it Out

  Working to Win

  Changeling Press

  A Changeling for All Seasons

  Alec (Shibari Auction House)

  Bad Elf, No Candy Cane

  Ben (Shibari Auction House)

  Brent (Shibari Auction House)

  Bringing Her Home

  Christmas Elves are Ringing

  Every Rose has his Thorne

  Howling for Kitty

  Jack (Shibari Auction House)

  James (Shibari Auction House)

  Joel (Shibari Auction House)

  Keeping Sir Thorne

  Leaf (Shibari Auction House)

  Robin (Shibari Auction House)

  Sam (Shibari Auction House)

  Special Order

  Storm in the City

  Swinging Along

  Tending to Rose

  Tony (Shibari Auction House)

  Wicked Storms

  Totally Bound/Pride Publishing



  En Prise (Chess 3)

  End Game (Che
ss 5)

  Helpmate (Chess 4)

  Love Matters

  Malting (Beer & Clay 1)

  Mashing (Beer & Clay 3)

  Middle Game (Chess 2)


  Opening Moves (Chess 1)

  Size Matters

  The Biker’s Pup

  The Piercer's Game

  True as an Arrow

  Resplendence Publishing


  Breaking Cover

  Cherry Sours

  Drawing Straws: Erik

  Drawing Straws: Damon

  Drawing Straws: Joe

  Drawing Straws: Tork

  Guardian Angel

  Guns, Leather and Tinsel

  In Time of Need


  Royal Flush


  SWAK: Plugs

  SWAK: Pony Play

  SWAK: Pushy Bottom

  SWAK: Shaving

  SWAK: Sounds

  The Dog Next Door

  Totally Covered

  Dreamspinner Press


  Guarding January

  Of Love

  The Swag Man Delivers

  Ellora's Cave

  Brush and Whip

  Pack and Mate

  OmniLit/All Romance eBooks

  The Millionaire's Mistake

  Two Howls

  Master Takes a Name

  Sean Michael

  Attitude on Wheels

  Anything for a Byline

  The Bistro



  Connor’s Journey

  Fits Like a Glove


  The Misadventures of Daniel and Zane

  One for Luck

  The Present

  Puppy Love

  Rock Stars and Size Queens

  Secret Skin Wrapped in Ribbons

  Soaring With Hawk

  Swimming Trunks, the Personal Best Shorts

  Touch and Trust

  The Tutor

  Two Men for Two Brothers

  Velvet Diamonds

  Velvet Stables

  Water and Air




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