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Dystopia (Book 3): Revelations

Page 6

by Cooper, DJ

  Horror overtook me as I read, “We found your note little darling when we catch your lover, they’ll be dead by dark.”

  I began to eat it but suddenly realized they would be checking and it might lead them to Rich. Carefully folding it, I placed it back where it was, as close as I could anyway. I ripped off a few more sheets of toilet paper to tousle the roller. Standing a few moments, I was trying to calm myself before exiting. The door flung open as I stood blowing my nose and the guard jerked me out of the small green pod. Watching as he glanced inside, I knew he was looking for the note.

  As abruptly as he’d drug me across the compound to the latrine, he repeated the process for the return trip. My arm was really hurting from this brute. I glared at him making a mental note of whom would be on my list when this was over.

  Hours went by and still nothing, no one came, no sounds from outside, no food or even water. Once I peeked through the flap, and the brute slapped the canvas startling me and sending me fleeing for the bed.

  Shaking my head, I said to myself, “As if this stupid bed will offer any refuge.”

  The light began to fade, and I’d hoped I was in for a reprieve on what Rich and the doctor said I would have to deal with, but it was not to be so. The brute entered the tent, without any courtesy, he grabbed my arm and jerked me off the bed. Again dragging me. This time it was the other direction. I knew where we were going, to see the Lieutenant.

  Entering the command tent, I was surprised to see three men standing off to the side of the Lieutenant’s desk, each in a black suit and standing as though hovering, hanging over the lieutenant. Nodding in understanding, I said with a scoff and disdain, “Ahhhhh I see, you must be the black suits I’ve heard so much about.”

  Shoving me into a folding chair, nearly knocking it over backward, as he did. The escort grumbled, “Shut up and sit down.”

  Looking about the tent, I could see they had the case that had caused the Lieutenant stress. I’d seen it in his demeanor last time and made exaggerated motions of such an interest just to see that reaction. When I was ushered in I noted, it was now sitting on his desk. It was open, and one of the men in the black suits was going through a folder, talking with another. The only thing that I could see was a name on the tab. It said, “Morris.” Thinking to myself, I knew that name but was struggling to recall why or even who it might be referring to? “Morris, Morris…Morris, come on dammit, remember.” I kept looking about the room trying to recall how I knew that name and why it might be relevant to me.

  I wasn’t paying attention to what the guard was doing, and before I realized it, he was binding my hands behind my back with those zip tie things. This was new! I was beginning to feel serious anxiety and could not get the name “Morris” out of my head. The man with the folder came up to me and showed me a picture of a man in a military uniform and the name hit me like a hammer to the brain. That was Roger! He is with John and Amy… and Matty! Horror overtook me, and I squinted my eyes, furrowing my brow to forcibly change my expression. I don’t know how to hide this from them. I sat glaring at the photo, caught up in how to hide anything. The more I did so; the more came flooding back, I knew so much more than I did even ten minutes ago.

  The man with the folder grabbed my face under the chin and jerked my head up to face his, spitting as he spoke. “Tell me what you know about him.”

  Gritting my teeth, glaring at him I said, “I don’t know anything.” And for the first time, I was really worried. He dropped his hand, turned away, and out of nowhere, spun and backhanded me so hard it knocked me and the chair to the floor.

  His voice was gruff and angry, saying, “Pick her up.” As he walked back to the case on the desk retrieving other pictures, he looked at the other man in the black suit nodding. I was pissed, and there was blood trickling from the corner of my mouth. Angrily, I spat it at him. Turning so fast I didn’t even get a chance to brace for it he kicked me square in the chest. I felt the breath escape my body and gasped to take more in. Again I was on the floor, and I had no idea why they wanted him. Who was this man that was traveling with the others and… my son? The guard picked me up again as the man grabbed my hair pulling my head back. Still gasping for breath, it was easy to hide any other feelings as real fear gripped my body and my expression. The next photo he held up I knew it well it was Matt. Again spitting on me he said, “Where is he?”

  Again gritting my teeth, I said, “Where is he? Try who is he?” This infuriated the man. I have often found that I have this effect on people, I’ve always been the one to give an answer sure to irritate those around me. Fortunately, this part came easy. His face was red, spit flying, “I know you know these people, tell me where they are going.”

  Still holding my head by the hair, I could feel the blood in the back of my throat gagging me. Coughing it up I spat it on him and hissed, “If you know so much, find them yourselves!”

  Slamming the photo back on the table he glared at me as he chose his next photo. Sauntering over to me with a grin I knew meant bad things were on the horizon. I knew what was coming and I shut my eyes tight. Telling myself, Rita, don’t let them get to you! If you talk, they will find him. Keep it together; Rich will not let you die! Keep it together, trust Rich; just keep thinking about Rich.

  Slapping my face, he said, “Open your eyes, let’s see if this one will help your memory any.”

  I kept my eyes closed, and teeth still gritted choked out, “Go to hell, I’m done with the shabby service around here.” Dismissing him as though he were a servant.

  Suddenly his hand was around my throat he was squeezing it so tight I could not help but open my eyes. Just as I knew it would be, it was a photo of Matty. He whispered in my ear does this bring back any memories. I tried to speak but his hand was choking me, and it only made him squeeze tighter. My vision was getting darker as the air in my lungs wished to explode in my chest. Again, I tried to speak. Looking at him I could see he took great pleasure in his job. Releasing my neck, he stepped back. I was gasping for air and coughing violently. He asked again, “Where are they? Where were you going?”

  I looked up, still coughing. Squinting my eyes, in them was anger. Not just anger but rage. I choked down another gasp of air. Composing myself with a voice too calm for the moment and a touch of sarcasm, I said, “Why don’t you know? You have all these pictures, why don’t you know where they’re going.” Gasping I kept going, “Why would you beat up a girl to find out who these damn people are if you have pictures already.” With gritted teeth, the last sentence said with a sneer, “Again…Why don’t you already know?” Without hesitation, he hit me so hard that both me and the chair hit the floor. I lay there sobbing when he kicked me. It knocked the breath out of me, and I whispered something inaudible. He nodded at the guard to sit me upright again and asked me what I said. Slowly raising my head from my chest, a new cut above my right eye soaked my hair with blood. I barely spoke, but he heard it, just the same. “I… will be the one to kill you.”

  Laughing he said, “YOU? You are nothing, an insect to be crushed. So insignificant that I will end your existence on a whim.” He raised his hand again to hit me again. Before it came back down, a shot hit him in his leg sending him to the floor. It was so fast I barely caught sight of Rich as his pistol came down hard on the head of the guard. My elation was so great that I began to shake the chair. I wanted to be released and run to him. My hero had arrived. The next few moments were a blur. I was released, I lurched forward at the man in the black suit. As I promised, I planned to kill him with my own hands. The rage was overwhelming and fierce. I knocked him to the floor and kicked him in the face instantly breaking his nose. I then knelt on his throat with all my weight. I hated this man for trying to use my son. Whispering in his ear, I said, “I will kill anyone that tries to hurt my son!” His eyes widened as the realization hit him that I was completely coherent and knew everything.

  Kneeling there, watching the life leave this evil man, I felt even angrier. Getti
ng up I walked to the desk where the Lieutenant was under guard. I raised my foot and brought it down hard in his groin saying, “This is for being an ass hole.” Snatching up all the photos and putting them and the folder back in the case I fixed my shirt and marched for the door.

  All of my knights in shining armor were silent, guarding these men and watching me as I walked past, carrying the case. Fixing my hair as I tried to compose myself. Once outside the tent, it all came rushing back to me, and I burst into tears, sobbing just outside the door. Bending down and gasping, holding my knees for stability, I feared they would give out. The doctor came rushing over and hoisting me up. He helped me get to the med tent and did his best to clean the blood from my hair and face. He was going on about, how brave I was and that they found out where his family was, thanking me over and over. I sat down and said, “I didn’t do anything doc, all I did was keep my mouth shut long enough for everyone else to get organized. Thank Rich, he is the one that saved us all.”

  Chapter 7

  “Going South”

  “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”

  ― Leon C. Megginson

  It was already midafternoon when Rich came into the tent. Standing in the doorway, he looked at the doctor, who then hurriedly headed for the door. Rich stopped him and spoke quietly. The doctor nodded and left.

  I wasn’t sure if it was over, or if something had gone wrong. Rich stood looking at me from the doorway. I couldn’t read his expression but felt relieved that he was there none the less.

  He walked over to the bed where I sat and without saying a word, grabbed my head in his hands and kissed me. He kissed me hard, still holding my head. I felt my body weaken at his kiss. All my fears melted away, and I knew things were going to be ok. Still not saying a word he pressed my head to his chest and held me tight. His embrace made the events of the previous days disappear. While it seemed like only a day, there had been a span of three days where someone would come and ask me the same question. “What do you remember?” Always I would answer the same, beginning with the log, and they would leave and not return that day. The only thing I felt now was his embrace.

  Mere minutes had passed when he stepped back and looked at me. My eye was already turning purple, and dried blood from the quickly swelling lip had changed color to a brownish red on my shirt. Reaching out he softly brushed a wisp of hair from my face. I looked down, away from his gaze fearing my appearance. Hand under my chin, he lifted my face. The look in his eye was one of sadness and anger. No words had yet passed between us, yet I could see in his eyes something I’d never known. True love.

  With clenched teeth and watering eyes he turned and went to the table. Grabbing some things from it, he returned to me and began to clean my face. Gently wiping the blood from my chin, he spoke saying, “I should kill them for this.”

  I grimaced when he touched my lip and said, “Ouch.” Looking up at him, I knew he would do it if I wished it. I said, “I’m ok, thanks to you.” At that moment I remembered the man in the black suit who had hit me and asked, “Did I kill him?”

  With a small chuckle, Rich said, “No, but I think he thought you were going to.”

  I sighed and said, “I’m not sure how I feel about that, I wanted him dead. I think I could have killed him, and it scared me that I was capable of that.”

  Rich held my hands and sat on the stool in front of me and said, “Rita, I know it was not a good feeling, but you should probably realize that with the way things are now, and the fact that you are capable of doing what you must… just might save your life or the lives of those you love.”

  Feeling small and vulnerable, I looked down again and said, “I wish I knew more… I couldn’t even help myself get out of the situation, which was only retaliation. When he put up a picture of Matty, all senses left me, and I wanted to kill him.”

  Squeezing my hands, he stood and said, “Well, then I will teach you. In the meantime, what do you say we get you cleaned up, begin preparations to get out of here, and find your son?

  The surprise was all I felt, in all of this, it never occurred to me we… as in the word, US. That both he and I would be going to find Matty. Nodding at him, I said, “Yes, I would like that very much.” Glancing over at the briefcase, I wondered what was in it. My muscles were sore, hopping off the bed told me just how sore, and I nearly fell. Rich caught me asking, “Ok now, easy does it. Where are you going?”

  “The case,” I replied.

  Sitting me back on the bed, he went for the case. He put it on the end of the bed, and we opened it to see what was so important inside. There were the pictures the man showed, but others as well. John, Amy, Laurie. Everyone’s picture was there, even Morgan. Upon seeing that, anger rose up, and I became furious. Snatching the photo from the pile I shoved it at Rich, saying, “It was her, she hit me in the head and kicked me into the river.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I recounted the story of how she and Cindy had killed Morgan’s husband, Kevin. The horror when Matty told me he’d seen it. Sobbing I cried, “What if…” Sniffing, the words stuck in my throat, “She killed Matty too?”

  Pulling me close to himself Rich said, “Don’t think that way. I’m sure he is fine. You told me John would take care of him or die trying. We will find him.”

  I heard the Doctor clear his throat from the doorway and Rich stepped back after wiping my tears. Entering the tent further, I could see he held a tray. Blurting out, “Food? You brought food?”

  The Doctor smiled and approached me with the tray. Placing it on the side table, I could see that it had all manner of tasty things. Coffee, berries, eggs, potatoes fried and even bacon. Excitement filled me, and I squealed with glee at the sheer scent it was aromatic with a mixture of sweet and salty smells, making my mouth water. Rich laughed and said, “Eat, I’ll be back in a few minutes with some fresh clothes for you.”

  I looked at the Doctor and said, “Thank you.” He smiled and turned to leave. Before he left, I said, “Doctor Hostile… ahem… I mean Hostin?”

  He laughed and said, “Yes?”

  I replied, “I’m sorry for being so difficult.”

  He said, “I must admit you were a little frustrating, but ‘Doctor Hostile’ was the best I’d ever heard.” Smiling at me he continued, “It was understandable though, I was, in essence, the enemy. You had no idea what was really going on in this camp.”

  I asked, “Your family?”

  He smiled and nodded, “They are safe, thanks in no small part, to you.” Tearfully, he came over, took my hand and kissed it saying, “You, my lady, are a gem.” Saluting like he was tipping a hat, he smiled again, turned and headed for the door. Stopping before looking back from the door he said, “You’ll meet them soon, we will be traveling with you to help you find our son.”

  A feeling of ease overcame me, and I ate heartily. It was one of those moments where, although the food may have been the best there was on hand, it was not exactly gourmet. Yet, it still tasted like the best food I had ever eaten. Finishing with the tray, I lay back and look at the ceiling, thinking, “Today is the beginning of a new life, a new me, and a new world.”

  I don’t know how long I’d been sleeping, but when I awoke Rich sat by the bed reading a file from the case. A lamp burned on the table by his side with the warm glow that only a flame could emit. The troubled look on his face said all that needed saying about the contents. I rolled toward him and yawned, gazing at him with new eyes. He glanced up from the file and said, “Well, hello there sleepy.”

  I knew life would never be the same, but I savored this moment. The corner of my mouth raised in a pained smile that would only show on one side. The right side of my mouth was swollen and hurt. With a manner of a lisp from the swelling, I said, “Anything interesting in there?”

  Rich nodded tentatively and said, “Later. There is time for that. Let’s get you cleaned up and then talk about it.”

  That sounded
like a great idea. I was amazed at the way those in camp acted as I exited the tent. I’d not really seen anyone but Rich and the Doctor. There was hot food and coffee or tea made from the teaberry plants and other herbs found nearby. The attitude and look of the camp had been transformed from grey and staunch to one of joy with children laughing and others relaxing around the large fire in the center of the camp. Hot water was placed in a large drum above a tarped square for a shower. From the shower head hung a pulldown release to allow the water to fall when needed. All of this was new. In only a day. A woman climbed a makeshift staircase to add more steaming water to the barrel.

  A nod of affirmation from the lady, was followed by, “Why not test the temp? I can add more hot or cold to set it to your liking.”

  I looked up to Rich, who nodded saying, “It is for you, a nice long shower as hot as you like.”

  “I don’t understand why all of this. I didn’t do anything.”

  Rich said, “You did without even knowing it. Everyone here has been living in fear; we couldn’t make a move until something distracted them enough to put things in place. We didn’t know how but they knew everything. When you arrived, they wanted to find out where your group had gone, so much so that they had the cameras moved around the camp to watch you. That left gaps that the rest of us could use to prepare. You see, by not telling them when you remembered, you made it so that they had to go to the next step and send for the black suits. Putting the plan in motion.”

  Getting angry with him I glared saying, “You hoped for this?”

  Rich looked down and said, “No… of course not, but it was what gave us the chance to save us all. You included.”


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