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The Day the Jerk Started Falling (Jerk #2)

Page 18

by Max Monroe

  “Let’s do mine.”

  I nod and step inside Allie’s delivery room.

  But when my eyes reach the bed, I don’t see Allie.

  What the hell?

  I glance to the other corner of the room, and that’s where I find her, sitting on a giant, bright-pink exercise ball while Sam stands behind her, rubbing her shoulders.

  Her eyes meet mine, and she smiles. But then her smile quickly fades as what I can only assume is a contraction takes over her focus.

  “Bloody hell,” she says through a groan. “It’s another one, Sam.”

  “Just breathe through it, baby,” he coaches, but apparently, she isn’t too keen on his coaching.

  “I am breathing!” she shouts through gritted teeth. “Stop telling me to do shit I already know how to do!”

  “Well, mates,” Ollie whispers into his phone. “We’re deep in the trenches. Right in the bloody middle of it all, and I’m honestly not sure if we’re going to make it out of this room alive. The pregnant native seems to be a bit restless and possibly one or two contractions away from strangling her husband.”

  I have to bite my lip not to giggle at his words.

  “Any last words, Lucky?” Ollie asks me and moves the phone toward my mouth. “Anything you want to tell our listeners, just in case we don’t make it out of here alive?”

  “I love you, guys,” I say quietly. “I—” I start to say more, but Allie cuts me off completely.

  “What in the hell are you guys doing?” she asks as her eyes latch on to the phone in Ollie’s hand that is currently being held up toward my mouth like a microphone.

  Oh shit.

  “Nothing,” I mutter. “We’re not doing anything.”

  “It doesn’t look like nothing,” she spits. “It looks like you’re making a bloody podcast while I’m getting ready to push a bowling ball out of my body.”

  “Uh…” I look toward Ollie for guidance, and he just grins.

  “Well, Allie, we thought it might be a nice memory for you to have.”

  “A nice memory?” she questions, and her eyes damn near bug out of her head. “The sounds of me going through contractions? Does that sound like a nice memory to you? The sounds of my screams and Sam telling me to fucking breathe? Do you really think I want to have to listen to that again?”

  “As you can see,” Ollie says quietly into the microphone of his phone, “the wildebeest is agitated…”

  “Oh. My. God!” Allie shouts and starts pointing her index finger in Ollie’s direction. “Get out! Get out right now!” And then she turns that finger directly toward Sam. “And you too! You get out!”

  Sam’s eyes go wide. “You’re kicking me out, sweetheart?”

  “Yes! Both of you need to leave. The annoying podcaster and the idiot who keeps telling me to breathe!”

  Oh boy.


  “I only want Lucky in here right now!”

  Oh no. I look at Ollie, who is currently one second away from laughing his ass off, and then at Sam, who is more amused than anything else by Allie’s outburst, and I search my brain for a way to not end up stuck inside this room with the pregnant woman who has officially gone off the rails.

  But neither of the men is helpful.

  But, hey, what else is new?

  “Love you, baby.” Sam kisses Allie’s forehead and tells her he is going to grab a cup of coffee and he’ll be back.

  Ollie simply follows his brother-in-law’s lead toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” I whisper to Ollie, and he smirks at me.

  “You heard the woman. She wants the men out.”

  “But you can’t leave me in here…alone.”

  “You’ll be fine. She just needs a little girl time, yeah?” Ollie kisses my forehead and pats me playfully on the butt.

  A near reenactment of The Exorcist doesn’t sound remotely close to a little girl time.

  I love my best friend, I truly do, but I planned on leaving the hospital alive.

  I planned on living to actually see her baby.

  The men leave the room, and when Allie groans a mouthful of curse words, I quickly realize another contraction has once again stolen her focus. She shuts her eyes, and her face scrunches up with pain as she braces herself through the building discomfort.

  I’m at her side within seconds, my hands resting on her shoulders and gently massaging the tense muscles.

  “You’re doing great, sweetie,” I say quietly and look toward the monitor to find the evidence of her contraction peaking in a neon green point on the black screen. “It’s almost done. It’s starting to come down now.”

  I nearly say to keep breathing through it, but I bite my tongue.

  Instead, I just keep telling her she’s doing a great job. And she’s so strong. And I’m so proud of her.

  Once the contraction fades away, every muscle in her body sags in relief.

  “These contractions are no fucking joke, Lucky,” she whispers through a panting breath. “They just keep getting worse and worse.”

  “Has the nurse checked you recently?” I ask and offer her a spoonful of ice chip from the cup on the bedside table.

  She shakes her head and takes the ice. “I was three centimeters when I got here, and she told me I wasn’t allowed to get my epidural yet. Since it’s my first baby, I need to show progress before they’ll let me get it.”

  Jesus Christ, that’s a bit cruel, I think to myself. I mean, I’m no doctor, but it’s pretty obvious to me she’s in labor. I mean, Allie isn’t generally the type of girl to kick her husband out of rooms…

  “What time did you get here?” I ask, and she shrugs.

  “I don’t know, like, eight thirty?”

  “Well, it’s nearly eleven now,” I respond. “How about I call the nurse, and we can let her know your contractions are getting really intense?”

  She can only nod in response because another contraction starts to make its big and painful debut.

  I reach across the bed to push the call light, and then I focus on staying by her side and supporting her through it.

  The nurse comes into the room a minute or two later, and five minutes after that, Allie is six centimeters dilated and the nurse calls out to the front desk for an epidural placement.

  Sam arrives back into the room by that point, and thankfully, Allie reaches out for his hand. “I kind of hate you for doing this to me, but I still love you,” she says while the nurse gets her in position for her epidural.

  “I love you too, baby,” he responds with a grin and shoots an amused wink in my direction.

  I leave them to it and make my way into the waiting room, where Ollie is sitting in one of the pink faux leather chairs and reading a magazine.

  “How is she?” he asks when his eyes meet mine.

  “Better. Already six centimeters dilated and getting her epidural now.”

  He sets the magazine down on the table beside him and pats his leg with a smile. “Come sit with me.”

  I curl up in his lap, and he grins down at me. “I thought that might’ve been the last time I ever saw you again.”

  A snort leaves my lips. “And yet, you just left me in there…”

  He laughs. “Well, we couldn’t very well have both of us kicking the bucket, yeah? I mean, someone has to continue our famous podcast series…”

  “Our podcast series is literally called Lucky in Love, you smartass,” I retort. “Not Ollie in Love.”

  “I guess I would’ve had to rename it, then.”

  I smack him playfully on the chest, and he just chuckles and squeezes me tighter into his arms.

  “I think you’re forgetting to mention the part where you all but threw me under the bus back there…”

  I shrug and pick a piece of lint off his white thermal shirt. “I couldn’t very well have her mad at both of us.”

  “You know what you are?”


  “A little turncoat.
” A full, hearty chuckle leaves his lips, and I just snuggle in closer to his big, strong body and hide my face into his chest.

  “Good thing I’m so cute, huh?” I ask and take a deep inhale of my favorite scent in the whole world—Ollie, my fiancé, my future husband.

  “Yeah. Good thing.” He grins down at me and gently runs his fingers through my hair. “Love you more than I knew was even possible.”

  God, this man, he’s my person.

  My forever person.

  “Love you too.”

  “Wake up, baby,” Ollie whispers into my ear, and I startle to find myself curled up in his lap inside the maternity ward waiting room.

  “What?” I jerk awake. “What time is it?”

  “It’s a little after nine in the evening.”

  Holy moly. We’ve been at the hospital since eleven this morning.

  And since then, I’d seen Allie lose her shit, I’d seen her get her epidural and become a relaxed and apologetic little princess, and then I’d seen her play the waiting game as she slowly continued to dilate.

  By the time it was a little after seven in the evening, she was ready to push, and Ollie and I had gone back to the waiting room to camp out.

  I sit up on his lap and stretch out my arms.

  “The baby is here,” he says, and my eyes pop wide open.

  “What?” I ask and search his brown gaze. “The baby is here?” I ask on a damn near shout, and Ollie grins.

  “The baby is here,” he repeats. “Sam just texted me that we can go back into the room now.”

  The baby is here! Finally!

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I’m off his lap and damn near jogging toward Allie’s room.

  And the instant Ollie and I step inside, I spot my best friend, sitting up in her hospital bed with her husband sitting beside her and the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen in my whole life inside her arms.

  Instantly, I’m crying. Tears streaming down my cheeks and everything.

  “Guys, I’d like you to meet your new niece,” she says, and now tears are filling her eyes and dripping down her cheeks.

  “We had a girl?”

  Allie nods. “We had a girl.”

  “I told you it was a girl!” Through my tears, I grin up at Ollie, and he just chuckles.

  “We’d like you both to meet Lily Rose,” Sam says, and I just about melt to the floor.

  Lily Rose. Has there ever been a prettier name for an even prettier baby?

  I think not.

  “That’s perfect,” I say and reach out to touch her little toes. “She’s perfect.”

  “Do you want to hold her?” Allie asks, and immediately my gaze meets hers.

  “Can I?”

  “Of course,” she says through a soft laugh. “You’re her favorite Aunt Lucky.”

  I start to cry again because holy hell, my best friend just had a baby and she’s so freaking perfect and I just feel so blessed. So incredibly blessed to be a part of something so special. So undeniably beautiful.

  And once Lily is securely in my arms, I sit in the chair by the window and just stare down at her, completely mesmerized. Her big blue eyes are open and she’s just looking up at me, and I’m in love. So in love with this tiny little person.

  Ollie squats down beside me and reaches out to gently rub his fingers through her full head of dark hair. “She’s beautiful, Allie,” he says to his sister.

  Allie smiles and Sam smiles and we’re all fucking smiling because of this tiny little lady in my arms.

  “Welcome to the world, Lily Rose,” I whisper. “You’re perfect.”

  By the time Ollie and I make it back to our apartment in SoHo, I’m a little tired, a lot hungry, but mostly, I’m in awe.

  In awe of my best friend.

  In awe of that gorgeous little baby.

  In awe of life.

  The first thing I do when we step through the front door is head to the bedroom and shrug out of my jacket and chunky sweater and jeans and boots. I take off my bra, because good Lord, that’s the best feeling in the whole world, and then slip on the coziest robe I own.

  It’s the ugliest robe in the world, a horrid shade of blue with crescent moons and stars, but it’s one of the most special pieces of clothing I have.

  My mom bought me this robe as a joke when I was sixteen, and even now, I still wear it.

  As I wrap the belt securely around my waist, I turn away from our walk-in closet to find Ollie sitting on the bed, looking at me with a soft smile on his face.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, and he just keeps on smiling.

  “Looking at you,” he says and crooks one index finger in my direction. “Come here, baby.”

  I step toward him, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet of our bedroom, and stop once my knees bump against his.

  He reaches out with his big hands and places them on my hips. They stay there for a brief moment, massaging my skin through my robe, until his mischievous fingers reach up to undo the belt I’d just firmly put in place.

  My robe opens, and Ollie’s eyes latch on to the bare skin that’s revealed for his gaze.

  He reaches out to rub his hands against my skin. Starting at my hips and moving up my sides until he cups my breasts. My head falls back, and a soft little moan escapes my lips.

  His mouth is on my skin between one breath and the next. Sucking and eating at my breasts. Kissing and licking a devious path down my belly.

  When his lips reach the spot where my underwear and bare skin meet, he slides his fingers beneath the cotton material and slips them down my legs.

  And he just stares at me. Taking in every inch of my body, my curves, my arousal between my thighs.

  I’m vulnerable. Exposed. Bared for his gaze.

  But it feels so good.

  So right.

  So everything.

  He slides his hand up my thigh, through my wetness, until he pauses to slide one finger inside of me.

  “Heaven,” he whispers. “This is fucking heaven.”

  A joke about our earlier conversation is on the tip of my tongue, but when he starts moving that finger in and out of me, a moan slips out of my mouth instead.

  He plays me for a little while.

  Using his fingers.

  Then his lips.

  Then his tongue.

  Then his entire mouth.

  And all I can do is stand there and feel it.

  Feel the way he touches me, tastes me, kisses me.

  And fuck, it’s good. It’s so good, in fact, I start to crave more.

  More of his mouth. More of his fingers. More of his tongue.

  Until I just need to feel him inside of me. His cock inside of me.

  “I need you,” I say through a breathless moan.

  He doesn’t hesitate to oblige. Intuitively knowing what I mean. What I need. What I want.

  Ollie unbuttons and unzips his jeans and slides them down his thighs just enough to release his cock from his boxer briefs.

  I lick my lips when I see how big and hard and aroused he is.

  I ache to put my mouth on him, but he doesn’t give me the option.

  Instead, he shoves my robe off my arms and pulls me onto him until my knees rest on the bed and my thighs straddle his hips.

  And then, with our eyes locked and our lips mere inches from one another, he slides inside of me. Inch by inch, he connects us, and not once does his gaze drift from mine.

  He moves in and out of me, and I watch the way his eyes heat up from the feel of it. I watch the way his lips part and the way his jaw clenches and the way he looks at me.

  Fuck…the way he looks at me.

  It’s so deep. So unrelenting. So raw. So intimate. So everything.

  It’s like I’m the only thing he sees.

  Tears prick my eyes from the intense emotion of it all.

  I pant and I moan and I lean forward to press my lips against his, and I kiss him.

  Hard and deep. Soft and slow.

  While he makes love to me with his cock, I make love to him with my mouth.

  His big hands grip my ass and knead at the skin as he guides our movements.

  I follow his lead and move my hips up and down, and each time he drives himself deeper, my skin gets hotter, my kisses grow hungrier, and my lungs pant with moans.

  I’m lost in him.

  I’m lost in us.

  I’m lost in love.

  When my climax peaks, I grip his shoulders, and uncontrollable moans escape from my lips as I ride the waves of pleasure. He’s right behind me, gripping my ass, burying himself deep as a powerful groan spills from his lungs.

  Once we both come down, we stay rooted in our spot, still connected, and I rest my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me tightly, clutching me closer to his chest.

  “I love you,” he whispers in my ear.

  My lips brush across his skin as they turn up into a smile. “I love you too.”

  “Also, just so you know, I’m not taking my cock out of you for the rest of the night.”

  I giggle and lean back to meet his gaze. “That sounds like an impossible task, sir.”

  “Not when you keep calling me sir.”

  I roll my eyes. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to keep your dick inside of me for the rest of the night,” I retort. “I mean, obviously, I’m a huge fan of the idea,” I say and wiggle my hips a little. “But, like, I don’t see how we’re going to be able to get to the kitchen, make dinner, eat dinner, all the while with your cock still inside of me.”

  “Trust me, little fire,” he says, looking at me like a man determined, and goose bumps pepper my skin. “When it comes to staying inside your perfect little cunt, nothing can stop me.”

  And without hesitation, Ollie grips my ass and stands up. He shucks his jeans and briefs down his legs, but he never once disconnects us.

  I giggle as he awkwardly carries us into the kitchen, but he completely ignores me.

  Instead, he grabs two bowls and spoons from the cabinet with his one free hand. “Hold these,” he says, and I follow his demand out of curiosity more than anything else.

  Then he snags the milk and box of Lucky Charms from the cereal cabinet and stacks them awkwardly between our chests as he grips my ass with both hands again and carries us back into the bedroom.


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