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Misfortune: A Time Travel Romance (Ball and Chain Book 1)

Page 9

by David L. Hilton

  "Shit!" I shouted, "Doctor, I dropped it!" I move, frantically trying to find the communicator, when it started beeping quickly, again. "Doctor," I called, with no response. "Doctor!" I could hear the heartbeat of the Angel moving towards me, it's cold fingers scratching against my skin, making me flinch.

  A second later, I'm in someone's arms. I scramble away, falling on the floor, managing not to open my eyes while doing so. "Don't open your eyes," River's voice said, "You're safe now. You're on the Flight Deck. The Doctor and Amy's here. I teleported you. See? Told you I could get it working."

  "River Song, I could bloody kiss you," the Doctor said breathlessly.

  I didn't say anything, I just lied on the metal ground, breathing heavily. My cheek stings, and I feel blood tracing down it.

  "Are you okay?" Amy asked, as she helped me up, just as an alarm starts blaring. I cover my ears, quickly, but it soon dissipates.

  "What's that?" River demanded.

  "The Angels are draining the last of the ship's power " the Doctor explained. "Which means the shield's going to release."

  I hear a door opening and Amy pulls me back, with the Doctor and River. "Angel Bob, I presume," the Doctor said.

  "The Time Field is coming," Angel Bob warned. "It will destroy our reality."

  "Yeah, and look at you all, running away," he chuckled. "What can I do for you?"

  "There is a rupture in time," he explained. "The Angels calculate that if you throw yourself into it, it will close, and they will be saved."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he nodded. "Could do, could do that. But why?"

  "Your friends will also be saved."

  "Well, there is that."

  "I've travelled in time. I'm a complicated space time event too. Throw me in," River pleaded.

  "Oh, be serious," he scoffed. "Compared to me, these Angels are more complicated than you, and it would take every one of them to amount to me, so get a grip."

  "Doctor, I can't let you do this," she begged.

  "No, seriously, get a grip," he insisted.

  "You're not going to die here!" She cried.

  "No, I mean it. River, Amy, Hazel, get a grip," he instructed.

  River gasped. "Oh, you genius!"

  "Sir, the Angels need you to sacrifice yourself now," Angel Bob said.

  "Thing is, Bob, the Angels are draining all the power from this ship," the Doctor said. "Every last bit of it. And you know what? I think they've forgotten where they're standing. I think they've forgotten the gravity of the situation. Or to put it another way, Angels."

  River put my hand on a metal bar. "You hold on tight and don't you let go for anything!" I nodded, gripping the metal tightly.

  "Night night," the Doctor laughed and suddenly, the floor under my feet is gone, and I'm hanging limply, holding onto the bar for dear life. The sound of Angels screaming as they fell to their non-existence filled my ears.


  I sat on a beach, a blanket around my shoulders, my knees to my chest. The Doctor and Amy were talking to River, who was being sent back to prison, apparently. I stayed where I was, not wanting to get up again.

  After she left, the Doctor came to me, and Amy went to go lie down in the TARDIS. "How you feeling?" He asked, sitting beside me.

  "Fine. Bit bruised, but it'll heal in a few hours," I shrugged. "My cheek may scar though."

  "You were very calm when you were attacked by the Angels," he commented.

  "I've been in worse situations."

  "Like what?"

  I frowned, "Who is River to Amy?" I asked suddenly.

  "Why do you ask?"

  "No reason," I shrugged, although I had many questions.

  "She's never met River before today, so she probably doesn't even know her."

  I nodded. "You never answered my question. What's worse than being killed by Angels?"

  Having my wings clipped. Being taken by the School. Dying by the hands of a Eraser/Flyboys, I thought, but held my tongue. Not being able to meet them.

  "I have my own reasons," I sighed. "Hey Doctor, can we go back to the museum? Just for a second?"

  "Hm? Why? We barely got out the first time."

  "I... Wanted to see something."

  "See what?"

  "It's probably nothing," I waved it off, but its been eating me alive. "Are we the only ones here?"

  "Yeah. This areas been empty for centuries. Plus with the Weeping Angels being here, we're definitely alone. Why?"

  I stood up, and went into my sweater, pulled a small knife out of my sweater and handed it to him. "Wha-- why-why are you giving me this?" He stuttered, his green eyes wide.

  "I'm not asking you to kill me, if that's what you're thinking," I rolled my eyes. "I need you to cut slits in the shoulder blades of the sweater."

  "Wh-- oh... Oh. You should've said that first," he said, gently taking the knife. "I don't want to accidentally cut you..."

  "You'll be fine," I rolled my eyes. "Just do a straight line over the shoulder blades."

  He nodded, and gently cut through the fabric. "So... Out of curiosity... How many weapons like this do you have...?"

  "Oh... Good question..." I frowned, "How many do I have? Ten? Fifteen?"


  I laughed, "I was kidding!" I saw him relax and hand me back the knife, which I used to cut off the bandages strapping my wings down. "I probably just have about five or six."

  "Where'd you learn to use knives?"

  "Taught myself," I answered, unfurling my wings and stretching them to their full length. The bones cracked and shifted slightly. "Aah! That really feels good..."

  "You taught yourself to throw knives?" He asked, I could tell he was trying not to stare at my massive 18-foot wingspan.

  "Ah, well, I really didn't have anyone else to show me," I shrugged, dropping my wings. "After a lot of practice, I learned to be perfect shot. It's quite easy when you need to have some way to protect yourself." I looked up, the sky was clear and I didn't hear any heartbeats of anyone who could be watching me.

  "I'm going to go out for a little," I announced. "I won't be long, I promise."

  "Oh, it's alright," he shrugged. "I actually would like to see you fly."

  I chuckled as Amy came out of the door of the TARDIS. "I thought we were-- you have your wings out," she noted, waking over.

  "Yeah, going to out for a little. Sorry, I'm just really antsy after being underground and in enclosed spaces and--"

  "Can I watch?" She asked, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.

  "If you want," I shrugged. She grinned and sat down on the blanket that was spread on the grainy, light, sandy beach.

  "Go, go!" She grinned like a kid on Christmas.

  I chuckled a little, "Okay, okay!" I walked across the beach, which turned into running, and jumped up, pushing my wings out as I did so, and soon I was in the air.

  I heard Amy cheering on the ground, and I smiled, doing loops and flying over and under the gray clouds. The feeling of wing rushing over my feathers and through my ears would be one that I would tire of. I tucked in my wings, and free fell to the ground. I heard Amy gasp and the Doctor shout in surprise, when I suddenly pulled out my wings, about a hundred feet above the ground, and flying back up.

  A few minutes of flying and playing around, I went back to the ground, laughing lightly. Amy came over and wrapped her arm around my neck, "That was so cool!" She grinned.

  "Thanks," I smiled, slightly out of breath. "I just really needed to get that out of my system."

  "It was beautiful," she smiled. I looked at her, I could feel a blush on my ears.

  "It-it was nothing," I murmured, looking away. "C'mon, I still wanna go check out that museum real quick."

  "Why?" Amy asked as I our my wings back into my sweater. "We barely got out last time. I doubt they'd let us back."

  I nodded, "Well, of we can't go, that's fine," I shrugged, as we went back into the TARDIS. "So, Mr. Doctor, where to next?"

  "You-you don't have to call me Mr. Doctor," he mumbled, entering the TARDIS behind Amy and I, I laughed.

  "Actually, I want to go home," Amy said, and the Doctor paused.

  He looked at her, and gave her a short, forced smile, "Okay." I frowned, he didn't want her to go. His eyes changed... They looked lonely... Betrayed?

  "No, not like that," she exclaimed, seeing his upset face. "I just, I just want to show you something. You're running from River. I'm running too."


  We were in Amy's bedroom. She and the Doctor were sitting on the bed, while I stood near the side, invisible. "Well..." He said, looking at the wedding dress hanging on the closet door.

  "Yeah," Amy nodded, looking at it.

  "Blimey," he scratched his head.

  "I know. This is the same night we left, yeah?"

  "We've been gone five minutes," he says. "Hazel, why are you invisible?"

  I subtly looked out the window seeing the Flyboys come down, looking around for my missing body, my eyes widened.

  "Hazel why--" he didn't get to finish because raced over and I covered his mouth with my hand. Shushing Amy with my other one, and motioned to the TARDIS.

  "Wh--" I covered her mouth with my other hand, glaring pointedly at her. Suddenly, a loud howl filled the air, and I bit my lip to keep myself from cursing violently. I heard footsteps rapidly approaching the house and I grabbed their hands, and pushed them in the TARDIS, just as a Flyboy came through the door, spotting me.

  "Go! Go!" I shouted, as the robot grabbed my arm, it's claws racking into my skin. I cursed, and kicked it as hard as I could in the chest, making fly through the wall. The Doctor grabbed my arm and pulled me into the TARDIS closing the door and going to the console. "What the hell was that?!" He demanded as moved us far away from her house.

  "Why were they in my house?" Amy asked, as I fell on the chair, running a hand through my hair.

  "Dammmiiit," I groaned.

  "Hazel, what was that?" The Doctor said look at me, eyes boring into my head.

  I sighed and looked at him, my hazel eyes cold and irritated, "Its nothing. They're nothing, just... Forget, okay? Forget about it." I pushed off the chair and stalked down the hall, "Sorry about your house Amy."

  Chapter 6: chapter six:

  Doctor's POV

  He watched silently as Hazel promptly left the room quickly, "Sorry about your house, Amy," she said before she disappeared down the hallway.

  There was a short silence, "What... Just happened?"

  He sighed and hand a hand through his floppy hair, "I-I think we should just leave her..." He murmured and turned to Amy. "So... Marriage?"


  Hazel's POV

  I rocked in my really high hammock, staring at the ceiling that had clouds floating past every now and then. My wings exposed, since I was lying on my side. I did it again, I thought bitterly, I got regular(ish) people involved in my issues. I didn't need them. I needed to get out of here. To go find them. To-to make sure nobody else got involved in my own problems!

  I growled to myself, I shouldn't have even stepped out of the friggin' TARDIS! I-I shouldn't have even stayed with them! The sooner I get out of here, the better! You'd think after all these years, I'd learn not to get attached to people!

  I sighed, fluttering my wings lightly, what am I even thinking? These people provided me with a room and a pretty safe place to stay, so why am I having second thoughts now? What's wrong with me?!

  I groaned and threw my pillow at the door, simultaneously, the door opened and hit someone in the face. My eyes widened and I jumped down, landing on the floor roughly to see who it was.

  The Doctor stood there, cradling his head, "Why is it, that whenever I enter a room with you, objects are hurtling in my direction?!"

  "Sorry," I apologized. "I didn't know you were coming, if it means anything."

  He sighed and tossed the pillow on the bed. "How's your arm?"

  I frowned, "My arm? Nothing happened to my--" I looked down to see large cuts on my arm, from when the Flyboy scratched me. "Oh. I didn't even notice that."

  "You didn't notice that your arm was bleeding out," he scoffed, and took my arm, sonicking it. After a few minutes, he gave his diagnostic, "It's not that bad. You heal five times the average human, so you'll be fine, in a hour or so."

  I nodded and stuffed my hands in my sweatshirt pocket, "Why are you here?"

  "I wanted to talk," he said, sitting on the bed, and motioned for me to sit beside him, which I did.

  "Why'd you kiss Amy?" I suddenly asked, and he looked taken back for a second. "Her scent. It's all over you. In fact, you should probably change. With that and the hormones, ugh, it's intoxicating." I gagged dramatically, and he straighten his tie, his ears a light red.

  "For your information, she kissed me," he stated indigently. "She was all over me, it's not like I wanted to kiss her. But then again, it wasn't like I didn't want to. She's a brilliant kisser, and-- wait. Way off topic." He frowned.

  "Oh do go on," I grinned teasingly. "You were saying that she was a brilliant kisser and might do so ag--"

  "She's engaged," he interrupted, his blush spreading to his cheeks. "And-And she's human! It would never work out..."

  "Aww, don't say that," I frowned, nudging him lightly. "Who knows, you two might be the next universally known power couple. I can tell that you liked it," I wiggled my eyebrows and grinned devilishly.

  He stared at me, his mouth slightly gaping, "You-You-- what are you now? The love doctor? Might as well give you a white coat and slap on a name tag!"

  I stiffened slightly at the mention of a 'white coat' and forced a small smile, "Maybe not the white coat..."

  He looked at me, his smile disappearing into a concerned frown, "What were those things back there?"

  "It was nothing," I said instantly. "Really, just forget you ever saw it."

  "Were they part of the school that you talked about?" He continued, not even acknowledging my request. "Are they after you too? I can help you know. I can stop them and whatever they are doing to you if you want. You can trust me, I'm the Doct--"

  "No!" I snapped at him, making him freeze. "Why? Why would I trust you?! Why would I ever trust people like you? You're a doctor, I don't care what kind you are! You're still a doctor, you're still a Whitecoat! People like you did this to me! I hate people like you! You're all the same! You're all evil!!" I glared at him, but his hurt face made me stop and realize what I had just said. "Oh my god, Doctor, I'm--"

  "You're right," he said, his dull green eyes were digging into my skull, making me want to shrink back and cower away. "I'm the Doctor. That's my name. That's the title I chose for myself, you know why? Because I decided a long, long time ago that I would help people like you! People who think they can't trust anyone, people who think that they are alone in this big, huge, universe with millions, billions of other people like them! Do you know what its like to be alone?! Do you know what it's like to know that you're the last of your kind because you killed everyone else?!! Do you!?"

  I didn't say anything, I just looked at him in shock. His face was a bright red from anger, a vein pulsing on his head. His fists clenched and his back rigid, yet he stared down at me.

  The worst part were his eyes.

  His usual dull green eyes were dark and burned with fury and withheld rage and sadness. They reminded me-- no, they were worse than the Whitecoats could ever be. His felt like they were burning with a thousand suns. Like a wildfire that would never cease. His glare alone made it seem like it could topple entire civilizations.

  And it was directed at me.

  I quickly knew that I didn't stand a chance and my Fight or Flight response took over. Instinctively, I jumped off the bed and moved away, near the wall. My hand trailing to my waist where I knew I had a weapon stashed, and I crouched to the ground. The hairs on the back of my neck stood o
n ends and my shoulders tense, but I stared at the Doctor, waiting for him to attack me.

  When he saw that I moved and had been ready to arm myself, his glare softened, and was easily replaced with a concerned look. "Hazel...?"

  I didn't say anything. My mind had gone blank, like it had been jumbled up, and then swept away, and soon, panic filled through my body. What if he was actually with the School? What if he was faking all along? What if he only responded like that because I had identified him? What if Amy was with the School too? What if this whole thing had been planned out for me to gain his trust so he can go and break me again? What if there were Erasers and Flyboys positioned right outside the room now, just waiting to kill me?

  My panic quickly turned to hopelessness, what was I going to do now?! Why do I always find myself in these situations?! Was I going to die by the hands of a Whitecoat? Why is it always me!?

  "Hazel, I'm sorry," the Doctor apologized carefully. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

  I looked at him, he had came closer. I quickly moved back, so that he he was just as far away. I kept my eyes on him as I tried to calm my racing heart. Where are the Erasers? Was he some kind of new Eraser in disguise? Is he going to kill me? This whole thing had to be set up! It's all my fault! I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have trusted him, I shouldn't have trusted anyone!!

  "Hazel, please," he pleaded. "I didn't mean to shout at you like that, I swear."

  I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and I snapped my head at the door to see Amy emerge from the hall. "I heard shouting," she said, looking at us. "What's going on?"

  I stared at Amy and then the Doctor. Was she going to kill me too? If they were both part of the School, I couldn't take them both, especially if reinforcements come in. I'm trapped... I'm trapped...

  "Amy! Get out, you're overwhelming her!" The Doctor shouted to the woman.

  I just kept glancing back and forth from both of them. I felt my abilities lose control, like they do when I'm extremely nervous. My invisibility flickered, and the metal walls bent slightly. I could hear his hearts beating quickly, and it thrummed in my ears. The humming of the TARDIS had increased in volume as well, and made my ears ring. My eyes burned, and I knew they were a bright yellow.


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