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Page 12

by Catherine Lievens

  “You talk too much.”

  John swiveled his hips and slid his cock in the clear liquid, dragging his balls over Isaiah’s body in a maddening sensation.

  Isaiah was panting and eying John’s cock, his mouth slightly open. He licked his lips and tried to push John higher, but John was having none of that. He growled. “You can suck me any time you want, but not now. Now I want to be inside you, so take the lube that’s dripping all over the bed and prep yourself. Please.”

  Isaiah nodded and John slowly moved down his mate’s body, then off of him completely. He settled between Isaiah’s legs and watched as his mate swiped up a glob of lube from his chest and twisted his hips slightly.

  Isaiah pushed lightly against his hole and swirled the lube around, then pushed one finger in. John’s gaze never left Isaiah as he watched his mate prep himself with his mouth hanging open as he panted and groaned.

  John had to grab his own cock, because damn, and he tugged on it until Isaiah gave him a nod to tell him he was ready.

  “How many?” John asked.


  John gulped and reached for the lube on Isaiah’s chest. He used it to slick his cock a little more, smearing as much of it as he could over it, probably overdoing it.

  “Please,” Isaiah said, his voice trembling slightly.

  John nodded and lifted his mate’s hips, tilting them and splaying Isaiah’s legs, hooking his arms behind his knees. Isaiah slid his hands up to John’s shoulders and pulled him down and he lifted up. John let Isaiah kiss him even as he shifted into position, his cock now resting in the slick crack of Isaiah’s ass. John gave a gentle thrust, feeling his dick slide easily, dragging it back and forth as they kissed.

  Isaiah gasped and dug his fingers into John’s shoulders, grinding down and trying to get John inside him. “Goddamn it, John! Fuck me already!”

  John chuckled and let Isaiah push his hand between them and grab his cock. He gave it a gentle stroke, too gentle for John’s taste, and John closed his eyes.

  He let Isaiah align his cock to his hole and pushed when he felt it just at the head of his cock. They both groaned as the first inches slid in, and John didn’t stop until he was completely in, surrounded by Isaiah’s clenching body.

  He hissed and waited for Isaiah to give him a sign—any sign—that he could move. Isaiah looked so good under him, face and shoulders flushed deep red, skin glistening with sweat, eyes shut and breathe coming fast from his partially open mouth.

  “Isaiah...” John said, not even knowing what he wanted to say, really.

  “Can I...” John swallowed and tried to keep his hips under control when Isaiah moved. “Can I move now?”

  “Yeah. Now, please.” Isaiah had just finished talking, yet John was already pulling out and slamming back in. Isaiah’s back bowed and he whimpered.

  John briefly wondered if he’d been too hard, but Isaiah’s fingernails dug into his shoulders and he hissed. “Don’t you fucking dare stop.”

  So he didn’t. He pumped hard and fast into his mate, ignoring the small whimpers and soft words that streamed from Isaiah’s lips, words he knew he’d have to face sooner or later, but wasn’t ready for yet.

  Mate. Mine.

  Isaiah reached between them again and fisted his cock. He tipped his head backward and exposed his neck. John looked away, because he knew what it meant, and thrust harder, faster, as Isaiah brought himself and John to the edge.

  The feel of their naked bodies together, skin sliding against skin, lips clashing against each other, it all connected them as tightly as they could be without an actual bite. And it was enough for John. For now.

  The tingling sensation at the base of his spine meant he was there, about to come. But Isaiah came before him, his cock pulsing stripes of come between them. It was enough to tilt John’s balance and make him fall.

  He jerked and thrust one last time, coming deep into his mate’s body. John’s body remained tense for a few moments, then he slumped on top of Isaiah. His mate’s arms came around him, holding him close, stroking his back as he came down from his pleasure high.

  John’s head was tucked into Isaiah’s neck and he listened to his mate’s ragged breath and to his fast heartbeat. Isaiah nuzzled John’s forehead, pressed a lingering kiss on the sweat-damp skin before threading his fingers into John’s hair.

  John knew he’d have to move soon, but he stayed there a little longer, enjoying the sensations of someone caring for him, of this being more than a one-time fuck without feelings.

  He sighed and rolled away, his softened cock sliding out from Isaiah’s body. John looked at his mate’s face and frowned when he noticed Isaiah had a hand on his mouth, effectively hiding it from John.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Isaiah shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “Tell me. Please.”

  Isaiah sighed and slowly moved his hand away. Two small pairs of canines peeked from under his lips, gleaming in the light that came from the window. “I’m sorry.”

  John frowned. “For what?”

  Isaiah gestured at his face. “I know you don’t want this.”

  “The fangs? Are they... for claiming?”

  “Yeah. It was instinctual. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You didn’t bite me, after all.”

  “No, but I wanted to.” Isaiah sat up and raked a hand through his hair, grimacing when he hit a tangle in it. He gently worked on it as he talked.

  “I wanted to. Really, really wanted to, and it makes me feel guilty, because I know you don’t want that.”

  John sat up next to Isaiah and untangled his mate’s hand from his hair, bringing it to his mouth and kissing it “Hey, we’ll get there. I’m not the kind of man who can act on a whim, and if we did it now, I’d find myself thinking about it again and again and wondering if I did the right thing. That’s why I want to wait, because then I’ll know it’s the right thing to do.”

  Isaiah gave him a small smile and John leaned into him, kissing him. He felt Isaiah smile into the kiss and couldn’t help the answering smile on his lips. His heart swelled with affection, a feeling so deep he’d never felt anything like it before.

  So that was what it was like to be in love.

  Chapter Seven

  Isaiah was in the kitchen making breakfast with his ear buds in when someone pulled on the collar of his T-shirt. He didn’t even react—he was used to it by now. It’d been going on ever since he’d moved back in his old rooms and John had stayed right there with him.

  Keenan, often along with Nysys, checked his neck every day and had done so for the past two months. They didn’t care that John probably wouldn’t bite him once they decided to mate—they checked both of them for bites and for any kind of cuts.

  Isaiah turned down the heat under the eggs and pulled his ear buds out. “Good morning. Where’s your sidekick today?”

  “Ugh. I think he’s having sex with Morin. He didn’t answer the phone.”

  “It’s not like you don’t have sex with Jonah,” Isaiah pointed out.

  Keenan huffed and crossed his arms on his chest. “Not when we have to check on you.”

  “Huh. I guess he’s going to be sorry he missed today.”

  Keenan’s eyes went wide. “Why? Did he claim you? Did you claim him? Where? Let me see!”

  Isaiah laughed and shook his head. “No one claimed anyone, Kee. But Nysys won’t eat my special eggs.”

  Keenan stuck his tongue out at Isaiah and scowled. “Who cares about special eggs? Why are they so special anyway?”

  Isaiah shrugged. “Just the fact that I’m cooking them. Have you ever seen me cook?”

  While Keenan thought about it, Isaiah returned to his eggs. He scrambled them a bit more and turned the heat off, then grabbed the plates he’d prepared. He wouldn’t use the third one, since Nysys wasn’t there, so he dished out two eggs portions and most of the bacon he’d prepared earlier

  He put the plates on the table and added the coffee pot, then sat down.

  “It’s true, I don’t remember ever seeing you cooking. How come? Even I have to cook when it’s my turn!”

  Isaiah smiled and gestured at Keenan’s plate with his fork. Keenan huffed and sat. He stabbed a piece of egg with his fork and shoved it in his mouth. “Hey, that’s good!”

  “Thank you. As to why I don’t cook... I do, actually, but since I spend most of my days in my office, I usually do it late at night when you’re all... otherwise occupied, and freeze everything.”

  Keenan pointed his fork at Isaiah. “You should be otherwise occupied now too.”

  “Oh, I am, don’t worry. But John prefers the early mornings.”

  “Oh, are you ever going to give me details?”


  Isaiah let Keenan rant about how everyone knew about his sex life and that it wasn’t fair that he couldn’t know about theirs and ate his eggs before they got cold. A noise made him look up and he smiled as Shad entered the kitchen.

  “You want some eggs? Nysys didn’t show up.”

  Shad smiled gratefully and filled a plate. He put it on the table in front of Isaiah and grabbed the orange juice from the fridge, then started eating. Keenan was still prattling and Isaiah wondered if he talked even when he slept. How did Jonah stand it?

  Shad pushed his eggs around instead of eating them and Isaiah frowned. “Hey. Everything okay?”

  Shad looked up in surprise. “Huh?”

  “I said, everything okay?”

  “Oh, yeah. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “What can you have on your mind?” Keenan butted in. “It’s almost Christmas! Unless you’re still wondering what you’re buying me.”

  It was a pact no one talked about but everyone respected in the pride. Everyone bought gifts for their respective mate and their closest friends, plus Keenan. There was no way everyone could buy more than fifty gifts every time, so this worked quite well, especially with the Secret Santa they’d done last year.

  Keenan was probably spoiled, but they all knew he deserved it, and it wasn’t like he actually asked for stuff. Isaiah had seen him give some of his personal clothes and items to the people who’d been rescued in the labs, and he’d never asked to have them back. He was selfless. Selfless and annoying as hell, too, of course.

  Shad wasn’t answering, though. He seemed frozen in his seat, his eyes locked on the open kitchen door.

  “Shad? What’s wrong?”

  “Keenan?” a voice called from the hallway.

  Isaiah frowned. He didn’t recognize the voice as belonging to a pride member, but then he could be wrong, since the guy seemed to know Keenan. Although that didn’t necessarily mean anything—everyone knew Keenan.

  Keenan’s reaction was what surprised Isaiah the most, though. He rose suddenly from his chair, making it skid behind himself, and his eyes went wide. “Oh my God, what time is it?”

  Isaiah checked his phone. “Uh, six AM, why?”

  Keenan hurried to the kitchen door without answering. Isaiah looked at Shad but his friend was still watching the door like a hawk, although the surprise had drained from his expression.

  “Shad? Do you know what’s up with Keenan?”

  Shad swallowed. “That was Gabriel.”

  Isaiah’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead. “Gabriel? As in Gabriel Landreth?”


  “God, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him, and he’s been living in the house since what? April? May? I didn’t even know he was still here!”

  “Yeah, well, he is. He just comes out only at night or very early in the morning.”

  “How do you know that?” Isaiah hadn’t expected Shad’s eyes to go wide again, as if he’d given something he shouldn’t have away.

  Shad shook his head, but Isaiah didn’t like the spooked expression on his face. “Shad? Did something happen with Gabriel? Did he hurt you?”

  A growl came from the hallway, then Keenan’s hushed voice.

  “No, no. He didn’t hurt me.”

  “Then what’s wrong? Don’t think I didn’t notice you’ve been moping for months.” Isaiah frowned. “Actually, now that I think about it, it’s been ever since Gabriel arrived here.”

  Shad jumped from his chair and ran to the French doors that led outside. “Shad!” Isaiah yelled after him, but his friend didn’t stop.

  Isaiah hit his forehead on the table. He didn’t like feeling as if he was in the dark, missing something, and he just knew he was right then. Gabriel, a man no one had seen in months, seemed to be friends with Keenan. Shad’s reaction to Gabriel had been weird to say the least, not to mention the one he’d had when Isaiah had started talking about his moping.

  “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  Isaiah looked up as Keenan sat at the table again. “What’s wrong with everyone? Sometimes I feel like John and I are the only normal people in the house.”

  “Depends what you mean by normal. Does that even exist?”

  Isaiah straightened up. “Okay, you know something and I want to know what it is.”

  Keenan blinked. “I know lots of things. I know what size of underwear Dominic wears, what sex toys Oliver prefers and when Nysys had sex for the first time.”

  Isaiah reached forward and slapped the back of Keenan’s head. “Not funny. Come on, what’s up with you, Gabriel and Shad?”

  Keenan sighed. “I can tell you only parts of it. Gabriel... well, you know what happened to him, and that Jared and Adrian still haven’t found a way to cure him. That’s why he’s basically been hiding in the attic since he arrived here.”

  “In the attic?”

  “Yes. Anyway, I knew he came down at night, so I started to stay up to talk to him. I’m actually surprised you never met him, since you seem to be cooking at night. We became kind of friends.”

  “What about Shad?”

  “Not my secret to tell.”

  “But it has to do with Gabriel?” Keenan’s hesitation was all Isaiah needed for confirmation. “Are they mates?”

  Keenan sighed heavily. “Yes. And they’re both stubborn assholes. Not that I’m surprised, because having an easy task seems to be too much to ask for,” he added, raising his voice.

  Someone in the hallway snorted.

  “Uh, Gabriel? I’m Isaiah.” It kind of creeped Isaiah out to know there was someone standing out there, listening to them. It made him wonder if perhaps Gabriel had been around while Isaiah cooked.

  “Hi,” a gravelly voice replied.

  “Why don’t you come in here? There’s still some breakfast.”

  “No, thanks. I’m going back upstairs.”

  Isaiah heard a shuffle, then footsteps moving away. Keenan sighed and patted his hand. “Keep trying. He needs friends, and he needs to know he’s not a monster. Just... try not to look horrified when he lets you see him for the first time.” He rose from his chair, took his plate and Shad’s and put them in the dishwasher.

  Isaiah waited until Keenan was gone to do the same with his plate and the pan he’d used. He slowly walked upstairs and slipped in his room, smiling at the sight of John sleeping in their bed. He pulled his T-shirt off, then his sweat pants and his socks and slipped under the covers behind his mate. John immediately moved closer and snuggled against him.

  Isaiah smiled and looped his arm around John’s waist, holding him close. He put his head on his pillow and closed his eyes. Now that he’d eaten, he was ready for another hour or so of sleep.

  “Where’ve you been?” John grumbled.

  “I had breakfast with Keenan.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “Love you anyway.”

  Isaiah smiled. “Love you too.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Catherine lives in Italy, country of good food and hot men. She
used to write fantasy as a child, but it was reading her first gay erotic romance novel that made her realize that that was what she really wanted to write.

  After graduating from college in English language and translation, she divides her day between writing, reading, taking care of her son and reading some more.

  You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or on her website:





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