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Lucrezia Borgia

Page 46

by Sarah Bradford

  Elna, Bishop of

  Enriques, Enrich and Dona Maria

  Equicola, Mario

  Ercole I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara: and Alexander VI’s vanity; and LB’s divorce from Giovanni Sforza; and LB’s supposed child; and Louis XII’s entry into Milan; resists marriage of LB to son Alfonso; alliance with France; negotiates settlement on LB – Alfonso marriage; LB assures of loyalty; religious piety; brings nuns to Ferrara; and LB’s reception in Ferrara; relations with sons; and LB’s journey to Ferrara; background and appearance;

  Ercole I d’Este – cont. rule; LB presents papal brief to; presents jewels to LB; good relations with LB; introduces LB to Sister Lucia; allots attendants to LB; differences with Alexander over LB’s annual allowance; LB entertains; LB’s servants request release from; travels to meet Louis XII; and LB’s illness in Ferrara; agrees to LB’s allowance; musical and theatrical interests; and news of Alexander’s death; enmity with Venice; and LB’s concern for Borgia children; seeks favour with Julius II; virility; exiles Ippolito; illness; death and succession; qualities and achievements

  Esame delle Suppliche (Ferrara)

  Este family: rule in Ferrara; status; history and succession; liking for LB; and Congiura conspiracy; Jews protected by 300; decline

  Este, Alberto d’ (Ercole’s illegitimate brother)

  Este, Alexandro d’ (LB’s earlier son): birth and death

  Este, Alexandro d’ (LB’s later son): birth and death

  Este, Alfonso I d’ (LB’s third husband) see Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara

  Este, Baldassare d’

  Este, Blessed Beatrice da

  Este, Borso d’

  Este, Cesare d’ (Alfonso’s illegitimate grandson)

  Este, Diana d’, see Contrari, Countess

  Este, Ercole I d’ see Ercole I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara

  Este, Ercole II d’ (LB’s son): birth; illnesses and recoveries; proposed evacuation from Ferrara; portrait with mother; education; leaves Ferrara; childhood

  Este, Ercole d’ (Duke Ercole’s nephew)

  Este, Federico d’

  Este, Ferrante d’ (Alfonso’s brother): allowance; in Rome for LB’s betrothal; reports on LB’s clothes; accompanies LB to Ferrara; character and career; education; LB’s fondness for; attends Julius II’s coronation; aspires to dukedom; and father’s imminent death; Julius II favours; visits Venice with Alfonso; in Congiura; and Alfonso’s return from pilgrimage; denounces Giulio to Alfonso; tried and imprisoned; death in prison; Julius demands release of

  Este, Francesco d’ (LB’s son)

  Este, Giulio d’ (Alfonso’s brother): accompanies Isabella to meet LB; performs in intermezzi; as Isabella’s favourite; at Duke Ercole’s deathbed; at Alfonso’s investiture as Duke; feud with brother Ippolito; attacked and stabbed in eyes; occupies rooms in Corte; reconciled with Ippolito; in Congiura plot; Francesco Gonzaga harbours; Ferrante denounces; handed over to Alfonso and imprisoned; released in old age

  Este, Cardinal Ippolito d’: ecclesiastical benefices and preferments; Cesare requests horses from; and LB’s reception before marriage; remains in Rome; background and character; Duke and Duchess of Urbino write to; as LB’s confidant; as guardian to Cesare’s sons; attends Julius II’s coronation; helps Cesare; quarrels with father and Julius II; and father’s impending death; at Vigoenza during Ferrara plague; negotiates with Julius II over Cento and La Pieve; feud with brother Giulio; reconciled with Giulio; and Alfonso’s proposed absence on pilgrimage; and Congiura conspiracy ; and Alfonso’s return from pilgrimage; submits to Julius II; and Cesare’s death; LB corresponds with over Bentivoglio; celebrates new year; differences with Francesco Gonzaga; and murder of Ercole Strozzi; in war against Venice; in papal wars against Ferrara; visit to French court; as co – guardian of Rodrigo Bisceglie; and Giovanni Borgia’s upbringing; trip to Hungary; LB’s mother writes to

  Este, Ippolito d’ (LB’s son): born; childhood illnesses

  Este, Isabella d’, Marchioness of Mantua see Isabella Gonzaga

  Este, Isabella Maria d’ (LB’s daughter)

  Este, Leonello d’

  Este, Leonora d’ (LB’s daughter)

  Este, Niccolò d’

  Este, Sigismondo d’ (Alfonso’s brother)

  Este, Sigismondo d’ (Ercole’s brother)

  Estuniga, Lope de

  Faenza, Astorre Manfredi, lord of

  Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro see Paul III, Pope

  Farnese, Angelo

  Farnese, Girolama

  Farnese, Giulia (Orsini): as Alexander VI’s mistress; visits Pesaro; on Caterina Gonzaga; leaves Pesaro to see dying brother; captured by French and released

  Federico (chancellor)

  Federigo, King of Naples: coronation; declines Alexander’s proposed marriage of Cesare Borgia to Carlotta; and Alfonso’s marriage settlement with LB; Ferdinand of Aragon supports; returns Alfonso to LB

  Ferdinand, King of Aragon and of Spain: rule in Aragon; conquers Granada; relations with Alexander VI, 23, 30; non – attendance at Juan Gandia’s wedding; conflict with Louis XII;

  Ferdinand, King of Aragon—cont. secret treaty with Louis XII; and marriage of LB and Alfonso d’Este; and Rodrigo Bisceglie’s estates; seeks favour with Julius II; and Cesare’s imprisonment; in alliance with Julius II and Venice; claim to Kingdom of Naples; attacks France; death

  Ferrante, King of Naples

  Ferrara: Este rule in; LB’s popularity in; delegation to LB in Rome; LB travels to; character; LB’s arrival in; LB’s life and amusements in; plague in; and papal ambitions; under Ercole; Alfonso’s rule and reforms in; secret passageways; building improvements; grain crisis; Conspiracy ('Congiura’) in; carnival in; new year celebrations; Julius II’s hostility to; war against Venice; Jews in; French troops reinforce; Leo X resumes war against; convents; Dominicans in; fortifications strengthened; celebrates return of Alfonso from Paris; decline; earthquake (1570)

  Ferrari, Giovanni, Cardinal of Modena

  Ferrera, Juan

  Fertella, La (clown)

  Fino, Giovanni di


  Flores, Bartolomeu, Archbishop of Cosenza

  Foix, Catherine de

  Foix, Gaston de


  food and diet


  Forno, El Modenese del

  Forno, Girolamo del

  Forno, Masino del

  Fornovo, battle of (1495)

  France: invades Italy; Cesare Borgia allies with; defeats Venice at Agnadello; moves south in Italy ; troops reinforce Ferrara; in battle of Ravenna; attacked by Spain and England; and Francis I’s expedition to recover lost Italian possessions

  Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua: seeks influence with Pope; Fornovo victory against Charles VIII; commands Holy League forces; meets LB; and Giovanni Sforza’s flight from Pesaro; Cesare Borgia requests horses from; with Louis XII in Italy; nervousness of Cesare Borgia; marriage to Isabella d’Este; protests at seizing of Dorotea Malatesta; and LB’s arrival in Ferrara; letters from Isabella; Marchioness of Cotrone writes to; absence from LB’s wedding with d’Este; and Isabella’s fear of Cesare Borgia; Isabella warns of Cesare’s plotting; makes peace with Cesare; letter from Pico della Mirandola; on Alexander’s death; reconciles Ercole and Ippolito d‘Este; appearance and character; relations and correspondence with LB ; sexual activities; syphilis; marriage relations; with French army against Naples; and grain crisis in Ferrara; LB seeks help in securing release of Cesare; and LB’s son’s illness; protects Giulio d’Este; and arranged Bentivoglio/Torelli marriage; Alberto Pio stirs up trouble with Alfonso d’Este; and d’Este Congiura conspiracy; supports Julius II; hostility with Alfonso d’Este; and birth of LB’s son Ercole; LB appeals to apprehend killer of Don Martino; and murder of Ercole Strozzi; illness; leads papal forces against Ferrara; captured and imprisoned by Venetians; freed from prison; Julius, II appoints Gonfalonier of Church; LB appeals to for help in papal wars; concern for LB’s safety;
hopes to invite LB to Mantua; attempts to divert Julius II from Ferrara; withdraws from discussions of Most Holy League; believes Ferrara finished; rebukes wife; LB tells of Jofre Borgia’s death; LB pleads for condemned man on Isabella’s behalf; LB writes to on criminal Alfonso Rampino; death; religious beliefs

  Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of Urbino

  Francis I, King of France

  Frassina, Comatre

  Frederick III, Emperor

  Fregoso, Ottaviano

  Furlano, Enea (‘il Cavaliero’)

  Gabbioneta, Archdeacon of

  Gacet, Francesco (or Francesc)

  Gadio, Stazio


  Gandia, dukedom of

  Gandia, Juan BorgiaDuke of: Alexander VI’s fondness for; character and behaviour; succeeds to titles and estates; and LB’s marriage to Giovanni; marriage to Maria Enriques; supposed non – consummation of marriage; granted lands; relations with Giovanni Sforza; homesickness; portrait; returns to Rome; leads campaign against Orsini; and LB’s divorce from Giovanni; disappearance and death; invested Duke of Benevento; body found and funeral; accused of incest with LB

  Gandia, Pedro Luis Borgia, Ist Duke of

  Gardner, Edmund G.

  Gatto, Marcantonio


  Gian Cantore see Artigianova, Gian de

  Gianuzzi, Jacopo de’

  Giordano, Vincenzo

  Giovanna, Madonna

  Giovio, Paolo

  Giustinian, Antonio

  Gonzaga family: rule in Mantua, I; seek favour with Alexander VI; apprehensions of Cesare Borgia

  Gonzaga, Caterina

  Gonzaga, Chiara

  Gonzaga, Eleonora; as Duchess of Urbino

  Gonzaga, Federico

  Gonzaga, Ferrante

  Gonzaga, Francesco see Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua

  Gonzaga, Giovanni

  Gonzaga, Isabella (née d’Este), Marchioness of Mantua see Isabella Gonzaga

  Gonzaga, Laura Bentivoglio

  Gonzaga, Maddalena (Giovanni Sforza’s first wife)

  Gonzaga, Ottaviano

  Gonzaga, Sigismondo, Cardinal

  Gonzaga da Bozzolo, Federico

  Gouffier, Admiral Guillaume, seigneur de Bonnivet

  Gramont, Gabriel, Cardinal – Bishop of Tarbes


  Grasica, Juan


  Grotto, Bartolommeo

  Guerrea, Anthoni

  Guicciardini, Francesco: on Alexander VI’s capabilities; on LB – Alfonso d’Este marriage; on practice of poisoning; on Julius II; on Julius II”s participation in war; on Leo X’s plans for Ferrara; on Francis I of France; on Louis XII’s excesses; History of Italy

  Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino: commands papal army captured and released; and killing of Juan Gandia; deprived of status as papal vicar; greets LB on journey to Ferrara; flees on Cesare’s capture of Urbino; returns to Urbino; retrieves stolen possessions; LB asks to intercede for Cesare

  Henry VII, King of England

  Henry VIII, King of England


  Holy League



  Infessura, Stefano

  Inghirami, Tommaso (‘Fedra’)

  Innocent VIII, Pope

  Isabella, Queen of Castile and of Spain

  Isabella Gonzaga (née d’Este), Marchioness of Mantua: letters from Brognolo; marriage to Francesco Gonzaga; on Cesare Borgia’s syphilis; told of attack on Alfonso Bisceglie; fear of Cesare Borgia; avoids commission to bring Sister Osanna to Ferrara; interest in LB’s dress and behaviour; character and qualities; LB meets; di Prosperi reports to; resents and disparages LB; and LB’s household; warns husband of Cesare’s plotting with Louis XII; congratulates Cesare for coup against conspirators; El Prete reports on LB to; rivalry with LB; hates Camposampiero; and Francesco’s sexual exploits; political and intellectual acumen; marriage relations; letters from LB on administrative matters; and Francesco’s relations with LB; pregnancy; LB sends gifts to; children; on Cesare’s death; praised in Pio’s eclogue; told of birth of LB’s son and LB’s relations with Francesco Gonzaga; protects Barbara Torelli; rules Mantua in husband’s absence; defends Mantua in papal war; LB pleads to intercede with Francesco in papal war; di Prosperi seeks favours from; and Most Holy League plans; and evacuation of Ercole from Ferrara; and Julius Il’s vendetta against Ferrara; leaves Mantua for Milan; Francesco rebukes; wishes to entertain Prospero Colonna; fondness for fruits in syrup; improved relations with LB; LB informs of Alfonso’s visit to Paris; exploits indulgences; LB sends condolences on Francesco’s death

  Italian League

  Italy: conditions and rule in; French invade

  Jeanne de France, Queen of Louis XII

  Jews: converted; expelled from Spain and Portugal; protected by d’Este

  Julius II, Pope (Giuliano della Rovere); rivalry and relations with Alexander VI; backs Cesare Borgia; Alexander rewards; Alexander claims to protect; attitude to Cesare; character and qualities; elected; confines Cesare; power and ambitions; syphilis; attitude to Ferrara; negotiates over Cento and La Pieve with Ippolito d’Este; and feud between Giulio and Ippolito d’Este; Alfonso d’Este meets; enters Bologna; and Cesare’s escape from Spanish prison; accuses Alfonso d’Este of killing of Ercole Strozzi; hostility towards Ferrara and Alfonso d’Este; appoints Alfonso d’Este Gonfalonier of Church; death; pact with Venice against French; excommunicates Alfonso d’Este; moves to Bologna; ill health; forms league with Ferdinand of

  Julius II, Pope – cont. Spain; forces defeated at Ravenna (1512); Alfonso seeks reconciliation and absolution from; and LB’s position in Ferrara

  Ladislaus Jagiello, King of Hungary

  Lampugnano, Pietro Giorgio


  Lang, Matthaus, Cardinal – Bishop of Gurk

  Lapalisse, Jacques de Chabannes, seigneur de (Gran Maestro)

  Las Cases, Juan

  Lazzarino, Domine Niccolo

  League of St Mark

  Leo X, Pope (Giovanni de‘Medici): on Borgias; continues war against Ferrara; captured; elected pope; coronation; suspends edict on Alfonso d’Este; retains territories; and Alfonso’s absence in Paris; and Martin Luther; letter from dying LB

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Lippomano (Venetian envoy)

  Llopis, Juan

  Lombardo, Antonio

  Lopez, Juan, Cardinal of Capua

  Lopez de Haro, Don Diego

  Lorqua, Don Ramiro de

  Louis XII, King of France: accession; conflict with Ferdinand of Aragon; Alexander VI supports; campaign in Italy; and Charlotte d’Albret’s marriage to Cesare; Borgias support; claim to Naples; secret treaty with Ferdinand of Aragon; and LB’s marriage to Alfonso d’Este; Ferrante d’Este meets; donates county of Cotignola to Alfonso d’Este; Duke Ercole meets; Cesare visits in Milan; obstructs Cesare; and Alexander’s death; refuses Cesare’s request for restitution of duchy; Alfonso d’Este’s alliance with; captures Genoa; and League of Cambrai; Ippolito d’Este visits; sends envoy to Rome to sue for peace; death

  Louise, Princess of France

  Louise, Queen Mother of France (‘Madama’)

  Lucia Brocadelli of Narni, Sister

  Luther, Martin

  Luzio, Alessandro

  Machiavelli, Niccolò: meets Cesare Borgia in Urbino; and League against Cesare; and Cesare’s military intentions; on Julius II’s attitude to Cesare; and capture of Michelotto; tribute to Cesare; condemns Venetians; Discourses; The Prince

  Maddaleni, Fausto Evangelista

  Maffei, Federico

  Magione, La

  Magnanimo, Hieronymo

  Malatesta, Dorotea

  Malatesta, Pandolfo

  Malatesta, Parisina

  Malatesta, Roberto

  Malegonelle, Antonio

  Mallett, Michael

  Malvezzi, Polissena

  Mantegna, Andrea

nbsp; Mantova, Dionisio da (‘Papino’)

  Mantua: Gonzaga family rule, I; Guidobaldo Urbino flees to; LB visits; Isabella d’Este defends

  Manutius, Aldus

  Marches: under Borgia control

  Marguerite d’Angoulême

  Maria Enriques, Princess of Aragon

  Mariano, Fra

  Marignano, battle of (1515)

  Marinello, Giovanni

  Marrades, Juan

  Marti, Bartolomeu (Cardinal Segorbe)

  Martino de Amelia (jester)

  Martino, Don

  Mary, Queen of Louis XII

  Matarazzo, F. (chronicler)

  Matta, Andrea della

  Matuzzi, Elisabetta

  Matuzzi, Pietro

  Maximilian I, Emperor; death

  Medelana, Este villa at

  Medici family

  Medici, Giuliano de’

  Medici, Lorenzo de’ (’the Magnificent’)

  Medici, Lorenzo de’, the Younger

  Medici, Piero de’

  Medina del Campo, Castile

  Meli da Crema, Fra Antonio

  Melina, Count

  Messisbugo, Cristoforo da

  Michelangelo Buonarroti

  Michelis, Fiammetta de’

  Michelotto see Corella, Don Miguel de

  Michiel, Cardinal Giovanni, Bishop of Porto

  Mila, Adriana de: cares for LB; and supplicants for Alexander VI’s favours; Juan Gandia sends compliments to; and Giovanni Sforza; and Orsini; accompanies LB to Ferrara LB’s fondness for

  Mila, Lorenzo da

  Mila, Maria de

  Milan: ruled by Sforzas; alliance with Naples; alliance with Alexander VI; as hereditary fief of French king

  Mirafuentes, Gonsalvo de


  Mirandola, Eleonora della

  Mirandola, Julia della

  Modena: plague in; in papal wars; Alfonso d’Este hopes to reclaim

  Modena,Vincenzo da

  Mole, Margarita


  Moncada, Ugo de

  Montefeltro, Elisabetta da see Elisabetta da Montefeltro, Duchess of Urbino

  Montefeltro, Guidobaldo da see Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino


  Montesina, Madona

  Montevegio, Count Ottaviano da


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