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Lies in Love

Page 5

by Ava Wood

  Landon arrived to Satin already in full swing. The line wasn’t as long as the previous Friday, but he assumed that was in part to his arriving earlier. When he reached the door, he entered the dark anteroom to pay and followed an inseparable couple into the riotousness of the club. He perused the faces around him and journeyed to the bar for a beer. The wait was bearable to say the least as he took a seat at the bar and watched the faces passing by in search of a familiar one. He wasn’t sure why he made the effort to come out this evening, but he had to do something, because he couldn’t stomach taking another escort job after the nightmare encounter with Lady Vanna. It didn’t hurt that he knew Talia would be here. There was something so intensely fascinating about her; whether it was her sass, her gorgeously sexy hazel eyes, or those long stunning legs that had him needing to readjust himself every time they came to mind, he wasn’t sure, but throughout the week she continually popped into his mind. He could tell by the clothes she wore that she wasn’t trying, but damn her ass looked good in those jeans. When he finished his first beer and was well on his way with the next, he saw that smirking face walk into the club. She was in a dress, her legs on display. They were even more attractive than he’d imagined. And he delighted in how tiny her waist looked tied off with her leather belt. He watched her walk through the club and make her way up the stairs, her body doing terrible things to him below the belt. His hands were shoved meticulously in his pockets when a head full of strawberry-blonde hair filled his vision.

  “What are you doing here?” Camey bit off the end of each word. “We’re not paying you anymore so you can just leave.”

  “I’m not here for more money.” Landon looked toward the top of the stairs, but Talia had already disappeared somewhere in the balcony.

  “What are you here for? Do you have another job lined up?” Camey seethed.

  Landon couldn’t look at Camey. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t even sure why he was there. “I just wanted to see her one more time.”

  Camey placed herself in Landon’s line of vision and spat, “Oh no, hell no. I’m not allowing you to go anywhere near her. Do you know how bad things have gotten since she met you? I didn’t think it was possible but you actually made things worse.”

  “Why are you so certain it’s because of me?”

  “Who else could have caused it? She wasn’t this bitter before you entered the picture.”

  “Have you considered the thought that maybe she became privy to your little scheme and that is what has her on edge?” He hoped it wasn’t the case, but he couldn’t accept the fact that her worsening mood was due to him.

  “Seriously?” Camey threw her hands in the air and walked away, joining her friends on the dance floor.

  Landon ordered another beer and a vodka martini for Talia and took them to the balcony above in search of her. He found her at the same table, giving the same defiant look, sitting alone. Her focus was mostly on the dance floor below, but when he was only a table away she turned her face up at him with a sneer that bordered on a smile.

  “Hi.” Landon immediately chided himself. He was hoping for something wittier than a simple hi.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He couldn’t get a read on her. On one hand, she had the eternally pissed-off look plastered on her face, but on the other, he could swear there was a twinkle in her eye that he didn’t notice before. Was it possible that she was actually glad to see him? “I heard this is the best place in town for a good drink.”

  Talia immediately rolled her eyes. “You really are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?”

  Landon was relieved to see a smile form on her face. It was more beautiful than he’d imagined.

  “Well, are you going to sit down?”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “The closest thing to an invitation you’ll get out of me. Besides, I figured you’d just sit down anyway.”

  Landon chuckled and took the seat across from her. “Very good point.” He set the martini he’d been carrying in front of her. “For you.”

  “Thanks.” She didn’t sound angry, but Landon wasn’t quite sure she was pleased.

  “How was your week, Petal?”

  “Again with the name?” Talia sipped at her drink while staring into his eyes.

  “I don’t know, it seems like it suits you. Besides, you never gave me your real name.” Landon held his beer in his hand, occasionally taking a swig during their conversation.

  “And I don’t plan to.” Talia finished her martini and pushed away from the table. “Thanks for the drink, but I think I’ll be joining my friends now.”

  Landon turned in his chair and watched her walk away. He was staggered. What am I supposed to do now? He looked down to the dance floor below and saw Talia’s friends gyrating with lascivious men gathered around. Moments later they were joined by Talia, and the shock showed on all of their faces. “Screw it.” He downed the rest of his beer and stomped down the stairs, shoving past countless sweaty bodies until he was one of the many men gathered around Talia’s crew.

  She danced fluidly with her friends, sometimes turning in circles. When Landon was right next to her, she turned to see him and promptly moved to the other side of the group, attempting to evade him. In his suave way, he easily moved around the floor, first dancing with Camey then slowly placing himself at Talia’s back. He moved closer and placed a hand on her hip, planning to move against her, but she slapped his hand away and ran out of the club.

  Camey spun on Landon as Talia ran out. “What the hell, man?”

  Landon held up his hands in defeat. “Just let me try to make it better.” Camey’s lips flattened as he tried pleading with his eyes. He knew it wasn’t worth attempting to discuss among all the noise.


  When Camey turned back to her friends, Landon took off after Talia. He didn’t know what he would say, but his intentions weren’t to scare her away. He needed to make things right with her, if only for his conscience’s sake.

  When he raced out of the club, the cold air stung his cheeks. He looked up the sidewalk for Talia, but didn’t see her. When he looked the other direction, he found a group of shady men lighting up and Talia accepting a cigarette from the shortest in the group. He marched to her and slapped the cigarette from her hand.

  “What the fuck?” Talia scowled at him and walked away from the men in the opposite direction of the club.

  Landon followed her, but didn’t say anything. He couldn’t let her continue to walk in this direction alone. She was downtown after hours and all sorts of unsavory people were known to linger about.

  At the next corner, Talia turned and Landon followed, completely taken by surprise that she was now heading in the direction of his apartment building. “Where are you going?”

  “Leave me alone.” She kept walking on, gradually picking up speed.

  “Are you crazy? I’m not leaving you alone out here. Do you know what kind of weirdos lurk in alleys and dark corners at this time of night?”

  “Yeah, ones named Landon. Now leave me alone.”

  “No. I’m not going to leave you alone just so that I can see your dead body on the morning news tomorrow. As long as you insist on walking these streets, I’m going to stay right behind you and make sure you’re safe.”

  “Damn it.” Talia stopped, leaning against the nearby ecru brick, the brick of Landon’s apartment building. She clasped her hands behind her neck and asked, “What do you want from me?”

  Landon stood frozen, briefly staring up at his bedroom window and rubbing his hand over the stubble on his chin. He couldn’t tell her what he really wanted: to simply get her under him and get her out of his system. She had no idea who he was so he would have to go about this a little more delicately. Finally putting thoughts in motion, he answered, “A date.”

  Talia hooted, “A date? You’re kidding, right?”

  “Not at all. I would like a date with you,” he smiled, “to
morrow night.”

  “No.” She stepped away from the wall and began pacing. “No way.”

  “It’s either that, or I keep ruining every Friday evening for you.” Knowing it was habit for Talia and her friends to go to Satin on Fridays was to his advantage.

  “Who says I can’t stop going to Satin? You can’t blackmail me into going on a date with you.”

  “Wouldn’t your friends wonder why they couldn’t go back to the club they seem to love so much? Would you really spoil their fun just to avoid one person?” Landon was playing dirty, but he had to pull out all the stops.

  “Ugh. I can’t believe this,” she muttered to herself and Landon had to stifle a chuckle before he stopped her from what he knew came next. “If I agree to one date will you leave me alone?”

  A smirk of victory pooled across his face. “If you never want to see me again, I’ll leave you alone.”

  Chewing her lip, Talia looked up into his eyes. “One date. Tomorrow night.” She paused to watch a small throaty sports car drive by. “At Sergio’s on the east side. Do you know where that is?”

  Landon nodded, his shit eating grin nearly cracking his face. “Yeah. Eight o’clock okay?”

  “Fine.” Talia began walking back toward the club, not waiting for Landon to follow.

  “Thank you,” he spoke softly, sweetly. Now that he had her in submission he couldn’t be cocky and push her away. They walked in silence back to the club where Camey, Sara, and Reina were waiting on the curb. “Looks like you’re safe. I guess I’ll head home.”

  “That’s it?”

  He smiled. “For now.” He kissed her cheek and, lingering close to her, said, “See you tomorrow, Petal.”

  Chapter 3

  For the First Time

  Sirens blared on the busy Dallas streets below Landon’s bedroom window. Even four floors up, he could hear the hustle and bustle of the morning traffic below. He had been lying in bed for almost an hour just staring at the ceiling recalling his walk with Talia. What evil fate had her stopping at his front door? It was like destiny was playing a sick joke on him. If she’d known he was an escort, Landon wasn’t sure he would have hesitated to drag her up to his apartment and take advantage of a very coincidental situation. He had never shared his bed with a woman, nor fantasized about a woman in his bed, but his mind was captive there now. The things he longed to do to her body; to kiss every inch of those delectable legs, to taste that sweet little sassy mouth of hers, to bury himself deep inside of her and just get lost; the way he was lost now. Brent was right. Taking this job was a very bad idea. He was consumed by her, likely because she didn’t succumb to his charm or fall at his feet. She had no idea of the things he could do to her. It was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with for his fascination.

  He threw his arm over his eyes, remembering that he would see her again tonight and on a date, no less. He hadn’t been on a date since high school. He had no idea how a real date played out anymore. His usual “date” paid him, not him fronting money to take her out. He wasn’t even sure she would talk to him. She still hadn’t told him her name, not that it mattered. He knew who she was. He knew more about her than she would most likely find reasonable. Calling her Petal, though, that was a ballsy move. He hadn’t heard that name since his childhood when his grandfather used it as a term of endearment for his grandmother. He wasn’t even sure why that was the name her called her. He just knew that somehow it fit. He considered getting out of bed when Brent came pounding on the door.

  “Get up, man. You’ve got a call.”

  Landon pulled on his lounge pants and plodded to the living room, running his hand through his hair as he went. He grabbed the cordless phone from the kitchen bar and answered, “Hello?”

  “Where you been, kid? You didn’t check in after your last job. I was beginning to think maybe you’d run off with her” A full-body laugh rang over the line.

  Quincy, shit. Landon imagined Quincy reclining in his dinner jacket, checking in on all of his escorts. He was nearing fifty and out of the game for some time now, serving as more of a father figure to Landon than anyone since his father checked out. He owed a lot to Quincy for inviting him into his company. “Hey, man. I’m sorry. I’ve been working through some personal shit.” Like the fact that he wasn’t sure he could go through another job like the one with Lady Vanna.

  “I get it man. I just worry. It’s not like you to not check in.”

  “I know, man, I’m sorry.” Landon cleared his throat, building up courage to ask for something he never thought he’d want. “Quincy, I was wondering if I could take a few days. I need some time to think, to clear my head.”

  Quincy’s gravelly voice was gentler than usual. “Sure, Landon. You know if you need anything, you call me.”

  “I will, Quincy. Thanks.” Landon hung up the phone and started back to his room when Brent stopped him.

  “What’d Quincy want?” His tone was judgmental.

  “The usual. Just checking up on me. Wanted to know why I hadn’t checked in.” Landon took another step toward his bedroom when Brent’s gruff voice stopped him again.

  “You’ve been thinking about that girl, haven’t you? I told you not to go on that date.” Brent rounded the couch and approached Landon. “She turned you down, didn’t she? She turned you down and now you can’t get her out of your head. You won’t until you fuck her. And then what?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I just needed a few personal days.” Landon didn’t want to even look at Brent, always the critical one. He had an answer for everything and right now it was just too much.

  “I know how this works, man. There’s a reason we do things the way we do. You aren’t supposed to get attached. No emotion, remember?”

  No emotion. Is that really how they were expecting to live? Was Lady Vanna right? Brent may have been slightly shorter, but Landon could feel him standing over him at the moment trying to play the all-knowing friend. He’d had enough of his over-protective brother act. He could take care of himself. “Look, I’m fine. I’m just taking a few days. Now get out of my face.”

  “Whatever, man. Don’t come crying to me when she’s got your balls in a vice grip and you’re dying to get out.”

  Landon knew he wouldn’t win. His only resolution was to walk away, hide in the solace of his bedroom a few more hours until he could see Talia again. Damn it. He was screwed.

  The day had been monotonous. Talia went along on several different deliveries just to try and keep the evening ahead off of her mind. She’d been so stupid to suggest they meet at Sergio’s. Wasn’t it bad enough that she had so many memories of dates with Mason there? Now she was adding more misery by agreeing to this farce of a date with Landon. The girls had apathetically asked Talia to join them for dinner after their deliveries, and, although she was tempted, she sensed their lack of sincerity and was glad she already had plans. She just refused to tell the girls anything about them. When the shop was closed, the girls didn’t waste a second getting everything put up and ready for their Monday morning tasks so they could get away from her company. Talia was well aware of the distance she’d forced between herself and her friends.

  Shutting off the lights in the shop, she headed upstairs to prepare for her date. She was using the term loosely since she still wasn’t completely on board. Thoughts of backing out crept in her mind dozens of times, but as determined as he’d been, she was certain Landon wouldn’t give up easily. She knew he would continue to show up at Satin until he got what he wanted and Talia couldn’t stomach the thought. Beyond frustrated, she decided to begin her search of the ideal outfit to make her statement. She may have begrudgingly agreed to the date, but only because she wanted him out of her life and off her mind. She didn’t need the distraction that he created in her day-to-day.

  She retreated to the front of her closet, but nothing in her standard attire was appealing. It was at the back that she found what might qualify as acceptable
for this dinner with Landon. She pulled out an old and flouncy chocolate-brown camisole with lace trim for a feminine affect, but layered it with a turquoise waterfall blazer that said strictly platonic. She found a stiff pair of dark denim skinny jeans that she rarely wore, because they did nothing to flatter her body, and added a pair of short brown slouch boots and a brown fedora with a cheetah sash. Her hair was down and looked a little windblown, but it suited her opinion of this date. Her ensemble looked more business than casual and Talia instantly felt it was satisfactory for this evening. She had no intention of trying to make this enjoyable for either of them.

  Checking the clock, she realized if she left soon she would arrive on time. She didn’t intend to seem eager by arriving early, but she didn’t want to be downright rude and show up late, so she set out for her car parked at the bottom of the stairs outside. She could already envision it, her royal-blue diesel Jetta wagon sitting in a halogen halo, mocking her as it waited to carry her away. Heading out the door, Talia snatched her winter coat from its peg and threw it on, trying to keep the chill out and heat in. Once in the car, she cranked up the heater and headed to the swanky diner she agreed to meet Landon at. If nothing more, Talia would at least try to make this evening memorable.

  The streetlights were glowing against the window, creating a romantic feel to the restaurant that was deepened by the burgundy booths draped with jade tablecloths. Landon looked around at young couples out for an evening meal as he removed his leather jacket to reveal the gun-metal gray, corded rib sweater beneath. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his dark wash jeans when he realized he was the only single currently in the place. His mind quickly focused on the ambiance and he got the slightest suspicion that maybe Talia had been playing hard to get; maybe she wanted him and she was captured by the thrill of the game. A cocky grin spread across his face as his fingers scratched along his freshly shaved jaw. If she wanted to play games, he was in. Thoughts of her moaning his name had trickled in when a curvy hostess appeared, her raven hair curling over her shoulders.


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