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Lies in Love

Page 11

by Ava Wood

  His words must have done the trick because she clambered on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, clinging tightly to his jacket.

  He stroked his hand over hers, trying to ease the grip she had on him. If she’d clutched him much tighter it was likely she could have broken his ribs. With each gentle stroke, she loosened her hold until finally she leaned her head against his back. In that moment, he pulled away from the curb. The sudden jolt had her strengthening her hold. He reveled in the feel of her pressed against his back, the way she warmed every inch of him with her nearness. He needed her near him more than he needed his next breath. He just hoped he could convince Camey to keep their secret so he didn’t have to lose Talia now that he had her in his life.

  The ride was over all too soon as they pulled up in front of Landon’s favorite fast food joint. The burgers were thick and greasy, just as they should be.

  Landon held the bike in place as Talia climbed from the back and then he propped up the kickstand before he climbed off himself.

  Talia was fiddling with the strap at her chin, but had no luck removing the helmet.

  “Here, let me.” He unclipped the helmet, briefly letting his hand graze along her cheek, then slipped the helmet over the mirror on his handlebar before taking Talia’s hand and leading her inside.

  “This place is amazing.”

  “So you’ve been here before?” Landon was pleasantly surprised to know Talia had been to his favorite burger joint. It gave him hope that in another life they would have met even if it weren’t for her friends setting them up.

  “I have. They have the best burgers. I love this place.”

  Landon was immediately delighted with his choice, and even more delighted that he got her on the back of his Harley. He’d never had a woman on his bike before, but he longed to have her there again. He was instantly thankful for the ride that awaited them to return her home.

  As the time swiftly ticked by, he longed for more minutes, hours, in the day. He held fast to her hand as she pulled him toward a booth along the front wall, giving him clear sight of his motorcycle. Everything about her was tugging at his heart.

  They took a seat opposite each other and both removed their jackets. Landon began looking over the menu even though he already knew exactly what he’d order. He was startled when he heard her speak.

  “How did you find my shop?”

  The question took him by surprise. “Well, I needed to buy some flowers and your shop had great reviews.”

  Talia ogled him skeptically. “No, I don’t believe that.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Not hardly.”

  Landon searched his mind for a good excuse and decided to go with a near version of the truth. “I have my sources.”

  “Really? You have sources? What sources?”

  “A gentleman never divulges his secrets.” Landon held his finger in front of his lips and mumbled, “Shh.”

  Talia rolled her hazel eyes. The green was practically glowing at him. “Spill.” She smirked, waiting.

  “I went to the club Friday night, because I wanted to see you, but you weren’t there. I recognized your friend, Cassie?” He tried to hide the fact that he knew who Camey was.


  “Yeah, that’s the one. I told her I wanted to see you and she told me where to find you. I suppose she thought it was safe since the flower shop is a public place.”

  “And it’s not?”


  “Is it not safe that you know where my shop is?”

  Was she really asking him this question? “Of course it’s safe. I told you, I’ll never let anything happen to you. I meant that.”

  “Well, if I’m being honest, I’m kinda glad you came by today. I was a little angry you didn’t show last Friday, but this more than makes up for it. And I’m sorry I wasn’t at Satin Friday. I had a…” Talia cleared her throat and continued, “A meeting.”

  Landon nodded, realizing her excuse wasn’t the truth, but he’d accept it. He sensed how hard it was for her to open up to anyone, especially him. “I’m glad I came by today, too. I’ve been dying to see you. I’m just grateful Camey told me where to find you so I wouldn’t have to wait until you decided to return to Satin.”

  “What is that supposed to mean? I told you I had a meeting.”

  “Okay.” Landon smirked at her and saw her mouth curve up into her beautiful smile. “Thank you.”

  Talia’s brow creased. “For what?”

  “For coming out with me again. I’ve actually missed you.”

  “Have you now?”

  “I have.”

  Talia dropped her head to focus on her hands that were fidgeting on the table. “I guess I’ve missed you too.”

  Landon could tell the honesty didn’t come easily for her. He knew she’d been hurt before and he hated that anyone could do that to her. A waitress finally arrived to take their order and Landon began to order for himself, assuming Talia would already have an order in mind since she seemed to love this place as much as he did. “I’ll have a water and a quarter pounder with everything and a large side of fries.”

  “And how about you?” The waitress turned to Talia.

  “I’ll have the same.”

  The waitress looked at Talia skeptically. Landon knew what she was thinking. She was deducing that there was no way they were on a date if Talia was willing to order a burger with everything on it. No woman ever eats that kind of thing in front of a man, especially not on a date. The waitress was wrong and Landon was glad for it. He hated when women only ordered what they thought a man would want them to eat. He liked that Talia had a hearty appetite, but he wondered where she put it all.

  “I know I shouldn’t eat so much, but I’m starving. I haven’t eaten all day and it’s not often I make it out here.”

  “Why not?”

  “I guess because I’m sort of a workaholic.” Talia was fidgeting again. “My sister would say I’m just like my father. He worked his fingers to the bone until my mother left him. She called the business his mistress.”


  Talia nodded, then tried to change the subject. “You must’ve turned on the charm to get Camey to tell you where to find me.”

  “Oh, you know, I can charm the pants off of anyone.” He immediately hated saying that. He was trying for humor, but his statement made him think of all he had been and was trying to no longer be, quickly sending him in search of a change of topic. “So, how long have you been working at the flower shop?”

  “My dad turned it over to me when he married his second wife, Olivia. That was about five years ago. It’s been my baby ever since.”

  “Looks like you do a good job.”

  “I try. I want to make my father proud. He put so much of himself into that place and all I’ve ever wanted was to see it a success for him.”

  “I’m sure he’s very proud.” Landon reached across the table to still Talia’s fidgeting hands. When his skin met hers, he felt his heart skip a beat. The jolt was unexpected and brusquely interrupted when the waitress returned with their drinks.

  When she left the table, Talia asked, “Am I your idea of entertainment, or are you genuinely interested in me?”

  Landon’s jaw dropped. “Why would you ask me that? Of course I’m genuinely interested. Why would you even think anything else?”

  “Frankly, because you’re gorgeous and sexy as hell and I’m frumpy and contemptuous, and I’m obviously no good at keeping a man’s attention.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? You’re beautiful, and you’ve held my attention just fine since the first time I saw you.” She had no idea how long she’d held his attention. Just one glimpse of her picture told him there was something supremely different about her.

  Talia returned to fidgeting. She was looking everywhere but at Landon.

  He returned his hand to hers and this time entwined their fingers. “Why are you so nervous?”
  She didn’t respond, staring at his hand as his thumb caressed her knuckles.

  “Talia, you don’t have to be afraid. Not with me.”

  “I don’t want to be, but it’s hard.” She eased her hand away. “I’m trying.”

  “I know.”

  The waitress returned with their food and they ate in companionable silence, occasionally looking at each other and smiling. With each bite, Landon could tell she was holding back. When they were done eating, he paid the tab and escorted Talia back to his bike, where he skillfully strapped the helmet back on her head. She didn’t hesitate to climb on this time and her gardenia smell quickly encircled him. They rode back to her shop amongst the evening traffic, with her arms wrapped around him, but a little more at ease. When they arrived at her shop, Landon stayed on his bike, not wanting to leave, but unsure of how to request to stay.

  “Would you like to come inside? I could show you around.”

  Landon began fist pumping in his mind. There was no hesitation as he hopped off his bike and followed her inside. He’d take every second he could get with her.

  The shop was dark, nestled beneath the setting sun. He stood behind her patiently as she struggled with the tumbler to the front door. His heart was in his throat, slowly choking the breath out of him as he waited to go inside. Finally the door slipped open and he followed her in. She locked the door behind them then walked straight to the back, led by the dim light of what Landon could only assume was a cooler full of fresh flowers. The shadows of the room closed in around him, mocking him as he followed her to the back room. She flicked a few switches and the entire shop came alive.

  “Welcome to Perfect Petals.” Talia walked back to the front room and began the tour. “My dad opened this place in the late eighties when I was very young. I used to love coming here on the weekends and smelling all of the beautiful flowers.” She traced her hand over several of the potted plants hanging about. She stopped to pull a wilting leaf from one of the plants and continued through the space. “When I was fifteen, my dad bought the shop next door and opened up the space to create a larger storefront, workspace, and storage.” She stopped in front of a glass door identical to the one they had entered through. “This was the original entry, but when my dad added on, he built a larger cooler and closed in this side of the store, so we decided to use the other door for customers.”

  Landon was surprised by the history lesson on her father’s flower shop, and he reveled in listening to her dialogue, to see the passion in her eyes when she spoke of the shop.

  Talia took his hand and led him to the back, passing several gift baskets, stuffed animals, and balloons along the way. They passed through an open doorway to a large workroom with Formica countertops and cabinets lining the east, south, and west walls. In the center sat a massive metal workstation. The north wall was where the cooler was located as well as a staircase leading upstairs. Talia directed Landon past the stairs to the cooler, and she drew him inside. When the door was closed, she took a deep breath and Landon followed.

  The room was cool and smelled of jasmine and roses and a dozen other fragrances all mixed into one. It was intoxicating, but heavenly, so many smells melding together, so many beautiful flowers stored in various containers around the room.

  Talia was flitting around the cooler petting various species of flower as Landon followed behind her smelling each one as she passed. When he reached a long-stemmed flower with a bell at the end, Talia stopped him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Calla lilies aren’t known for having a good odor.”

  Landon laughed. “What are they known for, then?”

  “Well, calla lilies are a common wedding flower and symbolize beauty and purity. Although they aren’t my favorite flower, I’m aware beauty comes in many forms, and each with its own set of faults. The calla lilies’ is its smell.”

  Landon was flummoxed by her statement, but continued to the next flower. “What’s this one?”

  “That is a chrysanthemum. Each color has its own meaning, but that one there, the red, stands for love and affection.”

  “And are these safe to smell?”

  Talia chuckled. “Yes, you may smell those.”

  Landon stopped to smell the flower and then continued to the next. “And what is this one?”

  “That is a bird of paradise. It’s a tropical flower and symbolizes festivity and celebration.”

  “It looks like a party,” Landon laughed.

  “Come on.” Talia began to lead Landon out of the cooler, but he stopped her.

  “Wait, show me your favorite.”

  She stopped and turned to face him, but made no move back into the cooler. “That would be a little difficult since I don’t have any of my favorite on hand.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, it’s a very rare flower. In fact, it’s not a flower you can find outside of a flower shop, because they do not occur in nature due to genetic limitations.”

  “You run a flower shop, but you like mutant flowers?”

  “It’s not a mutant.” Talia pulled Landon back into the workroom and plucked a photo from the wall. “This is my favorite. It’s a blue rose.”

  “It’s beautiful. And not at all a mutant..”

  Talia ran her fingers along the petals in the frame. “It symbolizes mystery.”

  “A mysterious flower for a mysterious woman.” Landon brushed a lock of hair from Talia’s shoulder, sparking the recollection of her cap in his inside jacket pocket. He removed the hat and placed it back in her hand, holding on as she accepted it.

  “Thank you.”

  The conversation ceased. Talia and Landon halted, breathing each other in, analyzing one another. When the air in the room grew heavy, Landon broke the silence, trying to avoid what might happen next for fear that she wasn’t ready. “What’s upstairs?”

  Talia still didn’t speak. She turned around and ascended the stairs, Landon curiously following. At the top were two doors. One straight ahead and the other to his right. Talia retrieved a key from her pocket and opened the door that was straight ahead and waited for Landon to come inside. Once the door was closed, she flipped a switch and a living room appeared before them. “This is my apartment.”

  It wasn’t what Landon expected to be at the top of the stairs. He’d only asked to interrupt the silence. Now he regretted inquiring at all. He knew this was what he wanted, to have Talia all to himself in private, but now that he was here, he knew he couldn’t go through with it. Not as long as his secret loomed between them.

  Talia stepped closer to him, closing the distance. “What’s wrong? Why do you suddenly look scared?”

  Landon rubbed his hand across his brow. “I’m not scared, just conflicted.”


  “Because.” How did he tell her everything without revealing too much? “You don’t know how badly I want to be here, alone with you, but it’s not the right time.”

  “What do you mean it’s not the right time?” Talia took a single step backward, but it was a step that wounded him.

  “God, Talia. I’ve been dying to get inside you, to make you scream my name, but it can’t be tonight. Not when there is still so much unsaid between us.”

  Talia took another step back, a knife to Landon’s heart.

  “Please don’t pull away from me.” He took one large step toward her, putting them only inches apart. “Please.” He placed his hands on either side of her face and turned her eyes to his. “I want this more than I’ve wanted anything in my life, but not tonight, okay?”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes and she pulled her head from his hands. He knew she was trying to hide her vulnerability.

  “Talia.” He needed to know she would be okay. “Please say something.”

  “Just be honest with me. If you don’t want me, just say so.”

  “God, Talia.” He didn’t sustain any longer. He took Talia’s head in his hands again and this time he covered her mouth with his. He took ever
ything he wanted for himself and gave her everything she was needing in return. The kiss was full of passion and need and want. It was full of insecurity and prowess and pride. It was the first kiss that lit a fire in his belly and sent his blood scorching through his veins. And, as the kiss deepened, he felt a growing need below the belt. If he didn’t stop things now, he wouldn’t be able to stop at all. He tenderly pushed Talia away and watched her eyes slowly flutter open. “Please tell me you felt that.”

  Talia nodded. Her lips were full from his wanton kisses and her cheeks were flush. The color brought her wholly to life.

  “This isn’t goodbye or me letting you down gently. This is just a promise of things to come. I do want you in every sense of the word. I will be back to take you as my own, but it can’t be tonight.”

  The tears were gone from her eyes, but the hope remained. He knew she felt the hunger between them and the force that connected them. He knew there was no denying it now.

  “I’m going to go, but before I leave, can I have your number?”

  Talia laughed and took the phone that Landon held out to her. She programmed her number into his phone and, before he left, he wrapped his arm around her and snapped a picture of them together. She opened the door and walked him to the front of the shop, unlocking. the glass door and letting him outside into the steadily decreasing temperature.

  Before he could walk away, he kissed her on the cheek, avoiding another passionate kiss that would keep him in her presence and doing something that he would most likely regret in the morning. “I’ll see you soon.”


  They said the words, but stood gazing at each other. The brusque sound of an approaching hot rod broke their trance and Landon finally said one last goodbye before making his way home.

  Chapter 7

  Get To You

  The morning sun was finally making an appearance on the horizon, sending a few sparse rays through the flower shop window. Talia had been up most of the night reliving that kiss. She could still feel Landon’s lips pressed against hers. Just the thought had her head spinning and her arm reaching for another cup of coffee. She was on her fourth cup and wide awake. She tried to make the most of her time by working on a few upcoming orders and creating arrangements for walk-ins. There wouldn’t be much work for the girls to do when they arrived this morning, but it would give them a chance to do some spring cleaning and get the inventory in order. Sara had been so focused on Talia that she’d been slacking in that department.


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