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ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance

Page 3

by Lydia Rose

  “I know I’m pathetic.” Meg covered her face with her hand.

  Brielle reached for Meg’s hands and took them away from her face. “You just haven’t met the right person.” She purposely left out the pronoun.

  “I’m not very good on dates. I’m too shy and people take that for being stuck up or a snob,” Meg admitted to Brielle freely.

  “If you hadn’t told me you were shy, I never would have known it.”

  “I can’t believe it myself that I’m so comfortable with you, but then it’s probably because we aren’t on a date,” Meg said giggling.

  “Can I ask you something?” Brielle asked.

  “You want to know if I’m gay.” Meg asked as the two women came to a stop on the sidewalk.

  Brielle nodded. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to.”

  Meg looked at the comforting blue eyes. “I would define myself as gay, but I never...” she couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “You’ve never slept with a woman?” Meg nodded. “Have you slept with a man?”

  Meg shook her head firmly. “No.”

  “But you like women?”

  “I’ve dated women, but it never went beyond a few dates.” Meg studied the sidewalk. “I guess they found me dull.”

  Brielle took Meg’s arm. “Well, I don’t find you dull,” she said with a chuckle. “I find you captivating.”

  “You do?” Meg asked shyly.

  Brielle stopped walking and stood in front of Meg. “I do, Meg.”

  “Would you like to have dinner some night or go see a movie?” Meg couldn’t believe she was being this bold and asking Brielle out on a date.

  “I would, Meg.” They began to walk again. “It’s late. Let’s get you home.”

  Once they were in the cab, they switched phones and added their contact to each.

  At Meg’s apartment, Brielle said to the driver, “I’ll be right back.”

  Meg got out of the cab and walked to the front door. “Thank you for a nice evening, Brielle.”

  Brielle moved closer to her and gently kissed Meg’s cheek. “Thanks for a wonderful night, Meg. New Year’s Eve has never been so good.” Brielle turned. “If you want to get together for dinner or a movie, call me.”

  Meg nodded and went inside. Brielle walked back to the cab wearing a wide smile on her face.


  Brielle never heard from Meg all week. So Friday night she decided to go to the club, thinking she was wrong about Meg and that maybe she didn’t enjoy the time they spent together. Putting Meg out of her head, she opened the door to the club. Rachel and Alice were there and greeted Brielle as she walked through the door.

  “I see you two are still together,” Brielle said with a chuckle.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “We’re having fun.”

  Alice just smiled and the two went off to the dance floor.

  Brielle went to the bar and ordered a beer.

  A woman walked up next to her. “Want to dance, Brielle?” the woman asked.

  Brielle turned and saw the young brunette. “It’s Sarah, right?”

  Sarah nodded. “So?” She held out her hand.

  “One dance.” Brielle answered because the last thing she needed was this twenty-something to think she had a chance with her.

  Sarah smiled and took Brielle’s hand and led them to the dance floor. As the song went on, Sarah moved closer to Brielle’s body. Brielle thought Sarah was cute, but much too young for her. When the song ended, Brielle said, “Thanks for the dance, Sarah.”

  Before Brielle could leave the floor, another woman grabbed her hand and led her off. The woman was closer in age to Brielle and they stayed on the dance floor for several songs. As the music slowed, the stranger pulled Brielle into her arms.

  Sarah stood on the sideline watching the two women dance. She was disappointed that again Brielle had turned her down.

  All week long Meg had picked up her phone to call Brielle, but before she pushed the send button she stopped. Meg wished that Brielle had reached out to her, but she had said for Meg to call. The weekend ended without Meg finding the courage to call.

  Sarah was all smiles when she walked into the office Monday morning.

  “You must have had a good weekend,” Meg said with a laugh.

  “Guess who I danced with Friday night?”

  “I have no idea, Sarah.”

  “Brielle Sanders,” Sarah said wearing a wide grin.

  Now Meg was happy she never called Brielle. Obviously, Brielle didn’t enjoy her company as she had hoped.

  “Did she take you home?” Meg asked with a deep swallow.

  “No, I don’t think she takes me seriously, but I’m not giving up.” Sarah sighed, “She left with some other woman.”

  “Hey, Elle.” Barbara called Brielle Monday morning.

  “Hey, Barb. How are you?”

  “Good. I’m going to be in your area today. Do you want to go to lunch?”

  “Yes, meet you at the restaurant by my office at noon.”

  “See you then.”

  Barbara smiled when she saw Brielle walk into the restaurant. They hugged and kissed before they took their seats.

  “I wanted to thank you for keeping Meg company at the holidays. She’s so shy and you two seemed to hit it off.”

  “I liked her. She’s easy to talk with,” Brielle said to Barbara’s wide eyes.

  “She is? You’re the first person I ever heard say that. The first time I met her, she barely said three words for most of the day.”

  “That’s because you never shut up,” Brielle said with a chuckle.

  “Seriously, she has no social skills. Grant you, she’s gotten better, but still.”

  “Well, I liked her,” Brielle insisted. “So are you still with Kevin?”

  “I’ve been going up every other weekend and he’s been coming down, too.” Barbara smiled. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I can’t give up my job here, but I still have strong feelings for him.”

  “You’re going to choose a job over love?”

  “You should talk. When was the last time you had a serious relationship?”

  “Hey, if I met the right woman, I would do anything to keep her.”

  Friday night Brielle thought about Meg and what Barbara had told her. Was it Meg’s shyness that kept her from calling? Brielle decided to reach out in a text.

  What’re ya doing?

  Meg’s response, Nothing.

  Do you want to do nothing together tomorrow?

  I can make dinner for us?

  Sounds good. What time?

  Six thirty?

  See you then.

  Brielle put her phone down with a smile. I guess it was just Meg’s shyness.

  Brielle got to Meg’s apartment just before six thirty. She carried a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine in her hand. Pushing the buzzer, she waited.

  “Come on up, Brielle,” Meg said into the speaker.

  Brielle rode the elevator in anticipation. Her heart was pounding and she took several deep breaths. You have to take this slow. She’s not one of your one night stand girls. The elevator door opened and she walked toward Meg’s apartment. The door opened before she could knock.

  “Hi,” Brielle said.

  “Come on in.” Meg’s face wore a wide smile.

  “These are for you.” Brielle handed her the flowers and wine.

  “Thank you. Have a seat and I’ll put these in water and get you a glass of wine.”

  Brielle was surprised that Meg didn’t seem nervous at all. If truth be told, she was the one who felt nauseous. “Thanks,” Brielle said when Meg handed her the glass of wine.

  “Dinner will be ready shortly.” Meg sat down next to her. “How was your week?”

  “Good. It’s not too busy at this time of the year. How about you?”

  “So many people are on vacation, it was peaceful.” Meg looked at Brielle. “I’m glad you wanted to get together.

  “I thought I would have heard from you last week,” Brielle admitted.

  Meg shrugged. “I wasn’t sure if you really wanted to see me again or if you were just being polite.”

  “Were you afraid to call me?” Brielle asked with a grin.

  Meg nodded shyly. “I’m not used to calling.” She changed the subject. “Have a seat at the table Bri, and I’ll get our plates.”

  “Can I help?” Brielle asked already standing.

  “If you’d like.”

  Brielle followed Meg into the kitchen. Meg handed Brielle the bowl of salad and the garlic bread.

  “I’ll get our plates.”

  They went into the dining area and took their seats.

  “You have a nice place here, Meg.” Brielle took a piece of bread.

  “I’m sure your place is much bigger than this.”

  “Not too much bigger.” Brielle tasted the food and closed her eyes. “This is so good, Meg. You really can cook.”

  Meg smiled. “It’s better when you have someone to cook for.”

  “Do you want to go to the movie or go out after dinner,” Brielle asked.

  “If you want to. I do have movies here we could watch.”

  Brielle smiled. “I’d like that.”

  After they cleaned up, they took a seat on the couch together. As the movie started, Brielle took Meg’s hand and entwined their fingers.

  “Is this okay?” Brielle asked looking at Meg’s face.

  A smile appeared on Meg’s lips as she nodded, forgetting about what Sarah had told her.

  As the movie played on, Meg rested her head against Brielle’s shoulder. Brielle’s stomach tightened. She felt happiness holding this extraordinary woman’s hand. There was no pretense that sex would follow this evening. Brielle knew that Meg wasn’t ready for that. Meg would have to be the one to make the first move. The movie credits began to play and Brielle kissed Meg’s mouth softly.

  “Can I call you tomorrow?” Brielle asked as she stood up.

  Meg nodded and said, “Yes.”

  At the door, Meg initiated the good night kiss. The kiss was deeper this time as their tongues met in passion. Brielle pulled back.

  “Good night, Meg. Thank you for dinner. I had a good time.”

  “Good night, Bri,” Meg said touching Brielle’s hand softly.

  The next day, Brielle invited Meg to lunch.

  Meg rang Brielle’s bell wearing a wide smile.

  “Come on up, Meg,” Brielle said into the speaker.

  They kissed as Brielle opened the door and she took Meg’s hand and led her into the room. “Thanks for coming over. I got us some sandwiches from the deli down the street.”

  Meg smiled. “I guess your mother wasn’t fibbing when she said you couldn’t cook?”

  “No, she was telling the truth,” Brielle said not meeting Meg’s eyes.

  “That’s okay. I don’t think there is any chance of me starving. I could stand to lose a few pounds.”

  “Don’t do that, Meg. You have a lovely body.” Brielle took Meg’s hand again and led her to the dining room.

  “This place is fantastic, Bri. You’re lucky to live in such a wonderful home.”

  “I know. I’m very grateful to my parents.” As they ate their lunch, Brielle told Meg of her news. “My friends are meeting at a club next Saturday. Are you interested in going?”

  Meg put her sandwich down. “I’m not out at work, Brielle.”

  Brielle could see the fear in Meg’s eyes. “That’s why it’s better that we go to a gay club. You’ll be amongst your own,” Brielle said with a smile.

  “Suppose I see one of my employees?” Meg asked nervously thinking of Sarah.

  “If you’d rather not, I’ll tell them we can’t make it,” Brielle relented.

  “Let me think about it, okay?” Meg asked.

  “How about a movie this afternoon?” Brielle asked taking Meg’s mind off going to the club.

  They held hands in the movies and then walked back to Brielle’s apartment picking up a pizza along the way.

  Even though they hadn’t talked about going to the club, Brielle could tell Meg was thinking about it. “Meg, it’s really not important that we go to the club. Really. I’d rather just be with you.”

  “You’re out, Bri. I don’t want you to crawl back into the closet because of me,” her words choked. “Maybe you should find someone who can give you what you need.”

  “I need you, Meg.” Brielle answered honestly and took her hands. “I’m crazy about you and if you need me to hide in the closet with you, I will.”

  “I won’t have you do that. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to you.” Meg looked at Brielle. The tears were evident in her eyes. “I’m thirty five years old and I still worry about what people will think.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Meg. It’s not important that we go,” Brielle said taking Meg’s hands.

  “It is. I like you Brielle and it’s time I threw open that closet door,” Meg said with a weak smile.

  “Don’t make a decision yet, Meg. I don’t want you to go and then regret it.”

  Meg nodded her head. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s eat our pizza before it gets cold,” Brielle said with a smile.

  Tonight when they said good night, Meg wrapped her arms around Brielle and pulled her tightly to her body. Their kisses went on for a long time until Brielle pulled away breathless.

  “Wow. You sure can kiss,” Brielle said fanning herself with her hand.

  Meg began to blush. “Good night, Bri. Thanks for asking me over.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Brielle said before Meg left the apartment.


  Meg was getting dressed for work Monday morning putting on her black suit. The A-line skirt came just above her knees and her black boots complimented the outfit. A lavender silk blouse finished off the outfit. As she applied her make-up, she looked at herself in the mirror. The smile she wore this morning wasn’t forced. It radiated across the mirror and Meg knew it was because of Brielle.

  As she walked into her building, the smile remained in place. Her secretary noticed the change.

  “Looking good, boss,” Sarah said as she walked into the office.

  Meg smiled. “Good morning, Sarah.” She ignored the comment.

  “You must have had a good weekend.” Sarah followed Meg into her office. “I’ve never seen you look so...” she looked at Meg searching her mind for the right word. “Dazzling.”

  Meg chuckled. “Dazzling?” Again Meg didn’t agree or disagree. “What have we got on the schedule this morning?”

  The two women went through Meg’s schedule and then Sarah went back to her desk. Meg turned and looked at the skyline behind her. Her cell phone began to ring and from the ring tone she knew who it was. “Hi, Brooke.”

  “Hey, girl. How about lunch today. I’m going to be in your area,” Brooke said to her friend.

  “Sure. The café at noon?” Meg asked.

  “See you there.” Brooke disconnected the call.

  Just before noon, Meg walked toward the café’. As she opened the door, she saw Brooke was already seated. The women hugged when Meg approached.

  “Don’t you look nice,” Brooke said taking in Meg’s outfit.

  “Thank you,” Meg answered shyly.

  “So did you have a good time at the party?” Brooke asked.

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “I heard you left with Brielle Sanders,” Brooke said looking carefully at her friend.

  “I did.”

  “So what’s going on?” Brooke asked leaning across the table.

  “What do you mean?” Meg asked, but her eyes never left the menu.

  “You know exactly what I’m asking.” Brooke forced Meg’s eyes to meet hers.

  “We’re seeing each other,” Meg said softly.

  “Really?” Brooke asked surprised. This answer she didn’t expect. “So are yo
u a couple now?”

  Meg nodded.

  “Have you slept with her?” Brooke asked quickly.

  Meg looked up shocked that Brooke would even pose the question. “No,” she said firmly.

  “How many times have you gone out with her?” Brooke asked knowing Meg’s past dates didn’t go beyond a few.

  “Well, we spent the Christmas Holiday together, but we weren’t a couple then. We met again at your party. We went to have a bite to eat afterwards.” Meg looked off into space before finishing her answer. “Then I made dinner for her Saturday night and I went to her place yesterday.”

  “Wow. Brielle must really like you,” Brooke said, then realized she should have kept those thoughts to herself. “I mean, you two must have a lot in common because I’ve heard she’s dated a lot of women and hasn’t been in a serious relationship in a long time.”

  Meg shrugged. “We just click. I don’t feel shy when I’m with her.” Meg leaned forward. “Would you believe I’m the one who started the conversation on the train when we first met?” Now Meg wondered, who did Brooke ask to find out about Brielle.

  Brooke smiled and touched Meg’s hand. “You finally found your soul mate.”

  Meg laughed. “You’re such a romantic, Brooke. She’s not my soul mate.” That’s what Meg said, but she wasn’t so sure that Brooke was wrong. “I like Brielle, but we’ll have to see where this relationship goes. Who did you ask about her?”

  “Caitlyn. She’s been out with Brielle and she said they had one night together and then she never heard from her again. If she stays around, eventually you’re going to have to sleep with her. Are you ready for that?” Brooke asked quietly.

  Meg thought about the question Brooke proposed. She loved kissing Brielle. She loved the feel of her body against hers, but could she overcome her shyness completely to open herself that way? “Brielle’s not rushing me.”

  Brooke leaned forward again. “You’re my closest friend. You can talk to me about anything, Meg. If you need to talk, please call me anytime.”

  “Thanks, Brooke. I appreciate that.”

  “Let’s finish our lunch before we have to get back to work,” Brooke said with a smile.

  As Meg was walking to her bus, she looked up and saw her. “Bri,” she whispered softly. Brielle was walking toward her even though she hadn’t looked up yet. Meg watched as the recognition hit Brielle’s face. The smile grew wide.


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