ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance
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The women agreed to stay in their own apartments Tuesday night, but they had been on the phone for the last hour.
“I miss you, Meg.”
“I miss you, too. I can’t wait for Friday night so we can be together the whole weekend.”
“Uh, about that,” Brielle said dreading telling Meg. “I’m going to Connecticut Saturday morning.”
“Really?” Meg asked not believing her words.
“It’s my mother’s birthday and I promised to come up.”
Meg’s sigh was deep. “Can we at least have Friday night?”
“Come up with me, Meg,” Brielle said excited.
“I couldn’t, Bri.”
“Why? My family is crazy about you. My mother’s been asking about you since Christmas. I admitted to her that we were dating. She’s very happy, Meg.”
“She is?”
“Yes, Meg, she is.” Brielle waited from Meg to speak.
“If I go, will we be able to sleep in the same bed?” Meg was happy that she was asking her question on the phone because she felt her face blush.
Brielle giggled. “Yes, baby. We will be sleeping in the same bed and I’m even going to make love to you in that bed.”
“Bri, we can’t do that in your parent’s home. That wouldn’t be right.”
“Whatever you say, but I have my ways of convincing you,” Brielle continued to giggle.
“Okay, I’ll go.”
“Good. I’ll give my mother a call tomorrow to let her know.”
“Is Barbara coming up?”
“Barbara’s been coming up every other weekend since Christmas to see Kevin. I’m not sure if this is his weekend to come to New York.”
“So I guess it’s getting serious with them?” Meg asked. “That would explain why I haven’t heard from her in weeks.”
“You know how it is with new love. Right, Meg?”
“Yes, I finally can understand what it’s like to miss someone the moment they leave your presence.”
“I feel the same way, Meg.” Brielle just realized something and asked, “Does Barbara know you’re gay?” Brielle asked.
Meg paused, “I never told her.”
“Isn’t this going to be a shock? She did try and fix you up with Billy.”
“I guess I better call her.”
“Please do. Otherwise she’ll be calling me pissed that I seduced you.”
“I better let you get some sleep,” Brielle said with a sigh.
“Okay, go get some sleep, too,” Meg said regretfully.
“Sleep well, Meg. I...” Brielle almost said it. Diane was right, the words were going to slip out and she wanted to see Meg’s face when she said them. “Good night, Meg.”
“Good night, Bri.” Meg hung up the phone and wondered if Brielle was going to tell her she loved her, but caught herself.
Meg wondered how her conversation with Barbara was going to go. Would she be hurt that Meg never shared this part of her life or would she be upset that she never felt close enough to Barbara to tell her?
They both worked for the same banking corporation and Meg met Barbara at a local corporate meeting. The two women hit it off immediately because where Meg was very shy, Barbara was warm and friendly. Barbara took Meg under her wing socially and helped her through what would have been a difficult weekend. That was a year ago and although Barbara shared her personal life with Meg, she only gave vague information. Barbara knew Meg was from Pennsylvania and that she had two brothers. Meg’s parents were both successful attorneys as were her brothers. Meg didn’t tell her that she was not close to her family. That she was never close to her family. Her parents’ work took them all over the country and they had left the children in the care of a housekeeper and babysitters. Meg’s mother was the only one who knew about her sexuality and that was because she caught her at the age of eighteen kissing another girl. Her mother’s reaction was to tell Meg how disappointed she was and that she never wanted to talk about it again. So from that day, Meg hid her sexuality from everyone that knew her.
The time had come for Meg to be honest. Brielle had opened a whole new world to Meg and it was time to step out of the closet and be proud.
“Good morning, Barb. How are you?” Meg asked, calling Barbara’s office the following morning.
“I’m great, Meg. So, to what do I owe this phone call?”
“Are you free for lunch today?” Meg asked trying to sound upbeat.
“Sure. The café downstairs?”
“See you at noon.”
“Got to run, hon. I’ll see you later,” Barbara said quickly and hung up.
Meg made sure she was the first to arrive at the café so she could ask for a table with privacy. She watched as Barbara walked in and scanned the crowd. Meg stood up and waved her over. They hugged each other and took their seats.
Barbara was her usual bubbly self. “I’m so glad you called. We haven’t spoken since Christmas. I’ve been so busy between work and...” Barbara smiled.
“How are you and Kevin doing?” Meg asked with a grin of her own.
Barbara leaned forward. “Good. I’ve been going up to Connecticut every other weekend and he’s been coming down, too.” She looked at Meg. “How did you know I was still seeing him?”
“Brielle told me,” Meg answered softly.
“You’ve talked to Elle since Christmas?”
Meg nodded. “We met again at a New Year’s Eve party.”
Barbara looked at Meg. “Spill it.”
“As I said we met again at the party and began seeing each other after that,” Meg said with a shrug.
“What do you mean seeing each other?” Barbara asked leaning forward.
“Bri and I have been dating,” Meg swallowed hard.
“Dating? What do you mean dating?” Barbara asked raising her voice. “You’re not gay,” she said firmly.
“I am, Barbara.”
“No, you’re not. My cousin seduced you, didn’t she?” Barbara’s face wore a scowl.
“No, she didn’t. I’m sorry that I never told you.”
Barbara sat back in her chair. “So when you told me you were out on a date, it was with a woman?”
Meg nodded.
Barbara chuckled nervously. “I tried to fix you up with Billy.”
“I know. I would have told you that weekend, but after Kevin showed up,” Meg shrugged, “we never got the chance to talk.”
“But you told Elle?”
“No. We went out as friends a few times and I knew she wanted to ask me, but she was hesitating. I finally admitted it to her.”
“So you two are a couple?” Barbara said as if she were talking to herself. “Does her mother know?”
“Yes. We’re going up this weekend for Melanie’s birthday.”
“Are you two serious?” Barbara asked reaching for Meg’s hands.
Meg nodded. “I’m in love with her, Barb.”
“You are? Does Elle love you?”
“I don’t know. We haven’t said it to each other.” Meg looked away. “I’m afraid I’ll scare her off if I tell her.”
Barbara’s head nodded up and down. “I know Elle said she was in love with Amy, but I could never see it. They were never affectionate with each other and I just got the vibe that they were both together until something better came along.” Barbara chuckled. “Amy found that someone better and left Elle, but she wasn’t heartbroken.” Barbara rubbed Meg’s hand. “I love my cousin dearly, but are you sure about a relationship with her?”
“Yes, Barb. If she breaks my heart, she breaks my heart.” Meg stared off into space. “I don’t think she’s going to do that.”
“Well, I can’t wait to see the two of you together. I’m going up Friday night.” Barbara stood up. “So I guess I’ll see you Saturday.” The two women hugged good bye and went back to work.
Brielle and Meg sat on the train up to Connecticut Saturday morning. Meg f
idgeted in her seat and kept sighing.
Brielle chuckled. “Are you all right?” She reached for Meg’s hand and held it.
Meg looked at Brielle. “I’m nervous.”
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. I told you my mother liked you from the moment she met you. Everything will be fine.”
“What about your dad and sister?” Meg asked wide eyed
“Dad’s an easy going guy and Cindy is the same way. They are all going to love you.”
“I hope so,” Meg said softly.
The two women walked into the house. “Hey, anyone home?” Brielle called from the foyer.
“Back here, Elle,” Melanie called from the kitchen.
Brielle pushed the door open with Meg trailing behind.
Melanie went to her daughter and hugged her. “How are you, honey?”
“Fine, Mom. You remember Meg.”
“Of course I do,” Melanie said hugging the shy woman. “I’m so happy you could join us this weekend, Meg. Do you girls want something to eat?”
“No, Mom, we ate earlier,” Brielle answered.
“Elle, why don’t you bring your things up to your room and let Meg and I get to know each other.”
Brielle raised an eyebrow and looked at a frightened Meg. “Don’t scare her,” she said pointing her finger.
Melanie pushed Brielle toward the door. “Go away and leave us alone,” she said with a laugh.
Brielle left the room reluctantly.
“Have a seat.” Melanie pointed to a kitchen chair. “I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you’re seeing Elle. She’s been drifting these last few years and I did not like that woman Amy she was seeing. They weren’t right for each other. I tried to tell Elle, but she didn’t want to hear it.” Melanie took Meg’s hands. “You two will be good together. I see the love you have for my daughter.” Meg’s eyes opened wide. “I knew my daughter was in love with you when she told me you two were dating. Seeing her face confirmed my suspicions. You are in love with Elle?”
Meg nodded. “I haven’t told her.”
“I didn’t want to scare her away,” Meg admitted.
“You won’t scare her, dear. Trust me on this.”
Meg nodded and sniffled. “Thank you.”
Brielle came back into the kitchen and saw Meg crying. “What did you say to her?” she asked kneeling next to Meg.
“I’m happy, Bri. These are tears of joy,” Meg said wrapping her arms around Brielle’s neck.
Brielle sat on the floor with a thud. “You had me scared there for a minute.”
“Get off the floor, Elle. I like Meg,” Melanie said with a laugh. “You, not so much.”
“Funny, Ma, real funny.” Brielle got up off the floor shaking her head.
Melanie and Meg began to laugh.
The front door opened and closed and a moment later Barbara poked her head into the kitchen. “Hello all.” Barbara kissed her aunt. “Happy Birthday Aunt Melanie.”
“Thank you, dear.”
“You,” Barbara said going up to her cousin shaking her head. “Billy’s going to be heartbroken when he hears about you two.” Barbara looked over her shoulder and winked at Meg.
“Oh yeah.” Brielle pulled Meg close and put her arm around her waist. “Let him go find his own girl. This one is mine,” she said smiling at Meg.
Barbara hugged the two women. “I’m happy for you both.” She looked at Melanie. “Where are you all going to dinner?”
“Antonio’s,” Melanie said with a smile.
“You don’t mind that I’m bringing Kevin with me?”
“Of course not, dear. The more the merrier.”
“Jennifer said to say she was sorry that she can’t make it this year. She went down to New York with her boyfriend.”
“I understand. Tell her not to worry.”
Barbara watched as Brielle held onto Meg’s hand and they sat at the table whispering to each other. She leaned over to Melanie. “This looks like a much better match then the last one,” she said with a wink at her aunt.
“Much better,” Melanie answered.
On the train back to New York, Brielle asked, “So, did you have a good time this weekend?”
Meg smiled. “I always have a good time when I’m with you, Bri,” she said squeezing Brielle’s hand.
Brielle brought Meg’s hand to her mouth and kissed her hand softly. “I wish we had planned this weekend better.” Meg raised an eyebrow. “I mean that I wish I brought clothes for work tomorrow. I don’t really feel like leaving you tonight.”
Meg’s eyes grew dark as she looked at Brielle’s face. “We could make a stop at your place and then go on to mine or I could go pack an overnight bag and go to your place?”
“That sounds great. How about we go to your apartment and you can unpack this bag and pack for the office tomorrow?” Brielle asked hopefully.
Within an hour of getting back to New York, they were curled up on Brielle’s couch for the evening.
“I know we haven’t been dating long, but I find myself missing you during the week so much,” Brielle admitted.
“I miss you too, Bri.” Meg wanted to tell her how much by telling her she loved her. Even though her mother tried to assure Meg that Brielle was indeed in love with her, she couldn’t risk telling her too soon.
As soon as Meg got to her office in the morning she saw Sarah hadn’t gotten to work yet. She no sooner sat down when the phone rang. “Margaret Wilson.”
“Meg, it’s Sarah. I’m sorry, but I think I’ve got a virus,” Sarah said nasally into the phone.
“You sound terrible, Sarah. Don’t worry about work and get some rest. If you don’t feel well tomorrow, give me a call.”
“Thanks, Meg, I really appreciate it.”
“Get better.”
Meg went about her work and didn’t even notice that it was near lunch. A soft knock on her open door caused her head to snap up. One of her many bosses was standing in the doorway. “Ms. Grimes, please come in.”
“I’m sorry, but your secretary wasn’t out there,” Grace Grimes said, walking into the room.
“Sarah is out sick today.” Meg motioned to the chair in front of her desk. “Please have a seat.”
“Thank you,” Grace said sitting down.
“Is there something I can do for you?” Meg asked trying to slow her pounding heart.
“I came to ask you if you’re free for dinner tonight,” Grace said smiling.
“Uh,” Meg answered, and looked at Grace’s face. “Is there something you wanted to discuss with me?”
“I wanted to discuss the merger and what it will mean to your department.”
“Uh,” Meg said again.
Grace flashed her winning smile. “I’m sure your girlfriend will understand.”
“Uh,” she said again.
“I’ll meet you in the lobby at five thirty,” Grace said and left her office.
Meg sat there with her mouth still hanging open. What the hell just happened?
She picked up the phone. “Hi, Bri,” she said into the phone when Brielle answered.
“Hi, baby. I’m glad you called. What do you want me to pick up for dinner?” Brielle asked excited.
“About that,” Meg took a breath, “I can’t make it.”
“I have to have dinner with my boss.” Meg forgot she was talking to Brielle when she started ranting. “She came in here and asked me if I was free for dinner and then didn’t even let me say no. Who the hell does she think she is and how did she know I have a girlfriend?”
“Meg?” Brielle asked trying to get a word in.
“She’s never suggested having dinner before. We’ve always had our meetings here in the office.” Meg let out a long breath.
“Honey, calm down.”
“I’m sorry, Bri.”
“Tell me what happened, but s
tay calm.”
“The president of my division came in and said she wanted to have dinner to discuss the merger with me.” Meg got angry again. “Who the hell does Grace Grimes thinks she is?”
“My boss,” Meg answered.
“What did you say her name was?” Brielle asked hoping she heard wrong.
“Grace Grimes.” Meg took a breath. “Do you know her?”
“Uh,” Brielle said.
“You do know her. Please tell me you’ve never slept with her?” Meg said starting to hyperventilate. “Bri?”
“I heard that already. Please tell me.”
“Well, we never actually slept together,” Brielle paused. “We...” she felt the sweat forming on her lip. “We kind of fooled around at the club one night.”
“Oh, Bri,” Meg said, choking on a sob.
“I’m sorry, Meg. I never touched her again.” Brielle swallowed hard. “She pursued me, but I told her I wasn’t interested.”
“Oh, that’s so much better. You turn her down and now she knows you and I are seeing each other. I’m so screwed.”
“Maybe she doesn’t know it’s me you’re seeing?”
“She knows. I now understand the look she gave me when she said I’m sure your girlfriend would understand.” Meg covered her hand with her mouth. “I am so screwed. She’s going to get back at you through me, isn’t she?”
“No, Meg,” that’s what Brielle said, but she didn’t believe it herself. She had too much to drink that night that Grace led her to the bathroom, but she did know she didn’t want to repeat the act. There was no heat between them and once she had satisfied Grace, she tore out of the bathroom and the club. “Honey, do you want me to call her?”
“Of course I don’t. I’m a vice president. I don’t need my girlfriend fighting my battles.” Meg shook her head in disbelief.
At least she’s still calling me her girlfriend, Brielle thought. “Can I do anything?”
Meg took a deep cleansing breath. “No, Bri, I’m sorry for getting upset.”
“Honey, you have every right to get upset. I’m sorry for my past.”
“I’m sure it won’t be the last time I run into one of your past indiscretions,” Meg said with a chuckle, even though her head felt like it was going to explode.