ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance

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ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance Page 11

by Lydia Rose

  Brielle and Meg didn’t say much during dessert. After the remainder of the dishes were cleaned up, Brielle reached for her jacket.

  “My mom wants you to come to breakfast tomorrow morning. Barb, your parents will be there, too. Of course, you’re invited too, Meg,” Brielle said looking at her.

  “We’ll be there,” Barbara said before Meg could respond.

  “So was this your plan?” Meg asked standing with her arms across her chest.

  “What plan?”

  “Come to Connecticut for the weekend and then once I get here, a job is offered? Then if the job isn’t enough, oh guess what, Brielle lives here, too?” Meg began to pace back and forth in the living room.

  “Meg, calm down. I knew about the job, but Brielle has nothing to do with the offer.” Barbara reached for Meg and sat her down on the couch next to her. “I don’t know what happened between you and Brielle, but I know she hasn’t been the same since you two broke up. I’ve tried to set her up with women from work and she has no interest.” Barbara turned on the couch. “I was against you seeing Brielle in the beginning, but I think you were good for her. I haven’t seen her as happy with any other woman she’s dated.” She stood up. “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Barbara,” Meg said still sitting on the couch.


  Arthur Sanders opened the door to his newly arrived guests. “Hello, come in.” He greeted them happily. Arthur hugged Barbara and shook Kevin’s hand. Then he moved to Meg. “It’s so good to see you again,” Arthur said wrapping his arm around her.

  “You too, Arthur,” Meg said with a smile.

  Arthur led them to the living room where they greeted Sam Ramsey. “Hi, honey.” Sam greeted his daughter. “Kevin, the game just started.”

  “I’ll go greet the ladies and be right back,” Kevin said already going to the kitchen.

  “Are you having a nice weekend here?” Sam asked Meg.

  “Yes, sir. Your town is very lovely.” Meg smiled showing she was being serious.

  “No better place to live. It took my daughter a long time to realize that.”

  “Dad, it helped that I had a job to come home to,” Barbara said with a roll of her eyes.

  “And Kevin,” Arthur added.

  Barbara put her arm through Meg’s. “Let go see the moms.”

  They walked into the kitchen and Barbara went to greet her mother. Melanie Sanders made a beeline for Meg.

  “Meg, it’s so good to see you again,” Melanie said hugging the young woman close. “It’s been too long.”

  “Hello, Melanie. Thanks for having me today.”

  “You are always welcome here, Meg.” Melanie smiled.

  Jennifer Ramsey now took Melanie’s place and hugged Meg, too. “Welcome, dear. We’re happy you’re here.”

  “Thank you.” Meg moved into the kitchen further. “Is there something I can help you with?”

  “We’re just about set. Why don’t you go upstairs and get my daughter to come down.”

  Meg looked at Barbara waiting for her to offer to go. When she didn’t, Meg headed for the stairs. She knocked on Brielle’s door softly.

  “Come in,” Brielle called from inside.

  Meg poked her head inside and said, “Your mom sent me to get you.”

  “Oh, hi Meg,” Brielle said as she turned from her desk. She stood up and walked over to her. “I’m sorry about all this. I’m sure you didn’t expect to see me twice in this short weekend.”

  “Brielle, it’s fine. I don’t hate you,” Meg said with a chuckle.

  Brielle looked at Meg for a moment before she spoke again. “I’m really proud that you were so right about going to work for Steve. I understand you did very well when he sold the company.”

  “I got lucky, yes.” Meg shrugged. “Even if he didn’t sell, I enjoyed working there. Not only with Steve, but his staff.” She grinned. “I still can’t believe you left the city,” Meg said with a shake of her head.

  Brielle shrugged. “I’m enjoying a slower pace.” She looked at Meg with just a glance. “I guess you aren’t going to take the job offer?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Meg saw Brielle swallow hard with her answer. “I like the town and everything, but I’m not sure.”

  “I understand. If you never lived here, you might be thinking that living in the suburbs at your age is weird.” Brielle stuck her hands in her front pockets. “I’m sorry that you have to waste your Sunday here at my parents’ house.”

  “Living in the suburbs is not weird,” Meg said with a shrug. “It’s just different, and I like your parents. They treat me better than my own family does.”

  “My mom asks about you all the time.” Brielle grinned. “When we broke up she wanted your phone number so she could check up on you.”

  “She never called me,” Meg said surprised.

  “That’s because I never gave her your number.” Brielle walked toward the door. “We’d better go down before she sends someone else up here to get us both.”

  When they reached the kitchen, everyone was seated at the table.

  “Here they are,” Melanie said as she motioned for them to take their seats.

  The food was passed around the table and everyone began to eat the feast that was laid before them.

  Jennifer Ramsey, Barbara’s mother looked at Meg. “I heard you were offered a wonderful position here in Connecticut?”

  “I was,” Meg said looking at her.

  “That’s wonderful. You will love this area and if you are looking to buy a home,” Jennifer’s eyebrows rose, “there is a home for sale down the street from here.”

  “Mom,” Barbara said touching her mother’s hand.

  “I just want to give Meg options. The house is owned by a couple who bought the house two years ago and updated the entire house. It’s a shame that he got transferred to Atlanta, but it will be a great deal for someone. Especially since the house is sitting empty at this time.” Jennifer turned to her sister. “You’ve been inside the house. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Melanie smiled. “It is very beautiful.”

  “I haven’t accepted the job,” Meg said trying to change the subject. “Besides, I haven’t lived in a home since I left for college. It’s so much easier living in an apartment.”

  “Yes, but the house is a good investment,” Jennifer insisted.

  “Mom, please. Leave Meg alone.”

  Her mother held up her hands in defeat. “Okay, dear. Don’t get so testy.”

  Barbara rolled her eyes at Meg and shrugged her shoulders.

  Meg smiled. “Thank you, Jennifer. I’ll keep the house in mind.”

  Monday morning, Meg asked Barbara to take her to work with her.

  “Are you accepting the job?” Barbara asked.

  “Yes. If I don’t like it here, I can always quit.”

  “That’s great, Meg. So was it because of Elle or in spite of Elle?”

  “Brielle has nothing to do with my decision.” Meg shrugged. “I have nothing left in New York. Maybe a fresh start here will be just what I need.”

  “Are you interested in seeing Brielle again?” Barbara asked moving closer to Meg.

  “Brielle is the one who broke up with me. I told her I needed time to think about our relationship and she walked away.”

  “What did you need to think about?” Barbara asked, not understanding.

  “Everyone kept telling me that Brielle would never stay with one woman and I kept hearing she was with women in the club.” Meg shrugged again. “Most of what I heard wasn’t true, but it was still upsetting.”

  “All I can tell you is that I’ve tried to fix Elle up with women that I work with and she had no interest. She’s been here for months and I’ve never seen her with a woman.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m here to work and not date.”


  Once Meg accepted the offer from Tom, she began
to transition her life. Tom had set Meg up in one of the corporate suites and she began to go through her things to see what she was keeping and what she was giving away. The week went quickly and by Saturday morning, Meg was on her way to Connecticut in her new car.

  As she pulled up to the corporate suites, she took her suitcases and went up to her room. The things she was keeping and her extra clothes were safely stored in a storage unit until she could figure out where she was going to live. As evening approached Meg got into her car to go look for something to eat for dinner. A small café caught her eye as she drove through Main Street and she pulled over. Eating alone was always an uncomfortable experience for her, but she had no choice. She took a deep breath as she opened the door.

  “How many?” the hostess asked.

  “Just one,” Meg said not meeting the gaze of the woman. She was led to a booth and handed a menu. “Thank you.”

  “Enjoy your meal,” the hostess said and walked away.

  Meg perused the menu and read the board for the specials. Deciding on what she wanted, she closed the menu and looked around at the other patrons.

  “What can I get you?” the waitress asked as she approached.

  “I’ll have the lasagna and a cup of coffee.”

  “Good choice,” the woman said with a smile. “I’ll get your coffee.”

  Meg ran her hand across the top of the table absently. It wasn’t until she felt someone near her table that she looked up. “Bri,” she said surprised.

  “Hi. Congratulations on the new job,” Brielle said smiling down at her. “The food is very good here.”

  Meg looked behind Brielle to see if she was with someone.

  “I’m by myself,” she said understanding.

  “Would you like to join me?” Meg asked motioning to the other side of the both.

  Brielle took a seat. “Thanks. I hate to eat alone.”

  “Me too,” Meg said softly.

  The waitress came back with Meg’s coffee. “Hi, Elle. Are you staying?”

  “I am, Mary. I’ll have a cup of coffee and the cheeseburger with fries.”

  “Sure, Elle. Be right back.”

  “I take it you eat here a lot?”

  “I went to school with Mary and I have frequented this place over the years,” Brielle said with a wide smile. “So did you find a place to live yet?”

  “I haven’t started looking yet. I’m staying in one of the corporate suites.”

  “Don’t forget about the house that’s for sale on my parents’ street,” Brielle said with a grin and a wink.

  Meg chuckled. “You never told me where you’re working.”

  “A small advertising firm not far from your building.”

  “Don’t you miss the money you were making in the city?” Meg asked glancing at Brielle.

  Brielle shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t need as much here as I did there.” Brielle rested her hands in her lap and asked, “Have you heard from Sarah?”

  Meg smiled. “Yeah, she has a job in the city.” Meg grinned. “I asked her if she wanted to move to Connecticut. She laughed at me.”

  “I guess at her age moving here is too over the hill.”

  “I’m not over the hill yet,” Brielle said with a giggle.

  “No, you’re not, but for a twenty five year old it might be too boring.”

  “Are there any lesbian clubs around here?” Meg asked to Brielle’s shocked face.

  “No. A few towns over, but not around here.” Brielle leaned forward. “Do you want me to get you some information?”

  “No,” Meg said with a shake of her head. “I was just wondering where you were hanging out.”


  Mary brought their plates over. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Some more coffee,” Meg said.

  “Me too, Mary.”

  The two women began to eat their meals letting the silence take over.

  “I was surprised when Barbara told me Grace had been fired,” Brielle said.

  “Me, too. Apparently, we weren’t the only people she had been harassing. Others came forward after I quit. Barbara made it her mission to get rid of that woman,” Meg said with a chuckle. “That was another reason why I wanted to leave New York. She must be pissed and I didn’t want to be around to feel her wrath.”

  “What was the first reason?”

  “Excuse me?” Meg asked.

  “You said Grace was another reason. What was the first reason?”

  “There was nothing left for me there.” Meg answered not meeting Brielle’s stare.

  “I know what you mean.”

  Meg looked up and met the blue eyes. “I hope we can go back to being friends again.”

  “I’d like that,” Brielle said with a wide smile. “Do you ride a bike?”

  “I haven’t in more years than I can remember. Why?”

  “Because we have such great bike trails around here. There are extra bikes at my parents’ home if you ever want to go with me.”

  “Sure. Give me a call the next time you’re going.”

  “I’m going tomorrow,” Brielle said with a grin.

  Meg chuckled. “What time do you want me to be at your parents’ home?”

  “Knowing my mother, she’ll want you to have breakfast first. How about nine?”

  Meg nodded as she signaled to Mary for the bill. “I’ll see you then,” she said as she took the bill from Mary.


  “Mom, Meg and I are going bike riding this morning.” Brielle told her mother as she walked into the kitchen.

  “You and Meg will have breakfast first, right?” Melanie asked.

  Brielle smiled. “I told her you would want to feed her first.”

  “Are you back together?” Melanie asked.

  “No, Mom. We’re trying to be friends again,” Brielle said with a shake of her head.

  “That’s a start, honey,” Melanie said cupping her daughter’s chin.

  The doorbell rang. “There she is now.”

  After breakfast, Meg stood up and hugged Melanie. “Once I get my own place, I’ll have to have you and Arthur over for dinner. You keep feeding me these wonderful meals.”

  “I’m happy to have you here, Meg,” Melanie said with a wide smile.

  They went to the garage to get the bikes and then went out to the street.

  “The trail is only a few blocks away,” Brielle said pointing to the end of the street.

  They began to ride, but as they neared the end of the street, Meg stopped the bike. Brielle realized she was alone and turned around riding back toward Meg.

  “Is this the house your aunt was talking about?” Meg asked pointing to the house.

  “Yes. It’s nice, isn’t it?”

  “Beautiful. It says there’s an open house today. I think I’ll be nosy and take a look.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” Brielle asked with a laugh. “I think once you see the inside, you are going to want it.”

  “No, I won’t, but it will give me ideas for a future home.”

  Brielle shrugged. “Whatever you say. Let’s go for our ride. We’ll be back in plenty of time for the open house.”

  The two women rode for the next two hours and when they got back to Brielle’s family home, Meg sat on the front steps, exhausted.

  “You shouldn’t try to wear me out on the first ride,” Meg said taking deep breaths. “I may not ride with you anymore.”

  Brielle laughed. “Admit it, you loved it.”

  Meg giggled. “Okay, I did.”

  “Let’s go get some water and then you can go to the open house.” Brielle already had the back door opened.

  “Do you want to come with me?” Meg asked.

  Brielle shrugged casually. “If you want me to.”

  The two women walked down the street and up onto the porch. The porch ran the full length of the front and the deep mahogany door stood open.

  “Hi, I
’m Maureen Jensen. Please come inside.”

  Meg and Brielle walked into the large foyer. “Wow,” Meg said looking at the beautiful hardwood floors.

  “Which one of you is interested in the house or are you a couple?” Maureen asked.

  Brielle pointed to Meg. “I’m Margaret Wilson and I just moved to the area. This is my friend Brielle Sanders. Not sure if I’m looking for a home or an apartment, but Brielle’s aunt told me about this home.”

  “Well, have a look around and let me know if you have any questions. The house being empty doesn’t do this house justice,” Maureen said sadly.

  “Let’s see the upstairs first,” Meg said to Brielle.

  “There are four bedrooms upstairs,” Maureen added.

  Meg walked through the three spare bedrooms and bathroom before stepping into the master bedroom. She had yet to comment until she reached this room.

  “This room is so big,” Meg said before stepping into the master bathroom. “Oh, my God. Bri, look at this room.”

  Brielle stood behind Meg with her mouth slack jawed. The bathroom was surrounded by marble. The double sinks had marble tops and a new claw foot tub was at one end and a double shower with floor to ceiling marble was at the other end.

  “It’s beautiful, Meg,” Brielle whispered.

  At the end of the bathroom was a large walk-in closet. The room was the size of a small bedroom and professionally organized.

  “You were right. I never should have seen this house,” Meg said softly.

  “We still have the downstairs and the backyard to see,” Brielle said with a laugh.

  The kitchen was a chef’s dream. There was a large commercial stove and granite countertops throughout the kitchen. The kitchen island could seat six people comfortably. Brielle went over to the sliding glass door and pushed it open.

  “Wait until you see this deck, Meg.”

  Meg hurriedly followed behind and her shoulders slumped. “This place is perfect.”

  “Then why do you look disappointed?”

  “Because I don’t want a house,” Meg said, now trying to convince herself.

  “Okay,” Brielle said with a laugh.

  Maureen walked out onto the deck. “What do think of the house?”


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