ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance

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ARE YOU THE ONE?: A Lesbian Romance Page 12

by Lydia Rose

  “It’s perfect,” Meg said without turning around. “How much are they asking?”

  “The price of the house is $789,000.00.”

  “May I have your card, please?” Meg asked.

  “Sure and here’s a flyer on the property. If this house doesn’t suit your needs, I can show you others.”

  “Thank you, Maureen.”

  Meg and Brielle left the house and walked back up the street. As they approached Brielle’s home, Meg stopped and asked, “So what did you think of the house?”

  “It’s beautiful, Meg.”

  “But is it the kind of house you could see yourself living in?” Meg asked.

  “It doesn’t matter what I think. More importantly, can you see yourself living there?” Brielle asked almost touching Meg’s arm before she pulled back.

  “I can, but do you think it’s too much?”

  “Too much?”

  “You know, showy?”

  “No, Meg. It looks like it would be a comfortable home. Not too big, but great for entertaining. Especially on that back deck. Did you see the outdoor kitchen?” Brielle asked now getting excited herself.

  Melanie met them in the hall as soon as the front door opened. “So what did you think?” she asked Meg.

  “It’s unbelievable. It looks like an old house, but inside it has all the modern conveniences. Even the outside with the new clapboard makes you think the home was just built.” Meg shook her head. “I wish I never saw the inside.”

  Melanie and Brielle laughed. “She’s going to buy that house,” Melanie whispered to Brielle.

  “Thanks for the bike ride, Brielle.” Meg walked over to Melanie and hugged her. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Anytime, dear. Don’t be a stranger.” Melanie kept her arm around Meg as she led her to the front door.

  “Thanks again. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.”

  “Good bye,” the two women said before the door closed.

  “She’s going to buy that house, Elle. I just know it.”

  “They’re asking $789,000.00 for that house. That’s a lot of money, Mom. I know Meg is going to be making good money and she had stock options with Steve’s company.” Brielle shook her head. “But that’s a lot of money.”


  Thankfully, Meg was busy at work the whole week because when she was back in the small suite all she thought about was that house. As much as she loved the house, she would convince herself that it didn’t make sense to buy such a big house for herself. Suppose the job didn’t work out; suppose she didn’t have anyone to share the house with?

  By the second week of her new job, Tom let her know that she would be entertaining new clients from New York. Since Meg didn’t have a place suitable for entertaining, Tom offered his home. Some of the staff members would be present, including Barbara, much to Meg’s relief. She arranged for the caterers and hired a staff to serve with the help of Tom’s wife.

  The night of the cocktail party and dinner, Meg was a nervous wreck. Barbara and Kevin arrived early to try to keep Meg calm.

  “Get used to doing this, honey. It is part of the job,” Barbara said taking Meg’s arm.

  “I know, and how am I ever going to pull this off by myself? Look at this house,” Meg said as she motioned with her arms. “This place is twice the size of the house I saw on your mom’s street.”

  “You won’t always have this many people to entertain every time. I heard you loved that house,” Barbara said with a grin.

  “I did, and now it doesn’t seem so big knowing that I have to entertain clients.”

  “Here they are,” Barbara motioned to the front door. “Go greet your guests.”

  Meg called Maureen the next day and made a cash offer with a closing in two weeks.

  Meg had scheduled the inspection of the property immediately after the offer was accepted. The closing had been uneventful and now Meg had an entire house to furnish. One of her co-workers gave her the name of a designer and she scheduled the meeting for Wednesday evening. A last minute meeting was scheduled and Meg was scrambling as what to do with the designer. She picked up the phone mid-morning.

  “Hi, Meg,” Brielle said when she answered her cell phone.

  “Hi. I need a favor,” Meg asked cautiously.

  “Sure, what do you need?” Brielle asked.

  Over the last month Meg and Brielle had gotten together for dinner or dinner and a movie. Their friendship had blossomed, but never going further than friendship. There had been times at the end of an evening, Meg could see desire in Brielle’s eyes, but there was nothing more than a gentle hug as the evening ended.

  “Can you stop by after work and pick up my house keys? I was supposed to meet a designer at the house tonight, but I have a meeting.”

  “What house?” Brielle asked with a giggle.

  “You know what house.”

  “Yeah, I knew the day we walked through that house that you would buy it.”

  “You were right,” Meg sighed. “You just have to let Jan in to take some pictures and measurements. If the meeting ends early, I’ll stop by.”

  “What time is she supposed to be there?” Brielle asked.

  “Six o’clock.”

  “I’ll pick up the keys at five fifteen.”

  “Thanks, Bri. I really appreciate this. I’ll buy you dinner tonight if you like?”

  “Not tonight, but you can buy me dinner Friday night.”

  “Fair enough. I’ve got to run. Thank you, Bri.”

  “See you later.” Meg had begun to call her Bri again and every time she said it, it brought a smile to Brielle’s face. They had slipped back into their friendship easily and they both seemed comfortable with each other again.

  Meg pulled into the driveway of her new home at six thirty. “Hello,” she called out to the empty room.

  “We’re upstairs,” Brielle said at the top of the stairs.

  Meg found both women in the master bedroom. “Hi,” she said to Brielle when she saw her standing in the middle of the room. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this. I know you must have better things to do then hang out here.”

  “I’ve had fun. Jan is great.”

  Jan poked her head out of the master bath. “Hi, Meg. The house is great.”

  “Thanks, Jan.”

  “I’ve been trying to get your girlfriend to help with some of the choices, but she said it’s all on you.”

  Meg smiled looking at Brielle who shrugged her shoulders. “I told her that if I was in charge, this beautiful house would be ruined. This is definitely your forte’.” Brielle pointed at Meg. “I guess I’ll leave you to the hard decisions.” She walked toward the door.

  “Are you sure?” Meg asked. “I could always use a second opinion.”

  Brielle smiled. “Sorry, but I’m meeting someone and I have just enough time to go home and change.”

  “Thank you again for letting Jan in for me.”

  Brielle walked toward the door and turned, “Jan it was nice to meet you, and Meg, don’t forget you owe me dinner.”

  “Good night, Bri.”

  “She’s a sweet girl,” Jan said when Brielle left.

  Meg just nodded in agreement.

  “Brielle is your girlfriend, right?”

  “Was,” Meg said softly.

  “Really? You two look so good together and there is so much chemistry between you,” Jan said before leading Meg back downstairs. “I’ve got catalogs to show you.”


  Meg didn’t hear from Brielle the rest of the week. If Brielle had left her house Wednesday to meet a woman, it would explain her lack of contact. Meg was driving down Main Street after meeting Jan at her house when she saw Brielle and a woman entering the café. Well, that explains why I haven’t heard from her. Meg parked her car and walked back to the café. She told herself that it was to pick up something for lunch, but she wanted to see Brielle with this woman. Mary greeted her as she
walked into the restaurant.

  “Sit wherever you want, Meg,” Mary said pointing to the booths.

  “Thanks, but I’m just going to pick up something to take home.” Meg sat at the counter and looked through the menu. As she did, her eyes drifted around the café looking for Brielle and her date. She saw them back in the corner in a booth.

  Mary came back over to ask what Meg wanted to order. “Have you decided?” she asked smiling.

  “I’ll have a turkey club and fries,” Meg said returning the smile.

  “Coming right up,” Mary said before walking away.

  As soon as Mary got out of Meg’s line of sight, her eyes drifted to Brielle’s booth. Brielle’s back was to her so she stared at the woman with her. Her long dark hair framed her thin face and light eyes. She had on a cashmere V-neck sweater and soft jeans. The woman smiled at Brielle and reached across the table to place her hand on hers. Meg averted her eyes as the woman looked up. It was in that instant that Brielle turned around. Brielle held up her hand in a wave and smiled. Meg returned the smile just as Mary brought out her lunch. Meg handed her money to Mary. “Thanks. Enjoy your day,” Meg said taking the bag and leaving the café. She hurried to her car and sat there as tears filled her eyes.

  Meg didn’t see Brielle again over the next few weeks. The house was almost ready for Meg to move into and her excitement had left her weeks before. She was unpacking some boxes when Barbara walked in the door.

  “Hello,” Barbara called from the foyer.

  “Upstairs,” Meg called out to her.

  Barbara walked into the bedroom seeing the room fully furnished and ready for its occupant. “Wow. This room looks really nice.”

  “Thanks,” Meg said coming out of the bathroom. “Jan did a great job getting this place to look like home.”

  “When are you moving in?” Barbara asked.

  “I’m sleeping here already.”

  “So when is your first party?” Barbara asked smiling.

  “I’m not going to throw a party,” Meg said furrowing her eyebrows.

  “You have to. You don’t think my mother and aunt are dying to see what you’ve done here?” Barbara asked with her hands on her hips.

  “They are welcome to come over anytime and see the house.”

  Barbara let out a sigh. “I thought you would have been dying to open your house to the neighbors.”

  Meg shrugged.

  “What’s really going on here?” Barbara asked moving closer to Meg.

  “Is Brielle seeing someone?” she asked softly.

  “How did you find out?”

  “I saw them together,” Meg said, taking a chair in the room.

  “Were you hoping to get back together with Elle?” Barbara asked, sitting on the floor at Meg’s feet.

  “No,” Meg paused, “I don’t know. We were just becoming friends again and I guess I was hoping we could give it another try.”

  “Did you tell Elle that?”


  “Elle hasn’t been out with anyone since you two broke up and that was what eight or nine months ago?” Barbara asked.

  Meg nodded in agreement. “So how long has she been seeing this woman?”

  “Just a few weeks.”

  “The woman’s very pretty,” she said looking at Barbara.

  “She is,” Barbara said nodding her head. “I just don’t see them as a couple.”

  “Why?” Meg asked leaning forward.

  “I don’t know. She’s so into her clothes and fancy things.” Barbara chuckled. “You know Elle. She is so laid back and this woman is so high maintenance.” She smiled. “I don’t see this relationship going anywhere.” Barbara took Meg’s hand. “So are you ready to plan this party?”

  Meg smiled and nodded her head.


  The night of the party, Meg went through the kitchen making sure the caterers had everything they needed. The servers would be arriving shortly and Meg went upstairs to finish getting ready. Most of the neighbors had been invited along with Barbara’s sister and brother. Brielle’s sister had been invited, too.

  Meg was wearing a black pair of slacks and an azure silk blouse. The three inch heels made her legs look great. She had just enough make-up to show off her dark brown eyes and red lips.

  As the first of her guests began arriving, Meg was there to greet them. Melanie and Jennifer wandered through the house commenting on what Meg had done with the house. Neighbors came for a drink and something to eat and left shortly afterwards. Brielle and Barbara’s family stayed and gathered in the kitchen and great room. Brielle still hadn’t made an appearance, but Barbara assured Meg that she was stopping by.

  Brielle walked in at eight o’clock with Nancy. Barbara had told her the woman’s name the day before.

  “The house looks great,” Brielle said walking up to Meg.

  “Thank you,” Meg said looking at Brielle’s date. “I’m Meg,” she said holding out her hand.

  Nancy looked at Meg and took her hand. “Nancy,” she responded, taking Brielle’s arm possessively.

  “Well, I’m glad the two of you could join us. Help yourselves to drinks and something to eat,” Meg said as she pointed toward the kitchen.

  Nancy pulled on Brielle’s arm and led her away.

  Melanie walked up to Meg and put her arm through hers. “I don’t like her and I’ve told Elle that.”

  Meg chuckled. “What’s wrong with her? She’s a beautiful woman and she seems to like Brielle.”

  Melanie scowled. “I can’t put my finger on it, but she’s no good for my daughter. I don’t know why Elle can’t see that.”

  Meg chuckled again. “Maybe your disapproval has pushed them closer together.”

  Melanie looked at Meg and covered her mouth with her hand. “Of course.” She leaned closer to Meg. “I wish you two could work out your differences and get back together.”

  “Me too,” Meg admitted freely. “But Brielle does seem happy with her.”

  Brielle walked toward Meg and her mother. “You two look like you’re up to something.”

  Meg and Melanie looked at one another and laughed.

  “What do you think of Meg’s house?” Melanie asked, touching her daughter.

  “The house is beautiful.” Brielle looked at Meg. “You and Jan did a wonderful job making this house into a home.”

  “Thank you. I love it, too.”

  Melanie looked at Nancy who was now hanging onto Billy Ramsey. “Your girlfriend seems to be taken with your cousin,” Melanie nods with her chin.

  Brielle turned and looked at them. “She likes the attention from a man or woman,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

  Melanie shook her head and walked away leaving the two women alone.

  “She’s very pretty,” Meg said with a nod toward Nancy.

  “Yeah, and she knows it,” Brielle said with a giggle. “So how have you been?”

  “Good, but happy to finally be settled. That corporate suite became a prison after a few weeks.”

  Brielle chuckled. “I’m sure it did.” She turned and looked at Meg. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you.” Meg looked at Brielle’s faded jeans and sweater that had the sleeves pulled up. “You look great, too.”

  “My date said I was underdressed.” Brielle looked at Nancy who was wearing a black cocktail dress with expensive heels. She continued flirting with Billy even though Brielle was just across the room.

  “Where did you two meet?” Meg asked.

  “Through a friend.” Brielle turned back to Meg. “I was in the city last weekend and saw Sarah. “She said to say hello to you.”

  “Is she happy with her job?” Meg asked.

  “She is, and said to tell you she’s not moving to Connecticut,” Brielle said with a laugh.

  “Can’t fault a girl for trying,” Meg said joining Brielle in the laughter.

  “You still owe me a dinner,” Brielle said leaning
toward Meg.

  “Anytime,” Meg said looking at Brielle. Her eyes moved to Brielle’s mouth and saw her lips twitch. Meg turned and saw Nancy waving. “I think your date is trying to get your attention.”

  “Thanks again Meg for inviting me.” Brielle walked toward her date who immediately took possession of her arm.


  Meg’s cell phone rang Thursday morning. She looked at the screen and a smile appeared on her face quickly. “Hi, Bri.”

  “Hey,” Brielle paused. “Feel like paying up your debt tomorrow night?”

  Meg laughed. “Sure. Where do you want to have dinner?”

  “Not in town, if that’s okay with you.” Brielle said.

  “Anywhere, Brielle.”

  “Okay. I’ll pick you up at six thirty tomorrow.”

  “Wait, Bri. How should I dress?” Meg asked before Brielle hung up.

  “Like you’re going to work. See you then.” Brielle disconnected the line.

  Brielle arrived promptly at six thirty and rang Meg’s doorbell. She wore a black pair of dress pants, black boots and a light green silk blouse. Over her blouse was a blazer.

  “Hi,” Meg said as she opened the door and reached for her coat.

  “Hey,” Brielle said, taking the coat from Meg and opening it for her to slip her arms into the sleeves. She was wearing a dark grey skirt and matching jacket. The heels brought her height over Brielle by at least two inches. “Let’s go.” Brielle led Meg out the door and opened the car door for her.

  They drove for nearly half an hour before they arrived at the restaurant.

  “The food is very good here or so I’m told by Barbara,” Brielle said already out of the car and at Meg’s door.

  “Thank you,” Meg said as she reached for Brielle’s extended hand.

  They walked over to the hostess and Brielle said, “Sanders.”

  “Your table is ready. Please follow me.”

  The hostess led them over to a private booth near the back of the restaurant. She handed them their menus and walked away.

  Meg rested the menu on the table as water and a bread basket were added to the table. The waitress came over to take their drink order.


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