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Hot Hits

Page 9

by Harry Blue

  ‘Let me give you a bit of background, so you’ll appreciate where I’m coming from, and that I have no hidden agenda. I have all the money I will ever need, won’t say where it came from, but suffice to say that I worked very hard for it, and that I am no fool. I still don’t live in the town, coming here when the band require my services. I sometimes stay in any b&b that I can, but try to avoid this, driving home in the evening. I keep myself to myself, very private, not making friends at all easily. However, I feel that you and I can become friends, nothing too close, but good friends nonetheless, and my feeling is that there’s something basically very wrong with this whole band set-up, and you need to be warned. Both you and Roger could become involved in something that you might not be aware of.’

  ‘Sounds like you know more than you’re letting on.’

  ‘No, please don’t think that. But I would like you to be warned that you and Roger might be letting yourselves in for more than you can handle.’

  ‘Come on Barbara, don’t be so mysterious. If you know something, come out with it.’

  ‘All right, I’ve said all I can at this stage. But be very careful, you might be in danger.’


  ‘I’ve said too much already. I just want you to be on your guard, and if you do see anything, I would appreciate a call. Here’s my mobile number.’ Barbara handed the younger woman a slip of paper with a phone number on it. ‘You can reach me any time. Best of luck. Enjoy the sunshine.’

  Barbara walked off, leaving her coffee, untouched.

  Chapter Nineteen

  ‘So, what do you think of Cedric?’ asked Busy Mick’

  ‘He’s a liability, but don’t get rid of him yet. There’s more you can get out of him, and there’s a possibility of making him a fall guy before he stars in one of your productions,’ replied Barbara.

  ‘We’ve not had one for a couple of months, and there’s a long waiting list for membership. Might be a better idea to have someone else first. Cedric would be a big draw, ‘cos a lot of people have seen him around. He’s such a big fella, he’ll take all evening, and we’ll sell a lot of booze as well as the entertainment.’

  ‘That’s your business. I’ll do mine, as usual, and enjoy it, but I don’t really like the Club Sadist scene. I much prefer to perform alone.’

  ‘You know you are welcome at the next club night.’

  ‘Thanks,’ she replied, ‘I’ll give it a miss. Got any contracts for me?’

  ‘Funny you should say that. Roger. What do you think about him?’

  ‘At present, leave him alone. He is very intelligent, but I don’t think he’s twigged yet about the band set-up. Yes, he might have worked out the immigrant scam, but he’s seen nothing else. Cedric gave him the eye in the Belgian tobacco car park, and that might have temporarily done the trick. Let’s see how he gets on in the next trip. There’s a lot of driving, and I’ll do my best to wear him out. I’ll also ensure that Sue’s not there, so Roger will have plenty of time to do what I think he does best.’

  In the eight years that Barbara had been working for Busy Mick, he had paid a retainer for her exclusive services. She had her own flat, which is how she was able to maintain an image for the benefit of her parents, and friends. In him she really did have a boss who gave her assignments away from home, so she could legitimately travel, and she could say hand on heart that she worked from her home office. Her parents were able to contact her most of the time, and were very firmly told not to contact her while she was away, even in the direst emergencies. She had explained that she was paid an excellent salary because of her exclusive services.

  The trouble was, Barbara was bored with her life, because she knew that she was good at it, but there were insufficient assignments. A couple of times she had mentioned to Mick that she would like to indulge in some freelance work, but he had told her in no uncertain terms that the reason why she was so good at her job was because she had never got caught. And that was because no-one knew of her existence. Occasionally she had been assigned to bring someone to the Club Sadist, and that had been very easy, just using her feminine wiles to persuade a more than willing victim that he could get what he wanted by meeting her at a specific location. This had occurred three times over the years, and she had never enquired as to what the person had done wrong to demand such a fate. It simply was none of her business, even though she found the whole thing distasteful, degrading, and disgusting. Every instinct rebelled against being party to a human being sacrificed for the titillation of others. She regarded it as barbaric, something that was still in the human psychology despite many centuries of man’s civilisation. However, she also recognised that there was a need for an outlet such as this, which is why she condoned, not condemned, it. She could hardly moralise, bearing in mind the job satisfaction she obtained. There had been quite a few occasions over the years when her services had been ordered by Mick, all within the UK, two in Scotland, one in Wales, the rest in England. Most had been men, with two women being the most difficult. They were far more suspicious and difficult to get close to. So far she had not been told to dispose of a child, and she knew that if she was, then she would refuse. Though not particularly bothered, sometimes she had asked what the person had done wrong to be murdered, and every time she had been satisfied with the reason Mick had given. She knew that he lied, with very likely some of the occasions had been far wide of the mark, but mainly she was satisfied. She knew she was good. She had never been caught.

  ‘I want you to go on the next trip to Milan, on the bus with Roger, just to make sure that he’s not too interested in what’s occurring. Before, however, I want you to fly over, make sure that all the arrangements are in place. I know that I’ve dealt with Majid for many years, but he needs to be kept aware that I’m watching him. Doesn’t do any harm for him to know that my arm is long, and if he tries to do anything behind my back then I’m ready for him. No rush, Thursday will do, and you’ll need to be away for a week. It’s all on this memory stick, have a good look, and let me know in a couple of days how you want to approach it. I also want something to happen to Sue, would rather it wasn’t permanent, just so she doesn’t go to Milan. She will only get in your way.’

  ‘Okay Mick.’ They went their own way, and Barbara spent the next week or so doing what she was told, in the meantime considering how to handle Sue so she didn’t go to Milan.

  Chapter Twenty

  Roger’s parents, John and Jenny, never asked Roger what he was up to, trusting him completely, which was unusual in a parent/child relationship. It came from their diplomatic background, giving responsibility when needed, delegating properly so there was a natural progression of responsibility. If the person was ready to be treated in this way, then it was given, so it was no surprise to Roger that he would be treated any differently. All his life his parents had given him different areas in his life that only he was answerable to, which had suited him very well, so it made a change just to be one of the people in the background as far as the band was concerned. However, John and Jenny might be lax outwardly, but they were no fools, and had already discussed the band with their only son, coming to the same conclusion. Something was going on, so it needed to be kept an eye on. John and Jenny were competent musicians, it was something that ran in the family, as both their parents had been happy playing something, from violin to brass, never percussion though. John’s parents were both dead, however Jenny’s parents lived in the same town, both active with good pensions, so happy to lead independent lives. John and Jenny knew that their time as bed and breakfast proprietors was limited. They had good pensions, no mortgage on the business, no debts, and an excellent lifestyle. John was a past president of the hotels association, still a member of various business federations including the chamber of commerce, so the couple were well respected members of their community. They also had a very active sex life, which might come as a surprise to
the younger generation who think that the urge dries up because they have got just a little bit older. Jenny was especially keen on sex, thinking of different ways to keep their lives sufficiently spiced and entertaining. They both had a keen sense of humour, laughing a lot, so it was no surprise that they were the envy of others in their community.

  Their days were full of routine, as well as doing things together socially. It would start before seven, when John would get up first, shower, shave, start the breakfasts, while Jenny took more time preparing herself. The breakfast duties were shared between them, Jenny usually cooking and John serving. Janice the cleaner sometimes came in early to take on one or both of these roles if there weren’t too many guests in and they fancied a mini break away, otherwise it was just the two of them in the mornings. Roger had been known to assist, but they tried to avoid his participation due to his studies. The weekend that Roger was in Ostend had been a particularly busy one for them, because Janice was away on holiday, leaving everything to be done by the owners. They had been full, but Sunday nights were a strange business area for them, because it was very rare for that night to be full, even during the height of the season. That night they had three rooms booking in during Sunday afternoon, with all six rooms requiring everything serviced as the guests had checked out. This was the most intensive period possible, because after breakfasts, saying goodbye, followed by changing and cleaning all rooms, they knew that it would be a late lunch and not much opportunity of sitting on the seafront, enjoying the sun.

  As soon as the guests started departing, John was up the stairs to the room, taking the bedding off, replacing with clean. It wasn’t long before there was a big pile in the laundry area downstairs, and John was glad that the weather was warm so he could wear as little clothing as possible, just a singlet, sandals without socks, and shorts. When he had to service the rooms he wore as little as possible, not even underwear, comfort being the main priority, and Jenny had a look in her eye that meant that he was in for a pleasant surprise. While John changed the beds, Jenny saw the departing guests out. By half ten, the house was empty, so she climbed the stairs, knowing that they had the house to themselves. She could hear John cleaning the large shower in room six at the top of the house, so she climbed the stairs ever so quietly, stripping off completely so when she entered the room she was stark naked.

  Jenny was a good looking woman, and could easily pass for someone ten years younger than her early fifties. She had a trim figure, a good bust, a few lines round her tummy but certainly less than she had anticipated, attractive smiling blue eyes, and short blonde hair. She had been faithful to her husband throughout their marriage, even though some temptations and opportunities had been presented. All resisted. She thought that John had also resisted, but never asked. She was an intelligent woman, not wanting to put him on the spot in case he had to lie to her. Why put unnecessary strain when none was warranted. The reality was that neither had ever strayed.

  John was whistling while he worked, and looked up when he saw the main door open. He immediately grinned when he saw his lovely wife standing there, completely naked, with only one thought on her mind. Sex with the man she loved.

  ‘I feel all hot and sweaty after cooking those breakfasts. Think I need to take a shower,’ said Jenny.

  ‘Yes, I’m all sweaty as well, after making all those beds. Think I need a shower as well.’ He quickly stripped off, took her right hand, and led her back to the bathroom, with its huge walk-in shower. He stopped her from entering the shower, turning on the water first, running it through his other hand until it was sufficiently warm, then leading Jenny into the shower. Lots of room, they didn’t even touch the sides with their bare bodies, as he lathered the luxury Villeroy & Boche soap over her very willing body. He concentrated on her breasts, not that they were particularly dirty, he just enjoyed the sensation of running his hands over his wife’s more than willing body. As he did this, he leaned down from his six inches height advantage to kiss Jenny, long and slow, with his tongue entering her very, yes, very, willing mouth. He explored her fully, kissing, sucking gently, drinking all the saliva he could, enjoying her moaning, all the while she was willing his tongue to explore more. The water was cascading down between their two entwined bodies, his hairy chest not stopping or impeding the flow. Soon the soap was finished, all washed away in the tray in the bottom, and he was running his hands over her breasts with just the water assisting. Jenny leaned over and took some of the liquid soap, running it between her hands before she started soaping his more than willing prick, that had been erect for quite some time. Round and round his shaft went her two petite hands, needing both hands because it was getting so big. She was glad that his prick was almost the same size it had been when they first married, as she knew that some men’s did decrease in size with age. He could also maintain an erection for a long time, which really pleased Jenny, because she had in mind something that would require his stamina. His grin of anticipation matched hers of lasciviousness, as she worked her hands up and down his shaft, and then she stopped suddenly, using her hands to guide his away from her breasts to her now open legs. John required no other instruction.

  Jenny slightly opened her legs to assist his entrance, so his fingers explored her once again. Neither partner ever got bored with the other, appreciating each experience as if it was a new one every time. He used both hands, one working its fingers inside her, the other just on the outside of her hole, utilising his hands to maximum effect. One went in and out, the other round and round. Co-ordination was the key here, and John was more than man enough for the task. Then Jenny did something she had never done before, She started to guide his prick inside her, then placed her arms round the back of his neck. She leaned back against the wall, with the water cascading over them, then wrapped her legs round his waist, as he suddenly realised that she wasn’t standing any more, all the weight was round his neck, and the motion of entering and exiting her was stopping her from falling down. She used her weight to buck on his prick, balancing well, her feet instinctively finding the back wall, so she could create more pressure. They continued in this position for two minutes, him standing fucking her, as she impaled herself, using all her weight to heighten the experience. He fleetingly wondered where the hell she had thought of this new position, but the thought soon went as he maintained his balance and his erection.

  After two minutes John was getting a little out of breath, so he lowered Jenny down, turned off the water, and led her out of the bathroom back into the bedroom, both still dripping wet. He took one of the fresh towels, wrapping her in it to thoroughly dry her off. He used one of the smaller guest’s towels to dry himself, and placed two more towels on the bed. He was still a practical man, not wanting to get the fresh bed linen all wet. Yes, the room might not be due to be occupied for a couple of days, but, hey, business was business, they might get casual door knockers and rent it out at short notice.

  John removed the towel, they lay his wife on her back on the bed on the two fresh towels. He slowly opened her legs again, this time lowering his face, so he could get her moist all over again, this time between her legs. Very soon she was nice and wet, and he worked his fingers round her entrance. He had shaved that morning as usual, so was nice and smooth so she didn’t become sensitive after a while. Her bush was light and sparse, so he used his tongue to play over her lower tummy, very close to her love entrance. It wasn’t too long before Jenny was moaning very loudly, and it wasn’t very long after that she came, jerking her body in gasps, the very last moment of climax resulting in her body going rigid, before collapsing back onto the bed.

  Before Jenny had the opportunity to recover, John was on her, his erection immediately opening her legs even wider. She instinctively knew that this wasn’t going to last long. Shame, as she was enjoying and appreciating it so much. She matched him each time he entered her willing body, thrusting her pubes and mound as hard as she could into him. His erection
was nice and big, really firm, and she could feel him deep inside her. She knew from many years experience that her body managed somehow to make itself larger to accommodate his erection, and also knew that her moisture increased as the friction built up. She needed no cream, allowing her natural juices to accommodate his manhood, lying underneath him, giving her man the maximum amount of possible pleasure in her ability, watching his face as he penetrated. She could see his expression change, as he concentrated on his climax, so it was no surprise when he had the look in his eyes that he was not in control, just allowing his whole being to concentrate on his coming. And there it was, as he climaxed, his face betraying the fact that he had no idea where he was, his breathing attempting to recover, as his prick quickly shrivelled while still inside her, with his come all spent. She lay under him, completely at ease, happy that she had given her man such pleasure, while receiving hers.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Roger was used to being in control, but just for a change, he wasn’t, and didn’t know how to handle the situation. Last night’s band practice had been a disaster from the moment that Cedric had walked in late, and when it ended, had been the worst possible conclusion.

  Roger and Sue had got there early, before Rick Thomas, and were chatting with five of the more senior members. These people had been with the band for at least five years, and were openly discussing forming a break away band, as they were so cheesed off with the way that matters had developed. When Roger and Sue walked in, they went quiet, but before anyone else had the chance to say anything, Roger said


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