X Marks the Spot

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X Marks the Spot Page 6

by Opal Carew

  “And so would your accepting the settlement I offered.”

  “Liam, I really don’t want to—”

  He waved his hand. “I’m sorry. Let’s pretend I didn’t bring it up, okay?”

  She smiled. “Okay.” She glanced at her hands. “Really, though, if you signed those papers, you’d be helping yourself out, too. You know my dad wants to talk to you about what’s taking so long.”

  “Uh-oh. He never liked me.”

  She laughed, knowing Liam wasn’t in the least bit worried. “Well, you did get his baby girl pregnant.”

  He nodded. “So true.”

  But behind the smile on his face, she saw the wistfulness. The regret.

  She had to remember. This had been hard on him, too. Maybe his not letting go of her was because of his inability to let go of what they’d lost. The baby had meant everything to him. He wanted so desperately to be part of a loving family.

  Her heart ached for him.

  And for the fact that even if they could make things work between them, she could never give him that family.

  She rested her hand on his. “We did our best. But now it’s time to let go.”

  * * *

  The feel of Abi’s hand on his tore at Liam’s heart. This quiet interlude where they’d been able to talk about what had happened without the intense emotions had been a welcome respite from the constant pain of losing her. But now she was asking for something from him he still wasn’t ready to give.

  Even though the papers were sitting in his briefcase ready to be signed. Even though twenty-four hours ago he’d been all set to sign them. To give Abi her freedom.

  But after last night … he couldn’t.

  He had to find a way to save his marriage. But he knew it wasn’t going to happen this weekend.

  “I still need time,” he said.

  “How much time?” The bite of frustration in her voice set him on edge.

  He stood up. “I’ll see you later. Maybe we can have a dance.”

  Then he strolled away.

  * * *

  Del had seen Abi leave the ballroom before dinner was done, clearly upset by something her father had said. Then he’d seen Liam leave moments later.

  Del excused himself from the head table as soon as he could, then strolled toward the courtyard, knowing that was exactly the type of place Abi would go to collect herself. He glanced out the large glass window just in time to see Liam strolling across the courtyard to another door leading into the hotel.

  Del opened the door and walked to where Abi was sitting.

  “Hi. May I join you?” he asked.

  She glanced up and smiled, but there was sadness shadowing her eyes.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  In fact, she looked stunning in the royal-blue gown that wrapped at the waist, accentuating her slim waist.

  “Thank you.” A slight blush colored her cheeks. “And you look very handsome in your tux.”

  “I came out to see if you’re okay. It looked like you were having an argument with your dad.”

  “Oh, God, does everyone know?”

  “Don’t worry about that. I don’t think anyone else noticed. Not everyone keeps an eye on you like I do. And Liam, too, it seems. I saw he was out here with you.”

  She frowned and nodded.

  “So what’s going on?”

  She shrugged. “Dad was expressing his opinion about how I’m handling the divorce. Spoiler: He thinks I’m doing it badly. And Liam … well, he says he still needs more time before he’s ready to sign the papers.”

  “Do you want me to talk to him?”

  She frowned. “Why do the men in my life all think they should talk to Liam for me?”

  He laughed. “What, did Kurt offer to talk to him, too?”

  “He didn’t offer. He just did it. He called Liam to make sure he came to the wedding. Both Claire and Kurt seem determined to push me back into Liam’s arms.”

  Del’s stomach tightened. “And how’s that working?”

  She gazed at him, her luminous blue eyes clouded. “I can’t go back to Liam. Nothing’s changed.”

  He and Abi had talked about this many times. She believed Liam didn’t love her. Liam, on the other hand, had repeatedly told Del that he did love her. Del didn’t know what to believe, but he’d seen the pain Abi had suffered after losing the baby. He remembered the feel of her in his arms, her tears dampening his shirt when she’d desperately needed someone to talk to while Liam was cocooned in his own grief.

  It seemed clear that Liam was not capable of being there for her the way she needed.

  “So you’re still in limbo. I know that must be hard.”

  She nodded, then her hand moved to his. The soft touch of her fingers on his set his heart pounding. He wanted so much to pull her into his arms and kiss her.

  But what kind of friend would that make him?

  As if reading his thoughts, she leaned in a little closer. He breathed in the delicate scent of her hair.

  “Del, you and I have been friends for a long time now.” Her gaze grew more intense. “Have you ever thought about us being … more than friends?”


  Abi watched his face, trying to decipher his enigmatic expression.

  Oh, God, she’d totally blown it.

  He squeezed her hand. “Abi—”

  “Hey, Del, there you are,” Tony, one of the other groomsmen, called from the glass door leading out to the courtyard. “Kurt needs us. The toasts are about to begin.”

  His jaw clenched and for a moment she thought he was going to ignore Tony. Then he glanced over to the other man.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right there.”

  He turned back to Abi and squeezed her hand. “I have to go. We’ll talk later, okay?”

  Her stomach clenched. That would be when he’d let her down easy.

  “Yeah, of course. I should go back in now, too.”

  * * *

  As she walked back into the ballroom, Abi saw her dad standing off to the side of the bar gazing out the window. She drew in a breath and walked toward him.

  He saw her coming and smiled.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Hi, sweetie. Would you like me to get you a drink?”

  She glanced at the long line and shook her head. “No, thanks. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry I disappeared like that. I’m a bit emotional right now.”

  His gaze dropped to her stomach and she was taken aback.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Dad. I’m not pregnant.”

  His gaze jerked back to her face.

  “No … of course not.” He cleared his throat. “So why are you emotional?”

  “It’s just with Kurt’s wedding and so many family and close friends coming together…” She shook her head. “Look, you and I don’t see each other much and I don’t want to ruin our time together.”

  “Me, either, sweetie. I’m sorry I came on so strong.” He opened his arms and she stepped into them, loving the big bear hug he gave her. Like when she was little.

  “I know you’ve got your life under control,” he continued. “I hate to see my baby hurting, so sometimes I open my big mouth when I shouldn’t.”

  An apology? From her father? That was new. Sally really was a good influence on him.

  He kissed the top of her head, like he used to when she was a girl. “And when I thought there for a minute that you might be … you know…”

  “Pregnant? No, I get it, Dad. It’s not like I haven’t done it before. And I know how disappointed you were in me. But you know I can’t…” The words choked off.

  He held her tighter. “I know, baby. It’s just that for a split second there … I was hopeful.”

  She drew back and stared at him, her jaw dropping open.

  “You were?”

  He nodded, sadness in his eyes. “I know how much you want a baby. And … I’d love to be a granddad again.” He shrugged. “I guess I still want
to believe in miracles.”

  He reached for her hand and held it snug in his.

  “And you never disappointed me,” he continued. “All I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. And if I sometimes think your choices aren’t leading you that way…” He squeezed her fingers in his grip. “I speak up. But you’re a grown woman and I trust you’ll find what you’re looking for.” He grinned. “After all, you’re stubborn like me.”

  She laughed. “I am that.”

  “And like your old man, if life throws obstacles in your path, then you’ll find a way around them and keep on going. Like when you went back to finish your master’s.”

  “And when you went after Sally.” She smiled and glanced to the table where Sally was watching them with a smile. “She’s really great, Dad, and I’m glad to see you so happy.”

  She leaned in and gave him a kiss. “Now maybe we should both go sit with her,” she said. “I heard that the toasts are going to start any minute.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Then he pulled her in for another hug. “You know, Abi, I’m really very proud of you.”

  Her heart flip-flopped. “Thanks, Dad.”

  * * *

  Liam sipped his drink as he watched Abi sitting at the table, laughing with her father and stepmother. He wished that he and Abi could get past their problems as easily as she and her father had.

  The music had started and the crowd was dancing. Liam stood near the back of the ballroom, feeling like an interloper at this family gathering. Kurt strolled to his side, having gotten a drink from the bar himself.

  “Why don’t you go ask her to dance?” Kurt asked. “Then you can talk to her.”

  Liam shrugged. “I’ve already talked to her this weekend. She’s not really interested in anything I have to say.”

  “Hey, man, I know you’re not a quitter. Surely you’re going to try harder than that.”

  He turned to Kurt, glad to have him on his side, but knowing he understood Abi better in this than her brother did.

  “We both know that Abi is stubborn,” Liam said. “You like to challenge that stubbornness head-on, but in this, I think I need to give her some more time.”

  “Yeah? And how’s that been working for you?”

  Liam frowned.

  “As for giving her time, I think you might be running out.”

  Liam turned to see Del walking toward Abi’s table.

  * * *

  Abi glanced up as Del approached. Would he take her aside and have that chat with her now?

  Her stomach clenched. She really wasn’t up to having Del reject her, no matter how gently he did it. She had so hoped that this weekend would end in her turning things around between them. Convincing him that they could become much more than friends.

  “Good evening, Frank. Sally,” Del said, nodding to her dad and stepmother.

  “Hello, Del. Good to see you.” Dad stood up and shook Del’s hand. “Are you going to join us?”

  “Actually, I came to ask Abi to dance.” He turned to her and held out his hand. “Abi, would you dance with me?”

  She took his hand and stood up. “Yes, of course.”

  He led her to the dance floor, then he turned to her and slid his arm around her waist. The feel of his big, hard body close to hers, his heat melting through her, made her breath catch. He began to move to the music, guiding her around the floor in a gentle sway.

  She kept her silence as they danced, not wanting to hear him actually say he didn’t want her.

  “It looks like you and your dad made up,” he said.

  “Yeah, you know how we are. He gets pushy. I get ticked off. Then we talk it through and everything’s okay. We’re getting it down to a science.”

  He chuckled. She liked the sound.

  She rested her head against his shoulder, enjoying being in his arms.

  “Are you enjoying the party?” he asked.

  “I am now.” Oh, God, why had she said that?

  He laughed again and his arm tightened around her.

  “I’m glad.” He swirled her around a few more times. “We got interrupted at a most inopportune time earlier.”

  Here it comes.

  “Yes. But it’s okay. You don’t have to let me down easy. I get it that—”

  “No, Abi.” His gaze caught hers. “What I wanted to say was … that I want to be more than friends, too. For so long I held myself back. First because I’d promised Kurt I’d look out for you, and that meant protecting you from me, too. Then because you needed a friend after you lost the baby and your marriage went into meltdown.”

  She realized that their dancing had slowed to a stop.

  “Now I think it’s time I stop worrying about what I need to do to satisfy other people, and worry about what I want.” He tipped up her chin, his warm, green eyes shining. “And what you want. And I think that’s the same thing.”

  She felt herself nodding, totally mesmerized by his eyes. Feeling herself drawn to his lips. She started to lean toward him. He seemed to be caught in the same spell.

  She wanted to feel his lips on hers. To kiss him with all her heart. For him to possess her mouth, then make her his in every sense of the word.

  A new song started, with a faster beat, breaking them out of the spell, their lips a whisper’s breadth from touching.

  “Let’s go somewhere we can talk,” he said. But the heat in his eyes told her he wanted to do more than talk.

  She nodded and took his hand, then led him off the floor toward the door.

  “Let’s go to your room,” he said as they left the ballroom. “It’s on a different floor so people won’t see us.”

  She hesitated at the thought that Liam was in the room right next door, but before she could answer, a ding sounded and the doors on one of the elevators opened. Del swept her inside and as the doors closed behind them, he drew her close.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  At the glow in his eyes, heat simmered through her in anticipation of what was to come.

  She smiled. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” She stroked his cheek. He’d been clean shaven for the wedding, but his cheek was a little raspy now. “You know how I felt about you in college. I’ve longed for this day.”

  He smiled and drew her into his arms. When his lips met hers, tingles danced through her body. Every part of her lit up with joy.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her closer to his body. She slid her hands around his neck. His tongue glided between her lips and she stroked it, then suckled. He groaned into her mouth.

  His hand moved to the small of her back and she could feel a bulge swelling under the fine wool of his tuxedo pants.

  The thought that she was turning him on sent heat flooding through her. She wanted him. And he wanted her. What could be more perfect?

  The elevator doors opened and she practically dragged him from the elevator and down the hall heading to her room.

  * * *

  Liam raced up the stairs, knowing he had to do something to stop what he knew was about to happen. As soon as he’d seen Abi leading Del from the ballroom, her hand a vise grip around his, he knew she was going to take him up to her room and give herself to him.

  And he couldn’t allow that.

  His gut clenched at the thought of another man touching her.

  As he raced out the door from the stairs and headed to his room, he heard the ding of the elevator arriving.

  He heard their footsteps, then they turned the corner and came into view.

  As soon as Abi saw him, she slowed. He could see her fingers tightening around Del’s hand.


  They kept walking toward her door as Liam leaned against his, only a few yards away.

  “Are you calling it an evening?” she asked as they arrived at her door.

  “Yes, I am. And you?”

  She frowned. She opened her purse and pulled out the keycard. “You know, this isn�
��t really any of your business.”

  “Really? My wife is about to take a man into her hotel room and that’s not my business?”

  “I’m not your wife. Not really.”

  “I have papers that prove otherwise.”

  “Hold up,” Del interrupted. “Look, this is awkward. We can all agree on that. But, Liam, you have no real claim on Abi at this point.”

  “Really? And you have no problem with her jumping right from my bed into yours?”


  “Liam…” Abi’s pleading tone did nothing to diminish Liam’s anger.

  “Liam, you two have been separated for two years now,” Del said.

  “True, but we have connecting rooms and she climbed into my bed last night to wait for me.”

  Del’s gaze snapped to Abi’s.

  “Is that true, Abi?”

  “No. I mean … yes, it is, but—”

  “Fuck!” Del spat out, then turned on his heel and strode down the hall.

  The look Abi sent Liam would have disintegrated a lesser man, but Liam was satisfied that he’d blocked the only real competition he had for Abi’s heart.

  At least for now.

  Abi opened her door, then slammed it behind her.

  * * *

  Abi tossed and turned in her bed that night. She had come so close to having Del in this bed with her. To finally taking their relationship to an intimate, romantic level.

  To possibly find her happily-ever-after.

  Then Liam had ruined it!

  She rolled onto her back and stared at the moonlight reflected on the ceiling and bit her lip. Her chest ached. But it wasn’t Liam who had ruined it. He’d only spoken the truth. She had climbed into his bed, and her defense that she thought it was Del’s bed fell apart spectacularly when she’d stayed in bed with Liam. When she opened herself to him and made love not just once, but twice. When she surrendered to his will, loving every minute of it. Then, as Liam had pointed out that morning, when she again initiated sex, pleasing him one more time.

  That last time was partly because she was stalling so they wouldn’t have a conversation, but it was also because she knew she’d never be with him again and hadn’t been ready for it to end.

  She sighed. Liam may not really love her, but she had it bad for him.


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