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Murder on a Hot Tin Roof

Page 4

by Matetsky, Amanda

  “Hey, Paige!” Abby hollered. “You’d better get up right now! Angelo doesn’t have any more radishes. I’m gonna have to switch to turnips!” (Angelo, I should tell you, is the owner and sole proprietor of the fruit and vegetable store under Abby’s apartment.)

  I hurriedly pulled myself to my knees and leaned over the sill, sticking my head all the way out the window. “Are you out of your mind?” I screeched, gaping down to the sidewalk where Abby was standing. (My bedroom is on the top floor of our tiny duplex, directly above my living room and two floors above Luigi’s street-level fish market.) “What the hell are you doing down there? Why are you ringing my buzzer and throwing groceries into my bedroom? I have a door, you know! Can’t you just knock on it like a normal person?”

  “I tried that, you dodo. I practically knocked a hole in the damn thing! But I couldn’t wake you up. No matter how loud I pounded and shouted. And your phone must be off the hook or something. All I could get was a goddamn busy signal. I didn’t know what was going on! I thought you had a stroke and died!”

  At that particular moment, I sort of wished I had. I was so hot and sweaty and achy and groggy that being conscious was a pain in the ass. Literally. (My radish-induced flop to the floor had bruised my bottom bigtime.)

  “So, what do you want?” I said, heaving a thunderous sigh. “Make it snappy. I’m going back to bed.”

  “Oh, no you don’t! I want to talk to you! And I can’t keep yelling to you from down here. I’m disturbing the peace!” She was right. A slew of nosy neighbors and morning shoppers had begun to gather on the sidewalk around her. “I’m coming upstairs,” she said. “Come down to your door and let me in.” Before I could protest, she disappeared inside the building.

  Cursing under my breath and kicking radishes out of my way, I staggered out into the hall, grabbed my robe off the hook on the bathroom door, and hurried down the steps to the main floor of my apartment (i.e., the single narrow room that housed the kitchen, dining, and living areas combined). Abby was already at my front door, banging on it with her fist (or maybe her head).

  I pulled on my robe and yanked the door open. “This better be good,” I snarled, giving her a really dirty look.

  If Abby noticed my indignation, she didn’t let on. She just breezed into my kitchen, plopped herself down at my yellow Formica table, lit up one of my L&M filter tips, and asked if I had any coffee.

  “Yes, but it isn’t made,” I said, growing angrier by the second. “I don’t usually perk a pot of coffee while I’m sleeping.”

  “Then, you’d better perk some now,” she said, exhaling a stream of smoke in my direction. “You look like you need it.”


  “I do not need it!” I growled, stomping my bare foot on the linoleum. “The minute you finish telling me whatever it is you have to tell me, I’m going back to bed. And then I’m going back to sleep. So, I don’t want any damn coffee since it will just keep me awake.”

  A look of pure desolation fell over Abby’s beautiful face. “You mean you’re not going to Gray’s apartment with me?”

  “No. It’s too hot and I’m too tired. I took the phone off the hook for a reason, you know. I really need to get some sleep. Now I’m going back to bed.”

  “But you said you would go with me!”

  “No, I didn’t. You said I would go with you.”

  “Don’t you want to meet Gray? I thought you wanted to tell him what a good actor he is.”

  “He doesn’t need me to tell him that. After last night, the whole world will be telling him.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “No buts!” I snapped. “I’m going back to bed and that’s that!”

  Abby looked so sad I thought she might start crying. “Uh . . . well, okay . . . if that’s the way you want it,” she said, staring down at my kitchen floor as if it were the boulevard of broken dreams. She took a deep drag on her cigarette. “It’s just that I really need some company today.”

  “Two’s company, three’s a crowd,” I said. “Gray will provide more than enough togetherness. I’d just be in the way.”

  “Oh, no you wouldn’t! Gray has to go to the theater, don’t forget, and there’s a matinee today. He won’t have any time for me. He’ll only be home for a short while this morning, and that’s why we have to go so early.”

  Uh oh. She was using the we word again.

  “Why this sudden need for company?” I asked her. “What’s wrong? Is something troubling you?”

  “No . . . yes . . . well, sort of . . .”

  “Then tell me what it is already! The sooner you get it off your chest, the sooner I can go back to bed.”

  She smashed her ciggie in the ashtray and gave me a pleading look. “ I guess I’m just lonely,” she said. “I’m so restless and depressed, I didn’t get any sleep at all last night. I’ve been feeling pretty low since Jimmy moved out.”

  She was talking about Jimmy Birmingham, her most recent live-in lover, an absurdly handsome beatnik poet who wrote absurdly silly poems. Jimmy was very popular in the Village bars and coffee houses where he gave frequent readings of his work, but I’d never been able to pinpoint the reason for his success. I supposed it had something to do with his youth (Jimmy was just twenty-two years old), or his outrageous good looks (Tony Curtis, with a little Gregory Peck thrown in), or the adorableness of his little dog, Otto—the miniature dachshund who was always at his side. I was pretty sure it didn’t have anything to do with his poetry. Or his dopey personality.

  “You mean you actually miss having Jimmy around?” I asked, in disbelief. “You said you were bored with him—sick and tired of being his muse. You claimed you’d rather eat nails than have to listen to one more of his pompous recitations. You practically begged him to move back to his own apartment! Are you telling me you’ve had a total change of heart?”

  Abby’s lips curled upward in a shameless smile. “Not total, just partial.”

  She didn’t have to tell me which part had changed. “So, you miss having him at your beck and call in bed,” I said, trying not to sound too judgmental. “That’s easy to fix. Just give him a buzz and tell him to come back.”

  “And subject myself to more boring poetry readings? You must be crazy!”

  She hit a nerve with that one.

  “You’re driving me crazy!” I cried, grabbing two fistfuls of my shoulder-length brown hair and pulling it out by the roots.

  (Well, sort of, anyway. A few strands got caught in my fingernails and came loose from my scalp.) “I’ve had enough of this ridiculous conversation. I’m going back to bed. Lock the door on your way out.” I turned and headed for the stairs.

  “No, Paige!” Abby cried. “Please don’t leave me! I wasn’t kidding before. I feel really, really lonely today, you dig? I don’t know why, but I do. And since Dan is away for the weekend, you must be lonely, too. Can’t we spend the day together? You could come with me to see Gray, then we could have lunch at Louis’, and then we could catch a movie at the Waverly. They’ve got air-conditioning.”

  I’d never known Abby to be so blue. Her shoulders were sagging, her chin was drooping, and every breath she heaved was a hefty, heartbreaking sigh.

  “Could we go to Chock Full instead of Louis’ for lunch?” I asked.

  Her face flashed bright as a sun lamp. “Any place you say, babe!”

  “Okay,” I said, heaving a hefty sigh of my own. “You make us some coffee. I’ll go get dressed.”

  IT WAS A SHORT BUT SIZZLING WALK TO Gray’s apartment. Just ten thirty in the morning and already the temperature had climbed to 97.4 degrees. (At least that’s what Angelo’s outdoor thermometer had shown.) Abby and I were wearing our coolest, lightest street clothes—cotton capris, midriff halter tops, thin-strapped platform sandals—but we were wilting in the humid heat. My naturally wavy hair had curled into something resembling an eagle’s nest.

  “You should have called first,” I said, as we were slogging across Seventh Avenu
e. “Maybe Gray is still sleeping. Maybe he doesn’t want any visitors. Jeez, he’s probably not even home!” Just call me a cockeyed optimist.

  Abby grunted impatiently. “Knock it off, Paige. If he doesn’t want to see us, or if he’s not there, we can hop over to Washington Square Park and groove to the sights and sounds around the fountain. Jimmy might be there.”

  Oh, great. Just what I want to do. Stand out in the blistering sun and pretend to be digging some fey young composer’s new folk song, or—worse—Jimmy Birmingham’s latest incomprehensible opus.

  (The circular rim of the Washington Square Park fountain is, in case you didn’t know, Greenwich Village’s theater-in-the-round. Actually, some would call it the theater of the absurd. All the Village idiots—I mean, artists!—gather there to perform their music, poetry, monologues, or whatever, to a roaming, free-wheeling audience.)

  Hoping that Gray would be at home and receptive to our unannounced appearance (thereby sparing me from the Washington Square fountain festivities), I quickened my pace across Seventh and followed Abby’s lead down Christopher Street. The sooner we could give Gray our congratulations, get to Chock Full, and then to the air-conditioned movie theater, the better.

  Gray lived in a neat four-story brownstone. There were eight apartments in the building, and according to the numbers on the mailboxes in the entryway, Gray resided in 2B. Abby rang the appropriate buzzer, but there was no answer. She rang again. Still no reply.

  “I knew he wouldn’t be home,” I said, with a loud harrumph. “How the devil did I ever let you talk me into this wild goose—”

  Before I could finish my sentence, Abby moved her finger over to the buzzer for 2A and pressed it repeatedly.

  “Go away!” a tinny male voice came over the intercom. “I’m not home. Unless you’re Rock Hudson, that is. Or Montgomery Clift. If you’re Rock or Monty, you can come on up. But be quick about it. I haven’t got all day!” Then, without another word (or any answer from us), he buzzed us in.

  Abby gave me a puzzled but triumphant look, then promptly charged up the stairs to the second floor. I scooted up right behind her. “Gray’s probably in the shower,” she said, heading straight to the door marked 2B. “That’s why he didn’t hear us ringing. I bet he’ll hear me knocking, though!”

  As she raised her balled fist in the air and prepared to begin banging, the door to 2A was pulled wide open. And out stepped one of the oddest-looking men I’d ever seen in my life. He was short, pudgy, uncommonly potbellied, and his thick blond hair was slicked back from his face with gobs of goopy pomade. His pug nose was dotted with freckles and his bulging blue eyes were as big as . . . well, radishes were the first things that came to mind. And you wouldn’t believe what he was wearing! It was a short, yellow silk kimono with black embroidery and a tasseled sash! On his feet were a pair of black satin slippers. I guessed him to be about forty.

  “Omigod!” he squealed when he saw us. “Who are you? What do you think you’re doing?” He suddenly ducked back into his apartment and shielded himself behind the door. Just his head was sticking out. I could tell from the growing pink-ness on his pudgy cheeks that he was embarrassed to have been seen in his unusual . . . um . . . outfit. “I thought you were somebody else!” he said, speaking a bit louder than was necessary. “What happened? Did you ring my bell by mistake?”

  Nice of him to provide us with a credible explanation.

  “Gee, I guess I did!” Abby said, hitting him with her most charming smile. “I’m so sorry we bothered you, sir. I must have gotten the buzzers mixed up. I meant to ring 2B, Gray Gordon’s apartment.”

  “Oh,” he said, blue eyes popping wide as golf balls. He blotted his damp cheeks on the billowy sleeve of his kimono, then quickly pulled his head inside and slammed his door. I could hear him clicking the locks. The show was over.

  “What a kook!” I whispered to Abby. “Did you see what he had on?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered back. “He’s a fashion idol—a real gone geisha. I’ll have to find out where he shops.” Then she turned back around to Gray’s door and pounded on it with all her might.

  To our great, jaw-dropping surprise, the door flew open and crashed against a nearby wall.

  “Oh, my Lord!” I cried. “You broke it!” I was on the verge of wigging out again. “We could be arrested for this, you know!” Breaking and entering? This was more like bashing and entering, except we hadn’t entered yet.

  Abby gave me a weary look. “Don’t be stupid, Paige. I didn’t break a thing. The door wasn’t locked, it wasn’t even all the way closed.” She stepped into the dim, narrow hallway and started walking toward the sunlit room ahead. “I wonder where Gray is. He must have heard the noise . . . Hey, Gray! Gray! Are you here, babe? It’s me, Abby. I came to tell you what a great big gorgeous star you are!”

  There was no answer to her call. There was no sound at all. I held my breath and strained my ears, but no noises came from inside the apartment. No clattering dishes, whistling tea kettles, or irksome radio commercials. No singing in the shower. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

  Except for Abby, who had breezed all the way down the hall and was now entering Gray’s living room with such ease and abandonment you’d have thought it was her own. She turned the corner to her left and disappeared from my view. “Where are you hiding, Sweetpants?” she warbled. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

  Still no response.

  Feeling certain that Gray wasn’t at home, and that I wouldn’t be disturbing him in any way, I finally ventured into the apartment and began slinking through the shadows toward the sunny room at the end of the corridor. I was about halfway there when Abby started screaming.

  Chapter 4

  I HURTLED TO THE END OF THE ENTRANCE hall and rocketed into the living room. What was happening? Where was Abby? Was she hurt? Had somebody attacked her? Was she unconscious? She wasn’t screaming anymore.

  She was crying, however, and although I couldn’t see her anywhere in the large bright room, I had only to follow the sounds of her sobbing to figure out where she was. I found her down on her knees behind the couch, hugging her arms tightly across her breast like a distraught mental patient strapped in a straitjacket. She was kneeling in an enormous pool of blood.

  At first I thought it was her own blood, but—praise be to every deity who ever rented space in Heaven!—it wasn’t. It was the blood of Gray Gordon, whose dead and naked body was lying just four feet away—splayed out like a poor sacrificed lamb—in the middle of the wide passage between the back of the couch and a wall of windows. His throat had been slit and there were numerous stab wounds in his chest. There were many other deep slashes in his limbs, belly, and groin, but I won’t say anything more about that. Believe me, you don’t want to know.

  I didn’t want to look at the butchered mess of bone and flesh before me, but my inquisitive nature overpowered my revulsion. What monster had done this hideous thing? When had the murder taken place? How long had Gray been lying here like this? Judging from the thick coagulation of his blood, and the dry opaqueness of his gaping eyes, and the sickeningly rancid stench that permeated every breath I took, it had been a few hours at least.

  Fighting back my own tears, and a violent urge to throw up, I dropped down to my knees next to Abby and threw my arms around her. Still sobbing and gasping for air, she turned and wrapped her arms around me. Then we held on to each other for dear life, rocking to and fro in a steady, continuous rhythm, like two orthodox Jews in prayer.

  After a few anguished and mournful minutes of kneeling, hugging, rocking, and praying, I grabbed hold of the back of the couch and pulled myself to my feet. Then I helped Abby stand up. Our knees, shins, and shoes were covered with blood. Abby’s hands were coated, too, until she wiped them—over and over and over again—on the cotton contours of her powder blue capris. Struck dumb by the carnage, she didn’t utter a word.

  “I think you’d better sit down,” I said, puttin
g my arm around her shoulders and gently guiding her around the couch. Then I steered her across the floor to a chair on the opposite side of the room, where the body would be out of her sight. “Will you be okay here for a couple of seconds?” I asked, helping her lower herself into the dark green club chair. “I need to go next door and call the police. I don’t want to put my fingerprints on Gray’s phone. You stay right here, okay? Don’t move. Don’t get up and walk around. And don’t touch anything.”

  She stared straight ahead and mumbled something I couldn’t understand. But then she nodded in my direction, so I figured she wasn’t in a total daze.

  “Just sit tight,” I reiterated, using the calmest and firmest voice I could conjure up. “I’ll be right back.”

  Careening out into the hall, I lurched over to the door marked 2A and started knocking as hard as I could. “Help! Help!” I bellowed. “There’s been a murder! Please open up! This is urgent! I need to use your phone!”


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