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Mated_Their Vampire Princess

Page 1

by Harlow Thomas

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23



  Their Vampire Princess Book 4

  Harlow Thomas

  Anastasia James

  Copyright © 2017 by Harlow Thomas

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23




  24. Sneak Peek

  25. Waking the Watcher

  26. Sneak Peek

  27. Their Siren

  Also by Harlow Thomas

  More sexy paranormal romance by Harlow Thomas

  Also by Anastasia James

  About Harlow Thomas

  About Anastasia James

  Chapter 1


  “Line them up shoulder to shoulder.” Diana’s voice grates on my nerves. I can’t see anything, my blindfold only adding to the tension. I’m certain the other three men who are Felicity’s chosen stand next to me as we await our deaths.

  My feet scrape along wood planks, the hollow sound beneath them making me aware of the trapdoor underneath me. So, they’ll kill us and drop our bodies below. Out of sight, out of mind. I can only hope that Garrett was successful in getting Felicity her freedom before his connection to the guard was broken. For all I know, as soon as that guard got his own mind back, he killed her. My gut clenches at the thought.

  How will they do it? Behead us? Hang us?

  When the cold steel of a blade lines up with my throat I see the ugly truth. They’ll slaughter us like pigs. Why waste our blood?

  “Chosen of the traitor, Felicity, former princess of the Night Court, you are sentenced to death. Your blood will be offered up to the court as payment for the betrayal of its princess.” Diana’s words hang over me, and with every breath I take, I realize Felicity is too late. We failed. She must be dead.

  The bell rings, I close my eyes, picture my love, and wait for death to claim me and reunite us.

  Chapter 2

  My blood runs cold at the sight of my lovers, bound, blindfolded, and standing on the raised platform before the court. Each man has a vampire at his throat, ready to slash and spill his blood. Thomas is the only one with two guards holding him in addition to his chains, but he’s standing proud and tall, confident. He knows I’m coming. I’m sure he can feel me, as I can him.

  Standing in the shadows of the courtyard, I wait until all eyes are on the punished before I make my move. I can’t reclaim my throne, not now, but I won’t let my men die. I’ve got weapons at the ready after my short stop in the armory, and after mapping my path to my chosen, I know I’ll have to go through at least five guards, not to mention, the possibility of a confrontation with Diana. But I’d rather die trying to save them than leave them to her.

  Diana’s shrill voice cuts through the air and as the bell rings, I make my move. Blurring at top speed, I decapitate two guards before anyone realizes what has happened. Their heads hit the ground and roll as I plunge a stake in the heart of a third vampire who rushes me. Blood slicks my hands, making it hard to hold onto the wood and pull it free of his chest. Copper scents the air and the screams of unarmed courtiers fill the courtyard.

  Good. They should be fearful.

  My white gown is soaked in a combination of Hawkins’ blood and the blood of the vampires I just took out. By the time I finish, the fabric will be fully stained crimson. I can only hope to add Diana’s to the combination.

  Thomas’ head turns toward me even though a blindfold still blocks his sight, a smile on his face. With a quick movement, he slams the back of his skull into one of his guards’ noses and spins, wrapping his chained wrists around the neck of the other vampire holding him. The silver chains make the vampire scream but Thomas doesn’t let up. He smashes his forehead into the guard’s face and kicks him hard enough to make the man double over.

  “Now!” Diana screeches from high atop her throne. The throne that doesn’t belong to her.

  My heart stops as the three vampires holding knives to my lovers’ throats begin to move. There’s no way I’ll get to them in time. Another guard comes at me, but I barely register him as I focus on the gleaming metal about to kill my princes. My hand shoots out, driving into the guard’s chest and without a second thought, I rip out his heart and toss it aside. I run screaming to save my men.

  Garrett’s whole body shakes and my gut clenches to think my strong prince is so terrified, but then I see the three vampires lift their daggers, eyes blank, and turn them on themselves. He is doing this. He’s controlling them. They slit their own throats and fall to the wood planked platform. The moment I get to my loves, I break their bonds and help them take off the blindfolds. This fight isn’t over, not by a long-shot, but I take a second to hold their gazes. Thomas has fished the key from a guard’s pocket and freed himself as the crowd looks on in wonder.

  In the span of thirty seconds, the tables have turned and Diana’s plan has been ruined.

  “Guards, stop them!” she screams. But no one moves. My hands drip with the blood of my victims, and Garrett’s dark gaze is strong and determined. He holds out his hand and the crowd parts for us, whether by his control or out of fear. Not a single guard moves toward us as we stride past them and off the grounds.

  We don't stop until we reach the magical barrier between my home and the rest of the realm. If Thomas and I step through the veil of magic keeping our home cloaked in darkness and there’s sunlight, we will die, but if we stay, Diana will find us.

  “Allow me,” Sebastian offers before he walks through the barrier. His form disappears and all I’m left with is a fluttering of anticipation in my belly. It seems like hours pass before he reappears with a smile on his face. “It’s safe. Come on.”

  Taking Thomas’ hand, I close my eyes and step through, my skin tingling as the magic flows over me. Everything is lighter here, even in the dark of night. The green of the moss and trees more vivid, the air cleaner. It feels…free. Glancing at Garrett, a pang of worry stabs at me. He’s pale and shaky, a thin line of blood has seeped from his nose.

  “Garrett, you need to rest,” I say, releasing Thomas and going to my dark haired prince.

  He f
orces himself to smile and stand tall. “I’m fine. Let’s keep going. We’re not far enough away from Diana’s reach.”

  Miller’s gaze is trained ahead of us, his posture stiff and unyielding. “We’re on my land.” His eyes dart to Thomas.

  I know what he’s thinking. Thomas is still a vampire, still needs blood. And here we are, putting Miller’s people—his family—at risk. “Miller, it’s okay. Thomas will be fine.”

  Nodding, he takes a deep breath. “Follow me. There’s a cabin on this land that belongs to my family. No one ever uses it. We’ll have shelter there until we can figure out our next move.”

  We follow him, Thomas, Sebastian, and Garrett striding shoulder to shoulder behind me. Having them all so close makes my heart lift. I got them out. They’re alive and we’re together. That’s what I need to focus on at the moment. Because if I think about my mother, about Diana sitting on the throne, I fear I might collapse.

  After an hour of walking through the rich green forest, we come upon a cabin that is really more of a house. It is large enough to house a family. Beautiful and rustic, and right now, the most perfect thing in my world. Miller bounds up the three steps onto the wide porch and murmurs a few words before pressing his hand to the door. A clicking sound resonates from the door and I cock my head in question.

  “It’s locked with magic. The only people who can open this lock are those who share my family’s bloodline.”

  “And your family doesn’t come out here?” Sebastian’s question is laced with disbelief.

  “No. Not since my mom died. Too many memories.”

  I run a hand over Miller’s cheek and pull him down for a kiss. My heart aches for him. “Thank you for bringing us here.”

  “Anything for you, my princess.”

  My skin begins to prickle and burn sending waves of fear through me. The sun is rising. This is a feeling I’ve never had before but instinct tells me exactly what it is.

  “Thomas, we have to get inside. The sun is rising.”

  Chapter 3

  My limbs ache with fatigue even from the safety of the house. Garrett lowers all the shades while Thomas and I make our way to the safety of the basement. Miller follows behind us with a change of clothes and robe for me to wear, his worry like an extra person in our group. I’ve never felt the day sickness before, but now I understand the fear associated with stepping outside our borders. Even covered in darkness, I feel the day, the energy covering me as though it’s a weighted blanket.

  “Why do I feel this way?” Thomas asks, settling on the couch in the middle of the finished basement. At least Miller’s family hadn’t left this a musty hole in the ground. The walls are painted a soft cream and cozy furniture and a bookcase fill the space.

  “It’s day sickness. We’ll feel better once the sun sets.”

  “Maybe you need to feed,” Miller offers.

  Thomas’ pupils dilate at the mention of feeding, the action sending a cold tendril of dread running through my chest. How will his hunger be sated? Will he only feed from me?

  I shake my head and smile softly at Miller. “Not right now. I just need to sleep. My body will know when it’s safe to come above ground.”

  He slides his hand up my arm and our eyes lock. The love shining in his makes my knees weak. I am so lucky to have these men, all of them. My chest aches at the thought of losing them, of how close I came to that life. A life without my loves. Before I can stop myself, tears threaten to fall. Miller cups my cheek and steps closer, drawing me into the warmth of his embrace.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got you,” he murmurs against my hair. “I’m never letting go again. No matter what.”

  My traitorous lip trembles as I fight to hold in the sob that wants to tear from my chest. “What if I’d been too late?”

  He kisses my temple, my forehead, and finally, my lips. “You weren’t. We’re here. All of us are safe. I promise you, there will not be a day or night that passes that we’re not by your side.”

  Nodding, I lean into him and breathe in his scent. It’s not cologne or soap, it’s Miller, his blood and life and vitality all call to me. Even though I’m not hungry, my fangs tingle in the roof of my mouth. “I love you, Miller. I’ll never leave your side either.”

  His fingertips trail across my collarbone as I look up into his handsome face. “I’ll let you rest. If you need me, just call.”

  My prince ascends the stairs while I watch before I finally give in to my exhaustion. After changing out of my ruined gown, I sigh and turn to see Thomas waiting for me. Crossing the room, I take Thomas’ hand and pull him with me to the large couch. He lies across the cushions first, then opens his arms to me. With a gentle smile, he murmurs, “Come here.”

  I crawl over him, nestling in against his big body and he wraps me in his arms. In the span of a few slow heartbeats, the world falls away and I sleep.

  Chapter 4


  I’d almost forgotten what it was to feel the sun, full and warm on my skin. Even during the time we were on the island we’d been cloaked in twilight. Now, standing outside, guarding my princess while she sleeps, I soak up the heat, the bright gold light, and wonder how I went without for so many days. And then I’m hit by guilt that I’m comforted by something so deadly to my Felicity.

  “I’ve never seen her like this. Do you think she’s going to be okay?” Sebastian’s voice breaks through my thoughts, tossing a bucket of cold water on my revelry.

  “I don’t know. She’s strong, but there’s no magic protecting her here.”

  “Other vampires live outside the border. It must be possible for her and Thomas to adapt, get used to the limitations they’ll have out here.”

  A frown furrows my brow as I take in his words. “So are we just going to live out here in the woods? Felicity is meant for more than that.”

  “I know that. But we got away. Who’s to say that’s not what we’re all meant for? Happiness together—here. I don’t think Felicity will want to risk losing us again just for a crown.”

  I shake my head. “No. Felicity will ascend and break the curse. As soon as we can, we need to make a plan to take down Diana. Even if it’s without our princess knowing.”

  Chapter 5

  Thomas nuzzles my neck, waking me while the sun sinks below the horizon. The heaviness in my limbs lessens with every second that passes. It’s replaced with a different feeling, one I want to explore with each nip and lick of Thomas’ teeth and tongue along my throat.

  “Do you need to feed?” I ask him, already knowing what he’ll say.

  Give me everything. His voice fills my head but not a sound fills the room. “I can go without,” he says. But I’m certain I just heard his thoughts.

  Closing my eyes, I focus on him and use my mind to convey what I want him to know. I don’t want you to go without anything.

  His fangs graze my skin, a long, shuddering inhalation making his need obvious. “I need all of you.”

  Maybe he can’t hear me, but I can hear him. Sitting astride him, I pull at my clothes until my breasts are bared to him. His emerald eyes flash with desire and he bucks his hips up against my sex. His erection brushes my sensitive flesh even through our clothes, making me moan.

  Mine. His thoughts reach me again as he grips my gown and begins to tug it farther downward. God, the feel of his mind touching mine sends a rush of primal urges through me. Give. Take. Mate. Claim. I can’t tell if they’re his or mine.

  “Thomas,” I whisper, needing more than his hands on me.

  He locks eyes with me and smirks before sitting up and flipping me onto my back in one smooth move. The soft fabric of my robe flows across my hips and waist like a blanket draped across me rather than the garment it’s meant to be. “I want you naked,” he growls.

  All I can do is nod. I want the same—from him. My hands search his body for the hem of his shirt as I stare into endless pools of green, my gaze unwilling to leave his. In the space between breaths I’ve bar
ed his chest and tossed his shirt aside. His beautifully carved muscles are on full display, skin, once bronzed from the sun, now the pale color of his vampire nature. I used to think turning him had been the worst thing I could have done. But now that he’s back, that his monster is banished, I can delight in knowing I won’t hurt him like I could his human counterparts. I can be as desperate and reckless as I want with you. You’re unbreakable.

  His breath hitches and eyes widen. He heard me.

  Brow furrowing, he shakes his head. “Say that again?” So I do. I focus on him and think the exact same words. “Did I just read your thoughts?”

  I nod and take my lower lip between my teeth, worried he’ll think that’s too much. As though a telepathic connection is worse than being a vampire.

  “How long have you been able to do that?”

  Shaking my head, I take his face in my hands. “I’ve never done that. I heard you for the first time just a few minutes ago.”

  “Our connection is even deeper than I thought. I’ve heard of the fae having a telepathic link to their lovers, but even that is rare.”

  My heart gives a squeeze. His fae blood caused this? “We are fated. All of us.”

  His eyes flicker with a hint of jealousy. Or maybe I can just feel his emotions now. “But I can’t give you the child you need. Your heir.”


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