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Who Wants That Perfect Love Story Anyway

Page 11

by Natavia

  I moaned. I was getting ready to come until he pulled me up then thrust himself back inside of me. He pumped into me with everything he had. When his finger slid in my ass, I cried. My back was arched against the wall; my nipples were hard and erect. He bit down on one. When I started squirting, he pumped even harder, my head was banging against the wall. He let out a loud grunt then kissed me.

  “Damn, I love your ass!”

  We washed up then got out. I took one look at his still hard dick and wanted to do it all over again.

  “You a freak!” He laughed. I pushed him down on the toilet seat and rode him until I screamed mercy.


  “Hey boo!” I said as I walked into Tee-Tee’s crib. She was glowing. “You knocked up again? Your ass is getting big,” I told her. She rolled her eyes as she shut the door. She was always a moody person, but now it was worse. We hadn’t known each other as long as me and Jamie, but she was still a close friend. Lately, both of them been M.I.A. They hadn’t even been answering the phone. I was trying to figure out what was going on in my girls’ lives.

  “Unfortunately, yes I am,” she shook her head. “I got knocked up a week after I got out of the hospital. I was supposed to wait two weeks, but Corey’s persistent ass couldn’t wait!”

  “And you couldn’t make him?” I asked.

  “Girl, hell no! He had gotten me so damn horny I jumped on him. I couldn’t help it, I gave in. I even cooked his dinner that night with boy shorts on and red pumps. My ass can barely walk in those damn things. That pipe he lays is that serious and it makes me crazy sometimes,” she stated.

  “It’s not just the sex that make you go nuts, it’s love,” I told her.

  “You’re right, I do love his crazy ass, but I know he got me knocked up on purpose. He thinks it’s the only way to calm me down.”

  “Well, are you going to chill out? I hope like hell you are! What happened last time should’ve been a wake-up call,” I fussed.


  “What the fuck, Tee? You still hustling?” I asked her. I honestly believe she was a man in a previous life.

  “I mean it’s nothing major! It’s only e-pills, mollies, weed and PCP, it’s no longer cocaine. Just a little something to help me feel financially secure just in case he ups and leaves me,” she said nonchalantly.

  “Hustling is hustling! I don’t give a fuck what type of drug it is. You are having a baby! You can’t be ripping and running the streets! That’s not fair to him especially after he told you how he felt about it. I really don’t understand why you can’t just chill the fuck out! Damn, you just pissed me off!”

  She hopped off the couch yelling. “I don’t understand what the fuck is the big deal! If a nigga can do it so can I! I’m bout my money like any other dude out here! I’m not trying to depend on no motherfucker to take care of me! What if he get locked up or killed, then what? I’m back to square fucking one all because I put my life in someone else’s hands.”

  I now understood why Corey treated her the way he sometimes did. She was acting selfish as fuck! It really made me mad to the point I wanted to smack some sense into her. Who wanted to run the streets pregnant? All she was concerned about was hustling. She could give two fucks about her man or her baby.

  “You realize why he feel like he’s less of a man around you? Y’all roles are switched the fuck up! You wanted him, right? That’s what all that fighting with other bitches was for? Isn’t that why you almost got killed? You love him that’s why you did those things! Call me crazy, but if I lay my life down on the line for a nigga, trust and believe me I’m making sure his ass ain’t going nowhere. You claim you love him then fucking act like it! Soon as he starts fucking other bitches again you’re going to come back crying to me. You wanted something out of life; there was always something you had to sacrifice whether it was good or bad. We could never have it all, but in the end happiness will follow especially if you ended up with something you always wanted!”

  She broke down crying, I honestly think something else was going on with this girl that she didn’t want to talk about.

  “You need to grow the fuck up! You are about to be someone’s mother! I see empty wine bottles and I been around Corey long enough to know he doesn’t drink that shit. You drinking while you’re pregnant? You really hurting me, Teyana! Your man is getting ready to leave you and you don’t even fucking care. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how he been staying back at his mom’s house. Can you blame him?”

  “I don’t know how to love him, Cam! I love him, but I don’t know what to do!” she cried.

  “Follow your heart, that’s all you have to do! Sit down and talk to him. If you really can’t stop living this lifestyle then maybe you need to let him go. You can’t have both! I know you were this way before you started messing with him, but you fell in love. When love is involved shit changes. Call me later!” I grabbed my things then left out the door.

  I got into my pearl 2014 Cadillac Escalade Royal copped for me a few weeks ago. I couldn’t wait to go to Brazil next week; I needed a vacation! I pulled up into Koran’s driveway. He lived in a four-level brownstone in Bowie, Maryland. Koran was doing his thing I’ll admit that.

  I rang the doorbell and he opened it shirtless. He was still fine as ever. He only had on baller shorts, socks, and Nike slippers.

  “Can you bring Parker to the door!” There was no way in hell I was stepping inside of his home.

  “She’s taking a nap! I wished you would have called before you came then maybe you would’ve saved yourself a trip. She can stay for a few days because a couple of hours ain’t shit! I know I missed out on almost a year, but damn I’m trying!” he stressed.

  “Let me think about that, but in the meantime get my daughter so we can go,” I told him.

  He smiled at me. “Alright!” Then slammed the door in my face. I waited for fifteen minutes and he never came back out, so I walked in.

  Koran’s place was laid the hell out. It could’ve been in the Better Homes magazine. He was always into nice things and very materialistic. He was sitting on the couch watching his 60inch flat screen that hung from the wall. I couldn’t believe this fool!

  “Really, you were going to just leave me hanging?” I asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “You should’ve come in to begin with. I thought you were done letting niggas control you! Same shit different nigga!” he said.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked him. He jumped up and got into my face.

  “You know what the fuck I’m talking about! You let him control your movements. I know it’s him who got me on restrictions when it comes to my fucking daughter. He spent money on her, I get that! If that nigga want his money back let me know how much so I can pay him back. You couldn’t even walk in to see what type of fucking environment I had her in. My home could’ve been in a bad condition, but all you are concerned about is hearing his fucking mouth! So you tell your nigga that MY daughter is staying with her real daddy for a few days! You got a problem? We can take this shit to court so I can get joint custody. I have a right, you know. So, you can either sit your ass down and chill for a bit or get the hell out! It’s your choice,” he said.

  What could I say to that? Not a damn thing that was what, so I just checked his place out instead. He had four bedrooms and a fully furnished basement. I didn’t know he was making money like that.

  “You balling aren’t you?” I asked.

  He sipped his Corona and smirked. “Naw, I’m just doing a little something. I opened up another shop and its located downtown.”

  I smiled at him. Despite our differences and the way we ended up, I don’t hate him. I don’t think I ever really could. “I’m proud of you!” I told him.

  “Thanks! I’m proud of you too. Always have been. I should’ve told you that more often,” he eyed me lustfully.

  It was the beginning of December. It was chilly outside. I had on a pair of The Row maroon leather skinny pant
s and a black Donna Karan long-sleeve asymmetric draped tunic. I was rocking a pair of suede black Manolo Blahnik pumps. I took my braids out and my hair was bone straight with Chinese bangs going straight across. I always kept braids so my hair was long; it reached the middle of my back. I knew I was looking good especially with wine colored lipstick that made my lips look plump and fuller. He started making me feel uncomfortable, so I got up.

  I went into Parker’s bedroom. Her father had it painted light and hot pink. The carpet was even pink. Her room theme was Hello Kitty. It was really cute how he had it set up. Her room was similar to the one at Royal’s house. Only difference was that the theme was Dora the Explorer. I leaned down over her toddler bed and kissed her cheek. She was the spitting image of her daddy. She just had my slanted eyes. Her thick curly hair was in two long pigtails. Our daughter was beautiful. I giggled when she started snoring. She even slept like her daddy. I kissed her one more time before leaving.

  Koran walked me to the door. “I will pick her up tomorrow evening,” I told him.

  “Why you got to leave now, Cam?” He asked with pleading eyes.

  “I can’t sit over here and chill like that and you know it,” I responded.

  “I miss you! I’m not going to even lie, I think about you all damn day! I know I didn’t appreciate you and you deserve better, but no one is perfect. I had some fucked up shit done to me when I was a youngin’. I’m even getting counseling for it. I might be too late, but I just want you to know I really did love you. Hell, I still do! I’m sorry for everything I have ever done to you. I’m sorry for putting my hands on you and degrading you. I’m truly sorry, Cam!”

  My eyes got watery. A few tears even managed to escape because I still loved him too, but I was no longer in love with him.

  “You saying all the right things, but at the wrong time,” my voice trembled. I walked out the door and he followed me to my truck.

  He hugged me. “Come on boo stop fighting it! I know you miss me, too,” he said caressing my face. It happened so fast I didn’t even realize he had his tongue down my throat.

  “What the fuck is this?” a woman yelled from behind. I pushed him away from me. Damn, I hope my man didn’t hear about this.

  “Tashondra, what the fuck you doing here? I told you I had my daughter!” he yelled at her.

  “You didn’t see me calling? You so busy entertaining this fat bitch!” she screamed.

  Tashondra was average looking in the face, but her shape was bad. She was shaped just like a black Barbie. She had a light brown complexion, big sad eyes, and very thin lips. She had bigger teeth than most folks and she had a slight gap. I take average looking back. This bitch looked just like the donkey off of Shrek. I might be bigger than her, but I looked like a Cover Girl compared to her.

  “I’m going to let y’all talk. I will call on my way to pick her up,” I tried rushing off.

  All of a sudden, I was being yanked back from getting into my truck. This bitch had the nerve to put her hands on me. I shoved her ass back, and then went in on her ass. Yes, that’s right, pumps and all. She clawed at my face. It burned like hell when she dug her nails into my skin. I forced her head down crashing it down on my knee. She bit my leg. This bitch was fighting dirty. I grabbed a hand full of her hair slinging her to the ground. I started kicking her and punching her while she was sitting on the ground. My kicks landed on her face, chest and stomach. I started dragging her still swinging on her. She was kicking wildly and screaming for help. Her face was bloody and it was swelling up from my pumps.

  “Get this crazy bitch off me!” she cried.

  “Cam, get off her! The police might come,” he yelled. I let her go then walked back towards my truck.

  “You see why I moved on! Every time I’m around you some shit always popping off! You bring nothing but the bad out of me! Got me out here fighting and shit! I’m a fucking mother! I don’t need to be out in the streets fighting like I don’t have no class! Keep your trolls the fuck away from me!” I screamed.

  “I don’t fuck with her like that anymore! I swear I don’t!” he explained.

  “Whatever, do you because I’m damn sure doing me!” I peeled off. I looked in my rear view mirror and I just had to laugh. Koran slammed the door right in her face.


  I pulled up in my circular driveway at the same time as Cam. You might as well say she lived with me. She and Parker was always over and I wasn’t complaining. I wished she would just make it official and just move in. She had a key and all the security codes. I lived in a beach style like mansion with big windows that were so huge my house damn near looked like it was made of glass. My house looked like it belonged in Miami, instead of Annapolis. Tropical trees were planted around it and I even had a waterfall pool built in the back. When I was home, it felt like I was away on a vacation. She finally got out of her truck then slammed the door. She was pissed about something.

  I went over towards her and noticed how rough she looked. Her shirt was ripped and her hair was a mess. She even had long bloody scratches going down her face. It looked like she was in a real catfight.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” I examined the rest of her body.

  “That bitch Tashondra put her hands on me!” she screamed. I could tell she was still pumped from the fight. I followed her in the house and into our bedroom. She took her clothes off preparing for a shower.

  “Why she felt like she had to put her hands on you?” I asked. She cleaned her face with peroxide then she put cocoa butter on her scratches.

  “I went to get Parker from over her father’s house. She was asleep and I didn’t want to wake her because it was a little late. Well anyways, he walked me to my truck and Tashondra pulled up fussing and cussing. I tried leaving, but the bitch grabbed me from the back, so I whipped her ass!”

  I knew Cam was lying about something. It was more to her story than she was telling me. I walked out of the bathroom to give to her some privacy. Her phone was thrown across the bed and it started going off. I was not an insecure ass dude, but something seemed a little off. I picked it up and it had twenty missed calls and four unread messages from Koran. I checked the messages and he was talking about how good it felt to feel her lips again. He also was saying that he wanted his family back and how he missed her bomb ass pussy.

  He called again and this time I answered, “Yooo!”

  “Put my baby’s mother on the phone nigga!” he demanded.

  I laughed at this silly ass dude. “For what? Fuck you still begging for?” I asked.

  “Look, nigga this don’t have shit to do with you! Just like me seeing my daughter don’t have shit to do with you! Fall the fuck back!” he shouted into the phone.

  “Look here, you clown ass nigga. I’m going to let you have that one. You seeing your daughter has nothing to do with me, but you calling my fucking girl every fucking minute and sending her crazy ass messages have everything to do with me! If it ain’t about y’all daughter then you don’t need to be on this fucking line nigga! Know your position nigga before shit start getting ugly!” I vexed.

  “Yeah, alright, you just borrowing her for a moment. Everyone knows Cam fucking always comes back! I popped that cherry! She probably sucked your dick well because I fucking taught her. Matter of fact, she fighting her way back in my life now and when I say fighting I mean literally!” He hung up.

  I’m not going to lie everything that nigga just said really had gotten to me. Cam fighting over this retarded ass dude. I grilled her when she came back into the room.

  “Why you looking at me like that?” She asked.

  “I hate liars, Cam!” I stated calmly.

  “What you talking about?” she asked dumbfounded.

  “Why were you and Tashondra really fighting? I don’t want to hear no bullshit neither!”

  “I already told you!” she snapped.

  “Is that your final answer?” I asked walking towards her.

  “Yes nigga! What
the fuck is this Jeopardy?” she responded nervously.

  “Why your bitch ass baby daddy talking about it feels good to feel your lips again?”

  “I don’t know!” she broke down and started crying.

  “What the fuck you crying for?” I yelled at her. I know I had her shook because I never raised my voice at Cam.

  “Because you don’t believe me! You making me nervous!”

  “You know what? Fuck you! I’m not going to even continue to entertain your sneaky ass! You stood in my fucking face and lied. Apparently, you and this nigga kissing and shit!” I grabbed my keys and wallet. I needed to get the hell away from her. I had never hit a woman a day in my life, but she took me there. I felt like slapping the spit out of her mouth, but I would rather leave and cut her off before I felt like I needed put my hands on her.

  “No, baby wait!” She grabbed my arm. I yanked away from her and she lost her footing then tripped.

  “I’m going out to clear my head. Don’t text me or call my fucking phone until you are woman enough to tell me the truth. If you still feel the need to lie then get the fuck out of my crib! I’ll be damn if I sit back and play a fool to an ungrateful ass broad! I been a good nigga to you, patient with you and everything. I respect you and I never even looked at another bitch since we made it official. If you can’t figure out who you really want, pack your shit and leave my fucking key on the table!”

  She cried harder, but I didn’t even care. Fuck that bitch!

  I pulled up in front of “Royal Palace” in my midnight blue Mercedes G class truck. It was Saturday night and the line was damn near wrapped around the building. I was about to make a killing. This strip club was the door opener for me to many more. This was the first one I opened. It did so well I opened three more. I now have two in Annapolis, one in Baltimore, and the last one is in Lanham, Maryland.

  “Heyyyy, Royal baby!” Honey cooed in my ear. Honey was bad as hell. She had a booty like Delicious and a face like Laura London’s. She was a thick red bone with a pink spiky short hairdo. She had a lot of tattoos and piercings. She had two in her cheeks giving her dimples. She had on a white fishnet dress with pink glittery stars covering her nipples and a pink glittery G-string underneath with stacked silver glitter stripper heels.


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