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Fantasy Warrior

Page 4

by Jaylee Davis

  She stared at his hand, almost as if she feared he’d make a sudden move to capture her. Since he was unwilling to give up and do just that, Kord held his position, hoping his female would realize he’d never hurt her.

  He held his breath as she inched away a fraction. Then, after exchanging a few nervous glances at him and back to his hand, she reached out and placed her small trembling one on top his palm. Ever so slowly, he closed his fingers until he held her with a gentle grip. Kord gave her a light tug.

  To his utter surprise, she scrambled toward him, flung her arms around his neck and pressed her body full length against his. Unprompted, his arms encircled her in a protective embrace, pulling her closer. She buried her face into the side of his neck and sobbed.

  He had no words she’d understand to comfort her. Instead, he gathered her into his arms, stood and carried her away, following the stone pathway that lead to a sheltered area near the prearranged collection site. Once there, he scanned the site while taking in all the scents to make sure no Krell waited in ambush.

  Satisfied they were alone, he sat on a long, stone seat and shifted her so she sat comfortable across his lap. Her arms were still locked around his neck, clutching him tight while she burrowed her face against his chest. From what he could tell, she’d stopped crying and seemed willing to rest. At the moment, the scent of her fear had faded away. In its place, the alluring smell of his female grew stronger as it wafted up around him.

  Kord lowered his mouth to her neck, seeking to breathe in more of her tantalizing scent. He rooted through her glorious hair until his lips touched soft skin. His mate smelled good enough to eat, and he couldn’t resist taking a sample. Even mixed with the chemical taste, the enticing flavor brought forth a throaty growl from him as he licked and nipped the slender column. Her reaction stunned him.

  Chapter Four

  The moment he licked her neck, Pam came out of shock. Once he nibbled, she jerked away and struggled against him, hoping he’d release her. His arms tightened around her, but she managed to dig her elbows into his chest and hold them there by using what little strength she had left.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She gasped. His handsome face was too close, and if she read his expression correctly, he seemed surprised and hurt by her reaction.

  “Sandra safe,” he grumbled.

  “That thing…that Krell tried to rape me,” she stammered. “You killed it?”

  “Yes.” He gave a sharp nod.

  “They aren’t from this planet, are they?” She almost choked when Kord shook his head. Panic threatened to engulf her once more. She managed to whisper, “You’re not from here either?”

  Another shake of his head confirmed any doubts she still harbored. Her first thought was to run away, but he had her trapped on his lap. No escape possible at the moment, and she already knew screaming wasn’t going to help. She might attract more of those Krell things if she made too much noise, and she certainly didn’t want to see Kord’s arms turn into weapons again.

  Despite her rising panic, a comforting realization hit her. He’d never made a move to hurt her. He’d protected her the whole time. Pam tore her attention from him and glanced around at their surroundings. Maybe if she avoided looking at his sexy eyes and lips she could gather her wits. He was too attractive, and she still wanted him in the worst way, even after all that had happened.

  None of that matters right now.

  She had to get control of herself, and find a way to escape from this alien’s clutches so she could check on her friends. Afterward, getting the hell out of town ranked high on her list of things to do. She didn’t even want to think about explaining everything to her family.

  At the moment, they were in a sitting area near an outdoor cantina close to the cruise ship docks. Their bench was one of several hidden from view, all tucked away in a secluded area surrounded by overgrown tropical plants. If people had been walking around, they wouldn’t see her. The place seemed deserted. There were no tourists wandering about, not even a police patrol or dock guards hanging around. An eerie silence permeated the site.

  Where is everyone? The question reminded her of what she needed to do.

  “Kord, please take me to my condo,” she pleaded, looking at him once again. “It’s only a block away. I need to find my friends. They might be there, and they’re probably worried about me.”

  “No! Sandra stay.” The corners of his mouth turned down into a stubborn frown and he jerked her closer.

  The force of the movement jarred her shoulders, sending her elbows sliding outward, and her naked breasts slammed against his hard chest. For a moment, she lost her breath. She struggled to breathe, and finally managed to take in a lungful of air after his hold loosened a fraction. She flattened her palms on his hard chest and pushed with all her might. She gained a scant inch, but it was enough to allow her to look up.

  In an instant, his lips captured hers in an urgent kiss bursting with passion. Pam froze, unsure how to react. He tasted similar to melted chocolate laced with cinnamon and coconut, her favorites. A second later, she returned his kiss, eagerly opening her mouth. He swept in, consuming her. His flavor was nothing less than pure bliss, so sweet and exotic with a dash of danger. She moaned in surrender, entwining her tongue with his, thrusting and sliding alongside his long fangs. He responded with a soft growl, not scary at all, just sexy as hell.

  Overcome by a primal urge stronger than any she’d ever experienced, Pam pressed closer, threw her arms around his massive shoulders and sank her nails into his muscular back. She yearned to be closer, melt into his warmth and never let go. He’d stirred to life a gnawing desire deep within her, which wanted nothing more than everything he could provide. She squirmed on his lap, rubbing as much of her naked flesh against him as she possibly could.

  Kord groaned and broke off the kiss just long enough to shift her in his arms. He had her thighs straddled around his waist and her breasts plastered against his hot chest once more before his mouth closed over hers again. Pam thrust her hands into the thick of his black mane, entwining her fingers into the long, silky strands. His embrace loosened as he slid his palms down the length of her back. She hummed and then gasped when he grabbed her bottom. He smashed her exposed pussy tight to his groin and ground his hips, rubbing the slick material of his loincloth back and forth across her swollen clit. Helpless against the onslaught and selfishly praying he wouldn’t stop she moaned in delight.

  The sensations sent her sprinting toward the end of a race she’d never believed she’d start, but a shocking discovery reined in her lust. She felt no physical evidence of his desire. No hard cock pushed against her aching bud. No bulge of any kind thrust up between his legs.

  Frustration welled within her. All she desired at that moment was to fuck him, hard and long. Alien or not, she believed he acted like a man who wanted the same, but his body told her something different. Judging from the size of him, he should have had something pretty damn impressive jutting up between his legs by now. In fact, Pam felt insulted right before he let go of her ass with one hand. He worked it between her legs. He found her aching clit with his fingers and swirled circles around the exposed sensitive nub.

  Her pride quickly took a backseat as her body tensed in readiness. She shook in reaction as rippling waves of pleasure coursed through her, building and building until an orgasm crashed through her. He muffled her cry of pleasure with his mouth and held her close until the last shudder of her climax faded.

  Nestled within his warm embrace, Pam listened to his heart beating out a very human-sounding rhythm as it slowed along with each breath he took. Occasionally, he’d press his lips against the top of her head and murmur the same few phrases over and over in his language. She didn’t understand the words, but the way he said them made her believe he whispered endearments of some kind.

  A stab of guilt hit her. She should sit up and confront him about what had happened between them, but embarrassment won out. Her naked
ness, and the fact she was still sprawled across his body, only increased her shame. He’d turned her on so easily. He held her secure enough to let her know he wasn’t about to let her go anywhere. As far as she could tell, Kord’s arousal didn’t come with an erection. In addition, Pam knew without a shadow of a doubt, she’d let him do the same thing to her again, dick or no dick. Maybe not being able to communicate was a good thing since she didn’t have a clue about how to ask him if he had a working penis.

  When did I turn into such an alien fucking slut? Correction. There was no fucking involved.

  Was it possible he didn’t have one? Alien guys might do it some other way, she supposed. What a waste.

  However, the Krell had tried to rape her. Pam assumed it would have been in the normal manner if Kord hadn’t stopped him in time. She suppressed a shudder of revulsion. A warm, rough palm massaged her upper back, soothing her. More words were uttered. She guessed he might be trying to keep her calm. If so, his soft rumblings worked. She’d never felt more secure in her life.

  Pam had to focus on something other than the hot, sexy alien who cradled her within his dangerous arms. Although her mind rebelled at first, she finally gathered her wits.

  Her friends! Yes, she had to find them. They might be in danger. If they weren’t at the condo waiting for her, then perhaps there would be a news report on the television. Surely someone would know something. A thought dawned on her. Of course. She knew someone. In fact, she was draped all over him.

  Dammit. If only I could understand him.

  Suddenly, Kord’s entire body tensed beneath her. In the next instant, her thoughts scattered as he lurched to his feet with her still clutched in his arms. He let out a vicious growl and swung her behind him. Pam’s feet landed on top the stone bench, and she steadied herself by grabbing his shoulders. She peered over one and saw three men approaching from the dock area. They came to a dead stop the second Kord let out an ear-shattering roar. Startled by the sound, she lost her grip and fell backward. She landed butt first into the shrubbery.


  “No closer!” Kord glared at Thoren and the two Tauran males who stopped a few steps behind him. They’d approached the walkway leading to his temporary hiding place. “Stay back!” He roared the warning, then chanced a quick glance behind him to check on his female. She’d fallen into a thick mound of foliage. Wide leaves helped shield her from view. At the moment, she sat on the ground, unmoving while staring up at him in surprise. “Stay,” he ordered, hoping she’d keep still and hidden.

  “Kord, we’re here to help,” Thoren called.

  “I don’t need help!”

  Thoren glanced at his companions. “I told you he’d react this way if the female was with him. Let me try to talk some sense into him.”

  “Do what you can. Remember, we don’t have much time.” Kord recognized Lt. Morshant’s voice.

  Thoren took a few hesitant steps toward the walkway. Kord growled, and said, “Brother, back away!” Thoren halted.

  “Calm, Kord. Focus! We must talk. You know I’m no threat. She’s yours. If you don’t let me help, Morshant will have no choice but to order your capture. The medics will dart you, and when you go down, the soldiers will drag your carcass to the shuttle and leave her here. Is that what you want?”

  For the first time in his life, Kord knew fear. They’d take him away from his mate. He could lose her. Such a loss was a warrior’s greatest and only fear. He wouldn’t be able to protect her…or claim her. He shuddered at the idea. Without the claiming, he’d go into rage—a death sentence. Perhaps execution would be a merciful kindness, considering how he felt at the moment.

  The latent time was rumored to be the most difficult period. A warrior’s mind became dulled, shrouded in lusty thoughts, thinking only of his mate, constantly yearning to keep her at his side, to pleasure her. Possess her, protect her… Mine! Even in a dazed fog he remained focused on those ideas.

  There were only a handful of warriors who’d been born during the Phase who’d been lucky enough to find their mates. Kord had never met any of those males. Right now, he’d give anything to seek advice from a mated warrior. Grudgingly, he agreed with Thoren. He needed help…a partner. Thoren had volunteered earlier.

  “You come. No one else,” he relented.

  As he approached, Kord kept a close watch on him. He spied his discarded restraints clutched in one of Thoren’s hands and a wadded up piece of white material in the other.

  After the warrior reached the seating area, Kord barked, “Stop. No closer.”

  Thoren jerked to a standstill. He held out one hand, dangling the restraints in front of him. “Put these back on. The general won’t hesitate to execute you if you arrive at the ship without them.”

  Kord grunted in agreement. He took a couple wary steps toward Thoren, snatched them out of his hand, then backed away. With practiced movements, he strapped a restraint to each of his forearms.

  His new partner was correct. General Jernick would kill him for violating that particular rule. In Tauran society, warriors weren’t allowed to enter public areas without the restraints. On a battlecruiser they had to be worn at all times, under penalty of death. The only exception to the rule was when one used a cleansing unit. It came as no surprise to anyone that the warriors took advantage of their bath time, delaying as long as possible before having to wear the stiff leather bindings.

  “Morshant retrieved your forearm restraints and ordered the soldiers to collect your two kills. They’ll dispose of them.”

  Kord sneered in response. “There is another dead Krell behind this building.”

  “You killed another one?” Morshant cut in. “Gacking warriors! This was strictly a no-kill mission. Krell carcasses aren’t the only bodies the captain is going to jettison into space.”

  “The soldiers can collect another!” Thoren snarled irritably at the other male before he thrust his hand toward Kord again. A small metal disc rested on his palm. “Take this and place it on your chest. Deshak is with Morshant and he wants to run a medical scan to see if the drug is out of your system and to find out how far along you are.”

  Kord stepped to within a few paces of Thoren before he snatched the disc, then went back to the bench. He made sure his female remained sitting on the ground before he examined the small object. One side felt smooth to the touch while the other stuck to his fingers.

  “Don’t be so suspicious. It’s exactly what it looks like—a remote transmitter for medical purposes. It isn’t weaponized.”

  Kord snorted in obvious distrust, but he placed the disc onto the left side of his chest. All the while, he kept a watchful eye on his new partner.

  In times past, when there were not so many of his kind, mated warriors took the unmated ones as partners. They formed a fighting unit, training together to improve their fighting skills while developing their own secret sign language. In an ideal situation, Thoren would’ve been the mated one. Unmated warriors who found their mates needed the clear headed thinking of their partners to protect them during the vulnerable periods of latency and claiming lust.

  Afterward, the two mated warriors were required by clan law to end their partnership. The two would then choose unmated warriors as new partners. The system had worked until the Phase began. The birth rates of warrior-born infants had doubled and then tripled. Tauran male and female births had decreased. Too many warriors and too few females spelled disaster for the empire.

  In response, Tauran scientists had developed a suppressor drug called GenX2. It prevented the warriors from ever claiming a female. It worked as long as the doses were given in monthly intervals. The Tauran females were safe, and Tauran males and their mates went on with their lives. Eventually, the Phase had waned, and birth rates went back to normal. The older, unmated warriors who were all still in their prime were considered expendable and shipped off to the rim worlds along the border to battle the Alliance.

  The war had ended, and too many of Kord’s kind had
survived. Extermination had been suggested by a few members of the high council, but the idea was rejected. Thanks to the Phase, a large number of Taurans had relatives who were warrior born. The warrior clan council on the fortress world and their counterparts at the citadel on Pella put forth an alternate solution.

  Many former sex slaves rescued by the empire had been claimed by warriors over the years. The females had all come from a planet located just within the Alliance border—Earth. Perhaps there were others on the planet willing to volunteer. Kord’s experience proved that an older warrior would claim a human female despite the GenX2 drug.

  The purpose of their mission was twofold. Put an end to the slave trade and negotiate with the humans for willing females. The lives of over ten thousand unmated warriors in the empire depended on their success. Most of them gathered on Pella in hopes of finding and claiming their true mates.

  “He’s latent,” Deshak reported. “There’s no trace of the drug in his system.”

  Thoren gave a derisive snort, and in a hushed voice muttered, “Just as I reported.”

  “Get on with it,” Morshant ordered.

  “Kord, you heard the medic. You’re latent and in a few days the lust will take over—”

  “Deshak says it’s not days but hours!” Morshant interrupted. “A side effect of the drug.”

  “Gacking drugs,” Thoren cursed. His expression grew more resolute. “Understand my words, Kord. Try to reason. You can’t stay here with her.”

  “I won’t leave her!”

  “Stay calm. Morshant has made arrangements. It won’t be easy for you, but you can bring her aboard the shuttle and return to the Defiance together.”

  Alarm shot through him. He’d be crammed into a small space surrounded by males. Too close, too dangerous. The instinct to protect his mate at all cost welled within him.


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