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Death of Time (SpaceFed StarShips Series Book 4) 2nd Edition.: A thrilling, psychological, Mystery and Suspense, sci-fi detective thriller. (SpaceFed StarShips Trilogy)

Page 6

by Gerry A. Saunders

  “Yes. Thanks for all your help,” Micky replied, shaking his hand.

  “You’re welcome. Oh, and as soon as you give us the all-clear, I’ll get a team in to sort out your apartment Charlie.”

  “Great. We’ll see you later.” Charlie replied, kissing him on the cheek. Then waved at Albert as they left to board the armed response team’s vehicle that was waiting outside.

  “Come on. Get in,” came a voice from inside the second one. They climbed in. The door closed, and both vehicles sped away towards Charlie’s apartment, with the forensic team following in their own car.

  The Armed response team quickly leapt out with their weapons at the ready as they arrived. Then checked the perimeter of the eight-storey building, before going inside and working their way up to the 7th floor.

  Micky and Charlie followed carefully behind.

  They located the apartment directly beneath Charlie’s and found the door ajar. Inside a man was lying face-up on the floor.

  He was dead, with a large hole in his chest. They saw a hole in the ceiling that corresponded with the direction the purple beam had taken after passing through the man’s body. The beam then continuing up and through Charlie’s apartment.

  They looked at each other again. They could see they had been very lucky that it had missed them both.

  The armed response team checked the apartment carefully but saw nothing that would pose a threat. Then they all headed up to the next level and into Charlie’s apartment.

  Amazingly, Charlie’s apartment was intact. Even Micky’s laptop was still sitting on the table.

  The response team searched the apartment but found nothing suspicious, apart from holes in both the floor and ceiling.

  “You’d better pack everything you need to take,” the team leader said. “We have to leave, pronto.”

  “We won’t be long,” Micky said as he headed for his bedroom. He packed his clothes into his suitcase, came out picking up his laptop and the other electronic units, placing them in his case as well. Then locked it.

  Charlie put the clothes she needed into a long bag, before joining him at the door.

  He noticed that she was now wearing a shoulder holster, loaded with her pistol.

  “It’s no longer an option,” she said, seeing him looking at it.

  “Agreed,” he replied smiling wryly.

  “Are we ready,” enquired the response team leader.

  “Yes, lead the way.”

  With two of the armed men in front and two following behind, they hurriedly made their way down to the waiting cars.

  The team leader updated the forensic team, who then entered the building as they boarded their vehicle and sped off to a secret destination.

  An hour later, they stopped outside a six-story building and went in. They entered the lift, which one of the guards had summoned. Exiting it on the 3rd floor, then entered a small apartment, with the armed response team accompanying them.

  “Sorry, but I’m afraid you’re stuck here until your apartment is repaired and declared safe,” the team leader informed Charlie.

  Looking around at the main room, Charlie replied. “Thank you, it’s okay.”

  “You’re welcome Miss. You’ll have two of my men close by 24/7.”

  With that, the rest of them left.

  “Not as nice as my apartment, but at least there are two bedrooms, so that’s good,” Charlie remarked.

  They put their belongings in their separate bedrooms, then checked the rest of the apartment.

  “Ah, food,” Micky happily called out, as he opened cupboards in the kitchen area.

  Charlie came into the kitchen. “Well, it’s enough for our needs, a table two chairs, sofa, bedrooms, and bathroom.”

  “Yeah, it’ll do Charlie.”

  “I’ll make us a drink while you set-up your gear.”

  Micky quickly connected his laptop. Then connected ‘Emma,’ his specially encrypted comm’s box, between his laptop and the broadband outlet socket. Placed the anti-listening device on the table then turned it on, ready to continue his searches.

  “We should be free of surveillance devices now,” he commented.

  “Yes, but don’t you find it strange that those three men didn’t take all your gear?” Charlie queried as she brought the drinks.

  “Yes, it is strange. Why didn’t he or they, kill us both? They had the opportunity.”

  “That’s worrying me as well. And, if they just wanted you, then why did they take me as well?”

  “Well, you’re pretty good looking,” he answered with a smile.

  “Flattery won’t get you into bed with me tonight.”

  “It never entered my mind,” he replied, noticing at the same time that her emotional level had risen.

  “I bet,” she said as she moved to sit on the sofa, taking their cups of coffee with her.

  Micky left his laptop PC to do its own thing while he joined her on the couch.

  “Somebody thinks you’re a threat to them,” she remarked.

  “Someone, like me?” he said.

  “Yes. You said you were scanned. So you’re right, someone else obviously has your talent.”

  “I already told you that’s what I thought.”

  “But, how did he know where we were going, each time, Micky?”

  “Nano-surveillance devices Charlie. Or maybe, he’s broken Emma’s encryption programme?”

  “No, I don’t buy into that…. No. Maybe, he can sense you further away than you think.”

  “Yeah, quite likely.”

  “And come to that,” she added. “Just how did you move that bolt?”

  “It’s a secret,” he said.

  “It may be to most people, but you’re going to tell me, aren’t you?”


  “Ok, so you’ve got this talent, but someone needs to dissect you to find out how it functions.”

  “Charlie, you’ve let your mind run away with you.”

  “Why else are we still alive?” she snapped.

  “Wow!” he replied, slightly bemused at her angry response.

  C’mon Charlie, we’re both guessing.”

  “It doesn’t take a genius to work it out.”

  His laptop suddenly beeped, and he hurriedly moved back to see who was calling, almost spilling his cup of coffee in the process.

  “Damn,” he muttered, then his expression brightened as he looked at the screen.

  “Hello Cedrick, you’re keeping odd hours,” he jauntily said.

  “You need to get with it Micky, you keep forgetting the time difference.”

  “Sorry,” Micky replied, his tone sounding more serious now.

  “What have you got for me?”

  “Is Emma switched on?”


  “OK then, it’s about your encrypted request for information. Oh, and where were you last night?”

  Charlie came over to join Micky at the table.

  “You’re not going to believe this Cedric, It’s a long story, but I’ll keep it brief. In the last two days, we’ve been shot at twice, gassed, and kidnapped.”

  “You’re joking?”

  “No, he’s telling the truth Cedrick,” Charlie added.

  “OK. Anyway, that’s all over and done now. Spill the beans Cedric.” Micky impatiently added.

  “It was difficult to find this information.”

  “Come on Cedrick, we can’t wait forever.”

  “All right Micky, calm down. Well, there isn’t very much info on the weapons themselves. Except that the experimental particle-beam weapon is workable, and it doesn’t suffer from the reflective-degeneration that a laser-beam does.”

  “But, I was told that we’re more than a hundred years from even having a particle-beam weapon?”

  “Micky. Are you going to interrupt me all the time?”

  “No, of course not Cedrick. Please go on.”

  “So, is it right? I heard that you’ve been talking to your mate,

  “Yes, but just a general chat. So, come on, feed me with something that I can get my teeth into.”

  “Well, I will if you can refrain from interrupting further.”


  “OK, ok. Keep your hair on. As I told you, weapons of this type and size are a no-no at present.”

  He paused briefly then added. “But, there is a connection between some of the murders.”

  “Now you’re talking,” Micky said enthusiastically.

  “Three of the victims are just ‘small-fry’ in the scheme of things. But the other four may be significant.”

  “Go on,” encouraged Micky.

  “There’s a top secret agreement between five currently un-named countries, to cooperate in a massive project named ‘Acarea’. Apparently, some contracts may already have been placed.

  Anyway, it seems that these five countries, working in collaboration with some also un-named multinationals, are going to build a huge spaceship.

  The ship will be assembled in Earth’s orbit, and the Procyon star system is probably the destination.”

  “How big is this ship going to be?”

  “Micky. We are talking, enormous. But it could take another 50 to a 100 years before it could ever become a reality.”

  “So, will it be a settler ship?” Charlie asked.

  “Yes. But how they intend to ferry that much material and equipment up into space, let alone the crew and settlers they would want to send, I don’t know.”

  “Well, that’s a damn good start anyway, Cedrick.”

  “I’ve sent all the details I have so far, to your computer. As soon as I get more, I’ll wing it straight to you.”

  “Thanks, Cedrick.”

  “You’re welcome Micky, Cedric said, then added, “Oh, and Charlie, of course,” as he ended the call.

  They looked at each other.

  “Finally, a link at last,” Micky said, almost to himself.

  Chapter 9.


  “Then we’re not looking for a serial killer. We’re looking for an assassin, Charlie excitedly said.

  “No. I don’t think so Charlie.”


  “Well. Assassins are paid to do their dirty work. Plus, they are cold and emotionless.

  But I can sense this man’s emotions, this is personal in some way. I’m certain this man’s working alone,” Micky finished.

  They looked at each other, suddenly realising they were in a more dangerous situation than they had thought.

  Then Charlie shrugged. “I feel hungry,” she said.

  “Me too.”

  As if by telepathy, one of their two guards knocked on their door.

  “Home deliveries,” he joked as Micky opened the door, having already checked the man’s emotional state.

  “You must be psychic. Thanks,” Charlie said, taking the large food hamper.

  “Can’t let you starve to death Miss,” he replied. “But I’m glad there’s a lift,” he added with a smile, then turned and left.

  Charlie struggled in with the giant Hamper. Opened it packing everything in the cupboards, except four bottles of wine.

  “This should keep us going for a few days, Micky. Would you like pasta or pizza?” she asked.

  “Either’s fine with me.”

  “OK, pasta it is, there’s also a bottle of red wine in the hamper if you fancy it.”

  “Why not Charlie. I’ll sort it,” he said picking a bottle out of the hamper, then found two glasses in one of the cupboards.

  We don’t have a corkscrew, Charlie,” he said after looking around, then saw that the bottles had screw-tops.

  Geeze, I hope it’s not Plonk, he thought. Then shrugging opened the bottle. Moments later he had poured the wine and put the filled glasses on the table.

  While Charlie cooked the pasta, he started looking at the information Cedrick had sent him.

  “Did you notice that we haven’t got a TV, Micky?” she called to him from the kitchen.

  “Well, we’ll have to make our own entertainment then,” he replied, smiling to himself. “Have you got anything in mind?”

  “Trust a man to ask that.”

  “Well, we obviously can’t work all the time,” he replied, smiling to himself again as he sensed her emotional level rise.

  “Dinner, in three minutes,” she said, ignoring his last remark.

  “Excellent,” he muttered, preoccupied with letting his senses check the surrounding area.

  The two armed guards outside were easy to spot; with their emotional levels high as they kept watch on the building

  ‘Good,’ he thought, sensing nothing else out of the ordinary.

  Charlie startled him as she brought the food in, he had been so focused on what he was doing that he hadn’t realized the passing of time.

  “Tuck in Micky,” she said, placing his plate of food in front of him.

  They both ate quietly, surreptitiously glancing at each other from time to time as the meal progressed. Micky picked up his glass of wine and sipped it.

  “H’m not a bad taste for plonk. Try it Charlie.”

  “Acceptable I guess,” she agreed.

  Micky looked furtively at his wrist watch.

  “Waiting for something?” she asked, and her emotional level shot through the roof. She blushed as she realized what she had been subconsciously thinking. Then wondered if he had sensed it as well.

  Micky smiled to himself, trying not to allow his ‘senses’ to be smothered by her emotions.

  “No,” he casually replied and sensed her emotional level reduce again.

  “I just think we need to start checking the background of the four victims that Cedrick thought were significant.

  “Where were they from?” she asked, all business like again

  “Two from Europe, one from the USA, the other from Russia,” Micky replied.

  “We can start with the American, but it may be too late to start checking the others tonight.

  “Yeah. Ok, Cedrick’s in Chicago, which is five hours behind us, making it 2 30 in the afternoon so he should be working.”

  Finally, with the meal finished, Charlie cleared the table, then, both moved to sit on the sofa taking the wine with them.

  Charlie thought that the couch was very stylish, as she sat down almost touching Micky.

  “Cedrick seems to be a very close friend. Is he married?”

  “Yes. I told you. His wife’s name is Linda. I like her, she’s really kind, and good fun to be with. They’ve both been very special friends. I think you’d get on well with them, especially Linda.”

  “Do they have any children?”

  “One, well they had one, that is. He was killed in an oil-rig explosion.”

  “Oh, that’s sad,” Charlie replied and was silent for a moment.

  “Cedrick hasn’t unearthed any more information about your accident five years ago, has he?”

  “No, but we aren’t sure it was an accident. We only think that’s what it must have been.

  It’s difficult. Like I told you before I don’t have any memories, and there aren’t any records or any other documentation.”

  “The lack of records seems strange, from an establishment point of view.”

  “Yes, and I really need to find something relevant, to stimulate my memory.”

  “Then I need to work on you,” she said, then wished she hadn’t used those exact words.

  Micky noted that her emotional level had increased again and that the fluctuating level of her emotion was driving her to behave in an irrational way. He knew it was partly because of their situation and decided that he wouldn’t take advantage of this.

  “Shall we leave all of this till the morning and have an early night?” He asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Err…,” she stuttered. His words having sent her emotional level still higher as she imagined what might be going to happen.

  Not waiting for
her answer, he said. “I’m off then, see you at eight sharp.”

  Then bent down and kissed her on the cheek, even though she had presented her full lips to him.

  ”But, it’s only just after eight,” she said in disbelief.

  “Yes, but I’ve got some things to check on the laptop.”

  “But we haven’t finished the wine.”

  “It’ll keep,” he said, unplugging the laptop and carrying it with him as he headed for his bedroom.

  “But…,” she said again, and her emotional level dropped like a stone. She couldn’t believe that he had just walked away, from having her.

  Next morning, Micky was already sitting at the table with his laptop purring away as Charlie came out of her bedroom, dressed only in a robe.

  “You’re late,” he said, pointing at the clock.

  “Go ‘shoot’ yourself,” she snapped back.

  “Oh dear, got the huff have we?”

  “No, and it’s only just eight. Anyway I’m up, aren’t I?”

  “Body, yes. The rest of you, who knows where it is?”

  “OK, ok. You pissed me off.”

  “Tut-tut,” he jokingly replied. “You’d better get your own breakfast, I’ve had mine.”

  “Bully for you,” she snapped again, getting her cereal.

  “You look gorgeous, by the way,” he said to her as saw that she had at last reached boiling point.

  “I do, don’t I?” She angrily replied. “Anyway, why didn’t you try it on with me last night? You knew I wanted it.”

  “Wanting and having it are two different things.”

  “It won’t be on offer again, I can assure you.”

  He could see that unless she could control her emotions, she would make a spectacle of herself. So speaking calmly he replied.

  “Yes, I admit that I would like to have taken advantage of you. But your emotions were all over the place, just like they are now,” he said and paused as Charlie starting eating her cereal.

  “It’s just that I like you too much to just have sex with you.”


  “Come on, you know I’m right, and you know that we’ll be good together, but not now, the timing’s wrong.”


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