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Death of Time (SpaceFed StarShips Series Book 4) 2nd Edition.: A thrilling, psychological, Mystery and Suspense, sci-fi detective thriller. (SpaceFed StarShips Trilogy)

Page 21

by Gerry A. Saunders

  “Right here,” he said. Then pointed to the junction on the outside of the container, where the conveyor went through an electrically controlled hinged-flap.

  “What exactly are you looking at? I can’t see anything that will help us. Enlighten me?”

  “Okay. I remember seeing one of your police licences at the Hilton.”

  “Nosey aren’t you?”

  “No. Not really. But reading it, I noticed that it showed that you were licenced for firearms, Marksman grade, and 1st class.”

  “So your memory has improved now?”

  “No. You missed the point, Charlie.”

  He enlarged the area on the screen that showed the hinged flap.

  “What do you see?”

  “Only that connector, there. It must feed power to the latch… Oh, I know what you mean. If we can damage the connector, the flap won’t open.”

  “Exactly. And you’re a first-class shot! Pistol or rifle?”


  “OK. So, using a high-powered rifle, how far away can you be from it, to guarantee you’ll hit the connector?”

  “It’s quite small…. Say 700 yards to a mile, depending on the velocity of the weapon and conditions.”

  “Then it would be a piece of cake from 300 yards?”

  “Does that mean I’ve got to wait until the nuclear charge virtually reaches the flap?”


  “That’s risky…What if I miss it by mistake?”

  “I don’t think that you will.”

  “You’ve got a lot of faith in me.”

  “Sure have. You know what’s riding on this,” he told her, hugging her momentarily.

  “Right give me the spec for the rifle you need. Cedrick will have it ready and waiting for you at Cebro’s gate tomorrow.”

  “Where will you be?”

  “With the killer, of course,” he said putting a call into Cedrick.

  “Yes, Micky. It’s getting late, what do you need?” Cedrick asked as his face appeared on the screen.

  “We need a high powered rifle for Charlie.”

  “Whatever you can lay your hands on,” Charlie added.

  “Preferably a 0.48 with 900 to 1000 metres per second velocity. That’ll mean, the bullet’s velocity loss will be minimal. Oh, and make sure the scope’s in one piece.”

  “It needs to be at Cebro’s gate first thing in the morning for Charlie to pick up,” Micky finished.

  “OK Charlie, my two men will be there holding it for you. I’m downloading their mug shots now so you can identify them.”

  “Excellent Cedrick, thanks.”

  “I assume you two have a plan, or something?”

  “Yes, and we’re pretty sure it will work,” Micky replied. Then, looking at Cedrick’s face on the screen, could have sworn that he had tears in his eyes.

  “Cedrick. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, my boy…. It’s been our pleasure to have known you. As far as Linda and I are concerned, you are our real son.”

  Micky knew they were both hurting. He could see the sadness in Cedrick’s eyes.

  “Don’t worry about me Cedrick. You’ll always be my family, and I’ll still be here in a sense, in Christine and our child.”

  Charlie realized this was the first time he’d used her real Christian name, apart from times when they were alone together.

  Micky could now see Linda as well, peering at him from the screen. “Good luck to you both,” Linda said, while, like her husband, wiping tears from her eyes as she spoke.”

  With that the contact ended.

  Micky sat back and they faced each other.

  “It’ll be all right Babe,” he said picking up a tissue and drying her eyes.

  “Oh, Micky,” she said, her voice full of emotion, as she flung her arms around his neck in a tearful embrace.

  Chapter 30.

  Another’s Preparation.

  Axon sat thinking about what he had to do tomorrow, and about the individual parts of his plan. He was sure that his predicted results of the mission far outweighed any risks he might have to take.

  He was satisfied that his optical Stealth Cloak would still get him past the guards at Cebro’s gate, then into and out of the container unit.

  He knew that some of the cloak’s projection mosaics were damaged. But if he made a conscious effort to keep the damaged area out of view of the guards. Then he should pass unhindered.

  He checked his weapon’s remaining charge level again. This had worried him as it was very low. But he knew it would be sufficient, as long as he didn’t have to fight his way in, or out.

  No, there was nothing else he could do to improve the odds for a successful mission.

  His primary concern was to be able to place his explosive charge under the feeder belt’s entrance point, just inside the container. And to ensure that everything was in place by 11 o’clock.

  The proximity fuse would then detonate the explosive charge when the fissile material passed overhead. By which time he should be long gone.

  He knew that tomorrow would be ‘make or break’ for him. He had to succeed in delaying Project Acarea, no matter what the cost would be to him.

  He looked around the room, checking to see if he had missed anything. His eyes locked onto the box that was sitting on the table. Something nagged at him every time he looked at the small, odd looking box. He knew what it was, of course, but it still made him feel nervous.

  ‘Yes,’ he thought. ‘Everything was under control.’ Then he thought about Micky, which angered him again.

  He hoped that Micky and his bitch woman would be there.

  ‘It will add to my pleasure to kill them both,’ he thought. Then swore under his breath.

  Of course, he knew all about Micky. Micky this, Micky that. How he hated his guts. Micky must have found the second green crystal, and followed him here. Damn him and his interfering ways.

  He had to kill him. Had to. He couldn’t be allowed to stop him now. No. As much as it would hurt to kill him. It had to be done.

  Chapter 31.


  Charlie woke to hear music playing softly in the background.

  “What time is it Micky?” She sleepily asked, trying to raise her head and shoulders up.


  “What on earth are you doing this time of the morning?”

  She could see he had already showered and dressed. He looked absorbed as he sat on the sofa, with the laptop purring away in front of him.

  She got out of bed, then walked over to watch the screen, He was studying the vantage points in the area around Cebro’s K8 building.

  “Look at this. It’s an ideal place for you to be to see the conveyor belt.”

  “Must I look now?” she grumbled.

  “Yes. Come on, get a move on or we’ll be late.”

  “You’re a pain sometimes. Anyone would think we were going to a funeral,” she said then gasped, realizing what she had just said without thinking.

  “It’s all right Charlie. I put my foot in it a lot, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t do it as well.”

  “Yes, but today of all days,” she sadly replied as she sat down beside him on the sofa.

  He deliberately ignored her comments, wanting to calm her.

  “See….Charlie? There’s a Gantry on K7, the building opposite? Just there. It’s within range and no one will see you there. Plus, you’ll have Cedrick’s two burly boys to look out for you.”

  She grinned at his description of Cedrick’s men. Then looked more carefully at the screen.

  “I agree. It seems ideal. OK, I’m going to shower now. Alright?”

  She didn’t wait for his answer, just went into the shower room.

  A few minutes later he called to her saying, “Sorry, I got carried away. Oh, by the way, we’re having breakfast here. I’ve already ordered it,” he added hearing the doorbell ring.


  He scanned the area
, yep it was the delivery boy.

  “Ok, stay in there,” he urged Charlie.

  “Your breakfast sir.”

  “Thank you,” Micky replied. Took the container from him, handing him a 5 dollar tip.

  “Breakfast’s up,” he announced after closing the door.

  Charlie came out and started dressing.

  “How do you feel now Charlie?”

  “Fired up.”

  He watched her dress. Seeing her voluptuous body slowly being covered up firstly by a low cut bra and skimpy briefs. Then tight, but very dull looking, grey jeans, plus a grey blouse that accentuated her form even more. She flipped her coppery hair over her shoulders, rolled it into a bun and tied it up.

  ‘God, I hope I’m wrong about today,’ he thought.

  ‘If I am, then I could still have a life here with her.’

  “You look gorgeous and very sexy,” he said out loud.

  “So do you,” she replied as she sat down on the sofa next to him again.

  “Is this all the food you ordered for the two of us?”

  “Err, yes.”

  Her blue-green eyes stared at him for a second or two.

  “I suppose we can get something more substantial after we’re done at Cebro.”

  “We certainly can Charlie,” he said as they both started to eat the continental breakfast.

  He mentally scanned the area. Pleased to find that all was well.

  His watch read 9:15.

  “I don’t particularly like your dress sense today,” he joked.

  “Nonsense, black make-up and dark grey clothes should do the trick. Even you won’t see me.”

  “Let’s hope you’re right Charlie.”

  Once they’d finished breakfast. Micky placed the tray outside the door.

  “I’ll just send a couple of reminders before we go,” he said, as he typed something short. Then sent his message to Hanson at Cebro. The letter read.

  ‘Keep the police out of sight and remember, we are the ‘good’ guys. So don’t shoot at us regardless of what happens.’

  He then sent a message to Cedrick, giving him the password for his own Laptop.

  “Right, that’s all done,” he added as his Laptop beeped with an acknowledgment from Cebro.

  Then another message came in. It read.

  Item at the gate for Charlie. Signed Cedrick.

  “Your rifle is at the gate, Charlie,” he called.

  “I’m starting to get a bit nervous Micky, and….”

  “Shush,” he said as he embraced her.


  “Shush,” he said again. Then tenderly kissed her and continued kissing until they were gasping for air.

  “Chris will be here with the Limo soon,” he told her, still trying to get his breath back. “I want to be at Cebro early. So we’ve got to go as soon as he arrives.”

  Charlie nodded Ok and put her grey boots on. But decided not to blacken her face until they reached Cebro.

  “Well, at least I look the part,” she joked.

  Micky scribbled a note on a piece of paper. Called Charlie over to see the pictures on his laptop, for the last time.

  Then showed her the note, which read. ‘First one to be a dummy.’

  “Ah. So was that written in the note that you handed to Hanson?” She asked.

  “Yes. I’m sure the killer will have to use a proximity detector. So, we’ve added a ‘dummy’ charge.

  Now, the dummy charge will activate his detector, which in turn will detonate his charge, without making the whole area radioactive.”


  “Can you see any problems with your target? Charlie.”

  “Only one.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Trying to hit it.”

  “You’ll be OK. Just make sure the dummy charge has gone through the flap before you shoot at the connector.

  Don’t hit the second one. That’s the one with the fissile material,” he pointed out, then kissed her.

  “Don’t worry, I was only joking. Trust me. I’ll hit the damn connector.”

  “That’s the spirit. Remember, you’ve only got 20 seconds between the dummy charge and the real one.”

  “That’s great so that just leaves me with an 18-second window.”

  “Yep,” he replied sounding unconcerned.

  He checked the time again. 9:35.

  “You’ll go bonkers if you keep checking your watch like that.”

  “I know. I should have told Chris to be here at nine.”

  He sat quietly thinking for a couple of minutes. Then decided he would send a message to Cedrick, but schedule it to be sent later.

  After he’d typed his message, he set the time he wanted the Laptop to send it.

  Then, needing to ensure that Cedrick would read it later, checked that the message’s folder was also prominent on his own Laptop’s menu screen, with the ‘Read Me’ Icon displayed.

  Then turned the Laptop to sleep mode before closing it down.

  “Thank goodness,” he muttered, as he sensed Chris arriving.

  “Chris is here, Charlie,” he called out. “Right, have we got everything?” He asked her.

  “Yes, I think so. I reckon it’s time then,” she replied, as they both checked that their revolvers were loaded, and would be easy to draw.

  “Let’s go,” Micky said, picking up his Laptop as he did another scan.

  They left the room, locking the door behind them as they headed for the reception desk, where Micky handed the room key card in.

  “Have a good day.” The receptionist said smiling happily.

  ‘Hell-day more like,’ Micky thought as they left the hotel heading to their Limo.

  “Morning Chris, are we ready to go?”

  “Absolutely. I decided to get here a few minutes early.”

  “I’m glad you did. We need to go now.”

  “Hop in,” Chris said as he opened the rear door, leaving them to close it, while he quickly got back into the driver’s seat.

  Micky only just managed to follow Charlie in and shut the door behind him, before Chris accelerated the Limo out of the hotel, tyres squealing.

  “Chis. Slow down,” Micky urged. “We don’t want to die before we even get there.”

  “Sorry, a force of habit.”

  During the journey, they hadn’t spoken a word as they watched Chris jump through two red traffic lights. Or even when they had heard several grating noises, as one side or the other of the chassis bottomed on cornering.

  “Wow, I nearly wet myself,” Charlie grumbled, as the Limo screeched to a sudden halt outside Cebro’s main gate.

  It was 10:17

  Micky noted there were now six security guards. All had rapid-fire assault rifles. He was pleased to see they were all wearing BVs.

  Micky saw the guard nicknamed Mr Two Swords, coming over as they got out of the Limo. Charlie, following closely behind, handed Micky his Laptop.

  “You’ll forget your brain one of these days.”

  Micky gave her a sharp look but said nothing.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning Sir, Miss,” the guard said.

  Then discretely added. “We have your item inside, along with your helpers. If you would come with me, please?”

  “Chris, stay in the Limo and keep your eyes peeled,” Micky instructed.

  “Ok, boss,” he replied, as he took a revolver out of his shoulder holster then rested it on his lap.

  Inside the guardhouse, Cedrick’s promised ‘burly men,’ sat waiting for them.

  As Micky and Charlie approached, both men quickly stood up. Charlie could see that they were armed to the teeth, BVs and all.

  “I’m Thunder and my sidekick is Dread,” Thunder introduced them, smiling as he spoke.

  “Goodness I hope they’re not your real names,” Charlie replied, as they shook hands.

  “Glad you’re on our side boys,” Micky said with relief. Having checked that
both matched the mug shots Cedrick had sent him.

  ‘They’re just what we need,’ he thought. He felt their emotional flavour, then knew that they would die to protect Charlie if they had to. Cedrick had done well.

  “This is for you Miss,” Dread said as he lifted a large rectangle case onto a table.

  Charlie quickly opened the case, then started to assemble the rifle, but left the screw-in barrel and silencer off.

  “I’m impressed Miss,” Thunder complimented her. “Didn’t know the UK police had people like you.”

  Charlie just grinned at him. She made sure the shoulder strap was fitted correctly, picked up the barrel and clipped it on.

  But she left the Silencer in the case.

  “Don’t you need this Miss?” Dread asked. Lifting the silencer out of the case and rolling it between his hands, before putting it back.

  “No. it creates a variable, Mr Dread. It slows the muzzle velocity. We’ll just have to put up with the noise,” she finished as she looked the case over.

  “Where’s the Ammo?”

  “Sorry, Miss. I’ve got the Ammo with me,” Dread replied.

  “Hand it over. I need to check the bullet weight I’ll be using.”

  Dread handed the ammo box over to Charlie, grinning as he gave her a wink.

  “Ah, Good. Used this brand before,” she said, ignoring Dread’s antics.

  She took a bullet out and pushed it into the chamber. Then another six rounds went into her pocket before she handed the box back to Dread.

  Once she was happy with the weapon, she flung the rifle over her shoulder.

  Chapter 32.

  Intruder Coming.

  Earlier, Axon had stopped a car near the building in which he had made his temporary home.

  The single occupant of the car had been a male, who he killed without a second thought. He then dumped the body in the boot of the car and headed for Cebro.

  He knew that the police wouldn’t get involved yet. And, as long as he didn’t break the law, the car and its occupant wouldn’t be reported missing for several hours.


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