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Angel_Rochon Bears

Page 18

by Moxie North

  Angel looked like he was deciding whether to push the point. Her splayed out on the bed seemed to tip the hand away from having a discussion.

  Becca had melted under his hands as he positioned her on the bed like he wanted. He didn’t want to talk. He wanted to taste.

  “Becks, how about we play a game?”

  He watched her forehead crinkle, and her eyes squinted up at him. “What kind of game?” she asked hesitantly.

  “I tell you to do something, and you protest just enough that I have to make you do it. Then I’ll make sure you feel very good about your decision to give me what I want.”

  Becca’s first instinct was that he was suggesting a very fucked up game. Her second instinct was that her pussy was a giant tramp since it immediately clenched and her clit pulsed in anticipation. He wanted to command her to do something, and she would resist, and he’d make her do it anyway.

  She already knew that whatever he wanted, she would be more than willing to do. But the added tension of him pushing her and taking away some of the decision was titillating and extra naughty.

  Their one night together had quickly taught Becca that she liked things that she would never have attempted with anyone else but Angel.

  This game sounded fun, and since she had every intention of sending him packing when they were done, a little play time couldn’t hurt.

  Becca gave a nod of her head to the waiting Angel.

  “Let me hear the words.”

  “Yes,” she said up to him. That one simple word made her whole body relax under him. He was running this show, and Becca felt like she was going to be the lucky audience member to get to come up on stage. Hopefully, come more than once.

  “Good girl. I’ll be right back,” he said, leaning down to give her a quick kiss.

  Becca watched him walk into her closet, and the light clicked on. She couldn’t see him from where she was laying, but she could hear the sounds of clothing moving around.

  When he finally returned, he was completely naked and carrying two long pieces of fabric. She focused and saw they were belts from two of her dresses. Long strips that were meant to be tied in a bow and have long tails draping down.

  Angel paused at the side of the bed as she took him in. The night in the motel didn’t do him justice. He was all hard muscle, long limbs, tight stomach muscles, and just the lightest hair over his chest. She’d rubbed her fingers through it as she’d fallen asleep in the motel. She loved the feeling.

  Chapter 35

  It dawned on her that although the lights weren’t on, there was plenty of light coming through the window, so she was completely exposed.

  “Could we close the shades?” If he agreed, the room would be plunged into darkness.

  “Not a chance, love. I missed out on all this beautiful skin last time. I’m going to look my fill tonight.”

  He walked forward to the bed. Starting at her ankle, he ran his hand up her calf over her knee to her thigh where he squeezed. “Right this moment, this is my favorite part of you. Sweet pale thighs spread open for me. I’m going to make sure that my view doesn’t get obscured tonight.”

  Taking one of the belts, he bent her knee and wrapped the fabric around it, pulling her calf to her thigh. It was not a position that Becca could ever remember being in before. She could pull her legs closed, but the bend of her leg had her bottom tipped up off the bed. As he tied her other leg, she understood that this took her legs out of the equation when it came to what was between her thighs.

  She wasn’t surprised when Angel looked over his work and returned to the closet to rummage around again. He returned with more belts, this time, actual leather ones.

  Becca couldn’t help the catch in her throat as her pussy spasmed at the sight.

  “Hmm, you like my hand wrapped around a belt. Good to know, baby. But that can be for later. Right now, these are going to serve another purpose.”

  Angel must have read her mind as he threaded the belts through the fabric on the outside of her knee and secured it to the side of her bed. Becca wasn’t sure what it was hooked to, but it pulled her legs wide. When she tested them, there was no give.

  She was now laid out, totally open to Angel’s eyes and hands. Her eyes went to him as he crawled onto the bed and knelt between her legs. His eyes were everywhere but her face. They were trailing over her legs, her stomach, her pussy. They traveled up to her breasts and then a little higher like he was staring at her neck.

  There his eyes went bright, shining almost like they were backlit by an unknown source. Becca gasped. That was something that her instincts told her was not human. Then the light faded.

  She wanted to ask him about it, but the hunger that replaced that light scared her even more than the unnatural eyes. His eyes seemed to be focused on the pulse at her throat, and she watched as his breathing got faster.

  This was something she could explain if he was looking at her pussy and getting excited. For Angel, the neck seemed to be his trigger.

  “Angel?” she whispered. She felt like she should be cautious based on the rigid line of his body, and his facial expression made it appear as if he was struggling with something huge.

  Leaning over her, he got very close, his hands landing on either side of her head. “Becks, if you ever gave me the time of day, I would explain everything to you. But not now, not when I have that pussy waiting for me, and I’ve been sporting an erection for two days while you were gone. I didn’t even jack off while I waited for you. I didn’t want to waste it. This cock is yours now. Only yours, and I won’t ever not want to sink it into you or rub one out in the shower just because I can’t have you.”

  Becca wasn’t sure why he was saying that. His cock was hers now? Did she get adoption papers or something on it? Could she rename it?

  It was terribly flattering to think of him holding off touching himself just because he wanted to be ready for her. Although at his age, she was pretty sure he was always ready. But the thought was still nice.

  “I own your cock?” she whispered up to him, seeing if he was going to laugh at her.

  He was dead serious when his mouth slid into a wicked grin. “You own all of me, Becks. My cock, my mind, even my heart. But we aren’t going to talk about that right now. We have other things to discuss.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes. What would you say if I told you to tip your hips up at me so I can get a better view of that sweet pussy and your asshole?”

  “Uh, what?”

  “Do it,” he said, his face still close to hers, their breath mingling.

  Becca hesitated not understanding what exactly he wanted her to do. She didn’t have much time to ponder as Angel reared back, and his hands came down on the insides of her thighs with a smacking sound that was loud but didn’t hurt. His hands rocked her ass up, so she was in a tummy crunch position. There was no way that was attractive, her tummy rolls smooshing together.

  “That’s what I wanted,” Angel said, keeping her ass up. “Every ass should be as lush as yours. It’s perfect for holding onto and burying my face in it.”

  His gaze was down between her legs, and Becca couldn’t help but wiggle in embarrassment.

  “Tell me that you have the sweetest pussy in the world,” he ordered.

  Becca froze at that. He wanted her to say that? She was not a dirty talker in bed. Sure, she gave the usual moans and screams but never talking. Not like that.

  Her stall earned her a smack against her inner thigh. This time, there was a bite of sting accompanying it. It was surprising, but the heat that followed traveled straight to her pussy, and she felt herself get wetter.

  “Say it.”

  “Uh, I have a sweet pussy?” she said hesitantly. She felt silly doing it and was sure it wasn’t the truth.

  He gave her other thigh the same smack. “That’s not what I told you to say. Say you have the sweetest pussy in the world.”

  Becca didn’t know whether to say it to make him happy or stall t
o see if she would get another hot slap. The game he was playing became clear to her.

  Deciding to see what she would get if she followed instructions, she said, “I have the sweetest pussy in the world.” Once she said it, there was only a moment of embarrassment before it was erased by the pleasure that changed Angel’s face.

  “Now tell me you have the sweetest asshole in the world.”

  This time, she didn’t hesitate; she repeated the words, and Angel acted immediately. His body bent, and his head dipped down, and Becca stopped breathing.

  Angel’s tongue slicked over her asshole. She clenched against his mouth, but it didn’t stop him. She thought his finger action the other night was shocking. This was out of her realm of knowledge and understanding.

  He didn’t stop. She thought maybe a quick shocking lick, and he’d be done. But he wasn’t near to being done. She kept hearing low growling noises as his tongue tried to dip into the tight ring of muscle.

  “Are you licking my asshole?” Becca didn’t mean to screech, but the shock wasn’t from the fact he was doing it. It was from the undeniable fact that it felt fucking amazing. Who knew? Angel obviously. Becca was sure she could have gone the rest of her life without experiencing this and would never have known she could miss it.

  It was so raw, and there was no hiding from a man being that intimate with you. Becca tried to reconcile how she was feeling, what Angel must be thinking, and what the protocol was for something like this.

  That reconciliation didn’t happen as Angel’s tongue slid up to her drenched pussy, and his tongue delved into her.

  “Angel,” she gasped.

  She heard him give a moan or groan that was so low she could feel it vibrate through her clit. He was so good at this, he should teach classes. Maybe college for Cunnilingus 101, because he had a Ph.D. in it.

  Becca rocked her hips trying to keep Angel on her clit instead of his constant roaming. He licked up and down her slick lips, nibbling, and kissing, but never staying in one spot. His tongue would dip into her opening, just enough to tease, but not give her the fullness she craved.

  “Be still,” he demanded, giving her clit a nip with his teeth.

  Becca hissed and bucked her hips up at him. That earned her another nip, but it hurt so good she contemplated disobeying again.

  She settled back and tried to focus on the sensations and not on the desire to be filled with his cock and to come screaming. Her body was already there, but it had a muscle memory of how it felt to come around Angel’s cock. She didn’t want the appetizer orgasm; she wanted the buffet.

  The tension in her was building, and Becca could feel the impending orgasm. So could Angel, as he stopped kissing her pussy and came back over her.

  “Give me your mouth.”

  Becca did, and his kiss seared through her. He tasted like her and his sharing that was another first for her. It felt incredibly naughty, and it made her senses spin.

  “You taste like fucking paradise, Becks.”

  His eyes were shining again, and Becca stared deep into them. They seemed endless, like his soul was laid out for her. Or she was just waxing poetic in the moment.

  “Okay,” she agreed. She wasn’t sure that she tasted like paradise, but if he liked it, who was she to say otherwise?

  “Becks, I would never lie to you. Not about anything. Your taste is now my favorite thing.”

  “Not my thighs?”

  “Those are still on the list, but they just moved to second place. Now, I want you to tell me if you’re going to come. Save it for me, baby, yeah?”

  “I’ll try,” she said, not sure without alcohol she’d be able to deny it like she did the other night,

  “You will, because I want you to. You come before me, and I’ll take that belt off your leg and use it on your ass.”

  Those words were not a deterrent to her not coming. She could imagine what it would feel like and was so tempted to test it.

  “You want that, and I’ll give it to you. But that’s not what the game is right now. We can save that for after,” he said, reading her mind.

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?” She was starting to think he could read her mind, which would be freaky and creepy.

  “I mention the belt and possibly using it on your lush ass, and your pupils dilate. They are huge right now, dark black pools offering me the world. I’ll tell you right now, Becks; I’ll take it. Your whole world if you offered it to me. All of your time, all of your love, all of your attention, and definitely all of your orgasms. I want every piece of you, and I want it for me alone.”

  “Greedy,” she said softly. It was greedy and sweet. Damn him for being so cute. The bubble they were creating in her room, the one where the outside world didn’t exist, made her want to give him all those things. Make promises she wasn’t sure she could keep in the morning. That wasn’t something she could do, lie in the moment and then hurt him later.

  “When it comes to you, I’ll always be this greedy. Every day, every hour I’ll want you. I want to be the last thing you taste at night and the first thing you touch in the morning. I want you, Becks.”

  Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.

  Afraid to open her mouth and say anything she might regret, Becca strained forward to match her mouth to his. Angel kissed her and deepened the kiss when her tongue battled with his. He took back the kiss, and his hands started to move.

  Becca wrapped her hands around the silk tied to the headboard to give her fingers something to grip. With her legs tied open, her ability to respond to Angel’s touch was restricted. It was a mental game as much as physical, not being able to touch him back. He decided what to kiss, what to lick. Becca knew directing him would get her nowhere.

  “My girl’s not so patient, is she? I’ve got you; you’ll get everything you need. You are so beautiful like you were made just for me.”

  Becca liked the words a lot, but she resisted letting those words sneak into her heart like they wanted to. In their bubble, it was okay to revel in the meaning behind those words but afterward they could hurt her. Imagine that they were together, and their future would be easy and carefree. That wasn’t what would happen, though, Becca knew that like she knew that every time she let him into her bed, it was only going to be harder on her when the day came when he was done with her.

  “Angel,” she moaned. It was a ploy to get him distracted. She couldn’t hear more of the words. They were painful and took her mind away from what her body was feeling.

  “What should I do first? Fuck you until you come? Or eat you out again and not let you come? I’d like to feel your mouth wrapped around my cock, but I’d rather you be on top when you do that. I want to see you swallowing me down.”

  Becca liked that idea a lot. She’d be happy to make that happen. Once she was untied of course. She wanted to show him that she had her own tricks that could make him feel good.

  “Fuck me,” she begged. It was that time again. For her to lose the ability to not cry out for what she knew he could give. It didn’t feel like begging. Angel was going to give it to her anyway, so it was more of a directional request than begging for anything.

  “What if I decide to leave you here for a while? Will you wait if I ask you to?”

  Becca didn’t have to think about it. “Yes.”

  “I’m not going to. I need you right now. I want to slide into you and stay there all night.”

  “Then do it.”

  Becca felt the tip of his cock breach her opening. He was slow like the last time they had done this. No rushing, no forcing, just the agonizing drag of his cock pushing into her. It was something she had never really considered before. Previous experience told her that when you got to this point, it was all about how fast could you get off.

  Angel was all about how long he could extend their pleasure. Now he was deep inside her, and his cock stretched her open.

  “So tight, just for me,” he groaned. His mouth sealed around the pulse at her neck and suck

  Becca arched up against him, urging him to move.

  “Not yet, I like the feel of you squeezing me tight. Flex that pussy around my cock, baby.”

  Becca didn’t have to try hard to pull his cock into her deeper with just her muscles.

  “That’s it. So sweet,” he said, his mouth kissing along her collarbone. “Show me that you like my dick buried inside you.”

  This time, Becca’s pussy convulsed without her directing it to. Angel’s cock was thick and hard inside her, and he still hadn’t moved. She knew he would. Any second and she’d feel that rough pull that would light her up.

  “That is perfect.”

  Chapter 36

  Angel held his bear back. He wanted to roar in happiness. Shout it from the rooftops that he was with his mate. But now wasn’t the time. That time would come when he would be able to seal them together forever with his bonding bite. He would pass some of himself into her so she would be able to carry their young and grow older more slowly.

  There wouldn’t be anything he didn’t know about his mate. Some mated couples said they could almost tell what the other was thinking. His brother swore that he knew exactly what his Gemma was feeling. It was different for every pair, but Angel knew that he and his girl would be two hearts and two minds that worked as one. It was what his bear wanted and needed. Now Angel could trust that the fates would make sure that is what they received.

  Not wanting to risk losing control and accidently biting his mate, Angel pulled back and listened to the ragged cry of his girl. It was a good sound, one full of pleasure and anticipation.

  Part of him wanted to keep playing with her, but the other part wanted to fill her with his cum. He knew he was taking a risk not using protection, but there was no way he could do that now that he knew who she was.

  Angel set a pace that made them both moan and shudder in pleasure. When he felt Becca’s pussy start to tighten, he would slow down and listen to her whimper and buck under him.

  “Not yet,” he kept telling her.


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