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Angel_Rochon Bears

Page 22

by Moxie North

  “I don’t need flowers. I need a little heads up that I’m meeting your parents. What do they know about me? Do they even know how we met?”

  “They know that I’ve picked you, and that’s enough for them. How we met, well—yeah, they know about that too.”

  “Geez, Angel! I’m so embarrassed!” Great, now they would think she was a tramp or a bar hussy.

  “Why? My parents are still sexually active. They understand.”

  “Oh, peachy. They understand we had intoxicated yet still safe sex.”

  That thought made Becca pause.



  “We didn’t use protection the other night. Oh—my—god!”

  “Calm down; it’s not a big deal. I’m clean, and I’m assuming you are too,” he said with a shrug.

  “I am. I got tested after my last boyfriend, and you are the only person I’ve been with since. But I’m not on birth control! I haven’t needed to be. Oh my word, I’m a walking poster girl for bad decisions.” Becca covered her face in her hands. She could feel the heat from her embarrassment turning her skin red.

  “Hey, earlier when you said you would be with me. Was there a time limit on that?”

  “No,” she said peeking through her fingers.

  “Then what does it matter if we start our family early? I said I wanted you. That wasn’t for this week or this month. That was forever. Babies will be part of that. I’d be beyond happy if you were pregnant.”

  Becca looked up at him with a look that was skeptical yet still soft. “You’re trying to knock me up to lock me down aren’t you?”

  “Nah, I don’t need to. You love me so much that it wouldn’t matter if you were pregnant or not,” he said cockily.

  Becca wasn’t going to tell him he was right. After the initial shock of being so frivolous with protection, the idea of having Angel Rochon’s baby wasn’t a terrible one.

  “I’m sure your parents wouldn’t think it was an accident if I ended up with child,” she said knowingly.

  “They won’t care; trust me. They want me to be happy, and they will love you. Would I lie to you?”

  “Uh, I can’t say.”

  “Well, let me spell it out for you. No. I would never lie to you. We are going to have a great evening, eat some delicious food, and knowing my parents there will be lots of embarrassing stories about me.”

  Becca liked that idea. “You didn’t say there would be Angel stories. I’m all in.” She put on her game face and figured she could get through anything.

  “Come on. Let’s go meet the parents,” he said.

  Three hours later, Becca was holding her sides as she laughed. Angel had been right. From the moment they opened the door, his mom and dad treated her like she was an old friend. His mom hugged her, and his dad told her how beautiful she was. They fed her home cooked BBQ ribs and macaroni and cheese. There were liberal amounts of beer to go along with the meal.

  “Angel, you were a little shit,” Becca said between gasps.

  “Hah, little shit was his nickname,” his mother said.

  “Hey, that’s not nice,” Angel said, though his smile said he wasn’t hurt by their words. Becca fit in like a missing puzzle piece. His mom and dad were their usual loving selves, which was one of the reasons he was so concerned with her meeting them. They had a mating bond that had been built over half a century. It was as strong today as the day they bonded. They were in love, they stared at each other and touched at every opportunity.

  Angel wanted Becca to see what they could have. What Angel was going to make sure they got.

  “Maybe not nice, son, but accurate.”

  There wasn’t much he could say. He used to think that his youthful indiscretions were just that; something to be joked about. Now they seemed so far away. He wasn’t the same person. He was a mate and hopefully, someday soon a father. Of course, the fates might give him a kid worse than he was just to even the score, but odds were better they would give him a daughter just like his Becks. That was worth a nine to five and mowing the lawn on Saturdays.

  “So how did you decide to name him Angel? Not the most common name,” Becca asked.

  “Well, originally if he was a girl his name was going to be Amanda Beth, and his nickname would have been Buffy,” his mother said.

  Becca bit her tongue not to laugh as Angel glared at her.

  “If he was a boy, he was going to be Nikola after Nikola Tesla. But as soon as he was born, he was such a beautiful baby; I thought he looked like an angel. I couldn’t name him anything else. I might have also been a little starry eyed since I hadn’t had a baby in years after Eddie,” his mother said fondly.

  “So what is your middle name?” Becca asked.

  Angel gave her a sideways glance that clearly said she should already know.

  “No way, Tesla?” she said in shock. When Angel didn’t deny it, they all busted out in laughter. Except for Angel, who sat stoically through the abuse.

  They continued chatting through dessert. His mom had made her famous peanut butter brownies. Not that they were her recipe; she just added a shit ton of peanut butter to brownie mix that was already mostly fat and sugar.

  Angel almost dragged his mate out when she took her first bite, her eyes rolling back in her head, and she started moaning as she chewed.

  His mom beamed her obvious enjoyment. Angel caught his dad’s eye and saw he was looking away smirking. Yeah, he knew.

  They finished up with his mother badgering Becca until she promised to come back in a few days for dinner again. Becca, being the sweet, gracious person she was, agreed.

  As Angel waved goodnight to his parents, he stopped Becca from getting in his truck.

  “We can stay at my place,” he offered.

  “Alright, I’d love to see where you live,” she said, giving him a smile that made him want to growl.

  She had started relaxing the minute she met his parents. He watched as she went from nervous girlfriend to confident mate. She charmed his family, and he could see both of them staring at her with grandcubs on their minds. Two was just the start; they wanted a whole basketball team.

  “Turn around,” he said.

  Becca turned toward the garage then looked back at him, her eyebrow raised in question.

  “I live above the garage,” he said. He held his breath to see her reaction.

  “Okay, you going to show me?” she said turning back to look up at the dormer windows above the garage doors.

  “Sure.” Now it was his turn to be nervous. What would she think about the fact he still basically lived at home?

  Grabbing her hand, he led her up the stairs taking his time so she could keep up in her heels.

  Opening the door, he held it so she could go ahead of him. He flipped on the light and waited to see her reaction.

  With time on his hands, he’d gotten a nesting sensation that he blamed on his bear. He’d started cleaning and making his place look like more of an apartment and less of a hovel.

  Becca took her time looking around. She noted it was clean with his grouping of instruments in the corner looking like a shrine. She could imagine him sitting there playing music for hours just for the joy of it. Finally, she turned around and met his eye.

  “I like it.”

  He looked at her trying to gauge if she was joking or not.

  “Seriously, I lived with my parents after college. I had to use my old bedroom. This would have been much better. Do they charge you rent?”

  “No, and sometimes my mom still does my laundry,” he admitted.

  “Sweet deal,” she said with a wink.

  “So, do you want me to take you back to your house?” Angel didn’t want to take her back or leave her alone. He was willing to do that to keep her feeling comfortable that they were dating like a normal couple. She still thought they were that. He knew he had to tell her, get her to understand that he was different. It just had to be the right time.

  “No, let�
�s stay here,” she said, turning back to the room.

  Angel watched as she walked to the bed and then looked over her shoulder at him.

  “Unzip me?”

  Chapter 42

  “Harder, Becks.”

  Angel had Becca straddling him, and his cock deep inside her. Their bodies were slick with sweat as he had managed to keep her from falling asleep for the last two and a half hours.

  The first time he made long, slow love to her. Then as they were recovering, Becca surprised the shit out of him by crawling down between his legs and cleaning his cock. That led to him returning the favor and licking her pussy until she screamed loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

  He had her riding him, and he was about to fill her with all of the baby bear batter he could produce. He wanted Becks growing big with his cubs. Now that she was with him willingly, all he wanted was to reproduce. It was so strange because never in his life had that been a thought. The opposite in fact.

  That all changed. His bear wanted to bite her and make her theirs in all ways. But she had to make that choice having all the facts. It had to be something that she wanted as much as him.

  Right now, all he wanted to do was come. But not before his girl.

  “Eyes on me,” he ordered.

  Becca had tilted her head back as he cupped and kneaded her breasts. Now her eyes were back on him.

  “Touch yourself. Squeeze your clit hard.”

  Becca reached down and pinched her aching nub between her finger and thumb. Angel’s hands worked her breasts, and his fingers grabbed both of her nipples and squeezed.


  “Take it, Becks. Show me that it hurts so good. You can take it.”

  Becca took in the burning ache of her nipples as Angel gave them a twist. She hissed out at the sharp bite of pain that shot straight through her to her clit.

  “Good girl, so pretty,” he growled. “Squeeze that clit as hard as you think I would.”

  Becca knew just how far Angel would push her, so she squeezed tighter.

  “Ohhhhh,” she moaned.

  “See, always a little bit more than you think you want. Now, we are going to do something different. When you think you are going to come, you are going to count it down. Then your pussy is going to milk my cock of my hot cum.”

  Becca had to replay what he said in her head. He was going to let her count it down? Such a small change in what was already becoming their routine had her faltering her rhythm.

  “Keep steady, baby. Fuck me hard,” he ordered.

  Becca found it again and did what he said. She ground down on his thick length, arching her back to push him deeper inside her.

  The sharp bite of pain on her clit and nipples couldn’t overshadow the spiraling pleasure that was reaching a crescendo.

  “One,” she stuttered.

  “There you go,” he said, giving her nipples another twist. A shudder rippled through her body.

  “Two—” she moaned that number out. Her body started to shake, and she could feel Angel getting bigger inside her, his hips bucking up under her.

  “Don’t rush it; let it build, baby.”

  Becca didn’t think she could let it build anymore; it was too big already. She wanted to say those words and convince him it wasn’t going to get any bigger. But she was saving her breath for one last word.

  “Three!” This time, it came out on a scream. Becca saw stars, and her vision went to a pinpoint as she came hard over him.

  Her scream turned into a chant of his name over and over. Her ears were just the sound of her blood rushing through her veins. She could still hear Angel yelling, though it sounded more like a loud growl.

  They didn’t even need to talk once she collapsed on top of him. She fell into a deep sleep, Angel still inside her, and her head tucked under his chin.

  Chapter 43

  The next few days were a blur of orgasms, laughter, and talking. Becca was determined to fit into a few days all of the things she missed while keeping her distance from Angel.

  After their dinner with his parents, she’d woken up in his arms. He took her to breakfast. Then he grabbed some things, including his guitar, so he could spend a few days at her house. She said she was happy to stay at his place, but Angel wanted a little more distance from his parents and their meddling.

  Angel made love to his mate, and every time was better than the last. He would never have thought it was possible. His mated brother and cousins were making more sense now. There was nothing he wanted more than to make his mate happy. If that meant he had to keep them both naked with the occasional food breaks, he was happy to take one for the team.

  Their conversations went on for hours talking about their childhoods. The conversation led to Becca talking about how she’d cut loose in college. Angel, having not gone to school, was only able to relate to by telling her about situations and events that weren’t that long ago and still fresh in his memory. In fact, some were alarmingly fresh.

  Still, Becca couldn’t say that he was waxing on about the past like he missed it. It seemed he only wanted to talk about what their future might look like. She found that very comforting to know that he didn’t seem to be missing anything that she couldn’t offer.

  “Angel, I don’t want you to settle down here. Working for your family’s companies won’t make you happy. I can see that.”

  “That was before I met you. Work is work. I can do anything as long as we can be together.”

  “I don’t want you to just do anything. You have a talent, Angel. Your music is amazing. Those songs you wrote touched me. Not just because they seemed to be about me, but because they were that good.”

  “Of course, they were about you. I can’t imagine anything I write or perform in the future not being about you,” he said.

  “I love that; I really do. I’d be happy having you sing to me and me alone. But you could do so much more. I know that I haven’t been very supportive of us,” she admitted.

  “No, really, we don’t have to talk about this.” Angel didn’t want her to apologize. She was protecting herself, and he thought it had been the right thing for her to do. That was, of course, because they were together now.

  “Yes, we do. I wanted the world for you; I still do. What I’m trying to say is that I’m willing to help you reach that dream.”

  “You are my dream, Becks.”

  “Okay, then reach your secondary dream. I can see you, in my head, playing on stage for thousands of people. Sharing your gift with the world.”

  “Sounds a little farfetched, babe. The most I ever wanted to be was a recording musician. Playing for singers or doing commercials. Making it in the music industry is like making it in the NFL. It only happens for the lucky few. I’m twenty-one—should I start a garage band?”

  “If that’s what it takes. What about moving to Seattle and seeing what you can do there? If it doesn’t work, then Los Angeles or New York.”

  “And where would you be if I’m out paying my dues playing in a Styx cover band in two bit bars?”

  “Front row? Cheering you on?” Becca wasn’t joking. She liked her job, but it was hardly a career. She’d never lived anywhere but Washington. Moving with Angel would be one of the biggest adventures she’d ever attempted. After the last few days, she felt more confident that it was possible for them to make it anywhere.

  “Would you do that? Uproot your life for me? Just to chase a dream?” Angel didn’t even want to consider it unless his mate was on board. He wasn’t lying when he said he could just play for her. He would be content to sing just for her and their eventual children. Anything more than that, he couldn’t wrap his mind around. Having Becca in his life already seemed like he had won the lottery. He didn’t know what to compare it to if he could have Becks and his music career.

  “What would you say if I wanted to run off and join the circus?”

  “I’d say if you need a red nose to be happy, I’ll learn to spin plates so we ca
n perform together,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I feel the same. I know I haven’t made this easy on you. I’m sorry for that. I’m happy; happier then I have been in a very long time. I feel like that last few weeks I’ve missed out on this, us. I don’t want to miss anymore, but I don’t want to hinder what we could have. Does that make sense?”

  Angel knew just what she meant. Now that he found his mate, the urgency to build their life together was magnified. If they did pursue this, his dream, would she be happy?

  “What about your dream?”

  Becca looked at him, those eyes that now shown with so much love, that she decided to be brave. “All Alicia and I have talked about for years was finding the one man that would be our partner. Someone to be with, share our lives with, someone that would love us for who we are. I have my dream; I think you should have yours too.”

  Angel’s bear was telling him this was the moment. This was when he should tell her about them. She telling him that she was waiting for her mate too; she just didn’t have the same word for it. But he was the one that she’d been hoping and dreaming about too.

  “You love me that much?”

  Becca took a breath and held back the tear that wanted to escape. “Yes, I love you.”

  Angel made love to her again then they fell asleep in a tangle of limbs. Their weekend went by way too fast as Angel tried to cement what they had before throwing another wrench into it.

  On Monday, they figured out their schedules. Angel went to work and planned to meet back at her house after work. They had dinner and quickly settled into a routine. A person observing them could think they had been together for years instead of days. Moving in unison, they would shower, dress, and make each other coffee without any hassle.

  The following week, Angel made plans for him and Becca to have dinner with his brother’s family. Becca only had the slightest apprehension about meeting more family. Being with Angel gave her a confidence she’d never had before. He loved her and cherished her in ways she didn’t think any man could, let alone one his age. All of her worries had slipped away with barely any notice.


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