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Mimi of the Nowhere

Page 14

by Michael Kilman

  “My access code is 8426FPA,”

  “Thank you, Senator.”

  The door slid open.

  IT WAS A MEDIUM-SIZED space, but the ceiling was several meters high, giving the room a strange resonance. On the edges of the room were small platforms. Each platform had an EnViro Suit standing on it, waiting for an occupant. Many alcoves stood in the circle, surrounding a central console. Thick cords ran from each of the alcoves to an electric box. The alcoves were slanted at a 45-degree angle. Faces showed from inside.

  At the console stood Serah. Her flaming red hair was braided halfway down her back. She was busy at work and didn’t seem to notice Mimi and Noatla come in.

  Noatla said, “All healed up?”

  Serah turned. She seemed just as strong as ever. “Yeah, the alcoves mended the bones quickly. They were clean breaks, so it was an easy fix.”

  Mimi asked, “Is she...?”

  “Sleeping still, but it’s almost time to wake her. It turns out her muscles weren’t fully healed from the procedure, and since we took her out a little too early, I want to make sure we don’t repeat the same mistake.”

  “Alright. So what’s the plan again? She stays down here?”

  “Yeah, we can keep her boxed here. But we can't let her go free. She can’t leave the immediate area. Probably she could walk a few hundred meters in any direction, but more than that and the AI would track her in a heartbeat.”

  “If we keep her boxed down here,” said Serah, “and we log her as a reserve, she can remain on ice for the time being. I’m sorry Mimi, there’s not much more we can do. She can come out sometimes, but probably not more than a few days a month. The good news is, she will be safe here for now. Until things change in this city, there isn’t much else I can offer. I know this isn’t ideal, but...”

  “But at least it’s something,” said Mimi. “Thank you, Serah. Is it possible for me to get full access to this place?”

  Noatla said, “I can work on that. I had to skim my code from the head of city security, and it wasn’t easy. Because I'm a Senator I have higher clearance, but I am sure we can figure something out. If nothing else, I will walk you down here whenever I can.”

  Serah said, “You know, we were lucky we got her in here so quickly. When Fatima and Noatla disabled the beacon to her chip, it was only a short-term measure, and we almost ran out of time. The AI updates its alerts every twenty-four hours. It’s a fail-safe mechanism to ensure that alerts never go unnoticed in case they're turned off. The clock had just about reset when we arrived.”

  “Why this place? What is it?”

  “It’s a kind of emergency backup plan. Only a handful of people know about it. But if you notice, every single one of these alcoves is full, except one. Mine. This is how I can be a Runner and be a part of the sisterhood. I only sometimes go out on missions, mostly I can stay here.”

  Mimi asked, “So why are you able to leave but not Shannon?”

  “Well, I have it rigged so that if I get assigned to a task, the activation alert comes here or, I get a notification straight to my chip if I’m not in my alcove. But you don’t want Shannon to go out on any missions, so it means she has to be more hidden.”

  “Ah.” Mimi fingered her package. Serah glanced at it but said nothing.

  The console beeped. Serah turned and said, “Alright, she’s cooked.”

  Serah pressed a button, and the bottom of Shannon's alcove tilted upright. It slid open, letting the fluids drain first down through a metal grate just below it. Then the alcove triggered a kind of shower mode, and it rinsed Shannon's body clean of all the green stem-cell-based gel. The door then slid fully open.

  Shannon stepped out. She blinked and looked around for a second. Then her eyes surveyed the faces of those waiting.


  Mimi moved forward. A nervous suitor, picking up her date for the time. She held the package out to her.

  Shannon’s face was all smiles. She took the package and unwrapped it. “Mimi... is this...”

  Mimi nodded “Yes, just like you always wanted.”

  Shannon raised the roses up to her nose and inhaled. “But how did you get them? What if you got caught, I...”

  Then they were in each other’s arms, trading kisses and longing stares.

  Shannon was crying. Mimi was crying. Tears mingled in the warmth of each other’s embrace.

  Shannon said, “It’s better than being out in an EnViro suit. You know?”

  Serah watched the two lovers embrace and replied, “I'll still train you in one, Shannon.”

  Shannon glanced at Serah, “But why?”

  “Because I tricked the AI into thinking you were trained and you are considered a reserve Runner, one only brought out in a significant city emergency. The other ones here have the same status. They're put down here in case something happens to the entire Runnercore and the city needs backups. Only the AI knows about them. Possibly someone else does too, but central security at least is ignorant.”

  “You need to be ready, in case the worst case happens and we aren’t able to keep you hidden. If you get pulled into active duty, I want you to be able to fight. If you’re well-trained, then at least we have a backup plan.”

  Noatla asked, “How likely is something like this to happen, do you think, Serah?”

  “You would know better than I, Noatla. How many times has the city been in a total state of emergency?”

  Noatla considered. “Only a handful over the centuries.”

  “There you go, we need to make sure you are ready for one of those times. Besides, it might be nice to have someone else fight by my side in an emergency. Could have used you back at the Docks.”

  Mimi asked, “Can I train too?”

  Serah said, “I can train you in hand-to-hand combat, at least. But the thing is, for you to get in one of these suits, you need to have your muscles augmented, and I’m not sure there is any way we can get a hold of what’s needed without having you entered into the Runnercore program.”

  Shannon said, “No Mimi, I don’t want you to go through what I have. You don't understand how painful it is. I can’t bear to think of you going through that.”

  Mimi cast her eyes downward. “But you did it.”

  “Exactly, so I know just how awful it is, and I won’t let you do it.”

  She lifted Mimi’s chin and stole another kiss.

  Shannon took another whiff of the flowers.

  Mimi said, “Do you like them?”

  Shannon smiled and then leaned forward and kissed Mimi’s forehead. “Like them? I love them. I never imagined someone would bring me flowers. Not really.”

  “I’ll bring you flowers every single time I come down.”

  Shannon frowned. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Mimi. I... I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “I’ll be okay. Don’t worry about me. I want to see that smile on your face.”

  Shannon hugged her tight.

  THE VISIT LASTED MOST of the day before Serah had to put Shannon back into the alcove. Serah had told them that they could return tomorrow, and next time Mimi and Shannon could have some alone time.

  Mimi and Noatla walked down the ancient subway tunnel back towards Mimi’s hovel.

  Noatla said, “So will you stay with us?”

  “Yes. I think I will. If you need me, if Shannon needs me to help keep this city safe so there aren’t any emergencies, then yes.”

  Noatla smiled, “That’s wonderful to hear, Mimi. When will you be moving in with one of us? You are always welcome in my quarters. I can get you a guest pass, and you can live in the Uppers. You would never have to worry about your safety again.”

  Mimi shook her head. “Thank you, Noatla. That is more than generous. But I don’t think I want to leave my home. Down here is my place. During my initiation, I told you, I was Mimi of the Nowhere. But the thing is, this is my Nowhere. It always has been. I don’t think I can leave it behind just like that.”

  “And there is no way I can change your mind.”

  “You told me that the Order of the Eye is there to help the city, it is there to protect the city and watch over it, right?”

  Noatla nodded.

  “Noatla, who's been watching out for the homeless in this city? Who’s been making sure that the SOs or the drug dealers don’t abuse them? Which sister steps in and tries to help them whenever they become victims of the corruption of this city?”

  Noatla cast her eyes downward. Mimi knew the answer.

  “For too long, those who are from nowhere in this city have been ignored. I will stay among you, I will do your missions and aid you and my fellow sisters in any way I can, but I will also do my best to use my abilities to protect those who have no one and nothing.”

  Noatla looked at Mimi long and hard. “Mimi, I knew you would fit well into our order. I knew that your heart was in the right place. Do you see now the light behind the shadow?”

  Mimi shrugged.

  Noatla said, "You have my full support."

  Mimi winked and then smiled. “As if I needed it.”

  They both laughed.


  SHE OPENED HER ALCOVE and climbed in. It had taken all of her effort to return alive. The Order of the Eye had grown strong in her absence. But, her strength would return in time. And there were always new vermin to be recycled.

  Her forces were gathering again in the southwest. She was their goddess and they her children. A few decades and they would be ready. By then, she will have recovered her full strength. When she finished, not a single city would remain. When she finished, the great migration would end.

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  About the Author

  Michael Kilman is an anthropologist who occasionally visits other worlds and reports back what he finds. When he isn’t writing fiction he is lecturing at a few universities in the Denver metro area, or working on his YouTube series ‘Anthropology in 10 or Less.’ Michael can be found at his website,, and on Twitter at @LoridiansLab.

  Read more at Michael Kilman’s site.




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