Dragon Kings of the New World
Page 64
"A bad sign, I'd wager to say," Van said as he leaned over the castle wall. He suddenly looked dead tired, and she realized that he must have just received some bad news.
"Did the main explode?"
"Took out an entire block," Van replied. "Just got word in from the team."
"How many dead?" Sang asked, bracing herself.
"Three hundred," Van said. "The worst part? It was a residential section."
"What?" Sang gasped. "I thought they were targeting the factory district!"
Van sighed deeply and shook his head. "It turns out that the information they leaked was just to mess with us. They were sending a message with that explosion, Sang. If we keep pushing, they'll kill more innocents."
"Well, they can think that'll scare us off," Sang replied, "but they're dead wrong. By the end of this, we'll kill every last one of those bastards."
Van shrugged. He didn't look nearly as enthused as he'd been at the start of the mission a few weeks before. It seemed that with each attack Draco levied against them, Van only grew more depressed.
"Look," Van offered, "I don't know about any of that. I’m just saying that we need to get this operation moving a little faster. We can't keep taking hits like this."
"If we let them push us to move faster, we're going to make a mistake," Sang replied. "We've only got one option: stay on the course. If we modify our actions because of their attacks, then we're only going to trip up."
"That's easy for you to say," Van said. "But you're not in charge of this operation."
"And you're not in charge of what happens outside of this game!" Sang warned. "We've got the full force of the government working from behind the scenes, so let them worry about stopping Draco in the real world."
Van shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's just not getting any easier. I thought it would, but… I think this job is going to kill me."
"If it's any consolation, it will probably kill the both of us. Now, come on – you've got some newcomers to welcome," Sang said as she patted him on the shoulder.
"I have no idea how you can make light of all this," Van said, trudging down the stairs to meet with the new recruits.
"It's an acute reaction to stress," Sang replied. "You can either laugh or cry. I'm choosing to laugh, because if I cry, I don't think I'll ever stop."
The gates to the interior of the castle throne room swung open as fifteen players entered. The lieutenants of the Iron Dragons were all present. There were Kylian, Bidane, Capello, and Sahara. They had been with Sang and Van from the very beginning of the mercenary company's formation and were all adamant about the fact that they believed the truth – that Draco was actually an alien organization. Jet had apparently told them as much, and they believed him wholeheartedly.
"Alright, team," Van said as he walked in front of the crew that had been patiently waiting for him. "Let's induct these newbies quick. And keep the alien talk down… that means you, Capello. The story is that these are terrorists."
"Lame," Capello grumbled.
"Yes, sir," Kylian said. "If you don't know already, there was an explosion."
"Yeah, I’m well aware," Van said quickly. "Now, shush. Here they come."
The gaggle of players walked up to Van. Leading them was a player that Sang could barely remember. There were so many members of the Iron Dragons now – nearly 500, and the number was growing with each passing week. Soon, they would have enough of a force to push into more Designated Reality Zones.
"Greetings, prospective members of the Iron Dragons," Van said as he held his arms up high. "My name is Van and I welcome you to our humble base. Now, I’m not going to mince any words here. Most of you know who we are. Most of you know that we aren't here to just play a fun game and have a good time. We are here for a singular purpose. To investigate and fight against a terrorist organization that works with Draco." Van paused for a moment and Sang glanced at the crowd, waiting for a few people to walk away, but no one did. That was odd.
Van continued, "Draco is actively aiding and abetting a terrorist cell working against the interests of the United States, as well as several other countries. No doubt you've heard about the deaths of innocent players who were playing this game. 17 people died three weeks ago, all within fifteen minutes of each other. 12 more were found dead a day later. One of our very own, whom we called Dolly, passed away due to health complications involving this game. So, I'm going to be honest with all of you today. We are not here to goof off. We are a resistance force. If you join us, you are agreeing to potentially risk your life for the cause."
"You were right!" came a voice from the center of the group. The players began to shift and step out of the way to allow a young man armed with a bow to step forward. The name Fredlin hovered above his head. "There was an explosion today. In San Francisco. Six gas mains exploded at the same time, except the news is saying it's some kind of an accident. But it wasn't – you guys said that this was going to happen and that it was an attack!"
There was a commotion amongst the group. A few were surprised, but the rest seemed to take the news in stride.
"I had a friend out there!" Fredlin said. "A good friend. I haven't heard from her since she suddenly disconnected a few hours ago. Now, I don't know if she's dead, but I'm worried sick about her. You knew the truth about Draco and you tried to warn us. If that's not reason enough to join, then I don't know what is."
"Yeah!" cried someone else. "My brother died in one of those tubes. And if you're saying that Draco is responsible for that, then I'm gonna make those bastards pay."
The threat elicited cheers from the entire crowd. Sang was surprised to see such a high level of enthusiasm from them, too. This group was definitely comprised of a different caliber of player – perhaps that Reddit article was responsible for it.
"Good," Van said, "then you must know that we are a unit. We work together as a team, to ensure that we will all get out of this alive. The clock is ticking. Draco has started pushing their plan forward, and it's only a matter of time before they begin to enact a series of nuclear meltdowns. We have allies, but… but Draco's roots run deep. The boots on the ground in the real world are susceptible to spies, espionage, and sabotage. Already, this operation has hit a lot of internal resistances. Two key men were hospitalized the night after they agreed to support this operation."
Sang winced at the admission. Van was being polite when he said they'd been hospitalized. The truth was that Frederick Yuri, her commanding officer, had been poisoned and was now in a coma. The chances of his survival were slim. The other man, a major general in the army, hadn't been as fortunate, and had died the day he'd been admitted into the hospital. One after another, key members of the task force had been injured or attacked. Some had just disappeared. Draco had people everywhere.
"So, the truth is, it's up to us. The Iron Dragons are growing rapidly, despite the fact that the media has called our claims a hoax. Even though the message boards are making jokes about us and we're even the butt of most jokes in the streamer community, we are getting stronger. Together, we can stop Draco. We can stop these terrorists from inflicting mass destruction!"
This elicited more cheers from the group. They clapped and whistled at Van, and he glanced back at Sang and shrugged at her with a weary smile. The whole speech, the bravado, the confidence and swagger… it was all nothing more than an act. He was getting closer to oblivion with each step.
Sang grimaced as she strolled up next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "My name is Sang, and I'm Van's second-in-command. These four behind us are your commanding officers. Each of you will be assigned to a squad. We play every day, for as long as we can. Don't get yourselves killed, but try to log as much time as you can. Understood?"
The crowd gave enthusiastic shouts about never sleeping again. Sang smiled. One thing she could never get over was how excitable the gamer crowd was. No matter the circumstances, these players were hearty and ready for action. It was refreshing to see they had high s
pirits, too.
The leaders of the Iron Dragons walked forward and began to sort through the players. The boot camp for newcomers was short, but strenuous.
Van turned to Sang. "Come on," he said with another sigh, "let's go meet Jet. He should be at the rendezvous point by now."
Sang nodded and the two silently began to walk toward the door leading out of the castle. As they walked, Fredlin came bounding after them.
"Wait!" Fredlin called.
"Yes?" Sang asked as she crossed her arms. There were too many things to be doing to waste time talking to a recruit – especially before he'd had a chance to be inducted properly.
"Let me come with you guys," Fredlin said. "I'm not here to follow around a bunch of lackeys. Van, your words spoke to me! Let me serve by your side."
Van grimaced at the comment about his officers. "Look, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but those guys aren't lackeys. They are my finest warriors, and good allies. If you want my respect, you're going to have to be a team player and follow their lead."
"No way," Fredlin said as he crossed his arms. "I served eight years in the Marine Corps, and after that I worked as a firefighter. I've been playing this game since beta and the only reason I refused to go pro was because I didn't want to turn my hobby into a job. I'm probably more qualified than anyone else in this building to fight alongside you."
Sang shrugged at Van. Those were some good credentials. Van, however, had a different idea. "You say you were in the marines?" Van asked sharply. "Then your dumb ass should know to respect the chain of command. You think bragging about going pro is going to impress me? Let's see how tough you are when we're in a zone where death is on the table. Let's see how big and tough your persona is when you know that an axe to the head will kill you in the real world."
Fredlin didn't back down. "Chain of command is important, I get it, but do we really have time to be messing around with things like rank? I mean, that Capello guy sounds like he's just a kid. I'm not trying to throw my weight around, but I want to get to the action. My friend, Savorn, is probably dead, and I want revenge."
"A burning desire for revenge is gonna slip you up," Van said, pressing his face close to Fredlin's. The two were fiercely glaring at one another now, and Sang had never seen this level of anger in Van before. She considered stepping in between them, but decided against it. Van seemed to be handling it well enough.
"I'm not an idiot, Van," Fredlin said. "But I came here to get stuff done. Now, you can let me follow you and utilize an excellent resource, or you can waste our time by making me follow a teenager's orders. I'm not threatening to leave because I'm not a diva, but I damn well want to do something important."
"I can't control you," Van said as he waved his hand dismissively. "If you want to tag along after me, that's fine, but you're either walking ten steps ahead or behind. I won't have you listening in to my conversations with Sang."
Fredlin grinned. "Yes, sir! I won't let you down, I promise!"
Sang chuckled as the soldier drew his bow and rushed forward to investigate the perimeter. "Looks like you got yourself a new friend."
"Whatever," Van said as he trudged forward. All energy seemed to fade from him as he walked.
"You've got to snap out of this funk, Van."
"Funk? Funk? Sang, do I need to remind you that within less than two weeks of us having started this operation, there has been nothing but chaos? Everything is riding on our unit. I'm not in a funk – I'm just trying to focus," Van snapped.
"I get it," Sang said, "but you look like you're going to just fall over at any minute. Find your center, man."
"My center?" Van shouted. "I don't have a center, okay? You realize that, when everything is said and done, the only world I have ever cared about will be destroyed? My life is effectively ending by doing this job. And of course, yes, I'm going to stay in the game; of course I’m going to fight for humanity's survival! I'm not a psychopath. But you've got to realize something. When the walls come tumbling down like a proverbial Jericho, I will be the one left with nothing!"
Sang didn't quite know how to respond, but she knew she had to say something. "I know it's wearing away at you, Van, but you've got to realize that you do have a life outside of this game. I mean, not right now, of course, but once this is over you will be recognized as a hero."
"A hero?" Van repeated. He pointed to the short sword hanging off of his belt. "This is what a hero wields," he mumbled as he pulled out the weapon. Short bursts of flames arced across the sword. "This sword deals 150 damage per hit. It has a 30% chance of igniting someone on fire. And I can wield it. I can swing it with all my might in this world because my game muscles are strong! In the real world, I lose my breath taking the stairs."
"I'm not trying to tell you that this is an easy thing," Sang said. "It's gonna be the hardest thing you'll have to do, but try to remember that you have something waiting for you outside of this pod. You're not even 25 yet! You have your whole life ahead of you, so you can do whatever you want, be whatever you want."
"I want to be in here," Van said as he gestured toward a mountain in the distance. "I want to climb a mountain with my bare hands. I want to fight against dragons and orcs. I want to lead a band of adventurers into a stinking sewer for two weeks only to find a very disappointing end to an overrated quest. I don't want my entire life to change in a single instant. But I know it is. I know it's going to change. And I'm going to keep moving forward, damn it. So, get the hell off of my back."
Now it was Sang's turn to grow heated. "Get off your back? Van, I am trying to keep you sane here. You really think you can carry all of this weight on your shoulders without cracking? I watched you barely keep your wits together last month, and now you're dealing with the fact that your entire home will be gone soon? You need to sort through these things instead of just pushing forward."
"Sort through them? What, do you want me to see a counselor? Take some time to see a psychiatrist in between the battles for the survival of humanity?"
"No," Sang said, "but you do need to slow down and breathe for a minute. We've been pushing every second of every day. I know you've been playing without me. I know you're spending far too much time in here. You've got to ease off the throttle, just a little."
"How can you say that when we're facing Armageddon?" Van asked. He shook his head again. "How can you say that?" he whispered.
"Everyone needs you, Van," Sang said as she placed both her hands on his shoulders. "I need you. Yeah, there's gonna be times where we don't get to sleep, I get it. But now, we're in a good place. We're making good headway and people are acting on our behalf. And you're the one tying us all together. If you aren't functioning at your best, then we all suffer."
Van growled a little at that. "I'm not logging out, if that's what you're gently trying to suggest."
Sang shrugged. "I'm sorry, man, but I think it might be for the best if we take a break for the night. Jet will be there in the morning. You need sleep."
"How can I sleep?" Van asked, his voice quivering a little; it looked as if the anger was rapidly beginning to fade. "How can I sleep when Draco just blew up a residential area?"
"If you don't sleep," Sang whispered, "Draco will get away with more than that. We need you sober."
Van opened his mouth to argue, but no words came out. He slowly lowered his head. "Yeah, I guess… some sleep wouldn't hurt. I'll see you on the other side, then." He glanced up and looked at Fredlin, who was watching them from afar.
"We’ll be right back," Van said.
"I'll be here," Fredlin replied.
And with that, Van vanished from sight. Sang let out a sigh of relief and unplugged herself from the game, as well.
The bright lights of the pod greeted her as she opened her eyes in the real world. The transition never got any smoother for her. She even felt her stomach churning a little as the pod slowly opened. The motion sickness was the worst part of waking out of the gaming coma.
the matter?" Agent Neil asked as he walked up to help Sang out of her tube. "You guys win the war early or something?"
"Van needs to get some sleep," Sang replied. She glanced over to see that Van had already fallen asleep in his pod. Neil reached over to slap him, but was pulled back by Sang.
"Hey – ow!" Neil grumbled.
"Leave him alone. He's starting to scare me," Sang said as she stretched her arms out. The command center was quiet, as there were only a few operators in the observation room that was above the pods. She could see them quietly working from behind the glass. For all the manpower that the CIA had poured into this project, though, she rarely ever got any decent information from them.
"Yeah? He starting to lose his mind?" Neil asked.
"No!" Sang snapped. "But he is starting to crack from the stress of having to face the end of this game."
Neil shrugged. "So, what? The nerd will find something new."
"Neil, you have no idea what it's like to be in there. It's unlike anything that I've ever experienced. If I'd spent the last ten years of my life in there, I'd be freaking out, too. I mean, it's gotta be like having to shoot your own puppy."
Neil slowly nodded, a rare look of compassion crossing his face. His normal grin shifted to a frown. "I guess, when you put it like that. Sucks to be him, I suppose. But will he pull through?"
Sang shook her head. "I don't think he's gonna make it if he keeps it up like this. How much Cwake are you giving him?"
"Legally, I must inform you that we cannot give any of our workers stimulants," Neil said loudly as he looked around. And then he added more quietly, "I've been dosing him up like a college student during finals week."
"Well, cut him off," Sang said. "He's not allowed to go in unless he's gotten at least six hours of sleep."
"You're not the boss of me," Neil said as he crossed his arms. "I remember that, before his untimely poisoning, Frederick put me in charge."
"Just shut up and do as I say," Sang said as she shoved past him.