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Choices [Slick Rock 19]

Page 14

by Becca Van

  “Wrong,” Brax replied with immediate emphasis. “We used to feel responsible for you, but you were never a burden, Jaylynn. We liked having you around because you were always so happy and fun. Yes, we promised Seb we’d look after you whenever we could, but that wasn’t a chore. You brought laughter into our lives when there was so much violence. You were the little sister we never had.

  “However, that changed not long before Seb died, and while you were in your early twenties, you were still mourning your brother. We’d planned to start dating you because we were, are still attracted to you. There was no way in hell we were going to begin courting you while you were grieving, because we didn’t want to add to your pain if things didn’t work out.”

  “We hated that we were being sent away so often after Seb’s death,” Cael said. “We wanted to be with you and help you through your grief, but that was out of our control.”

  “Why did you fucking leave?” Ajay asked as he spun toward her, locking eyes with her. “Do you have any idea how fucking worried we were. I felt sick to my stomach.”

  “I didn’t think there was anything to keep me in Fort Worth. I’ve already told you this. Everyone I’ve ever loved is dead or was gone. Jimmy was creeping me out. There were too many memories. I couldn’t stay anymore. I saw you with those women. What did I have to stay for?” Jaylynn sucked in a breath when she heard how strident her voice had become. Tears burned her eyes and while she tried to keep them at bay, it was a losing battle. She hated looking so weak, so vulnerable in front of them when they were so strong and confident. She didn’t know what to say. They’d hashed all this out before. She was terrified that if she revealed what was in her heart, she’d end up with it broken into pieces.

  Brax shoved the covers aside, lifted her into his arms, turned her until she was facing him, before lowering her into his lap. She clung to his broad, muscular shoulders and he cupped her cheeks between her hands. “Do you have any idea how much I fucking love you? I, we, were devastated when we returned home only to find you gone.”

  “You love me?” she asked softly. Her heart was pounding in her chest with hope and while she was elated, she was also in shock.

  “Of course, I love you, baby. Why the fuck did you think I wanted to have a relationship with you?”

  “Physical attraction,” she answered.

  “Yes and no,” Brax replied. “You’re gorgeous, Jaylynn, but that wasn’t the reason I fell in love with you. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met and you’re generous to a fault. You’d leave yourself short of food, money, whatever, just to help someone else.”

  “I’m not strong.”

  “Bullshit!” Ajay snapped as he climbed back on the bed and knee-walked closer to her and Brax.

  She saw Cael move in her periphery as he moved closer on her other side. He threaded his fingers with hers and squeezed to garner her attention. “How many teenagers do you know who would have survived being left alone for days, weeks, months on end while her brother was off fighting for our country after their parents had died? You had phenomenal courage back then and even more now.”

  “You worked and studied hard,” Ajay said as he clasped her other hand. “When you weren’t working you volunteered at the local soup kitchen and you helped Seb pay off your parents’ debts. I don’t know any other teenager who’d take on so much responsibility. What’s more, you were alone more often than not. You’re strong, honey. Stronger than we are. That strength has shaped you into the woman you are today. You’re an amazing woman, Jaylynn.”

  Jaylynn didn’t try to hide the tears rolling down her face. This, right here, was all her dreams, Christmas gifts and birthdays presents being given to her at once. Happiness and love flowed into her, filling it where there’d been emptiness, pushing her fear and anxiety away.

  “I love you, too.” She met each of their gazes in turn. “I love all of you so much and I have since I was eighteen years old. The schoolgirl crush I had on y’all was pale in comparison to what’s in my heart now.”

  “Thank God,” Ajay breathed out.

  “Halleluiah,” Cael all but shouted.

  “You’re our world, baby.” Brax palmed her face between his hands again, swiping the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. He slowly lowered his head toward hers, causing her breath to hitch in her throat. Jaylynn quickly licked her lips, grasped Brax’s thick wrists with her fingers and met him half way.

  She moaned as he slanted his mouth over hers. When he swiped his tongue over her lower lip, she opened to him and gave herself into his care. The kiss was hot, wild and passionate and quickly set her blood on fire. Their tongues rubbed and dueled with erotic carnality, stealing the breath right out of her lungs, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care if she never breathed again as long as Brax kept kissing her, loving her. He nipped at her lip before soothing the sting by lapping at it. She groaned and suckled on his tongue.

  Brax drew back, grasped the hem of her T-shirt and started tugging it up. She held her finger up in the air. “Hold that thought.” Jaylynn scrambled from his lap and crawled over the bed to the edge.

  Ajay got to his feet, held his hand out to her and when she took it, helped her to her feet. “Thanks.” She grinned at him.

  “Wait! Where are you going, sweetness?” Cael asked, concern evident in his town.

  “I need the bathroom,” Jaylynn said over her shoulder. “I’ll be back.” She laughed and hurried across the room. After using the facilities, she gazed at her rumpled state in the mirror while she washed her hands and decided a shower was in order. She felt sticky and grimy after sleeping in her clothes. She was surprised that her men hadn’t taken them off but maybe they’d been worried about upsetting her more than she’d already been. They had such good hearts and always tried to do the right thing by her.

  She brushed her teeth and hair, put it up in a clip and turned toward the shower and stripped. When the water was the perfect temperature, she stepped in under the hot water and quickly washed herself. Stepping out onto the bathmat, she grabbed a clean towel, dried off and wrapped it around her body. She was so excited she was shaking. She wanted to make love to all three of her men, but she was also a little nervous. Not because she was worried they’d hurt her, but because she’d never made love to three men before. She wasn’t naïve and knew what to expect, but since this would be another first for her, she was worried she’d cry or something. The love in her heart was so strong and overwhelming she felt as if she was on the verge of tears again. However, this time they were happy tears, but she didn’t want to put her men off by inadvertently bawling.

  Jaylynn pushed her thoughts aside and hurried toward the bathroom door. Her hand trembled as she reached for the door handle and turned it. Her heart flipped, and she gasped when she spotted Brax, Ajay, and Cael reclining on the bed. They were all totally naked. She couldn’t help but feast on them with her eyes. They were so handsome, sexy and muscular, they took her breath away. When she noticed their damp hair, she realized they’d showered when she had.

  She took a step toward the bed, almost stumbling as her knees weakened. Ajay must have seen the hesitancy in her step because he shoved to his feet and walked toward her. Jaylynn eyed his body up and down and stopped at his hard cock. He was long, thick and hard, and his erection swayed and bobbed as he moved. He stopped a couple of feet from her and offered his hand once more.

  Jaylynn didn’t hesitate to take it and let him guide her back to the bed. He released her hand, clasped her hips and lifted her onto the mattress. She shifted toward the middle of the mattress and when the towel started to slip, she did nothing to prevent it. Cael, Ajay, and Brax didn’t say a word as they perused her body over.

  Cael was the first to move. He grabbed her ankles and tugged her down the bed as he scooted backward. He slid to his knees on the floor, pulled until her ass was near the edge of the bed, wrapped his arms around her thighs and spread her legs. “I’ve been dreaming about tasting all that sweet hon

  He lowered his head between her legs and licked her from bottom to top. Jaylynn closed her eyes and moaned.

  Ajay and Brax shifted beside her. She opened her eyes just as Brax cupped one breast while lapping over the nipple of the other with his tongue. Ajay covered her mouth with his, delving in with his tongue to tangle and caress with hers.

  The blood racing through her veins heated and thickened. Liquid desire pooled low in her belly and she whimpered with arousal.

  “You taste so fucking delicious, sweetness. I want you to come in my mouth,” Cael rasped out.

  “Oh!” she moaned.

  Cael lapped at her clit before licking his way down to her soaked pussy and dipped his tongue in her entrance. She gasped and groaned, her hips bucking up reflexively, to get more and closer to the pleasure.

  Ajay sucked and lapped his way down her neck toward her chest. When Brax released the breast he was kneading, Ajay drew her nipple into his mouth. Two hot, wet mouths suckled on her sensitive nipples, sending sparks of bliss shooting down toward her pussy.

  Cael rimmed her cunt with the tip of his finger and as he pushed it up into her, he lashed her clit with the tip of his tongue. She shook and shivered as the pressure began to build slowly and juices dripped from her pussy.

  She cried out when Cael began to thrust his finger in and out of her entrance, moving faster and deeper each time he surged inside.

  And then Cael added another finger.

  He drove both digits in deep before twisting them around inside of her. It felt like he crooked them, and he pressed against a spot inside that was so sensitive, she cried out as her whole body jerked,

  Brax released her nipple, leaned up and covered her lips with his. Their tongues glided together before twining and twirling around. She gasped in air and moaned. Ajay clenched her nipple between his teeth, biting down lightly as he squeezed the other hard peak between his finger and thumb.

  Jaylynn combed her fingers into Brax’s and Ajay’s hair and held on tight as the coil inside her womb and pussy grew tauter.

  Cael licked and nibbled on her clit, all the while continuing to massage that hot spot deep inside her pussy. Her internal walls rippled around his fingers and the heat began to melt her insides.

  The muscles in her legs and arms began to quiver as the tension grew higher. Her blood was so hot she wondered why it wasn’t boiling, but the thought was only fleeting.

  Brax broke the kiss before nipping and sucking on the skin just under her ear. She cried out when he scraped the sensitive flesh with the edge of his teeth and gasped.

  Ajay took her mouth with his, the kiss they shared was greedily carnal as their tongues frolicked and played together.

  Jaylynn shivered as goose bumps raced over her flesh and when Cael pressed and rubbed firmly over her G-spot, everything inside her seemed to freeze as she hung on the precipice.

  Ajay lifted his mouth from hers before he and Brax both drew her nipples into their mouths and suckled firmly. At the same time, Cael sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked it with the tip of his tongue.

  Jaylynn screamed as she toppled over the edge. Her whole body quivered and quaked, her pussy clenched down around Cael’s fingers before releasing, and clamped down again.

  Cream gushed from her pussy in spurts of ecstasy and stars burst apart in front of her eyes. She shook and shivered as ecstatic bliss washed over and through her, holding her in its grip of euphoric release.

  Aftershocks wracked her body as she gasped air in and out of her lungs, trying to get her breath back. Cael eased his fingers from her pussy, causing her to groan with sensitivity and she jerked when he gave her cunt a final lick. Ajay and Brax caressed their hands over her shoulders, down her arms, and over her breasts, murmuring soothing noises as they brought her back down from her rapturous pinnacle.

  She blinked her eyes open just as Cael released her legs and kissed the top of her mound. When she met his hungry brown-eyed gaze, she shivered in reaction as her just satisfied libido perked up with interest.

  She watched him lift the fingers he’d used to fuck her with to his mouth and suck them clean. “Fucking delicious, Jaylynn. I could eat that pussy out for hours.”

  “Oh,” she moaned and closed her eyes again. She felt so replete she didn’t want to move, and yet she was eager for the next step.

  Jaylynn wanted Cael, Brax, and Ajay inside of her, and she wanted that right now.

  She had no idea how she could feel so needy, so horny for her men when she’d just had the most amazingly strong orgasm, but she didn’t care.

  All she cared about was having her men filling her, loving her and claiming her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cael shoved up from his knees and nodded to his brothers. Ajay and Brax grasped Jaylynn under the arms and tugged her up the bed. He was so hungry for his woman he was shaking, but he loved hearing her screaming as she came.

  As he climbed up on the bed he sucked in a deep breath and tried to get his lust under control. This was a big moment for all of them, but especially for Jaylynn. He and his brothers were about to make love to her all at the same time, and she had to be nervous.

  Once he was in position on his knees between her splayed thighs, he grasped the base of his cock and he dipped a finger into her hot, wet cunt to make sure she was ready for him. He sighed with relief when he found her soaked. He caressed her flat belly to get her attention. “Are you ready for me, sweetness?”

  “I’ve been ready for a long time, Cael. Please, make love with me.”

  “My pleasure, Jaylynn.” Cael kept his gaze locked with hers as he aligned the head of his hard dick with her wet pussy and pressed forward. Her eyelids lowered until he could barely see her gorgeous green eyes, but she didn’t look away or close them. He gritted his teeth as he slowly eased his cock in her tight, hot, wet cunt, rocking his hips, sliding his dick forward and back until he was buried in her to the hilt. Making sure to brace his weight onto his elbows and knees, he lowered himself down until they were touching from chest to groin. He closed his eyes to savor the skin to skin contact and tight wet grip she had on his dick. Cael knew his brothers were waiting for him to roll himself and Jaylynn over, but he needed a moment. The urge to pound his cock in and out of her hot pussy was almost too strong to ignore. He didn’t realize he was grinding his hips into hers until she moaned.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck, sweetness,” Cael ordered in a raspy voice. She looped her arms around his neck and when she went to hook her legs around his hips, he stopped her by taking hold of one of her knees. “Stay still, Jaylynn.” He shoved an arm under her upper back and the other under her slim waist and rolled.

  He groaned, and she moaned when his dick pressed in further. When Jaylynn shifted, bringing her knees up next to his hips and braced her hands on his chest, Cael held his breath. His cock twitched and throbbed as if urging him to move, but he held still. He saw Ajay moving from the corner of his eye and when he saw the bedside drawer was open, he realized his brother had already grabbed the tube of lube.

  Cael hoped he didn’t shoot off before Ajay and Brax had prepared her, but it was going to be fun trying. He loved having his hard cock buried so far up into her cunt he could feel the entrance to her womb. Jaylynn didn’t seem to mind having him in so deep. In fact, she loved it. She was grinding down on him as if trying to take more, but she had all of him and he wasn’t a small man. None of them were.

  “Lie on top of Cael, honey,” Ajay said as he pressed a hand on Jaylynn’s back between her shoulder blades.

  She licked her lips and lowered onto his chest. Cael grasped a handful of hair and tugged her mouth up toward his. She moaned as he kissed her with love and passion and hoped like hell he could last the distance.

  * * * *

  Ajay maneuvered in between Cael’s spread legs and caressed his hands up and down Jaylynn’s back. He needed to prepare and stretch her ass, before he could fuck her without hurting her.

nbsp; He glanced at Brax and nodded to his brother, who was sitting on his haunches near Jaylynn’s hip. Brax nodded back before reaching over to grasp her ass cheeks with his large hands. She whimpered and moaned, the sounds muffled as she kissed Cael.

  Ajay opened the tube of lube, squeezed a good dollop onto the tips of two fingers and then caressed over her ass. She gasped and moaned, and he growled when her star opened to him. He tried to ignore his aching cock, racing heart, and hot blood. He’d need to take his time so that Jaylynn didn’t feel too much discomfort. He continued to rub his wet fingers over her pucker, dipping the tip of one finger into her back entrance whenever her muscles loosened enough.

  He glanced up when Jaylynn broke the kiss and shoved up from Cael’s chest. Her movement caused his finger to breach her ass a little deeper. “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Yeah,” she groaned. “Feels so good.”

  Ajay grinned at Brax. Brax released one of her ass cheeks and cupped her face, turning her gaze toward him, before leaning down and kissing her passionately. Cael cupped both her breasts in his hands, kneading and molding her soft skin, before pinching and squeezing at her hard nipples.

  Ajay slowly and carefully worked his two fingers in and out of her ass, spreading his fingers and stretching her tight muscles. When she started rocking her hips, he realized she was ready for more. He removed his fingers, squeezed more lube onto the tips and pressed three up into her ass.

  He paused when she tensed and waited for a sign to continue. Brax licked his way down her neck, nipped and then suckled her earlobe. Cael leaned up, took one of her nipples into his mouth and reached between their legs. Ajay knew the second he began to caress her clit because she moaned and the tension in her ass muscles eased.

  He sighed out a breath of relief that he didn’t have to stop and began to slowly thrust his fingers in and out of her rosette.


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