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The Christmas Baby Bundle: Novella (Windy City Romance 4)

Page 8

by Barbara Lohr

  They took each other with an urgent speed that almost squeezed her heart right out of her body and left her gasping. God, how she loved this man. Tonight, she’d gotten a taste of life without him. His lovemaking felt like he knew it too. Connor’s lips blazed over her body as if it were a map he wanted to memorize. She opened every route, urged him on with her hands and body.

  They were a gift to each other that night. Their love-making felt new, like they’d never opened this package before.

  Afterward, they both fell into a deep sleep, bodies entwined, sleeping so soundly they almost didn’t hear the phone when it rang.

  Connor groaned and reached for the bedside landline. Another out of control fire?

  “Oh, I hope you don’t have to go in.” Amanda pulled herself from sleep, looking sexy as all get out.

  The room was turning gray. What the hell time was it?

  McKenna barked in his ear. “Get up, big brother! Big doings tonight.”

  “McKenna…everything all right?”

  “McKenna?” Amanda echoed softly, sitting straight up and hugging the pillow to her naked body. Damn distracting.

  Connor tried to concentrate on what his sister was telling him. “Okay, yes. I understand.” The words spun and cracked in his mind like dice. He couldn’t believe what she was telling him. Just kept nodding. Letting it soak in.

  “Connor?” Amanda’s nails bit into his forearm. He ran a hand up her naked arm.

  “As soon as we can. Angie’s all right with that?”

  “Angie?” Wrenching away, Amanda snapped on the bedside light.

  But he could only handle one conversation at a time. “Sure. Right. Okay, see you soon.”

  Chapter Six

  Setting the phone down, Connor had immediate brain freeze. “I, uh…that was…” Damn, he couldn’t get the words out.

  “Connor, what is it? Did something happen to Angie?” His wife looked terrified.

  “Yes. No.” Somehow he got out of bed, glad for the cold floor. Might knock some sense into him. “Angie’s having the baby. That’s why she couldn’t meet us last night.”

  “Oh, my God.” Amanda stumbled to her feet.

  “She was feeling funny, I guess. Didn’t know what it was.”

  “Didn’t know what it was?” Amanda was rooting around on the floor, tossing her pajamas onto the bed. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I’m just telling you what McKenna told me.” He pressed one finger to his lips and then stabbed it toward the wall. The last thing he wanted was her parents in on this circus. “You’ll wake your folks up, honey. Let’s get dressed.”

  “Sorry.” She started pulling on clothes.

  He shook his head to clear it. “Anyway, took Angie a while to figure out what was going on. Then she waited. Had some crazy idea that maybe she’d have the baby at home.”

  “No way. She’s so young.” Amanda struggled with her bra.

  “She got the idea from McKenna, if you can believe it. I guess my sister mentioned we were all delivered at home. ” He jerked his jeans on.

  “Oh, my gosh. You did tell me that. What was she thinking?” Amanda tried to jam both feet into one leg of her jeans.

  Connor grabbed her shoulders so she didn’t fall. “Honey, we’re having a baby.”

  She glanced up, eyes glistening in the soft light. “I can’t believe it.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Believe it. Let’s get cracking.”

  “Okay. Right.” Pulling on her blue hoodie, she zipped it up.

  “We’ll have to go slow. The roads are icy. At least it’s not rush hour yet.” He was talking to himself while he rammed his head into the gray sweatshirt.

  “Is she that close?”

  “She’s been in labor all afternoon, but it was slow. She wasn’t sure. But McKenna says all systems are go now. Angie didn’t want to tell us until she knew for sure.”

  “Oh, Connor.” Amanda’s hand clutched the doorknob.

  Pressing one finger to his lips, he eased the door open.

  Too late. When he stepped out, Amanda’s mother stood there, one of those plastic things on her head. “Is everything all right?”

  “Mom, our baby’s coming.” Disbelief lifted Amanda’s voice.

  The blood drained from Donna’s face. “Oh, my goodness. Where?”

  “Montclair Specialty Hospital. Where my sister McKenna works.” Connor detoured around her, taking Amanda with him. “We’ll let you know, okay?”

  When Connor looked back, Amanda’s dad had joined Donna at the head of the stairs. “Anything you want us to do, son?” he asked.

  “No, sir. Think everything’s just fine. The room’s ready.” Connor stumbled on the last step, and Amanda rammed right into him. They both nearly ended up on the floor.

  Turning, he grabbed Amanda’s shoulders and kissed her forehead. She smelled all warm and cuddly, like sleep. “Honey, we’re having a baby.”

  “I know. You keep saying that.” She shot him a dazed smile.

  “We have to remain calm.”

  “We have to get out of here.”


  They both bumbled around in the coat closet.

  “We’ll give you a call later.” Connor called up, heading for the door. Absolutely no response. Amanda’s parents must be as shell-shocked as they were.

  Thank goodness his truck had been the last one in and sat at the end of the driveway. Amanda ran around the front while Connor climbed inside. The truck felt freezing, but it started.

  “You okay?” Amanda jumped in and slammed her door closed.

  His lips curved into a smile while he gunned the engine and turned on the headlights. “We’re having a baby.”

  “I guess so. Feels like a dream.” Her voice was filled with disbelief.

  Turning, he yanked her to him for a hard kiss.

  “Oh, Connor,” she whispered against his lips. “Can this really be happening?”

  “Looks like it, babe.” He jammed the truck into reverse and backed out. “What time is it?”

  She glanced at the dash. “Five o’clock.”

  Perfect timing to make it down the Eisenhower. They didn’t say another word. The roads hummed with activity, but not enough to bring traffic to a halt. Changing lanes when he could, he felt like he was driving to a five-alarm fire. Next to him, Amanda gnawed at one of her nails.

  When they finally reached the parking garage of Montclair Specialty Hospital, he barreled up that entrance ramp so fast the tires squealed.

  She clapped one hand over his on the wheel. “Hey, slow down.”

  “Sorry. It’s just that…”

  “I know, but we’ll get there.”

  He sucked in a huge breath.

  A father. He was going to be a father. Sure, he’d told Amanda it didn’t matter that much. But it sure as hell did.

  Not many cars in the parking garage and Connor pulled into a spot on the third level, parked and flew over the bridge at a fast clip. The quiet hallway gleamed in the low light. They took the elevator to the sixth floor and the water birthing suite.

  He grabbed Amanda’s frozen hand and squeezed it. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “Are we going to the waiting room?” Amanda asked.

  “Yep. We’ll meet Cindy and Maria Sanchez there.” Maria had helped with all the paperwork for the open adoption. At the time, they had just been more forms. Over the past few years, they’d filled out lots of paperwork that came to nothing. Hopefully this time would be different. God, he sure hoped so.

  The soles of their boots squeaked in the hallway. Although they’d been here for parenting classes, his mind was a blank tonight. They had to consult the signage on a wall and headed left.

  Cindy and Maria looked up when Connor and Amanda came through the door.

  “Looks like Christmas came early, huh?” Cindy smiled brightly.

  “We can’t believe it.” Amanda looked to him and Connor nodded.

  The women did the hugging thin

  “Always an exciting day when the baby comes.” Maria shook his hand.

  Oh, you have no idea. “Amanda was afraid Angie had changed her mind,” Connor explained as they settled into the brown vinyl sofa.

  Cindy turned to Amanda. “That must have felt awful.”

  Amanda gave her a sheepish smile. “It happens, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. Guess I can’t blame you for being skeptical, but I think we’re good with Angie. She has plans for her future, which means you can have plans for the future.”

  After McKenna had helped get Angie away from the bad relationship with Cindy’s help, the social worker had put Connor and Amanda in touch with an agency that handled open adoptions. That’s when Maria joined the effort.

  Connor’s heart galloped. He unzipped his jacket. Must be eighty in there.

  Amanda sat on the edge of the seat. “How long did do you think it will be?”

  Cindy’s gaze traveled to the empty doorway. “Hard to say. This is Angie’s first baby, so sometimes it takes longer. McKenna said she’s doing a good job. Things are progressing nicely.”

  No way he could sit still. Jumping up, Connor headed for the coffee machine. “Anyone want some coffee?”

  “None for me.” Her hand was on her tummy. He sure hoped she wasn’t getting an ulcer.

  Cindy waved him away. “I’ve already had two cups, and sometime tonight I want to get some sleep.” She looked toward the large plate glass window where the sky was lightening and chuckled. “May be too late for that. Everything ready at home?”

  The question brought to mind the cozy room Amanda and Harper had fixed up at home. “Oh, yeah.”

  “I’ve seen the room,” Maria told Cindy. “It’s really something. I’d like those peaceful fleecy clouds on the walls in my study.”

  Amanda laughed. “I’ll be sure to tell Connor’s younger sister. Harper did most of the work, but she lives in Savannah. I don’t think she’ll be taking on any Chicago clients.”

  Maria nodded. “My loss. So you’re all set to take the baby home. That’s great.”

  Connor felt like he’d been hit with a taser. “Today? We aren’t taking him home today, are we?”

  Maria glanced over at Cindy, who was grinning. “Well, not today but soon. I’m sure you’ll be eager to get him home.”

  “Of course we are.” Amanda reached for Connor’s hand and he squeezed it.

  Even without any makeup, Amanda was beautiful. Wife and mother. Felt like he was seeing Amanda for the first time. Dropping his hand, she walked to the window. Connor followed and put his arms around her. She settled against his chest.

  “We’re good, Amanda. Everything’s going to be fine.” He wanted this to be everything she’d ever dreamed, especially after the scare she’d had yesterday. Kissing her hair, he smiled at her reflection in the glass and whispered, “You’re going to be a mom.”

  “And you’re going to be a dad.” She grinned.

  Maria and Cindy were deep in conversation. He cuddled Amanda closer, in their own little world.

  Soon there would be three of them.

  Something clicked inside, like a puzzle piece he’d been missing.

  McKenna burst into the room and Amanda whipped around. Connor’s arms fell away and her sister-in-law held up one hand. “Not yet. Angie’s doing great, but no baby yet. Selena is with her.”

  “Any idea when he might arrive?” Cindy asked.

  “First baby. Could be a couple hours. Could be thirty minutes. She’s in the water birthing pool and working with her breathing.” Her green eyes zeroed in on Connor and Amanda. “Why don’t you go down to the Atrium for a break? Walk around a little?”

  Amanda’s legs felt numb, but McKenna was right. Connor looked like he might lose it if he had to stay here. Her husband was a guy who liked to stay in motion.

  She glanced over at Cindy and Maria. “Okay with you?”

  Maria nodded. “Don’t worry. I have your cell number. I’ll find you.”

  Standing, Cindy stretched. “If it’s okay with you, Maria seems to have things well under control. You can only have so many gushing adults in a baby’s room. I need some shut-eye since I have to work tomorrow. I’ll stop by the nursery later.”

  “How can I ever thank you?” Amanda gave the social worker a big hug before Cindy left. She’d always been there to calm Amanda’s fears.

  Connor touched her shoulder. “Take care, Cindy. Amanda and I are going to take a walk.”

  “Bye, Cindy. Stop by and see our baby tomorrow, okay?” Our baby. Felt surreal.

  The dry heat of the hospital encased them when they swept into the hallway. “Where should we go?” Connor asked.

  “Outside.” Although she’d shed her coat, Amanda still felt sweltering. “Maybe the top level of the garage?”


  They took the elevator down to three, walked over the bridge and grabbed another elevator to the top floor of the parking garage. McKenna had mentioned she always parked up here. The icy air Amanda complained about all week felt refreshing.

  “You okay?” Connor asked, pulling her into a cove behind the elevator shaft.

  “Yep. Guess so.” Amanda pressed one hand to her tumbling stomach. “Still battling the bug, along with half the students and teachers at school…which reminds me.” She was not about to mention ulcers. Didn’t want to see the I-told-you-so look. She checked the time on her phone. “I’ll have to call Nancy Sheridan at six thirty so she can find a sub for me.”

  “Don’t worry. They won’t have any trouble getting someone to fill in for you.”

  Connor’s gray sweat shirt felt soft against her skin. “Gosh, this will bring me right up to my maternity leave.”

  “Maternity leave,” he murmured into her hair. “You’re going to be a mother, Amanda.”

  “And you’ll be a dad.” She felt him stiffen and looked up. Her rock of a husband looked a little uncertain. “Connor?”

  His jaw shifted. “It’s nothing. I’m, ah….”

  She pivoted in his arms to face him. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”

  “It’s just that, well, how do I know, Amanda? How do I know I can be a good dad?”

  “Why wouldn’t you be? Big Mike was one of the best teachers …and Malcolm and Mark are terrific fathers.”

  “They are. And that’s the thing….” Her husband stared out at the city.

  “Wait a minute. Are you worried you may not be as good a father as your brothers are?”

  The confusion swimming in his liquid brown eyes melted her heart.

  “Oh, come on. Of course you will be.” When had she ever seen him this way? She gave him a little shake but it was like trying to budge one of the garage pillars. “I mean, you’ll have to help me. What do I know? I’m an only child!”

  Connor’s lips tilted into a grin. “You’re right.” He hugged her closer, resting his chin on her head.

  Had she ever loved this man more? She was seeing a whole new side of him.

  “We’ll help each other.” He bent his head. Twisting, she swung up on her toes to meet his lips. The kiss sealed a pact.

  “Oh, Connor.” She finally pulled away to catch her breath. “Soon it won’t be just the two of us.”

  “What? You’re not ready to share?” Mischief danced in his eyes.

  “Are you?”

  His phone dinged. She held her breath while he read the text. Hadn’t even finished it before he was pulling her back to the elevator.

  “Is it Maria?”

  Connor nodded just as the doors swept open.

  Logan Sinclair stepped out. “Connor? Amanda?”

  McKenna’s boyfriend looked tired. Movie star handsome but beat.

  “Were you in with McKenna?” Amanda’s mind spun.

  “Nope. In the OR delivering a baby.” He ran one hand through his already disheveled hair.

  “Angie’s up in the birthing suite with McKenna.” Quickly, Connor filled Logan in. The two go
t along great, although at first Connor was uncomfortable sharing so much personal stuff with a doctor.

  “Sounds like you’ll have a baby for Christmas. How about that?” Logan was beaming.

  Did Logan and McKenna have plans for marriage and a family? It had been fun getting to know Logan, not only as her fertility specialist, but also as the guy dating her sister-in-law. Their mission trip together to Guatemala the summer before had pretty much solidified their relationship.

  Logan had offered hope when she needed to believe there was a solution.

  Another wave of queasiness hit her. She should eat something. Connor was holding the elevator.

  “You okay?” Logan asked as he stepped out.

  “Touch of the flu. Teaching. You get everything.”

  “You sure?” he asked before the doors closed on his puzzled expression.

  “What was that about?” Connor punched the buttons.

  Her thoughts spun. “Nothing. I have to call school when we get out of this elevator. Could you update my folks? Make sure they don’t come down here, though.”

  “I’m on it.”

  When the doors opened at the third floor, they exited. She got on her phone, and so did Connor. Nancy Sheridan, principal at Riley High School, answered on the first ring.

  “Don’t worry about school,” she assured Amanda. “We’ll get along just fine. Be sure to send us some pictures. This is so exciting, Amanda!”

  “And, Nancy? Think you can dig up a copy of A Charlie Brown Christmas? The substitute won’t have a bit of trouble if she reads to my kids.”

  “I’m sure I can find one. Don’t worry about us, okay?”

  “Are they crazy with excitement?” she asked after Connor ended the call with her parents.

  “You got that right.”

  McKenna met them in the waiting room. She looked like a balloon about to pop. “Everything’s fine. You have a beautiful baby boy.”

  “Really? Oh my God.” Her voice was a high squeak. Good thing Connor had a firm grip on her. Her knees started to buckle.

  He looked as crazed as she felt. “A baby boy. We’re parents, Amanda.”


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