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Redneck Apocalypse Special Edition Box Set

Page 54

by eden Hudson

  Behind me, Rian chuckled. “Glad to see you didn’t lose my sword, boy. Just set it on the floor nice and easy, then kick it over here.”

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Colt said.

  “I don’t think you appreciate the depth of the shit you’re wading in right now, Whitney,” Rian said.

  He dropped my handcuffs. I straightened up and shook the hair out of my face.

  Colt stood in front of the counter, clutching Mikal’s flaming greatsword in his fists. The Tracker was in the corner directly behind Colt, his antique revolver aimed at the back of Colt’s head. The rest of the foot soldiers had fanned out around the room. Every rifle was aimed at Colt, but their eyes were locked on that sword.

  “That was one hell of an arsenal you boys were running out there in them woods,” Rian said. “Guess I ought to thank you for the reloads. We were running low. Now I’d say we’re stocked for a good year or two.”

  Rian set his shotgun on a table and reached behind him to unhook something from the back of his belt.

  “I even found this beauty.” He held it up like it was on display. A crossbow. “Part of a matched set, but I figured two would be overkill.”

  Colt’s fists tightened on the hilt of the sword until I heard one of the blisters on his hand rip. The fluid hissed and evaporated in the flames.

  Rian stepped on the bow’s stirrup and drew back the string until it was cocked. Then he reached into a pocket on his uniform vest and pulled out a wooden bolt. He loaded it into the crossbow.

  “This right here, boy?” Rian said. “This is what you’d call ‘up to your eyeballs in shit.’ You don’t have any room to negotiate. You don’t call any of the shots. You do what I tell you to do or I put this vamp on the express train to Hell.”

  Rian rested the crossbow against my back, just behind my heart.

  My body shook. The instinct to run fought tooth and nail with the instinct to hold still and avoid any hair-trigger accidents. The point didn’t touch me, but I knew it was there. The wood was like a laser to the vamp senses.

  Colt’s teeth gritted. The sound made the skin down my back crawl.

  “Just set that sword on the floor and kick it over here,” Rian said.

  Colt swallowed. “If I give you the sword, you’ll let her go?”

  “Now you’re catching on,” Rian said.

  A sickly sweet corpse dew had started to form on my skin. I hadn’t even realized vampires could sweat. I wanted to scream. I wanted Colt to slide the sword over to Rian. I wanted that wooden bolt pointed anywhere but at me.

  “Don’t do it.” The words left my throat in a rusty croak.

  Colt glared at me.

  Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried to blink them away, but it just forced them to spill out onto my cheeks. The shaking got worse. What the hell was I saying? Now, with a wooden stake pointed at my heart and an eternity of Hell stretching out in front of me, this was where I finally decided to do the right thing? This was where I tried to be the woman Colt deserved?

  “Don’t give it to him,” I whispered.

  Colt took a step toward me. “Tiff—”

  “That’s far enough,” Rian said. “You can make a decision from over there. Does she go to Hell or does she stay? What do you say, Whitney?”

  I knew the answer, even before it flickered across Colt’s face. For all of the suffering and disappointments and fighting and death that had plagued his life, Colt was still so damn young. Some innocent, hopeful part of him still thought there was a way out of this. He might be older than he looked, he might have suffered through the hardships of a hundred lifetimes in his twenty-four years, but he couldn’t let go of that last shredded prayer that everything would be okay.

  My stomach sank. “Damn it.”

  Colt took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. His bad knee popped as he crouched down and put the sword on the floor.

  “Now get those hands on the back of your head and slide that sword over here with your foot like a good boy,” Rian said. I could hear the grin in his voice.

  Colt stood up, laced his fingers over the back of his neck, and kicked the sword across the floor to Rian.

  Without taking the crossbow from my back, Rian bent over and gingerly touched the sword’s hilt. When it didn’t burn his hand off, he grabbed it and stood up.

  “And you’re going to come peacefully.” Rian dug the crossbow into my back for emphasis. “Wouldn’t want somebody’s finger to slip on the trigger.”

  “Just do whatever you’re going to do to me,” Colt said. “Leave Tiffani alone.”

  Rian nodded.

  The Tracker eased his revolver into his gun belt, then moved in. The rest of the foot soldiers followed, confidence restored now that Rian had the sword. They pulled Colt’s arms behind his back, cuffed him, and forced him to his knees. Colt didn’t fight them.

  “Good dog,” one of the soldiers joked.

  Another scratched behind Colt’s ear. “Looks like some of Mikal’s obedience training sunk in after all.”

  Colt jerked his head away.

  “Now let her go,” he said.

  “Yeah,” Rian said. “About that…”

  Tiny vibrations sang through the crossbow as Rian’s finger pulled the trigger. The twang of the string and Colt sucking in a breath were the last sounds I heard before the wooden bolt forced its way between my ribs and through my heart.


  Armistice weekend was a big one at the bar and Rowdy usually kept it open all night to take advantage of the crowd, but I drove on past. The thought of talking to Dodge or Owen—or fuck, Willow—made me want to scrape my skin off. Scout’s loud dime store potpourri smell and Mitzi’s cotton candy perfume were all over me. I needed a shower. And a drink.

  Going to go nail Scout again? My stomach turned over and my face tried to heat up. You fucking man-whore.

  I wish I could say the moral dilemma and the slut-shaming were what kept me away, but the truth is it was the thought of all her friends crowded into that crappy little trailer, staring at me. Remembering that made my brain spin around inside my skull and my chest seize up. I didn’t need the oxygen anymore, but not being able to take a deep breath really messed with my head. I rolled down the truck windows and waited for the breeze to kill the claustrophobia.

  The dash clock read quarter to five. The sun would be up soon and stuff like washing off the whore stank would take a back seat to finding somewhere I wouldn’t catch on fire.

  Maybe if I went back to the motel, Jason would be gone. I’d have to listen to Mitzi run her mouth, but maybe she would have already picked up another groupie. For an ice cold psycho-bitch, Mitzi ran as hot as hell. She never stayed alone long.

  Said the asshole who just screwed his way around town.

  But I was dying for a drink. My tongue felt like sandpaper and my throat ached. Mitzi seemed like my best bet for some quick blood. Maybe if I just kept fucking her until she passed out for the day, I could get through with the minimum amount of her talking.

  A memory of drinking off of Desty flashed through my head—her laying on my bed, that citrusy-beer smell, that electrical fire in her blood. Drinking it had jumpstarted my heart, made me feel invincible. The way I felt when she looked at me like she thought I was a dragon slayer or something.

  My hands were shaking. I got a strangle-hold on the wheel. I couldn’t think about that right now. Not this sober.

  I stepped on the gas. Somehow I made it across town to the motel without losing my shit. Mitzi’s look-at-me-red Fairlane was still parked out front. I pulled in beside her and shut the truck off. I couldn’t remember which room was hers, so I followed the smell of blood. Number 29.

  It was quiet. What was I going to do if she was out hunting?

  I banged on the door. A second later, it flew open.

  “Romeo!” Mitzi grabbed my arm. “You’re just in time!”

  I almost tripped over the splintered bedframe as she pulled me into the room.
/>   “Quick, open your connection with Tiffani.” She shoved me onto the mattress on the floor and sat on my lap. “Come on! This is going to be fucking incredible. Open your connection. And your pants.”

  I tried to remember how I’d opened the connection before, but I couldn’t. It felt like my brain was having that rigor mortis problem. Hadn’t Tiffani said that would go away after the first couple days?

  “Connection,” Mitzi said, unzipping my jeans. “You’re going to want to see this.”

  I didn’t get the chance to figure it out. The connection opened on its own.

  Usually it felt like a radio switching on in my brain, but this time it was like someone screaming right in my ear. Before I could ask Tiffani what the hell, she showed me what she was looking at.

  Colt. The Tracker and a pair of foot soldiers slammed him to the floor in front of the bakery’s glass-front display case. Colt was fighting like crazy, but his hands were cuffed behind his back, and one of the fuckers had him in a headlock.

  I jumped up, knocking Mitzi off my lap. She giggled.

  Hel— The connection with Tiffani cut in and out. —elp him. Plea—

  Then the connection was gone. Not like a radio turning off. Not like losing signal. Like the whole sound system had disappeared halfway through a song.

  I tried to reopen the connection, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t there anymore.

  Mitzi cackled like some kind of cartoon witch and clapped her hands. I shoved her out of the way and sprinted outside. The vamp speed kicked on and I had the truck fired up and back on the street in no time flat. I floored it.

  Colt? I tried yelling it at him, even though the connection only went one way for us. Who knew if it even worked over long distances? What’s happening? Can you hear me?

  I probably set a new land speed record on the way from the motel to the bakery.

  A bunch of the Dark Mansion’s shiny black four-by-fours were parked at angles all around the front. The Tracker’s big blue Dodge was pulling away.

  For once in my life, I actually stopped to think about what I was doing. Believe it or not, I wasn’t ready to die forever just yet. I couldn’t just go running in, no weapons, no backup, and think I was going to rescue Colt like magic or a miracle or something. Fuckups like me didn’t get lucky and we damn sure didn’t get miracles.

  I pulled around back. Another four-by-four was blocking the alley from this end.

  Shit. I drove around to the far side of the square and parked behind the Witches’ Council building, jumped out, and slipped into the alley.

  No foot soldiers standing guard. They must’ve gone in full-force to take Colt out.

  My heart pumped once, and I skidded to a stop. Screaming and gunshots and the sound of school desks getting tripped over and scraping across concrete floors. Sissy and Dad yelling at everyone to get out, get outside. The first and last time we fought indoors during the war. Enclosed battles weren’t battles, they were executions.

  How the hell had they trapped Colt inside? He was the one who’d told me never to hide indoors if you were being pursued. Get a defensible spot where your six is covered but you have room to maneuver—and most important, room to run like hell.

  Colt? If you can hear me, I’m coming.

  That’s when I heard the shotgun go off.


  Tiff opened her mouth. I heard ribs crack the second before the tip of the bolt tore through her shirt above her right breast.

  “No!” It felt like someone had ripped the word out of my stomach. I tried to get to her, but a foot soldier was standing on my ankle. He locked an arm around my throat. I thrashed and fought, but I couldn’t get loose. I whipped around and tried to bite, head butt, kick, anything.

  The foot soldier slammed me facedown on the floor and knelt on my back. I was screaming, emptying my lungs in one long, wordless shout. I kept fighting, but all I managed to do was turn my head so that I could see Tiffani.

  She looked down at the bolt. Vamp venom soaked her shirt, the stain growing in time with her heart. It was trying to beat again. The crow magic was letting go of its hold over her earthly body. Lines dug into her face. Her skin got loose, sagged. Her hair went from dark burgundy to a faded pinkish color. Her shoulders bowed. Her head drooped and her brassy eyes sank into her skull. She opened her mouth and yellowed teeth fell out and dropped to the floor.

  Tiff looked at me. The shame in her eyes cut like concertina wire. Tears rolled down her wrinkled cheeks.

  No, I don’t care! I don’t care how you look. I never cared, Tiff. Please believe me! I couldn’t get the words out, couldn’t breathe. My pulse hammered in my brain. Red haze washed in at the edges of my vision.

  Her soul left her body. The frail, elderly corpse of the old woman slumped over and smacked the floor with this sick, brittle crunch.

  I ground my forehead into the tile, then lifted my head and slammed it as hard as I could into the floor.

  God, wake me up. Mikal, snap me out of this. Please, I’ll do anything.

  “Please,” I begged. But this was real. Tiff was really gone.

  Even screaming, psychotic laughter would’ve been better than this, but for once the black noise had backed off. I could feel the spiraling insanity just out of reach.

  Fingers twisted in my hair and pulled until my neck and spine were bent as far as they would go. The weight disappeared from my back. Whoever had ahold of my hair dragged me up to my knees.

  “Now you know what it feels like,” Rian said. He gave my cheek a slap, then went for another one.

  I bit. My teeth latched onto his thumb.

  Rian howled. His wings beat at me from all sides while he battered my face with his free fist. I clamped down harder. Burning angel blood filled my mouth and rolled down my chin. A boot caught me upside the head, but I locked my jaw and whipped back and forth like a pit bull trying to saw through that last string of gristle. Rian’s knuckle snapped apart between my teeth. I spat the tip of his thumb at him.

  “Dammit!” He shoved his bloody hand under his armpit and grabbed his shotgun with the other. He kicked me onto my back, then stepped on my chest. “I told Mikal you were a rabid fucking menace.”

  Rian stuck the barrel dead center between my eyes.

  A million grisly deaths flashed through my mind—the worst tortures that Mikal’s eternal fascination with pain had to offer, things that had left me crying like a baby and begging her to kill me—but none of them were awful enough for Rian.

  He grinned. “Kathan’s going to give me a promotion for getting rid of you, you fucking psycho.”

  Then he pulled the trigger.

  For a split-second, I felt fire tearing through my eyes and sinuses. Then nothing.


  The bakery’s back door banged open just before I got to it. I ducked down behind the dumpster and got as small as I could.

  Foot soldiers. I could smell the hot, black reek of tar from their wings. I didn’t know what kind of sense of smell fallen angels had, but if they could smell me, hopefully they would chalk it up to one of the other vamps in Halo being nearby.

  I couldn’t smell Colt.

  Shit, shit, shit. Colt? Can you hear me? You’d better be all right, you asshole.

  Truck doors slammed and the four-by-four’s engine roared. It tore down the alley past me. None of the foot soldiers looked my way as they pulled out onto the square. I tried to listen past their truck to the front of the bakery. It sounded like more engines idling up there.

  They took him out the front. I jumped up and ran inside. I’m coming, Colt. I’m right here.

  I’d never been through the bakery’s back door before. It took my brain a second to get oriented. By the time I realized I was standing in the kitchen next to Tiffani’s big freezer, the vamp instincts had already started moving me toward the scent of blood.

  The kitchen doors swung shut behind me. The vamp senses picked out the bodies on the floor before I saw them. An old lady and Colt. Nobod
y alive. No hearts beating. No electricity left in their brains. Probably no brains left in what used to be Colt’s skull, from the looks of things. The top half of his head was blown off. The only way I could tell it was him was by his tats.

  A buzzing started up—this high-pitched whir, almost like the zipper on a sleeping bag, except it kept going on and on—but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I couldn’t look at anything but where Colt’s face used to be. My gag reflex was fighting the vamp part of my brain. Half of me wanted to puke. The other half was seriously considering getting down on my hands and knees and licking that blood up off the floor. I grabbed onto the counter, not sure whether it was to stop myself from going over there or keep my legs from giving out.

  It would be okay, though. Colt would get resurrected again.

  I half-slid, half-fell down the counter until I was sitting on the floor, staring at the mess. This was going to be okay. God would bring Colt back again.

  Something inside me shriveled up and cracked apart when it heard me think God’s name, but I was too numb to care. I focused on waiting. Sitting and waiting and not thinking about anything but that Colt would be okay in a minute when he got resurrected.

  That zipping noise stopped. Out front, engines revved. Somebody hollered and slapped metal twice. The universal hood-slap for “You’re good.” A four-by-four spun out. Then another and another. They were leaving.

  The zipping, buzzing sound started up again.

  I saw the rope stretching through the door the second before it snapped tight. It was tied around Colt’s chest.

  The vamp speed kicked on. I scrambled to my feet, but the rope jerked Colt across the floor and through the busted-out door before I could touch him.

  If I had to guess, I’d say I hit the sidewalk going just under ninety. I couldn’t see anything but Colt’s body dragging behind that four-by-four. I knew—I just knew—that dipshit Rian was driving.

  I was going to rip him apart with my bare hands. The vamp side of my brain was psyched as shit at the torture-porn playing in my head. Maybe you couldn’t kill a fallen angel, but I was ready to find out how long it would take before that fallen angel started wishing you could.


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