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One Night In Vegas

Page 5

by Odell, Roxie

  He turned her even more, much bolder than he was the first time they came together. He stepped backward, taking her with him, until she was bent over the mattress, with her feet on the floor and him standing behind her. He thrust into her steadily and nudged her with his feet, widening her stance.

  Corrine lifted onto her toes, flexing her leg and butt muscles lasciviously, for his viewing pleasure. She wagged her hips, entertaining him with a sort of reverse lap dance. Derrick cupped one firm cheek with his hand and gripped her hip with the other. She spread her fingers out on the mattress for leverage and pushed back and forth against him.

  He bent forward, pressing behind her knees and encouraging her back onto the mattress, in a sort of rabbit crouch. He draped her backside with his chest and drilled into her at a rapid clip, moving fast and furious within her. He did not let up until she was buzzing, aroused to the fullest. She spread her knees so she could reach beneath her belly and touch herself. She knew his climax was not far off, and she wanted to join him in it.

  As soon as she made contact, she nearly lost her edge. She teased him and herself, prolonging her pleasure by touching and pausing until Derrick was seized with orgasm. His body stiffened, and his words reduced to incoherent muttering.

  Once his cries filled the room, Corrine let go. She had never reached her orgasm with any partner before, nor had any climax ever been so powerful within her. Her body was still ripe from her previous ecstasy, making this passionate clash all the more thunderous. Sugared spasms fluttered through her, rolling from deep within her belly and possessing her completely.

  There was no helping Derrick, either, for he was lost in his own rapture. He moved as much as he could, until he crumpled beside her. For a moment, the room was remarkably still; that was an odd sensation, in the wake of such a boisterous collision. The next sound to interrupt the silence was Derrick drawing in a sharp breath as he lifted himself off the bed and marched toward the bathroom.

  Corrine listened contentedly as he turned on the bathwater. She detected a sweet fragrance wafting into the bedroom, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

  Derrick returned, grabbed the fruit and Champagne, then walked back toward the bathroom. “Come,” he said, motioning with his finger for her to follow him.

  Corrine hurried excitedly behind him, right on his heels. Whatever he had in store for her, she knew it would be wonderful.

  The water in the tub was steamy, and a cloud of sweet-smelling bubbles floated atop it.

  “What the heck did you put in there?” she asked with a giggle, marveling at the enticing aroma.

  “Champagne, of course,” he said with a nonchalant shrug, as if it were an everyday occurrence.

  She widened her eyes at him. “Champagne? Really?”

  He nodded seriously. “Yep. The chemical reaction with the soap makes amazing suds.”

  She gawked at him, not sure whether to believe him.

  “I’m teasing,” he finally admitted with a wink. “After you, milady.”

  She tested the water by dipping a toe in first. The temperature was delicious, so she quickly slid down into the tub and scooted forward to make room for Derrick behind her.

  Effortlessly, he climbed in and easily nestled against her back. He set the Champagne and fruit on the rim of the tub and popped a melon chunk into her mouth. He took another for himself before passing the Champagne bottle around to her.

  “I really don’t want this night to end,” he confessed.

  “Technically, it’s almost tomorrow,” she kidded.

  He smiled. “Actually, it already is. But we’re not going to sleep until we kill this.”

  They enjoyed the comfort of the soothing bath, quietly relaxing as they passed the Champagne back and forth. By the time they finished it off, they were pleasantly buzzed.

  After draining the water and wrapping themselves in the plush hotel towels, they returned to the bed and climbed in for the night. Corrine didn’t find it strange at all to have him in bed beside her to sleep. Even though he was basically a stranger, something about him made her trust him completely. She suspected he felt the same way about her. He was still next to her, after all. From a practical standpoint, thing would be simpler for Derrick if he retreated to his own room, but he didn’t.

  He was cuddled up behind her, not going anywhere. Actions spoke louder than words, and his actions told her their night together was more than just a fling.

  Feeling his body next to hers was magical. Though they had dried off, they were both still hot and steamy from the bath. His firm muscles melded against her, and there was something wonderful about the masculine feel of him.

  It didn’t take long for them to drift off to sleep after the long, incredible day. Corrine dreamed about the pleasure they’d given and gotten in their brief but remarkable time together.

  Chapter 4

  Corrine awoke with a start in a pitch-black room. She wasn’t alone, which shocked her for a moment. Then she remembered she’d fallen asleep next to an amazing man. Her body was a little sore but totally relaxed, and she stretched her whole body like a cat.

  “Hi there,” Derrick said to her, taking hold of her hand. “Come with me.”

  She rustled around in the dark for clothing, but he shook his head.

  “This is definitely a come-as-you-are adventure,” he whispered. “A sheet toga will do just fine, my dear.”

  Derrick had the element of surprise on his side, especially since he was far more familiar with the hotel and its amenities than she was. She had no idea what he was up to, but he didn’t even bother dressing himself. He just twisted a towel around his waist, grabbed his keys, wallet, and her key card, and encouraged her to hurry.

  “Let’s go,” he said, kissing her intensely before leading her out of the room. He held his finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet as they trotted down the hallway to a service entrance.

  Corrine felt vulnerable, all but naked in public. How am I supposed to explain this if we get stuck in the stairwell? She decided to trust him.

  Unexpectedly, Derrick stopped on a landing between flights of stairs and kissed her again. Then he whisked her to a corner, pressing her back against the cool surface until she was fully awake and impatient for him. They huddled in that corner, their breath coming heavily while they hungrily tasted one another.

  She instinctively parted her legs, and he pushed up against her, his excitement straining through the fabric. Of all the dares Corrine had faced, being naked in the stairwell of a luxury hotel was by far the most thrilling. She didn’t even have alcohol to blame. She was driven by pure carnal instinct.

  Derrick glanced over his shoulder, and Corrine followed his gaze. Staring back at them was the lens of a security camera. He gripped the edge of her sheet and spread his arms as wide as he could. Then he walked over and draped the sheet over the camera. Once he secured their privacy, he turned to her with a devilish look on his face. He lifted her leg up behind her knee and pushed into her.

  The moment was so blistering, so exciting, that she didn’t care that they could be caught at any time. He rammed into her, immediately moving into a rocket tempo, blasting off inside her. She reached between them to keep pace with him, urging her pleasure along with him.

  It was a bittersweet climax, short and quick, a real wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am moment, but the naughty scenario excited them so much that neither could hold back. Derrick covered her mouth with his long fingers to capture her cries. Corrine snorted, trying to swallow her rapture as it seized her powerfully. Derrick somehow managed to work through it, shaking with his own climax while trying to move and stay on his feet. When he stilled, they touched foreheads, and their eyelids closed as they savored their bliss.

  He very skillfully turned and created a screen with her bedsheet, moving in such a way that her body was cloaked from camera view. He wrapped her up, and they continued on their way.

  “You’re pretty good at that,” she said, wondering just how many
times he’d practiced such a thing. She didn’t want to ask because she feared the answer. It was a first for her, and she preferred to imagine that he had never done this before either.

  He led her down to the pool, quite private in the wee hours of the morning before the sun even rose. It was beyond romantic, the two of them all alone there, skinny-dipping in the soft, warm water, their naked bodies gliding through the shallow end in total comfort.

  “It’s really pretty,” she remarked.

  “Yeah, it is,” he said, staring at her with a dreamy smile on his face.

  The intensity of the look in his eyes unnerved her a bit. She’d never been on the receiving end of such focused desire before. She wasn’t quite sure how to handle his desire, but she certainly appreciated it.

  She followed him to the deep end, the two of them just enjoying the feel of being under the wide-open desert sky. She was a little nervous that they might get caught, even in the middle of the night. It was Vegas after all, the town that never slept. For the most part, though, they were at ease with each other and their surroundings.

  There was also a lurking expectation of more sex. No matter how much or how satisfying, Corrine’s head traveled to one thought whenever she was near him: More. It was as if they were slaved to one another’s raging hormones, giving off a constant flow of pheromones that neither could resist.

  He was better at backstroking than she was at treading water. She eased her way back to shallower depths so she could rest on her feet. “It’d be nice to have some floats,” she joked.

  He sliced through the water with the prowess of a dolphin and took her by the hand again. He lifted her fingers to his lips, and then, without any self-consciousness whatsoever about revealing his form to any nearby prying eyes, he climbed the steps of the pool fully naked.

  A cubicle of towels stood a few feet away, completely stocked, so he grabbed one and dried her off. Even in the warm air, Corrine felt chilly, and her skin pimpled with goosebumps. He laid a towel on the edge of the pool near the steps and then coaxed her to sit by the shallow water, situating her so her hips were at his face level when he returned to the pool. She shivered, quite aware of what was to come. And I do mean come, she thought with a stifled laugh.

  He encouraged her to back up against the cement, and gravity drew her damp flesh back, pulling against her skeleton so her belly was particularly flat. Her breasts softly lolled on her spectacular frame.

  Derrick’s tongue found her navel, and he gave it a firm lick, just as he had when he lapped up the Champagne several hours earlier. She shrieked before she could reel in her reaction. She couldn’t help it. She was too ticklish and already fully aroused.

  He moved downward, and Corrine’s thighs danced in anticipation, pressing against his massive shoulders. He gently parted her legs, taking hold of her hips to draw her into him. He kissed her inner thighs, moving upward toward her center. His touch was featherlight at first, and she felt his breath against her as he craned the tip of his tongue to her petals of flesh, circling it until she throbbed.

  Derrick’s technique was perfect, teasing but firm enough to torture her sweetly. He fluttered against her, not letting up, till she could not go another minute without having him inside her. Corrine tensed with anticipation.

  He seemed to have bottomless willpower as he stoked her pleasure. He played with her, all fingers and tongue, circling back to the apex of her sex, massaging, licking, and driving her mad with a chorus of sensations. She pumped up toward his mouth as the need for release built within her.

  Corrine groped for his hand and then wove her fingers between his. She drew that strong hand over her breast, and he toyed with that sensitive part of her until he lifted his head from her lap to suckle her.

  Without notice, he stood up on the step and signaled her to leave the pool. They darted to a lounge chair and took their positions, a much better choice. The high-end furniture of the Tresor was a welcome luxury, and they were eager to christen it with their lovemaking.

  Derrick crawled over her, and his lips brushed the tips of her erect nipples, reacting to her pleasure and to the cool night air. Corrine was so impatient to have him inside her that she squirmed beneath him. He turned her over on her belly, drew her knee up, and entered her that way, covering her nakedness with his. The heat of his body warmed her, and the lounge cushion was incredibly comfortable. Their chemistry electrified her while he steadily drove into her.

  The sun peeked through the clouds, and they both knew others would soon be there. Corrine smiled, fascinated and thrilled that they had literally spent the entire night together.

  His lips found the delicate curve of her neck, agonizing her very sensitive erogenous zone. As he practically had her pinned, she absorbed her own powerful reaction, ecstasy ricocheting through her. She wanted so badly to cry out, but she had to hold that in as well.

  She flicked her feet in little kicks, trying to withstand the glorious feeling, an action that worked in her favor—actually, in both of theirs. She realized that quickly and kept up the action, until she was at the point of no return. They both buried their faces as a powerful but brief climax consumed them.

  Necessity forced them to separate and scramble for their makeshift clothes. They had to make a break for their room to avoid being caught by the early risers or drunken souls returning to the hotel after a raucous night of gambling. Running so soon after her coming that hard was a new experience, and she had trouble focusing, too.

  Somehow, Derrick maintained a cool head and managed to guide them to the elevator nearest the pool. Thankfully, it wasn’t the damn glass elevator. He slumped against the elevator wall and smiled over at her. She was exhausted and ready to return to the warm bed. Just as they were about to get off on her floor, he pulled her close to him and pressed his forehead to hers, something he seemed to do often. “That was… spectacular,” he said.

  “That’s not the word for it,” she said.

  “Then what is?”

  “Well, there really are no words,” she said.

  “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “I guess that says it all.”

  Chapter 5

  Corrine slept for most of the day, fatigued beyond belief. Sleeping through the day like a vampire was easy to do, since the blackout curtains made the room look like a moonless midnight. Still, she woke up feeling tired, and she was sure it would take at least a day of doing absolutely nothing to recover from the adventure she’d had.

  She woke up right on time, apparently, because a knock came at the door from a person who identified himself as the concierge.

  She realized she was just as naked as she was before she fell into that intense sleep, so she quickly scrambled for a robe. “Coming!” Corrine called.

  She was greeted by a huge bouquet of roses, a different color from the ones Derrick bought from the street vendor, which were on the desk. They were as fragrant as the others, though, and they had their own vase, so she could combine the others with them and rescue them from their makeshift ice bucket vase.

  “Uh, thanks,” she gushed. He nodded and discretely left the room.

  “To getting lucky, Derrick,” she read quietly from the card as the concierge took off down the hall.

  Lucky? she thought, but then she realized the reference was not meant to be an insult of any kind, considering where they were. It was, however, a major understatement as far as she was concerned. Reflecting on the odds and chances, simple luck did not begin to describe their meeting. The victories she and Bill had experienced at the Blackjack table together paled in comparison to what she’d scored with Derrick.

  Feeling far more than lucky, she carted her roses into the bathroom so she could gaze at them while she enjoyed another soak in the tub. She selected some music to stream from her phone, only to be interrupted by the ringing of the hotel phone. Certain that it was Derrick with a smoldering-hot wakeup call, she rushed out of the bathroom to answer it.

  “Hello, Miss Smith, this is the f
ront desk,” the voice on the other end said. “We apologize for any inconvenience, but I’m afraid we are going to have to move you to another room.”

  “Um, okay,” Corrine said. She couldn’t get too upset about it, considering that her stay was on the house.

  She hung up, freshened up, and dressed in some denim shorts and a playful tank-top. Then she quickly piled her longish highlighted hair atop her head and loosely pinned it in place. She was happy to cart her bag to the new room herself, but the bellman insisted on doing it for her, giving her first-class treatment all the way.

  “Then I’ll take these,” she said, grabbing the vase of roses. Unfortunately, there were so many that the bouquet proved too bulky as well, so the bellman eagerly and carefully loaded them on his cart.

  Corrine followed him down the hall, not bothering to even guess where they were going. She assumed it would be an ordinary room like the one she just left, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. When the elevator doors open to the penthouse suite, she busted out laughing.

  “Is something wrong, miss?” the bellman asked, looking at her curiously.

  “No, it’s just…” She trailed off in shock. She scrambled through her purse for a twenty and handed it to him. “Thank you so much for your help.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Please enjoy the remainder of your stay.”

  As soon as the door was closed, Corrine took a flying leap onto the bed. “Oh. My. Freakin’. Goodness!” she squealed as she bounced on the thick, pillow-top mattress.

  She got up and threw open the drapes to take in the breathtaking view. She wanted to go outside and enjoy the panorama in person, but she still needed a bath, and she was dying to check out what had to be an over-the-top tub.

  Her rose bouquet suited the bathroom nicely when she placed it on the sink. She was sure it would take forever to fill the tub, but the three faucets spouted arcing streams of water at her once she stripped and stepped inside. The bottom of the basin was warm already as she lay her naked body inside it. The inflated, heated pillow was über comfortable, so cozy it nearly lulled her back to sleep.


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