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Rogue, Renegade And Rebel (In Her Paranormal Majesty’s Secret Service Book 1)

Page 61

by Michael Anderle

<< ;-)

  7. What is your favorite movie?

  What day is it? Seriously, I watch movies to enhance the mood I’m in or to achieve a mood, so it varies. Fifth Element, Cold Comfort Farm, The Hunger Games (all 3) Monsoon Wedding, The English Patient (Marc HATES that one), Lord of the Rings Return of the King, Miss Congeniality, and the list goes on and on (and all over the board).

  >>Star Wars or Star Trek? Or Neither?<< Lynne: Star Wars, but only 4-6

  8. Who is your favorite character, and from what book by which author?

  Again, what day is this? Right now, Meg in The Others series by Anne Bishop. Another day it might be Shan Yos’Galan in Miller/Lee’s Liaden series. Again, I read books to create moods, so it depends on what I want to achieve.

  9. What is something most people do not know about you?

  Well, I used to be a night receptionist in a mortuary, and boy, those morticians can party. Also, I can watch an autopsy while eating lunch. Another? I used to be a surfer chick back in the day.

  >>Ok, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. WHILE EATING LUNCH??<<

  10. What do you look forward to most in the new year?

  Spending more time with my family. This has been a totally hectic year, and recently I have put some things in place to reduce my workload, so I will be able to spend more time playing bridge with Mom (she’s 89, not many years left) and hanging out with my kids and grandson. He’s finally old enough for family game night, so we’re starting that up in 2020. Husband and I work in the same room, which is why I don’t mention him 12

  >>It is fun sometimes I’ll ZOOM Lynne and hear Marc off-camera making a comment. Then, Lynne will turn the laptop around and Marc will be on the other couch, working.<<

  11. What's your favorite non-LMBPN series? What’s your favorite series inside LMBPN?

  Ooh, there’s that “what day is it” thing again. LMBPN: Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Strangely enough, I don’t get to read many LMBPN series because I’m editing them, and if you read, you can’t edit. Or Judah edits them, and I don’t have time to read them. See previous comment about workload. Maybe I can actually read some of them in 2020! People tell me Witch of the Federation and Steel Dragons are amazing, and the Zoo is calling me.

  Non-LMBPN: Estelle Ryan’s art mysteries, featuring an autistic protagonist, Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels and the Others, Nathan Lowell (anything), the Liaden universe, John Ringo Zombies and Paladin of Shadows from Kildar to the Florida one (rest=meh), Ilona Andrews Innkeeper series. Depends. (Note I haven’t mentioned my husband’s Braintrust series. That’s because I edited, didn’t read it. Maybe I will try reading them over Christmas!)

  >>Completely agree with a lot of these choices, including Nathan Lowell and the Paladin of Shadows until Florida (A Deeper Blue (book 05)). I don’t know some of the others. I’ve liked Anne Bishop and Illona Andrews, but I haven’t read those series.<<

  12. Do you have a web site you’d like to promote?, but really only for my travel tips. We don’t work on it much. Maybe I can bring it up to date in 2020.

  >>OH! There’s her company name ;-) <<

  Thank you for spending your time with us!

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

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