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Still Falling

Page 6

by Costa, Bella

  Here night after night, people would have thronged to listen to operas old and new. After an earthquake had severely damaged the building some fifty years ago, the operatic company had been unable to support its repairs and the building had gone up for sale. Marco’s grandfather had bought the property and renovated it externally to its former glory but the inner sanctum had been altered to host more diverse functions.

  The heart had been stripped bare of the stage, wings, orchestral pit and tiered seating and re floored to create a single, large, level space. It now boasted several function rooms which could be made smaller or larger by simply moving the portable sound proofed dividing walls. The private galleries, very seldom used now, were still visible high above the room.

  It was from one of these galleries that Marco stood watching the final preparations being made for this evening’s charity auction. All the dividing walls had been removed to open the space to its full size. A portable stage and catwalk had been set up and opulent tables and chairs had been arranged to provide the best possible views. A bar had been set up near the main entrance and a section of sound proofing carpet had been removed to reveal a polished oak dance floor for later in the evening.

  The room was a hive of activity with waiters, flower arrangers, sound technicians and cleaners. In two hours it would be full of bejewelled women and preened men with money to spend. He had an events team who arranged these functions but still felt it his duty to be involved in the final stages of preparations. Marco wished he could avoid this evening. His idea of socialising was a hand full of close friends in a comfortable home or restaurant, eating honest simple food and discussing issues that really mattered. Tonight would be full of over polite, insincere, peacocks, with forced smiles, out to impress.

  His father had felt much the same but insisted that every job had its uncomfortable or tedious chores and for Marco entertaining would be one of those chores. As head of a major fashion house, this was one of his more important jobs. With a touch of dread, he headed off to shower and change in his private rooms towards the rear of the building.

  Chapter twenty four

  Serena was grateful to Jo for arranging a stylist and makeup team to visit the island. She looked great and felt great. They had arrived a little early and now finished, had left Serena and her mother to wait for the final touch. The dress. Looking good and feeling great though still didn’t mean she really wanted to go out tonight. The whole superficial tone of evenings like this required a level of energy she wasn’t sure she possessed. There was still three hours before the evening started and her mother was clucking around her like it was her first high school dance.

  “Mama, please! Stop fussing. I’ve been to hundreds of these events and it is just decoration.”

  “Serena, let your poor Mama have this pleasure please? It is not often I get to fuss.”

  They both turned to the sound of a knock on the door.

  “The dress!” they both exclaimed together.

  Jo had said she would arrange for a special dress for Serena for the evening but Serena had no idea what dress it would be. Serena trusted Jo completely but given her weight loss, had been very concerned that it wouldn’t fit. If it didn’t, Serena would only have about an hour to make adjustments before Tony would be there to collect her.

  “It’s gorgeous!” exclaimed Serena.

  “This is only half of it!” her mother wailed.

  “It’s not so bad Mama, let me put it on and you’ll see!”

  Serena came out her bedroom ten minutes later fully dressed. The dress fitted perfectly, and was stunning. Even her mother agreed. Milan fashion week had just drawn to a close and for the first time in a long time, Serena had missed it. All of it. She hadn’t even followed it on television or the gossip pages. She only had a vague idea from some of the early designs Revel had been working on before taking time off as to what Revel would have introduced during fashion week. She didn’t recognise the design but this must have been one of the dresses Revel had been working on for the collection. Tony arrived on time in a Tux, looking good and announcing that not only would he be driver for tonight but also Serena’s date. He also announced that because it would be difficult for the limo driver to also be the date, the company had hired a Ferrari for the evening.

  “Tony, your sister is amazing! Thank you. I don’t know if I could make it through the night without you and Jo’s company.”

  “Well the bad news is Jo can’t make it at all tonight which is why I’m your date. Hey and with all the bigwigs that are going to be there, I might just meet my future boss.”

  “Jo’s not coming? But why?”

  “This I do not know. I only do and say what I am told.” He said with shrug.

  “Tony, why do you want to be a driver? You can get better jobs than driving bigwigs around.”

  “Si...but then I would actually have to work,” he grinned.

  Kissing her mother affectionately on the cheek, Serena left the cottage to inspect the sleek black Ferrari that Toni had arrived in. They were going to get some interesting attention on the ferry tonight.

  Chapter twenty five

  They arrived amidst storm of photographers flashes. A valet parked the car as the two entered along the red carpet. Serena ignored the questions from social reporters about the identity of her date and her ‘miraculous’ weight loss. She smiled for the cameras and almost dragged poor Tony along the red carpet to make their entrance as fast as possible.

  Tony was loving every minute. Playing up to the photographers, waving and flashing his gleaming white teeth and dimples to their best. He sported an exaggerated pout when they finally made it through the door. That was until he saw the glittering mill of beautiful women both young and old. Eyes as wide as saucers and mouth respectably agape, he took in the view, completely oblivious to the fact that nearly every woman there had a tuxedo clad escort of her own. Serena gave Tony a nudge and fought off a giggle.

  “Come on bag of hormones.” Serena noted several glances from the milling crowd. She wasn’t sure if they were critically observing her extremely thin frame or her extremely young date. It didn’t matter. A few hours and it would all be over.

  “Let’s size up the competition, shall we?”

  “How do we do that?” he asked eagerly.

  “Well it’s this thing I do at these functions. I find a spot off to the side where I can see most of the room but where I can be almost invisible and then I watch. Once I’ve established the lay of the land I pick out which couples would be the easiest to get stuck with at a table for a few hours and just before the party starts I go over, start up a conversation and keep it going until we’re seated.”

  “Crafty. Do you think we could pick a table with a lush redhead?”

  “Like I said...lets size things up.” Serena replied, exasperated.

  They wondered off to one of the old marble stair cases that led to the galleries, but now just served as a reminder of the buildings previous purpose. Standing on the third step, just high enough to give them a good view over the mill of heads but not enough that they put themselves on stage, they surveyed the crowd.

  “Peacock blue dress, near the marble horse!”

  “Oh no,” giggled Serena. “Her husband would buy you concrete boots and take you swimming off his yacht.”

  “She might be worth the risk.”

  “No chance. What about Brunette in need of chest support. Ten o’clock.”

  “Far too much for my liking. A handful is more than enough.”

  “Fussy aren’t we?”

  “Serena, how about tux at three o’clock?”

  “There are thirty tuxes at three o’clock and I thought we were looking for potential girlfriends. I didn’t realise you were that way inclined?”

  “Actually, it hasn’t passed my attention that you are single, so this one is for you. There leaning against the Marble horse.”

  Serena sought out the Statue in question. Marco was leaning against
the pedestal deep in conversation with the actress Michelle. Her long manicured fingers constantly moved between his shoulders and arms making it clear to anyone watching that she was claiming her territory.

  Marco kept one hand in a pocket and the other occupied with a small glass of amber liquid. After a few moments he stood upright and removed his hand from his pocket. Seconds later the hand was sweeping up to his brow, to brush back an imaginary lock of hair with his fingers. Why do all the impossible men have to be so damn attractive? She groaned inwardly.

  “Tony, are you suffering brain damage?”

  “The last time I checked it was all there and working. Why?”

  “That arrogant jackass, knocked your lights out!”

  “I know!” Tony said grinning. “That’s why I choose him. He knows how to protect his women.”

  “Well in that case I think you need to consider green and black pant suit coming in the door.”

  “What? Why? She is huge.” He said in alarm.

  “Now, now Tony. Don’t be rude. She is not huge. She is strong. And as Napoli’s favourite professional female wrestler, she should be able to protect her man.” They kept up the light banter for the next ten minutes while Serena made every effort not to allow her gaze to drift back towards the marble horse.

  Marco wasn’t ready to mingle just yet. Leaving that to Michele who was more than willing, he had drifted from the foyer to the main hall. He stood near the bar, slightly off to one side and watched the crowd filter through slowly. In a few minutes everyone would be seated, the lights would dim, the outfits being auctioned would be modelled and the auction would begin. This would be the easy part. He wouldn’t be expected to chat mindlessly during this time as everyone’s attention would be focused on the show.

  He had hired Spirit, a very popular middle aged pop star from Rome, as Master of Ceremonies to run the show and keep the audience entertained. All he needed to do now was find his way to his seat without being accosted. Michelle loved the crowds a lot more than he did and had been mingling as hostess for ages now. He checked the door. The steady stream of guests had slowed down to a trickle and most of the tables were full. Taking a deep breath he prepared to step out of the shadows. At that moment Serena stepped through the door.

  She was stunning. She was always stunning. But Her slender neck was dressed with a simple thin chain on which a small crucifix draped down to stop just below that little pulsing hollow at the base of her throat. Her hair had been swept up into a simple loose pile on her head, with a few shiny, loose strands drifting down and caressing her neck as she glided across the floor.

  He recognised the dress immediately but had never seen the dress looking quite as good on any of his models as it did on Serena. Although the sweeping drapes of the satin on the front of the dress, hugged her frame like liquid pouring down a statue, the soft folds hid sharp angles of her skinny figure well.

  It had only been three days since his models had revealed the dress to the public at the Milan Fashion week. He watched as she moved gracefully around the tables. The dress would not go unnoticed by the media tonight. Having a competitor wear it would also not go unnoticed he mused. What was she playing at? This was the one piece in his line that he had worked on completely alone. The dress had the thinnest strap he had ever used on a halter neck and was almost invisible. The back of her dress was completely bare, the sides sweeping down to join in a ‘V’ that stopped just in time to preserve modesty. From here down soft layers of black chiffon fell in staggered lengths midway down her shapely calves. To finish off the look she wore simple, strappy sandals with a two inch heal.

  Chapter twenty six

  He stepped further back into the shadows to compose himself as he watched her annoying young boyfriend hold a chair out to for her to sit. They had chosen to share a table with the elderly American diamond tycoon Arnold Richie and his wife. That boy again! All the anger at her abortion came flooding back in hot waves. It was going to be a long night.

  He headed over to his seat next to Michelle who flashed him a toothy smile as he sat down.

  “Darling, I do hope you are going to at least pretend to enjoy the evening.” She said softly through her smile.

  “That might be a tall order.” He replied quietly, smiling and nodding at the other guests at their table. As if in sympathy the lights dimmed and Marco made a hash attempt at trying to relax. He couldn’t get her out of his mind, very aware that only six or seven meters behind him sat the most beautiful and unavailable woman in the world. His eyes watched the models parade to the accompanying voice of Spirit and the regular applause from the audience. He watched, but saw nothing. The auction came and went and the lights turned up a little for the waiters to start circulating.

  The band had started to play and a few couples had started to dance. He had to get some fresh air. Excusing himself he rose and turned directly to door, not daring to look in her direction. Michelle watched his departure with a quizzical expression. He was acting very strangely.

  “Tony, cover for me will you?”

  “Are you alright?”

  “I just need some fresh air. I promise I’m fine. Why don’t you ask her to dance?” Serena said nodding in the direction of the young woman Tony had been staring at since they had sat down.

  “Only if you are sure you’ll be alright.”

  “I promise. I’ll be fine.”

  Actually she wasn’t fine. She was exhausted. She hoped the fresh air would help, and made her way out into the circular foyer. Wanting to avoid any lingering reporters she skirted the outer wall looking for a side door which might still be open for staff. Finding one, she stepped out into the cool evening air and took a few deep breaths. The air felt good on her face but she had to admit, she could have been better dressed. Rubbing her shoulders she went to sit on the low marble wall of a small fountain. Leaning down she let her fingers skim the top of the water. It was warmer than expected, perhaps from the heat of the submerged lights. Four small cherubs were in various poses, all pouring water from jugs into the basin of the fountain.

  The evening wasn’t quite as bad as it could have been. For one, she hadn’t seen Marco since they had entered the main hall, although Michelle had been very visible. While she was missing Jo, Tony was a delightful companion. Arnold Richie and his wife Mavis turned out to be a genuinely lovely couple, probably because riches had found them late in life and they still maintained their ‘down to earth’ outlook on life.

  Lost in thought she traced circles around small bubbles that drifted over from the centre of the fountain like small gifts from the cherubs.

  “You used to do that in the rock pools until that big crab thought you were lunch”.

  Serena inhaled sharply. God why now? She didn’t turn; scared to look at him in case she fell apart. Flicking the water off her finger tips, she diverted to gaze to the sky, searching for stars and inner strength.

  “You were lost in thought. I hope I didn’t frighten you?”

  “No. No, I just needed some fresh air. I’m going back inside now.” Serena stood and made to stride toward the service door.

  “Serena, please wait. We need to talk.”

  She paused, still unable to look at him.

  “Marco. There you are. You are in high demand darling; you can grab some fresh air later.” Michelle crooned as she swept gracefully across the pavement.

  “Well, hello! Serena isn’t it? I suggest you head back to the baby you’ve cradle snatched before he’s kidnapped by some other well wishing motherly type.”

  Michelle wove her arm through Marco’s and guided him away leaving Serena wishing she could just disappear.

  Michelle was really getting on his nerves tonight and he couldn’t clear Serena’s expression from his mind. On return to the table he had a first-hand glimpse of what Michelle had been talking about. In the middle of the dance floor a tall blonde with cosmetically enhanced assets was dancing with Serena’s boyfriend.

nbsp; Being nearly a foot shorter than her, the kids head was well cushioned on her breast bone with one bejewelled hand making sure it stayed there. The kid looked like a ten year old at Christmas, having just received the perfect present. Excusing himself from Michelle’s clutches he strode purposely onto the dance floor. What he wanted most to do was finish what he had started on the beach and teach this kid a hard lesson. Instead he tapped the kid on the shoulder and told him Serena was outside and needed him, whilst skilfully drawing the blonde away to dance with her himself. Serena was going through enough because of this kid and he wasn’t going to allow the kid to make it worse.

  Serena was almost at the entrance to the dinner hall when Tony caught up to her sliding nearly three feet along the polished floor.

  “Are you okay? Marco said you were outside and needed help.”

  “I’m fine, Just tired. I’m going to call for a taxi. Please stay and enjoy the party.”

  “You’ll be waiting hours for a taxi at this time of night. Let me drive you.”

  “No Tony, you stay here and enjoy yourself. I’m giving you the rest of the night off.”

  Tony looked oddly at Serena’s face. “You’re looking a little green. Go and sit down over there and I’ll get some water.”

  Serena was about to object when her stomach flipped it’s self inside out.

  “Actually Tony....... I don’t think I’m going to make it......where’s the bathroom!”

  They both crashed into the ladies bathroom at the same time as Mavis was coming out.

  “Well now, you’re not looking good!” Cluttered Mavis like a mother hen. “Off you go young man. The ladies cloakroom is no place for you.” She said taking control of the situation in an instant.


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