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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

Page 7

by Sharon Cummin

  Chapter 10

  Ethan opened his eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand and saw ten o'clock. What the heck happened? Why didn't his alarm go off? He knew he should have been at the office already. As he jumped out of the bed, he noticed his clothes spread out on the floor. When he picked them up, a pair of ripped panties fell from his hand. Oh shit, he thought. It was real. That wasn't a dream. He had slept with Julie. Ethan sat back down on the edge of his bed, with his arms on his knees and his face in his hands. It was the hottest sex he had ever had, and Ethan had more than his fair share. He seriously thought he had been dreaming. Gavin was going to kill him, and he knew he had it coming. How could he sleep with one of his best friends' sister?

  She must have woken up before him. He grabbed his jeans as he ran downstairs to talk to her, but he didn't see her. When he couldn't find her anywhere, he went outside to be sure. Her car was gone. He walked back into his house and slammed the door behind him. Where the fuck did she go? What time did she leave? He was so pissed. How could she leave before he even woke up? He reached into the pocket of his jeans for his phone, but it wasn't there. Where could it be. It was in his pocket when he dropped the jeans to the floor the night before. Ethan ran back upstairs to his room. His phone was on his nightstand. He never put his phone there. When he pushed the button on his phone and read the open text, he felt like he was going to be sick. Are you kidding me, he thought?

  With everything that had happened with Becky and Gavin, Ethan had totally forgotten that he had a friends with benefits session planned the night before. What the hell was he going to do? He was already late for work and had to be at the airport in two hours for a business trip with Gavin. They had a meeting that could not be missed. It was very important for both of them. What was he going to do about Julie? He had to talk to her and explain that text. Even if what they did shouldn't have happened, he didn't want her to think it meant nothing to him. He still could not believe it had really happened. Ethan pulled up a new message and started typing.

  “What time did you leave here? You shouldn't have left like that. I can't believe you didn't wake me up. I need to talk to you.”

  He ran into the bathroom and took the fastest shower he could. Once he was dressed, he threw some clothes into a bag and checked his phone.

  “There is nothing to talk about.”

  “Yes, there is.” He sent, as he stood in his room rubbing the back of his neck.

  He grabbed his bag of clothes, his laptop bag, and some paperwork and took off out the door. His driver did not look very happy as he opened the door for him.

  “I am so sorry for keeping you waiting for me. Thank you,” Ethan said, as he threw the bags into the back seat and got into the car.

  He was checking his email on his phone when another text came through.

  “No, there is not. That never happened. Do you hear me? Do not say anything to my brother. He has enough going on right now. That was a huge mistake. I promise you, it is not one I will ever make twice. Please delete all of my messages and my number from your phone. I am doing the same with yours.”

  “That text was not what you think. We need to talk. I have to fly out in two hours.” he sent.

  “I know you do. I already talked to Gavin today. It is none of my business what that text meant. It was just the reminder I needed, and it couldn't have come at a better time. This is my last text.”

  “Shit,” he yelled, as he threw his phone down on the seat next to him.

  He ran to his office when his driver dropped him off. Ethan had to get his stuff that he needed for the trip. He called Gavin to make sure they were both still going. With everything with the baby, Ethan thought he might end up going alone. Gavin assured him that he would be there. Ethan got on the phone and ordered flowers to be delivered to Julie's office. When they asked him what he wanted written on the card, he thought for a moment.

  “You are amazing. It was no mistake. E”

  He grabbed the rest of his stuff and hurried back out to his car. Gavin was waiting for him just inside the airport door.

  “Way to cut it close man,” Gavin said, as the two took off for security. “Couldn't you kick her out this morning?”

  “What are you talking about?” Ethan snapped.

  Did Julie tell him? There was no way she would have done that. Ethan knew he was just feeling guilty for what had happened.

  They got to their gate with little time to spare. The two men sat down to try to relax. Ethan had text Julie several more times, but she refused to answer him. He noticed Gavin typing away and read over his shoulder. He was answering a text Julie had just sent him. Ethan let out a sigh and opened another text.

  “Text me back now. Do you hear me? I see your brother text back and forth with you. I need to talk to you. I can't wait until I get home to do it.”

  When his phone buzzed, he felt a bit of relief.

  “I'm busy. I will be with Becky until Gavin gets home. Have a safe flight.”

  Ethan felt like he was going to lose it at any moment. If his meeting wasn't so important to Gavin too, he would have tracked her down and spanked her ass. Oh no, he thought in shock. Why was he thinking of her before his company. There was no way that could happen. Ethan knew he had to build his walls back up and fast. How the hell had she squeezed through them?

  He could not help but think about her. No matter how hard he tried to stop, he couldn't. In their meetings and on the flights, she kept entering his thoughts. When he got back home, he wanted to talk to her so badly. What the hell was wrong with him? He was going to try one more time. If she still wanted nothing to do with him, he would leave her alone.

  “Are you going to talk to me?” he sent.

  “No. You are my brother's friend and the biggest player I know. There is no way I will ever let a man hurt me. Talking to you about this would be very bad. We are fine. Business as usual. I am Gavin's sister and you are his friend. I am sure you have someone waiting for you somewhere. Please leave me alone.”

  Ethan decided that he needed to give her what she wanted. Maybe it was a huge mistake. He knew he would see her the following weekend at her brother's house for dinner. They were all getting together to watch a game and visit. That is where she would have no choice but to talk to him.

  Chapter 11

  Ethan patiently waited for the days to pass, so he could confront Julie. She would have no choice but to talk to him. If she made a big deal out of it, Gavin would get suspicious. He knew she would not let that happen.

  Julie was the only woman who had ever heard about his parents. For some reason he felt comfortable telling her. He was always afraid to talk about it. With her, he hadn't even realized he was telling her at first. She didn't judge him or say anything negative. Her family was the perfect example of what he should have had. Would it ever be possible to really have something like that?

  Ethan missed her so much, and that scared the shit out of him. He wanted so badly to have again what they had that night. Just to feel her body against his one more time. He didn't want to have a relationship with anyone, and he didn't want to hurt her. What was he going to do, he wondered?

  He sat outside Gavin and Becky's waiting to go in. His thoughts were all over the place. It was time to face the situation. Either she would be friendly and act as if nothing happened, or she would ignore him. Ethan got out of the car and prepared his best cocky attitude. It came natural, since he had been doing it for so long.

  Gavin answered the door with a smile on his face. Ethan could hear everyone talking from the other room. He walked through the hallway and scanned the living room. John, Josh, and Heath were sitting on one couch, as Gavin took his seat on a recliner.

  “Beers in the fridge and snacks are on the counter,” Gavin said.

  “Great, I'll be right back,” Ethan said.

  He walked into the kitchen to grab a beer and saw Lisa and Becky at the table talking. Ethan took his beer
from the fridge and popped the top.

  “Where's Julie?” he asked, as he walked over to get some chips.

  “She text Gavin this morning and said she had to work,” Becky said.

  “She always comes to dinner on Sundays. I was shocked she had to work,” Lisa said.

  “We thought it was strange, but she said she agreed to fill in for someone,” Becky replied.

  He stood still for a minute.

  “Are you okay Ethan?” Lisa asked.

  He turned around and looked at her with a smile.

  “Everything is perfect. I'll see you two later. Time to watch the game,” he said, as he left the room.

  Ethan was so upset. He knew damn well Julie wasn't working. She was avoiding him. That shit was not going to happen. He wasn't going to let her do that. Even if they never slept together again, she couldn't avoid family gatherings because of him. It was very important that she show up to her brother's house.

  He watched the game with the guys, while he counted the minutes until dinner. Ethan wanted out of there as soon as he could. When Lisa waddled into the living room, he was up and to the table in seconds. He joked about her making it another two months to deliver. They all laughed about how big Josh's son was going to be. Ethan could see the love Josh felt for his wife. Maybe it was possible for some people, he thought. How did Lisa know that Josh wouldn't turn and walk away from her? What made her feel so sure that his love was forever?

  The moment dinner was over, Ethan hurried his dishes to the kitchen. Lisa was in there by herself. He walked over to her and smiled his cocky grin.

  “What?” she asked, with a nervous look on her face.

  “Julie text me a while back. She wouldn't tell me how she got my number. I've been thinking about that day,” he said, as he heard a breath escape her lips. “I know she would never have asked one of the guys, because she knew they would tell her brother. I also know, she would not have asked Becky. That only leaves one person.”

  Lisa looked him in the eyes.

  “She was worried about you.”

  “So you did give her my number?” he asked.

  “Yes” Lisa answered. “What do you want, Ethan?”

  “I want to know where she lives,” he said, with a satisfied feeling.

  “I can't tell you that. If Josh or Gavin find out I tell you that, they will be pissed.”

  “Would they be any happier that you gave her my number?” he asked.

  She looked down at the floor and he leaned down so he could see her eyes.

  “She's not working today. She is avoiding me. I can't let her blow off seeing her brother because of me. I just need to talk to her once. If I need to, I will stop coming to dinners. She has to be here with her family. I can't tell you why. I just know this needs to change. Please, tell me where she lives. I promise to keep it to myself. I really need to see her.”

  Lisa took a deep breath.

  “What is going on with you two? I hope you two did not do what I think you did. She is a good person Ethan. I can see in your face right now, this is not the same Ethan that picks on her. I sure hope you two are okay.”

  Ethan handed her his phone with an open text to himself. She shook her head as she typed and handed it back to him.

  “Please don't tell anyone I asked you about her. It's not what you think. Gavin and Becky have enough going on. I don't want him worried about me and his sister. Thank you so much, Lisa. You have no idea how grateful I am right now. I have to go.”

  Ethan left the kitchen and told each of them goodbye. He hurried out the door before they could ask any questions.

  The drive to Julie's was longer than he thought it would be. When he pulled up to the address Lisa had given him, he looked around in shock. It was a small house in a normal neighborhood. He hoped Lisa had not tricked him. It had to be the right house. Julie's car was in the driveway. Why did she have such a tiny house if she was a doctor? He could not believe what he was seeing.

  Chapter 12

  Julie heard a car door and looked out her curtain. Are you fucking kidding me, she thought? What was she going to do? How the hell did he figure out where she lived? Julie ran through the possibilities in her mind. It couldn't have been Becky or Gavin. Heath and John had no clue where she lived. That only left two people. Josh would never have told him. Gavin would kick his ass for telling. Lisa, it had to be Lisa.

  She stomped to the front door and swung it open, as he was coming up the front steps.

  “What the hell do you want?” she snapped.

  Ethan looked up at her with that cocky smirk of his.

  “It's nice to see you too,” he said. “Can I come in?”

  “What choice do I have?” she asked. “If I don't let you in, who knows what you'll do out there.”

  She held the door open and let it go when he was barely inside, smacking him with screen door. Her laugh said it all. He walked past her into her living room and sat down in the middle of the couch. She walked in after him and rolled her eyes.

  “Aren't you going to sit down?” he asked.

  The look on his face was so serious. She couldn't help but burst into laughter.

  “Where am I supposed to sit?” she asked.

  “You can sit on my right, my left, or on my lap,” he answered.

  What an ass, she thought. How in the world did she let her guard down around him that night? She kept her feet planted safely on the floor. It was her situation to control, and she planned on doing just that.

  “Why weren't you at dinner?” he asked.

  “I wasn't at dinner because I was here,” she answered.

  “Are we really going to play that game? Why did you tell Gavin that you had to work?”

  “What did you want me to tell him? I can't come to dinner because I accidentally fell into your friend's bed, and now I don't want to be in the same room with him.”

  “Don't make it sound like that.”

  “Don't make it sound like the mistake that it was? I have no idea what happened that night. One minute we were talking and the next we were in your bed.”

  “I was in the middle of yelling at you when you launched yourself into my arms. I thought it went pretty well. Why did you leave?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes, sat down on the floor, and put her face in her hands.

  “Why did I leave? I kept hearing this annoying beeping sound in my sleep. I got up to figure out what it was. When I realized it was coming from your pants, I picked them up and found your phone. When I turned on the screen to try to stop the noise, I saw the text. Even though it was none of business, I read it anyway. That was my wake up call. It reminded me that what had happened between us was really nothing special. If it wasn't me, it would have been her. It was supposed to be her. While it was happening, I was blinded by my own feelings and dreams. When I read that text, I realized just how ridiculous they were. I couldn't get out of there and away from you fast enough.”

  “She means nothing to me, Julie,” he said. “There is nothing between us. I'm not the kind of guy who gets married and has a happy family. That's just not me. I told you about my family. You are the only person who knows. Not even John knows all of it. I told you about my dad and my mom. Neither of them had any business being with anyone. They both deserved to be alone. I'm their son, a part of both of them. No woman deserves to be with me, especially you. Do you know what I'm saying? You deserve better than me. I know you do. For some reason I can't stop thinking about you. There was something very special about that night. Didn't you feel it?”

  Ethan had gotten off the couch, walked over to her, and leaned down where she was sitting. When he finished speaking, he took her hands in his.

  “That doesn't matter. Years ago, I would have loved to hear you say that. It doesn't matter what I felt that night. You are my brother's friend and there can never be anything between us. I'm to young for you, remember. I'm just a kid. I used to have the biggest crush on you. When I was in high school, I use
d to dream about you every night. You were my knight, and one day you were going to sweep me off my feet and love me. I used to dream about what it would be like to be your girlfriend or what kissing you would feel like. That was a long time ago, and I'm not that girl anymore.”

  She stopped and collected her thoughts before she continued.

  “All of you guys think you know everything about me and what's good for me. None of you know nearly what you think you do. I bet you don't even know that some of those times you joked and picked on me, it was exactly what I needed to get through the day. You were the only one who treated me like a person and not some delicate doll that might get broken. Everyone else thought of me as Gavin's little sister. Not to be messed with, because he would get upset. I put on my happy face and show up at every function they have. If they call me, I am there immediately. I love every single one of you. You are my family. I would do anything for any of you.”

  “Did someone do something to you?” he snapped, as he pulled her chin up so he could see her eyes.

  “All I'm saying is, we all have something we would change about our past. You have to move on. You can't let your past dictate your future. Ethan, you have to build your own future. Your parents have nothing to do with that. Don't get me wrong; even if you were the guy who wanted to get married and have a family, I still wouldn't be with you. I have no intention of getting into a relationship, with you or anyone else. I don't trust men, and I would never let myself fall for you. I like my life just the way it is. I just don't want you to think you can't be a great man because your father wasn't. You decide what kind of man you are. He can't decide that for you.”


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