Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 9

by Sharon Cummin

  “He wouldn't have come,” Julie interrupted.

  “Is he too good for us?” Ethan asked. “You can always sit on my lap if you want.”

  “There is no way I would sit on your lap,” she said.

  “Are you sure about that? I think if you gave it a chance, you might want to sit on it every night.”

  “Ethan,” Gavin snapped.

  “No, thank you. I don't think it would be all that great,” Julie answered.

  She grabbed the two drinks that had just been set down on the bar and walked away. Ethan pulled his phone out and opened a text. Julie knew it was coming her way. He stood at the bar, talking to Gavin. She knew the second he looked up at her that her phone was going to go off. As she opened the text, she looked him in the eyes before looking down to read it.

  “What the fuck did that mean? Are you trying to make my blood boil? Was that comment supposed to be funny? Is this some kind of game you want to play in front of Gavin? I can play if you want. If you need a reminder, I can show you just how good my lap feels.”

  She saw him watching her read his text. Her phone buzzed again.

  “Maybe it's that you're embarrassed by me. Is that what it is? Are you embarrassed that you were with me? Do you feel I'm not good enough for you?”

  Julie was shocked by what she was reading. Was he serious? Was this part of his game? How could he go from so cocky one second to upset the next? She couldn't tell if he meant it or if he was playing her. There was no way he was getting the upper hand. She shook her head, looked him in the eyes, and set her phone down as she smiled.

  Ethan slammed his hand on the bar loud enough for everyone to hear and stormed out the door. Becky and Julie jumped at the same time.

  “What is going on with him?” Becky asked.

  Lisa walked up behind Julie, bent down by her ear, and whispered.

  “What are you doing to that poor guy? I have never seen him act like that. Before you try to tell me you don't know what I'm talking about, let me tell you that I just watched that whole thing between you two.”

  Julie turned her head and looked up at Lisa with a grin.

  “I can waddle pretty fast. I'll snatch that phone out of your hands and go,” Lisa whispered.

  Julie quickly hid her phone in her pocket and laughed. The food began to arrive at the tables, so Lisa walked over to sit down. They had soup and salad while each table talked amongst themselves. Julie's phone rang. She grabbed it out of her pocket and looked to see who it was. It was a local number that she had never seen before. It could have been one of her patients or someone from the hospital. She got up from the table and walked outside to answer it.

  “Hello,” she said, as she walked down the walkway to the sidewalk.

  “Hello Julie.”

  Her feet froze in place and fear ran through her body. She felt like her chest was closing in, as she tried to catch her breath.

  “What do you want?” she choked out.

  Julie could feel her world caving in around her. Her worst nightmare was coming true in front of everyone she loved.

  “I just wanted to say hello. It's been a long time since we've talked.”

  That voice, she thought. She would never forget that voice. It haunted her dreams every night.

  “Leave me alone,” she said.

  “We'll see. I just wanted to say hello.”

  Julie hung up the phone and leaned down with her hands on her knees. Finally able to catch her breath and pull herself back together, she stood up and put her phone in her pocket. Maybe he had somehow gotten a phone in jail. That must have been what it was. She jumped and turned quickly when she heard a noise behind her. There was nothing there. She shook her head and walked back inside, trying to figure out how to get away from the party.

  Chapter 15

  Ethan walked out from the corner of the building, as he watched Julie walk back inside. He knew his mouth fell wide open when he saw what had just taken place. What the hell was that, he wondered? He watched her from the second she said hello to the moment she hung up the phone. She was scared. He could see the fear in her body as she froze and shook. Ethan saw her body actually shake while she had the phone to her ear. Why did she ask them to leave her alone? Who the fuck was that? He was going to find out who it was, and he was going to stop her from being afraid. All of the hurt he was feeling about the way she was treating him was gone in a second. He was going to protect her from whatever had just made that happen to her.

  He walked back into the restaurant and sat at the bar where he could see her. Ethan could see her mind working. She was trying to figure out how to get out of there. He opened his phone.

  “What was that about?” he sent.

  He watched her look around before she looked down at her phone. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “The hospital called and needed to ask me something.” she sent.


  “Yes, why?”

  “You're lying to me.” he sent.

  Julie put her phone down, leaned her elbows on the table, and put her face in her hands. He sat watching her reaction. She grabbed her purse and her phone buzzed just as she went to stand.

  “Sit your ass back down or I'm getting Gavin.”

  He watched as she sat back down in her chair.

  “It's no big deal. It was just someone I didn't want to talk to. Drop it okay.” she sent.

  “You are going to stay at this party. When you leave, you are going to drive to my house. We are going to talk about this.” he sent.

  “Don't try to go all bossy on me. It's not going to work. I'm going home when I leave here.”

  “No, you are not.”

  “Yes I am.”

  “Okay, I'll be right back.”

  Ethan got up and walked into the other room. He asked Gavin if he wanted to go sit at the bar and have a drink. Two minutes later he walked back into the room with Gavin, and they both sat down at the bar. His phone buzzed and he looked over at her with a smile before he read the text.

  “Fine, ass! I'll go to your house. Don't tell my brother on me. You make me so mad.”

  “You know you love me.” he sent.

  He saw her smile as she read it. She shook her head and put her phone away. When the party was over, everyone left. Becky, Gavin, Heath, John, and Julie stayed to clean up. He stayed with them. They were all laughing and joking around. Ethan sucked the helium from one of the balloons and walked over to Julie talking funny. She burst into laughter. He was happy to see her mood lighten some. She took a balloon and did the same thing. All of the guys started grabbing the balloons and having a good time.

  “You all look like a bunch of little kids,” Lisa said.

  They all looked over at her and laughed. Josh walked up to her and whispered something in her ear in a silly voice and she started laughing.

  Julie sat down at the bar with John. Gavin made a comment about something and John said something back. Ethan couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but he could tell they were messing with each other. John said something louder about money and Gavin. Ethan knew Gavin was going to say something. He hurried across the room.

  “At least I worked for my money. Not all of us have rich dads to give us theirs,” Gavin snapped.

  Ethan saw Julie's eyes widen as her mouth dropped open. She looked at him with a questioning look. He could see her wheels spinning in her head. Shit, he thought. She knew him and John had the same father, but he had not seen his father since he was ten. He had just told her weeks earlier about it. Ethan shook his head at Gavin.

  “Enough about money. We are here to celebrate with Josh and Lisa. Money should not be any part of our conversations today. Leave John alone man. He can't help that he was a daddy's boy. At least he has built his money up and not blown it. John shouldn't have said anything. Knock that shit off,” Ethan said.

  He watched Julie out of the corner of his eye. She was just getting ready to say something. What was she goi
ng to say?

  “Hey Gavin, can you come over here and move these tables with me?” Ethan blurted out to cut her off.

  Gavin got up and followed Ethan across the room.


  Julie sat at the bar watching Ethan move tables. Why was he so damn sexy? She could the muscles on his arms tighten each time he lifted a table. There was no way she missed the ass fitting jeans he was wearing again. Had he worn them on purpose, she wondered? She had told him that night they were together how much she liked them.

  Lost in thought, she had forgotten John was even sitting there. Her mind was so torn about Ethan. He was cocky and an ass, but he was sweet and caring as well. She knew he cared so much for his friends. They were his family. They were all he had. She had never known that before. He opened up to her about his past. It made her heart hurt, thinking about what he had been through. What if John wouldn't have taken care of him? Where would he be? She had always seen him defend his brother. Now that she knew more about them, she understood why he was so protective of him. All she could see in her mind was him as a little boy afraid and alone. Julie felt a tear on her cheek. She snapped from her thoughts, wiped her face, and looked over at John.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I'm fine, sorry. I was lost in my thoughts.”

  “Sure,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “It doesn't mean anything,” John said. “You're good for him. He's really not as bad as he seems. Ethan has walls protecting his heart. Someone just needs to take the time to see him for who he really is. I hope someone can break through one day. It scares me how he lives his life. He could have so much more.”

  “What do you mean, I'm good for him?”

  “I'm not stupid. Just because I never say anything, doesn't mean I don't see things. I've seen it for years from both of you. I just sit and hope that one day the two of you will see it too. He's a good man inside,” John answered.

  “I won't be that woman. Years ago maybe, but not anymore. Did you really get your money from your father?” she asked.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Is that how Ethan got his money?” she whispered.


  “I don't get it,” she said.

  “If you want to know about that, you need to ask him. I will tell you anything you want to know about me and how I got the money I have. I can't tell you anything about him. If he wants you to know, he'll tell you. He keeps most of his past to himself. He knows I won't tell anyone anything. The guys know that my father gave me money. When he passed away, he left me everything. I invested the money and have more than I will ever need,” John said.

  “Why do you work? Why don't you just spend your days relaxing on an island somewhere?” she asked.

  “I became a police officer when I quit college. I enjoy what I do. I love to help people. There are things about it that I don't like, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. I'm not married. I enjoy being around all of you, and I would never leave my brother. I spend money on nice trips, but I would never quit my job. Not everything is about money.”

  “Why did you quit college?” she asked, hoping he would give her more information about Ethan.

  “I had something much more important to take care of,” he answered.

  “Have you ever been in love? Do you believe that there is someone we can completely trust to be there forever without hurting us?” she asked.

  “I was in love once. I would have done anything for her. She wasn't willing to do the same for me. We were very young. I don't blame her for wanting a life I could not give her. I'm not sure how I feel about love anymore. I see Gavin and Josh with their women. It seems pretty real. They would each move the world for their wife if they needed to. I don't think it's for everyone. I just think it takes finding the right person at the right time. Both have to align at exactly the right moment. I guess I do think it's possible,” John said.

  “I hope you find that right person at that right moment, John. You're a good man,” she said, as she pulled him into a hug. “You are an amazing brother.”

  Julie got up and walked over to Becky and Lisa. They were talking and laughing. It felt good to take her mind off of the phone call from earlier. She heard her phone buzz and jumped. Stop it, she thought. There was no way she was letting him dictate her life again. When she checked her phone, she was relieved to see a text from Ethan.

  “Why were you hugging my brother?” he sent.

  She burst out laughing. Lisa and Becky looked over at her like she was crazy.

  “Sorry, a friend just text me a joke,” she said.

  “I bet,” Lisa whispered.

  Julie knew she couldn't answer Ethan. Lisa was definitely on to her. She was not giving her the satisfaction of being right. Her phone buzzed again.

  “You want to play it that way?” he sent.

  She shook her head and set the phone back on the table again. A few seconds later it buzzed a third time. Julie knew her face had to be turning a pretty shade of pink.

  “I'm leaving. You have five minutes to get into your car and start driving toward my house. If not, I am spanking your ass. It's not a joke. The clock starts now.”

  She looked around and couldn't see him anywhere. Where the heck was he, she wondered?

  “You have a very persistent friend there,” Lisa said as she laughed.

  “Sure is,” Julie responded. “Laugh at me now. We'll see who's laughing while your pushing out that gigantic baby of Josh's.”

  “Smart ass,” Lisa snapped. “I'm going to kick your ass when I can run again.”

  “Waddle yourself over here and get me now,” Julie said.

  The three women were laughing so hard, as Ethan walked up to the table with a smirk on his face. He leaned down to hug Lisa and told her goodbye. Then he leaned over to hug Becky, with his fine ass right in Julie's face. She rolled her eyes as Lisa watched her. Julie pulled her arm back and let it fly. The loud smack against his butt echoed through the room. Julie saw Lisa's eyes widen as she threw her hand over her mouth. Don't back down now, Julie thought. He continued to hug Becky as he finished talking to her. Ethan stood and turned to Julie. He bent down and hugged her, keeping his mouth right next to her ear.

  “I know you just had to touch it. You couldn't help yourself from touching my fine ass in these sexy jeans. Paybacks are a bitch. You have four minutes, or that ass is mine. Do you hear me? The clock is ticking,” Ethan whispered into her ear.

  He stood up and walked over to the guys as if nothing ever happened. What had she done? She knew she had to go over his house and make up something about that phone call. He wouldn't be able to do anything to her in his driveway. She would stay outside and talk to him.

  “I can't believe you just smacked his rear,” Becky laughed. “Did you see Gavin's eyes shoot over here? He looked like his head was going to explode. Why do you two insist on tormenting your brother? He is going to be talking about it all night.”

  “After everything that punk has done to me, he deserved that,” Julie said.

  “I'm so glad you two are ten years apart. That makes me feel so much better,” Becky said.

  “So much better,” Lisa said with a smile.

  “I'm going home. I'll see you two later,” Julie said, as she got up to leave.

  Julie hugged Lisa and Becky. She walked over to the guys once Ethan was gone. Gavin pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Enough touching my friend's ass. You don't want him to pick on you, but it's okay that you do something to get him started. I can't believe he kept walking. I never want to see my little sister touch my friend's ass again. That's just creepy,” Gavin said.

  “I'm a grown woman. I will touch anyone I want to. What are you going to do about it?” she asked.

  Julie pulled back from him, gave him a cocky look, and grabbed John's rear. She stuck her tongue out at Gavin and walked out the door.

  When she got in her car, she heard
her phone buzz.

  “You're late.” Ethan sent.

  She shook her head, threw her phone on the passenger seat, started her car, and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 16

  Ethan sat in his car waiting for Julie to get there. What was that phone call about earlier? Who the heck was it? He was worried about her. Ethan wasn't sure she would even tell him the truth.

  He was so shocked that she smacked him in front of everyone. There was no way she was getting away with it. It was cute to see the look on her face when he turned to look at her. She looked just as shocked as he felt. Her face was flushed and he felt her shiver when he whispered in her ear. The heat that radiated off of her was intense. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but knew it would not go over well with her or her brother. Ethan felt his jeans tighten around his cock just from being close to her.

  He saw her car pull into his driveway. She parked next to him, in front of the garage door, and got out of her car. Perfect, he thought. He got out of his car and walked slowly over to her with a smile on his face.

  “Inside,” he said.

  “I would rather talk out here.”

  “Oh really,” he said in a rough tone. “Do you want to talk about what happened back there for all of my neighbors to hear?”

  Julie let out a laugh.

  “So you think it's funny?”

  “Actually, I do. You know you deserved it,” she said with a smirk.

  “Was it funny when you grabbed my brother's ass in front of the guys?” he asked.

  “How do you know about that? Which spy told you? I was pissed off at Gavin. I'm sick of him telling me what I can and can't do. If I want to smack one of you in front of him, nobody is going to stop me. He was talking down to me in front of everyone. I'm not fifteen anymore. John was the closest one to me.”

  She planted her feet on the ground and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “What if Heath was closest to you?” he growled.

  “I would have grabbed his instead,” she said as she shrugged.

  He threw his hands down against his legs and looked at her. That was the last straw. She was driving him crazy. Not a single woman had ever gotten to him like she had. Ethan lunged forward, grabbed her legs, hoisted her over his shoulder, and took off for his front door.


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