Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 16

by Sharon Cummin

  “Okay, but this is it. I'm not being a part of anything else between you two.” she replied.

  “Okay, thank you.”

  Chapter 25

  The next few days were stressful. Ethan worked from home, and Julie was taking some time off. She didn't want to have the marks on her wrists while she was working around kids. Her face looked much better, and she used makeup to cover up the marks that were still there.

  She only came out of her room to eat or shower. He wasn't sure what to do or say. Ethan knew that she was overwhelmed by everything that happened. She was going to have to tell her brother, and she was scared. He was sure it didn't help that he had gone through her phone and hired an investigator. It was only right to give her some space.

  John went by the house to check on them both each day. He brought them food and whatever else he thought they might need. She hugged him and thanked him for everything. Ethan was so happy to have such a great brother. He was the only real family Ethan had, and he was always so good to him.

  Gavin had given Ethan so much grief over missing the meeting and lectured him about how he would never have let a woman get in the way of business before. The first meeting went well and the second was scheduled for Friday. Gavin wanted Ethan to fly out for it, but he refused. There was no way he was leaving Julie alone. His work phone had been forwarded to the house, so Gavin had no idea that he wasn't at work. Ethan had never put work behind anything or anyone. It had always been his top priority.

  “If I get this deal this week, I'm not sure you should get a cut of it,” Gavin snapped at him.

  “I don't care,” Ethan replied. “You can have the whole thing.”

  Ethan sat back in his chair and pushed his hands through his hair. What the hell was he saying? It was millions of dollars. It seemed to shock Gavin just as much as it shocked him.

  “What?” Gavin shouted.

  “I mean it. It's all yours. I've got to let you go. Good luck.”

  With that, Ethan hung up the phone. He couldn't believe those words had left his mouth. Ethan grabbed his phone off the desk and walked out of the room. He went down to his gym in the basement and turned the music up loud. There were some things he needed to work through, and working out was the only way to do it. When he got upset or frustrated, he always went to his gym.

  He had been down there for two hours when Julie walked through the door. Ethan turned the music down and looked at her. She was so beautiful. Her hair was down against her shoulders. She had on gray sweats and a pink top. He could see the worry in her beautiful eyes. The sparkle had been missing from them the entire week. He wanted so badly to wrap her in his arms and keep her safe, but she barely even looked up at him.

  “I made us something to eat,” she whispered.

  She turned slowly and walked back out of the room.

  They sat through another quiet meal. She looked down at her plate the entire time. Why was she closing herself off to him, he wondered?

  “Do you want to watch a movie?” he asked.

  “I'm just going to do the dishes and go back to my room.”

  “You know you can talk to me. I just want things to go back to the way they were between us,” he said frustrated.

  “You saved my life. I will never forget that. I just need to get through Sunday. After that, everything can go back to normal. You won't have to deal with me anymore.”

  Ethan slammed his cup down on the table, pushed his chair back, stormed out of the room, and slammed the door as he walked into his bathroom. He turned the shower on as hot as he could and stepped under the water. Why was she pushing him away?


  If she didn't think he could get any hotter, she was mistaken. When she walked into his gym and saw the sweat running down his naked and oh-so-sexy back, it took everything she had to stay where she was. His muscles were clenched tight as he held the weights. She had never seen anything that good in her entire life. Was his damp skin as slick as she imagined? Would he taste like salt and man if she ran her tongue along his neck? She could feel dampness between her legs just from looking at the most handsome man in the world.

  He had actually been her knight in shining armor. Ethan had saved her from what could have been the most horrible experience of her life. He was everything she had ever imagined and more. She thought back to that day. He had not thought of himself for one moment. The way he went after Jason, without even thinking about what could have happened to him. Everything he did focused on her and keeping her safe. What if something would have happened to him? She would never have forgiven herself. He deserved so much better than her. One day, he was going to find an amazing woman who would love him and treat him good.

  She had made sure to stay in her room and out of his way as much as she could. He had already done so much for her. She didn't want to be any more of a burden than she already was. He had lost so much money helping her. She heard him on the phone with Gavin. He had given Gavin the entire deal they were working on. She never should have called him. He was the only person she could think of, as she sat scared for her life. Ethan was the only one she trusted. She couldn't burden him anymore.

  He didn't even want her anymore, she thought as she did the dishes. That was why she hadn't told anyone what had happened before. They wouldn't want her if they knew the truth. She had chosen to date the wrong man, and she knew they would be embarrassed of her if she told them what had happened. It would have been just like Ethan. He hadn't tried to spend time with her, and he hadn't tried to go and talk to her. She had slept in bed alone. All she wanted was to be next to him, wrapped in his arms, safe. She felt so alone. He said it himself; he just wanted things to go back to the way they were before. They would never be that way again. She could never sit there while he picked on her and pretend that she didn't have feelings for him.

  Julie wanted to run away so badly. She wanted to be by herself. After she cleared the air with Gavin and told him everything, she planned to do just that. None of them would have to see her anymore or be reminded of what a disappointment she was. She was going to pack up her stuff and move out of state, where nobody knew about her past and Ethan could have his life back, the way it was before.

  Chapter 26

  Sunday morning, Julie woke up and got ready for the day. She made sure to cover up any remnants left on her face. Her dress was a pretty yellow color, and she wore a sweater over it that covered her wrists. She wanted to try to feel as good about herself as she could when she faced her brother. It was going to be one of the scariest moments of her life. She had no idea how he was going to react. He would be upset that he didn't know about the past. She was sure he was going to tell her what she had done wrong. Gavin had met Jason once and had not liked him. Hopefully, he wouldn't realize it was the same guy. He would be upset with her that she let it happen again. She would sit through his lecture, because it was the right thing to do. She wanted to clear Josh, John, and Ethan. That way Gavin could never blame them from keeping information from him. Once she knew Gavin knew everything, she would be gone.

  Julie packed everything she had at Ethan's house and put it in her car. She knew he had to run by his office before going to Josh and Lisa's. He had said something to Gavin on the phone while she was walking into the kitchen. It was the perfect opportunity to do what she needed to do.

  Ethan peeked around the corner, into her room.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She nodded to him.

  “I have to run to the office for a minute to get something for Gavin. Do you want to go with me now, or do you want me to come back and get you?” he asked.

  Damn, he looked so good. Seeing the cast on his arm reminded her that she needed to stay away from him. She didn't want to ever hurt him again.

  “I'm going to drive myself. Thanks for offering though,” she said.

  “I don't want you driving yourself. I want to be there when you tell him. When you're ready to leave, I want to bring you back here. You s
houldn't be driving.”

  “I'm not coming back here. I'm going to stay with Gavin and Becky until I find a new place,” she said as she walked to him. “I wanted to say thank you for saving my life. I will never forget everything you have done for me.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tighter than she ever had. It took all she had to hold back the tears that wanted out so badly. She released her hold on him and turned without making eye contact, as she walked out the door.

  “I'll see you over there,” she said as she walked out the door.

  Julie was nervous as she drove to her house. She was so afraid to walk back through her front door. It took all she had not to collapse on the floor as she looked around at the mess in her living room. Jason had trashed everything. How had she missed it? She took a deep breath as she walked into her bedroom, making sure not to look at the floor. Quickly, she grabbed some bags and threw in as much stuff as she could. She tried to get everything she would need right away. The bags filled the back seat of her car. As she closed the door to her house and locked it, she thought about Ethan and everything he had gone through because of her.

  She felt relief as she drove away. Gavin could sell the house for her. It wouldn't need much work at all. Julie had more than enough money saved up. She would stay in a hotel by her office until she could get things taken care of there. The doctor she had working with her could take over if he brought in another doctor to help him. She could get a job in a hospital wherever she decided to move.

  Julie parked her car on the street in front of Josh and Lisa's. There was no way anyone was parking behind her. She wanted to be able to leave as soon as she could.

  She let out a huge breath as she got out of the car and walked to the door. Put on a happy face, she thought. Gavin, Heath, and John's cars were already there. Julie was so glad Ethan wasn't there yet. She wasn't sure she would be able to look him in the eyes and walk away. He would be able to see through her. She knew the rest of them wouldn't realize what she was doing. He was the only one she needed to be concerned with. It was like he could see right into her thoughts. She knew he wanted things to go back to normal, so maybe he would let it go. Julie planned to avoid him.

  They weren't supposed to be there until five o'clock. It was only four. Why did they have to be there so early? Maybe she could get in and back out before Ethan got there. Quickly, she knocked on the door. John opened the door and gave her a hug.

  “You okay?” he whispered.

  “Just fine,” she answered.

  She put on a huge smile as she walked past him. Lisa looked at her with concern as she said hello and hugged her. Julie hugged Becky as well. Josh, Heath, and Gavin were in the living room. She walked in and said hello. Josh grabbed her and hugged her tight. She looked at him with surprise as he looked into her eyes. Gavin stood up and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I missed you,” he said. “Did you hear that piece of shit Ethan ditched me for the meeting out of town? Be ready to hear me tear him a new ass today. I think you'll enjoy hearing what I have to say to him.”

  Julie knew for sure that she didn't want Gavin to find out she had been with Ethan sexually. He was going to find out that Ethan saved her from Jason, but she had to make sure she kept the rest to herself. When she left, she wanted their relationship to be strong. Knowing that he saved her would do just that.

  She laughed as she hugged him back. When she brought her arm back down, the edge of her sleeve rolled up. She moved to unroll it quickly when she heard him gasp. He grabbed her hand and pushed the sleeve up.

  “What the fuck is this?” he yelled.

  Julie saw everyone jump and look their way. Heath flew across the room.

  “Who did that to you?” Heath growled through gritted teeth. “Tell me right now.”

  She took a deep breath.

  “Gavin, I need to talk to you in the kitchen please,” she said as calmly as she could.

  Julie turned and walked out of the room.


  She was gone just like that. Ethan was beside himself. Julie told him she wasn't coming back to his house. She was going to stay with Gavin. Then she walked out. What was going on? He knew she was upset that he went through her phone and got the information about Jason. Was she really that mad? She had thanked him for everything he had done for her. Letting her push him away the entire week was bad enough. Why didn't she want to stay there? He gave her space and time to think. How was he going to sleep at night, not knowing she was okay?

  He got in his car and took off for his office. There were some papers he needed to give Gavin for the deal they had been working on. He was giving the entire thing to Gavin's company. The meetings had gone well and the company had accepted the offer they made. He ran into his office and grabbed what he needed. As he stood in front of his desk, he thought about Julie.

  “She's going to run,” he said into the empty air. “What the hell? Why am I just realizing it?”

  He had to hurry and get to Josh's. She's going to run, he thought again. Everything she had at his house had been gone that morning. She wanted to drive herself and had left way earlier than she needed to. If he went to her house, he was sure there would be stuff missing. The way she had thanked him when she was leaving was odd. She had hugged him as if she would never hug him again. He felt it then but couldn't figure it out. Julie told him that she was going to move in with Gavin and Becky for a bit. She was lying. He knew it. Dinner was supposed to be at five and it was four. If he knew her as well as he thought he did, she was already at Josh and Lisa's and was going to be gone before he got there. If he had to place bets, he would say her car was on the street so he couldn't block her in.

  Ethan took off out of his office and down to his car. He wasn't going to let her do it. She was mad at him, but it was something she was going to have to get over. He had given her enough time and space. There was no way she was running from him or any of them. She needed them to be there for her. It was time she accepted that.

  He was right, her car was in the street and the back seat was full. How the hell did everyone miss that. Ethan ran up and swung the front door open. Heath, John, Josh, Becky, and Lisa were in the dining room. All eyes went to him as he barreled through the door. He heard at least three of them gasp.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Heath shouted.

  “Where is she?” Ethan yelled.

  “In the kitchen with Gavin,” John answered.

  “She's going to run,” Ethan snapped at John.

  “How do you know?” John asked.

  “I just know. How long have they been in there?”

  “They just went in a minute ago,” John answered.

  “What the hell are you two talking about? Are you going to answer me?” Heath snapped. “Your eye is black and blue and you have a cast on your arm. How did the rest of us miss this?”

  Heath looked around at the rest of them, and they all shrugged without a clue. Josh knew a little, but he didn't say a word.

  “Shit,” Lisa let out as she covered her mouth. “Ethan”

  “Give me a minute,” Ethan snapped. “Just give me a minute.”

  He walked over to the kitchen and cracked the door so he could hear.

  “I need you to calm down, Gavin. There's something I need to talk to you about. It's not going to be easy for me. Please, sit down. You have to promise me you'll let me say everything I have to say first,” Julie said and Gavin nodded. “Ethan,”

  “Ethan what? Did that fucker put his hands on you? Did he do this?” Gavin yelled, cutting her off.

  Ethan couldn't take it. He couldn't let her face her brother alone. There was no way. It was breaking him more each second he stood there. He could feel everyone standing over his shoulder.

  “No,” she yelled. “It wasn't him.

  Ethan could hear her voice shake. She was barely holding herself together. Julie needed him on her side, not against her.

  “He would never hurt
me. Ethan would never do anything like that.”

  “How do you know?” Gavin yelled louder. “How can you be sure he would never hurt you?”

  “Because I love her,” Ethan yelled, as he pushed through the door into the kitchen.

  “What?” Gavin and Julie said, as they both looked over at him.

  “I would never hurt her, because I love her,” Ethan said.

  Everyone behind him let out a collective gasp. He turned to see all of their faces in shock, except for Lisa. She had a smile on her face as tears slid down her cheek.

  “That's our boy,” Lisa said with a sniffle.

  “You knew about them?” Josh asked.

  “In a minute,” she told her husband.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Gavin snapped, as he went toward Ethan.

  “Shut up Gavin,” Julie snapped back at him.

  She looked back to Ethan and Gavin stopped.

  “What happened to your face and arm?” Gavin asked Ethan.

  “I don't understand. Why?” Julie asked Ethan ignoring Gavin's question.

  “Why what?” he asked turning back to face her.

  “Why would you say that about me?” she asked.

  Ethan could feel everyone standing behind him. The room was silent.

  “You haven't had anything to do with me since that night. We haven't even talked. You don't have to feel sorry for me. I understand why you don't want me. I wouldn't want me either,” she said, confused.

  “What are you talking about? I thought you needed time and space to think about everything. It took all I had not to be next to you at night. I wanted you right there. I wanted you with me. You ignored and avoided me during the day. I worked out more in those few days than I have in months. It was driving me crazy that you didn't want to be near me. It was killing me to have you a few rooms away at night. I needed you with me. You're not running from me, Julie. I won't let you.”


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