Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 17

by Sharon Cummin

  “What do you mean run from you?” she asked.

  “Really?” he asked.

  He walked toward her and took her hands in his.

  “I'm going to be with you through all of this. I'm not going anywhere. If you run, I'm going to keep bringing you back. You're going home with me tonight,” he said.

  “I thought you didn't want me anymore. I thought you were disgusted by me,” she said.

  He pulled her into his arms and looked into her eyes.

  “That would never happen. You are all I think about. I have tried so hard to stop thinking about you, but I can't. When you called me that day, I had to get to you. I had to save you. All I could think about was how lost I would be without you. I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to you. I know you say that you don't want to be in a relationship. I know that you don't think you'll be able to ever trust a man. I know that from my past you don't think I'm good enough for you. That's not who I am anymore. Since I've been with you, I haven't even thought about being with anyone else. I love you, Julie. I am saying it in front of your brother and everyone else. I will do everything I can to keep you safe. I will spend every single day showing you how amazing you are. You deserve love. You deserve to be treated like a princess. I can't deny it anymore. You have my heart. Please let me love you,” he said with his forehead against hers.

  “Do you really want me after everything you know about my past and after what happened the other day?” she whispered.

  “More than ever,” he answered. “I have fought my feelings for you as hard as I possibly could. When you called me, without thinking twice, I left the airport. That was when I knew you owned my heart. That was the moment I realized how much I love you. I will never hurt you, and I will always protect you.”

  Ethan could see tears escape the corner of her eyes.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked, as he wiped her tears.

  “Because I love you too,” she said with a tiny smile.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his mouth to hers. He hugged her and whispered in her ear.

  “I love you, baby. Is your brother okay? I don't know if I want to look at him.”

  Julie laughed and looked up at Gavin.

  “I'm not sure.”

  “I'm trying to say this as calmly as I can, but someone needs to start talking soon. My best friend just told my little sister he loved her. She kissed him. He has a broken wrist and black eye. She looks like something chewed on her wrists. I am inches from losing my damn mind,” Gavin said as he dropped into a chair.

  Ethan looked into Julie's eyes and sighed.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  She nodded and they both stood up. He leaned back against a counter and pulled her into his arms with her back to him.

  “How long has this thing between you two been going on?” Gavin asked.

  “Since the day Becky lost the baby,” Julie answered. “We haven't been together since that day. That was just the day it started. We have hung out with each other several times since then.”

  Ethan laughed from behind her.

  “Do you think this is funny Ethan?” Gavin asked.


  “Oh shit,” Gavin snapped. “Please tell me those weren't my little sister's shoes at your house that day.”

  Ethan and Julie both looked at Gavin.

  “Are you serious? Where was she?” he asked.

  “I was upstairs,” Julie answered.

  Gavin ran his hands through his hair. Becky walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders.

  “At the hospital, you joked about getting laid,” Gavin said. “It's taking all I have to sit in this chair, Ethan. I hope you know that.”

  “I do,” Ethan replied.

  “When you ran out of the airport and told me I could have the whole deal, where did you go?” Gavin asked.

  Ethan was silent for a moment.

  “Ethan,” Gavin snapped.

  “I went to Julie,” Ethan replied.

  “You left a deal worth millions to be with my sister?”

  “Yes, she needed me.”

  “I have something I need to talk to you about Gavin,” Julie said. “It's going to be very hard for me to tell you, but I want you to know. Could you all give us some time?”

  “I'm not leaving,” Ethan said. “I am going to be here for you while you tell him.”

  John looked at everyone else.

  “We need to give them some space. It's going to be a little while.”

  He walked out of the room and everyone else followed.

  Ethan sat with Julie while she told Gavin everything. She told him about what happened with Jason in the past and what had recently happened. Gavin patiently listened to everything she told him. He had tears in his eyes as he looked at Ethan.

  “You knew that fucker hurt my baby sister and didn't come to me? I don't understand. You're my best friend.”

  “It's not what you think. She wouldn't tell me anything at all. I had no idea what he'd done to her. I just knew that a guy called her and it freaked her out. She wouldn't talk to me about it. I hired a private investigator. He had just given me the file and information right before Lisa went into labor. I had it all with me at the airport. I was going to read it all and decide what to do and who to involve. I didn't go behind your back. I hope you can forgive me for that,” Ethan said sincerely.

  Gavin looked back to Julie. He cried with her and told her how sorry he was for not being there for her. She let him know that it wasn't his fault. He had no way of knowing. Gavin promised her that he would be there every moment. They all would. She told him that she didn't want to live in her house anymore. He told her they would have Heath work on it so they could sell it. Gavin offered for her to move him with him and Becky. She looked over at Ethan.

  “Did you mean what you said about me staying with you until I find a new place?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he answered. “I want you to be there when I fall asleep each night and when I wake up each morning. I'm not wasting a single moment without you. I don't want you to find a new place, Julie. I want our home to be together. If you don't like the house I have, we can look for one that we both like.”

  Ethan kept his arms around her. He was afraid to let her go. She turned to face him as she took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes.

  “I love your house. You have a pool, hot tub, and balcony from your room. It looks over your beautiful yard. The house is huge, but it's yours. I would never want you to move for me. Where would you put that computer cave of yours?”

  They both laughed.

  “I told you about that already,” he said with a smile as he kissed her.

  “Besides, you know there is no way I would give your kitchen up. That place is a dream. Everyone better get used to coming to your house for dinner.”

  “Our house,” he said. “I can think of a few things I can help you with in the kitchen.”

  Gavin looked at Ethan and shook his head.

  “She's still my little sister. Can you please give me some time to adjust?”

  “I'll try,” Ethan said with a laugh.

  “I don't know what to say, Ethan. You're my best friend. I never in a million years thought a woman would get you to change your ways. When I thought you were with someone, I knew I had to meet her. I can't believe it was Julie. I'm still trying to figure out how it all happened without me knowing about it. I haven't decided how I feel about it yet. The fact that you saved her life will have me forever in your debt. If you hadn't left the airport, what would have happened to her?” Gavin asked with a tear in his eye. “I gave you such a hard time and said some mean stuff. I am so sorry. Thank you so much for caring enough to see things the rest of us were missing. I will never forget what you did for her. I feel horrible that you have a black eye and broken wrist. I should have been there for her. I'm sorry that I told you I wanted the whole deal for myself. I didn't mean
it. We're still going to be partners on it. I can't do it without you. I still don't understand how this happened between you two, but I am so thankful that you were there for her. You better be good to her. If you ever hurt her, I'll crush your ass. She'll always be my little sister.”

  “I know how you feel about my past. I understand your concerns. I don't know how it happened either. I never meant to go behind your back. It happened and we decided that it couldn't happen again, but we kept coming back together. I love your sister. I promise you that I will never hurt her. I will always protect and love her. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner,” Ethan said.

  “John knows about what happened to me. He was one of the officers that came to my house when it happened. I'm not sure how much he knows about the past. Don't be mad at him. I promised him I would talk to you this weekend. I think Josh may know something as well. He was not at my house, but I think someone at the station said something to him. Neither of us has told him anything. I just wanted you to know that. They are all my family. I'm fine with you telling them, but I don't want to do it. They are all going to want to know what happened to Ethan and to me. I don't want you to keep it from them. If you don't mind, I want to leave for now,” Julie told Gavin.

  “Are you sure you don't want to come live with us?” he asked.

  “I'm sure,” she answered. “I'm going to go play in my new kitchen.”

  “Just make sure you leave the television and couches where they are,” Gavin said. “We count on that space.”

  “Men and their toys,” she said as she laughed.

  Julie stood up and hugged her brother. Ethan took her hand in his and walked her to her car.

  “I love you,” he whispered into her ear. “That feels so good rolling off my tongue.”

  “I can think of something else that would feel good on your tongue,” she said with a wink.

  “I'll follow you,” he said as he swatted her ass. “You know how to get home, right?”

  Julie nodded and then kissed his cheek.

  Chapter 27

  Julie felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Her drive was so relaxed. It felt good to let it all out. There were no more secrets in her life. She had been so afraid to tell Gavin. With Ethan next to her, it was so much easier. She knew he would help her through it. Her brother was upset. He didn't lecture her or tell her she should have done something different. There was love and tears in his eyes when he looked at her. He wasn't embarrassed of her at all like she thought he would be. He promised to be there every moment with her to support her.

  She thought she was going to be able to tell Gavin and be gone before Ethan got there. He figured her out way before she thought he would. How did he know she was going to run? When he came through the kitchen door and said he loved her, she had no idea what to think. That was the last thing she ever expected. Julie had been in love with him since the first night they were together and had feelings for him long before that.

  Did he really love her? Could she really trust him? He had saved her life. She couldn't believe he had come to her rescue. Jason could have killed him. Ethan never even hesitated to help her. He put her safety before everything he had worked his entire life to achieve. Could they really have a future together?

  She pulled up in his driveway and got out of her car. He pulled up just as she was pulling bags out of her backseat. Ethan ran up and opened the front door and then started to carry things in with her. They left everything in the entryway until they were done bringing it in. Julie grabbed a couple of bags and started up the stairs. He was right behind her with his arm full. She turned into the room she had just taken her stuff out of earlier in the day.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as he dropped the bags from his hand on the floor in the hallway.

  “I'm putting my stuff away,” she replied with a laugh.

  “I don't think so,” he snapped.

  Ethan took the bags from her hands and walked down the hall into his room. He put the bags in the corner and walked back out to grab more.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a confused look.

  “I'm putting your stuff away,” he answered.

  When he finished putting all of her bags in a pile in the corner of his room, he turned to her.

  “That's more like it,” he said in a cocky tone. “This is your room now. You belong in here with me.”

  “Excuse me,” she snapped. “Don't tell me where I belong.”

  Julie kicked off her shoes, walked over to his side of the bed, and threw herself down. The whole time keeping eye contact with him. She put her head on his pillow and smiled.

  “This is where I belong,” she said.

  “Don't sass me woman. Do you hear me? Get your ass on your own side of the bed.”

  “Oh, I'm on my own side of the bed,” she said with a grin.

  Julie pointed next to her.

  “That right there would be your side.”

  “Bullshit,” he said sternly. “You better move your ass over there before I leave my hand print on it.”

  Julie smiled at him but didn't move. He kicked his shoes off and crawled up the bed. She smirked as he hovered over her.

  “Do you know how much I've missed that cocky mouth of yours?” he asked with a smile. “You're mine, baby. Do you hear me? You are all mine. I am going enjoy every single moment with you beneath me. You are going to cry out my name every time you come undone.”

  In one quick movement, Julie flipped him onto his back.

  “Enjoy your new side of the bed,” she said, as she leaned down and kissed him.

  “Enjoy yourself,” he whispered. “I am keeping track of every bit of this sass. When this cast comes off, your ass is mine. I am going spank you until you're begging me to stop.”

  Julie slid her hands down his muscular chest and tight abs as she moved back toward the bottom of the bed. When she got to his jeans, she ran her fingers along the waist of them. Her fingers worked to undo his belt. She looked up at him and smiled as she undid the button and pulled his zipper down. His cock was pushing hard against his boxers for release. He sprang free, as she pulled his jeans and boxers down. Julie ran her hand up and down his length as she looked into his eyes.

  “You're mine now, Ethan. This is all mine,” she said, as she leaned down and slid her tongue across his tip.

  Julie heard his breath hitch, as she licked down his shaft and back up to the tip.

  “You taste amazing, my love. I've missed you so much,” she said.

  She put her mouth over him as she rubbed her hand up and down his shaft. Slowly she took him deeper and deeper. He let out a moan as his tip hit the back of her throat. She licked and sucked him, as he hardened even more than she thought was possible. He was amazing. She knew that she would never get enough of him. Julie looked up as his head fell back and he closed his eyes. His hand was wrapped in her hair, guiding her deeper.

  “That feels so damn good, baby. I need you beneath me. I need to be buried deep inside of you,” he said as he reached for her.

  He had her on her back in seconds. She laughed as he tried to pull her jeans off with his good arm. Julie slid them down for him.

  “Panties. Off. Now. Unless you want one less pair,” he demanded.

  She hurried to get them off before he could grab them. Julie motioned for him to move higher. He crawled over her and leaned down to kiss her. She felt something different in his kiss. It was soft at first, but deepened quickly. He held her face as he kissed her with such heat and feeling. She kissed him just as fiercely, afraid he was going to change his mind about being with her. Stop, she told herself.

  “Quit thinking,” he said. “I love you so much.”

  “On your back,” she told him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I said on your back. I don't want you on your arm.”

  He laughed and rolled onto his back and put his arms behind his head.

  “You just want to have yo
ur way with me and you know it,” he said.

  She reached into his nightstand drawer before straddling him. Julie slowly ripped open the packet and rolled the condom over his length gently as he let out a breath. She put her hands on the bed by his shoulders and slid herself up and down his hard cock as her hair brushed against his chest.

  “Stop teasing me!”

  Julie laughed as she leaned forward to kiss him, leaving the tip of him against her entrance. He kissed her hard as he reached down, grabbed her hips, and thrust into her. Her eyes widened as she gasped.


  He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

  “Calling my name already? I like that,” he said.

  She pushed off of his chest and sat up as she looked over his gorgeous body. Julie leaned back, put her hands on his thighs, and rode him as she arched her back. He let out a deep growl as he reached up and played with her nipples. She moaned as he rolled and pinched them between his thumb and fingers.

  “Do have any idea how good it feels to be inside of you? You're so tight and fit perfectly around my cock.” he said, as he watched her ride him. “You are so sexy. I love you, baby.”

  She continued to take him deep inside as she looked into his eyes.

  “I love you too.”

  He pulled her down and kissed her hard. His arm went around her hips as he thrust into her hard and fast. She moaned out his name as she met him thrust for thrust.

  “Fuck, Ethan. You feel so damn good inside of me.”

  He continued to fuck her hard and deep as he felt her clit rub against him. She moaned loud as he reached places inside of her she didn't know existed. The pleasure was like nothing she had ever felt. She felt her body climb higher than ever. Julie threw her head back and cried out.

  “Please, Ethan. Don't stop.”

  He felt harder than ever inside of her. She could not believe how amazing it was. He thrust in so deep and sent her soaring over the edge.

  “Ethan. Fuck. Ethan,” she cried out.

  With one more deep thrust he felt his own release as he kissed her hard. She rode out the most intense orgasm of her life as she fell onto his chest. Julie could feel his heart race against her chest. His fingers ran through her hair as they melted together.


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