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The Singham Bloodlines_Epilogue

Page 2

by MV Kasi

  It was close to midnight, but most of the household was still up and buzzing. Preparations were ongoing for the week-long visit to the Singham province the next day. Sabitha and Dev headed up the stairs to the second floor.

  Over the years, Sabitha had slowly transitioned the Prajapati household to run without her physical presence. Dhruv, along with a few other appointed members, were able to carry out most of the duties without her close supervision.

  As soon as Sabitha and Dev opened the door to the room, two whirlwinds flew towards them.

  “Mamma! Papa!” The two excited little voices shouted in chorus. As soon as the little bodies came closer, Dev picked them up in each arm and swung them around until they were excited squeals and loud giggles.

  Dev carried them and put them gently on their bed. “Why are you monkeys still up?” he asked, tickling their bellies.

  There were more giggles. “We are sooo excited to see Jay, Dhruti, Varna and Abhi tomorrow!” four-year-old Harsh said with his gap-toothed smile.

  “Yes! We want to give them their gifts!” Harsh’s three-year-old sister, Sheena, almost shouted in excitement.

  Sabitha straightened the blankets and tucked both the kids under it. “Did you re-open the gifts again while Papa and I were away?” she gently scolded.

  There was a brief silence followed by guilty looks. “Sorry, Mamma,” said Harsh. “But we took Dhruv Uncle’s help to pack the gifts back.”

  Sabitha smiled and kissed their foreheads. “It’s all right. Would you like a bed time story before I turn off the lights?”

  “Can Papa tell us, tonight?” Sheena asked.

  Since Dev sometimes travelled due to business, and even when home had to take calls past the kids’ bedtime, Sabitha was the one who tucked the kids and told them a story most of the week nights. But no matter what, Dev made sure he told them stories during weekend nights. To have their father tell them a story on a regular night was a treat.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you a story. But since it’s getting late, I’ll make it quick.” His eyes fell on Sabitha. “Mamma is sleepy too, and wants to be tucked in soon.” He winked at her before sitting next to them.

  The story was one of their favorites—the adventures of Dev’s grandmother when she was a child.

  Sabitha sat on the other side of the bed, watching him, and listening to him as always while he narrated the story with a lot of dramatic enactment. Their children’s eyes were widened in wonder. But as soon as he was done, and the follow-up questions were all answered, the eyes on the little faces drooped, and they were fast asleep.

  Dev stood up and kissed their foreheads before quietly watching them sleep for a few moments.

  He let out a deep sigh. And then, his eyes fell on her.

  Sabitha’s stomach flipped when she saw the way he was watching her.

  She shook her head and laughed softly. “Don’t even think of starting that conversation again, Singham.”

  “What? I didn’t say anything.”

  “You don’t have to. I know that look and we’ve discussed this before and you agreed.”

  “Oh, come on! Sheena needs a sister.”

  “No, she doesn’t. She has a brother already. And Dhruti and Varna are equally close to her as her sisters.”

  There was silence.

  Sabitha laughed again at his mock sulky look. “Give it up, Singham. I know that if I let you have your way in this, you’ll keep me pregnant all the time. And you’ll keep using Harsh and Sheena as excuses, saying they need more siblings.”

  He grinned. “Of course, I would. Because it’s true!”

  She rolled her eyes and smiled. Meantime, he led her into the master bedroom suite which was across the kids’ room.

  The house they built in the city had a similar set-up. Sabitha and the kids spent a significant amount of time in the city as well. But she knew once the kids began schooling, they would spend more time in the Prajapati province. She and Dev had discussed it at length and decided it that way. Mostly because they now had good teachers and infrastructure set up in the province.

  Changing out of their clothes, they prepared for bed before slipping under the covers.

  Dev pulled her closer to spoon. “Loved how you looked in that dress, tonight,” he murmured huskily.

  Sabitha had worn the dress not only for his sake, but also because sometimes, she enjoyed dressing up in fancy clothes and going out to socialize and converse with like-minded people. Rest of the time, she was in her usual shirts and khaki pants.

  But she knew without doubt that the man holding her in his arms loved her exactly the way she was. With no conditions or limits. She loved him even more for it.

  “We had a long day,” he said. “I know you must be tired. So, I’ll let you sleep now. But I’m going to wake you early in a few hours to have that talk about crop rotation and new machinery.” His tone held an exaggerated amount of seriousness.

  Sabitha laughed and turned her head to find his lips. She knew it was hard to smile and kiss at the same time. But with Dev Singham as a husband, she had to do that many, many times over the years. “Aren’t you supposed to slow down with age?” she asked.

  “Nope. Even at the age of hundred, I’ll hopefully remain the same.”

  She laughed once again as her heart felt full. She felt so well-loved and content.

  She savored every amount of happiness in her life. She knew she was able to do that mostly because she knew what sorrow and living in a vacuum felt like. But Dev Singham pushed his way into her life and filled her with so much happiness that there was no space remaining for anything else.

  “Love you,” she softly murmured against his lips.

  “Forever and ever, baby.”

  Rana & Narmada

  The darkness had rolled in hours ago and yet, Neil wasn’t home yet from his business trip.

  “You are still up?” Neil crooned into the phone.

  “You were supposed to be home yesterday,” Narmada growled.

  “I’m sorry, babe… I’m almost home.”

  “Really? That means you just landed in India?” She sounded snarky and he knew why.

  “Have you been following the news?” His voice was soft.

  “Yes… and I am happy and sad at the same time.”


  “Neil, it’s Leonardo Da Vinci’s work and there is no price on work that was done centuries ago but on the news they talk about his work as an investment.”

  “Don’t read too much into what the media says.”

  “I know, I know but you know how much I admire Da Vinci’s work and for something so precious to be talked about like a commodity… I can’t handle it… and the price the buyer paid… I don’t know what to say.” She shook her head.

  “I know, I’m sure the new owner of the book wanted it badly enough to justify the price.”

  “There should be no price on such work, they should be in museum, unavailable for sale.”

  “I agree.”

  Narmada turned from the bookcase she was looking at in their bedroom when she heard his voice behind her.

  “Neil,” she squeaked running into his open arms.

  “I missed you, sweetheart.” His lips grazed over hers gently, sucking in her sweetness.

  “I missed you too.” She tightened her hold on him like she didn’t want to let him go.

  “Sorry, I got delayed.” He gently pulled back to look at her.

  “I was worried you won’t make it in time for the ceremony and lunch tomorrow.” She cupped his cheek with her palm.

  He took her palm to his lips. “You know I would never miss them.”

  “What took you so long?” she playfully pulled away her hand from him.

  “I had to take care of something important.”

  “What was more important than getting home in time for a family get together.” She walked away from her nook of books in their bedroom suite.

  “Something equally important.”
r />   “Really? How can a construction project in the Americas be as important as a family gathering?” She sat on the bed looking up at him. He looked dapper in a business suit and over the years she got around to admiring him in his dark suits. Deep in her heart she longed for the captor who took her from her misery and gave her a beautiful life. A life filled with his endless love and happiness.

  A life filled with fun, success and chaos in the form of their two children and he wanted more of the craziness. She had managed to continue working on her book while Neil got busy with the family business and spun off his own investments. The latest one was collaboration with a construction company overseas to expand the construction empire that her dad owned.

  Neil had managed to attend college and get a management degree while being a hitman and she was surprised to find out that about him.

  “Is my Mum excited to see her cousins tomorrow?” He peeled off his business suit and changed into a fitting t-shirt and lounge pants.

  “Yes, your four-year-old Mum refused to sleep until you were home so I had a tough time putting her to bed.” Narmada laughed. She still could not forget the happiness in Neil’s eyes when he saw their new born baby girl for the first time, a little over four years ago. He kissed and thanked her endlessly for giving him his mother back. He was convinced his nieces were more like his grandparents and that his daughter was his mother and even addressed her as ‘Mum’.

  Abhay and Dev also referred to her as Mum and doted on the first girl-child in the Singham family after many decades.

  “I’m sure it will be a fun day for Mum and Abhi.” Neil slid into bed next to her.

  “Abhi is getting terrible by the day, Neil. You need to start taking him with you if… “ her voice trailed off and he saw her bite her lip.

  Neil looked at her and caught the hesitation. “What is it baby?”

  “I’m late.”

  He looked at her, puzzled and then a glorious smile appeared on his face. “Really?”

  “Neil, we have used protection since we had Abhi… it may be nothing.”

  “I love you… I love you for giving me so much happiness.” Neil pulled her into his arms.

  “Neil, don’t… Its too soon to think and…” He cut her off.

  “Take the test.”

  “I thought about it this morning but…”

  He sprang out of bed and walked toward the bathroom and she knew exactly what he was doing. She had been delayed in the past, right after they had Abhi two years ago and she could not deny that she was disappointed when the test for pregnancy came back negative. They have been on protection after her doctor advised taking it to give her body time to recover from her pregnancies.

  Neil was back in a minute holding the home pregnancy test in his hand. “I found it and I promise not to look disappointed if the test is negative, but I need to know.”

  “Baby, we can do it tomorrow. Let’s sleep, I’m sure you’re tired.” She patted the mattress, urging him to come back to bed.

  “I’m not tired. Please.”

  “Ok, you know it may be nothing.” She got out of the bed and walked to him.

  “I know.” He pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on her forehead.

  A few minutes later, she sat on the bed waiting for the pregnancy test result for the to be ready while Neil paced on the rug.

  “Neil, you’re making me nervous. Come sit with me.” It was a plea.

  “I’m so excited.”

  “Neil… please.”

  “I think it’s time. It has been almost five minutes, let’s check it.”

  Narmada walked back into the bathroom, Neil inches behind her. She took a deep breath before taking the pen shaped device in her hand. She blinked twice when she saw the deep pink lines, two lines staring back at her.

  She turned around smiling at him. “Neil…”

  His lips found hers for a devouring kiss. “Thank you, sweetheart. I knew it, something told me it happened again the moment you told me.”

  “I don’t believe this, why don’t contraceptives work for us.” She laughed feeling the prickle from his stubble on her skin as his lips trailed along the column of her neck.

  “Narmada, you make me so happy, how can I ever show you how much I love you.” He groaned into her neck.

  “I love you too, Neil. You have no idea how blessed I am to have everything I have in life.”

  “I love you… love you more than anything in this world.” He bent down to sweep her feet off the floor making her laugh as he carried her to the bed.

  He gently placed her on the bed and kissed her lips. “I was going to save it for your birthday but…”

  “What?” she looked at him walk away from the bed to open his travel bag. He pulled out a brown box and held it in both hands, making Narmada wonder what was in the box that he held it with so much care.

  “Did you go jewelry shopping again?” she teased.


  She took the box from his hands and realized it was too heavy to be jewelry. “Neil, why is this so heavy.”

  “Because it is loaded with my love.” He winked.

  “That’s a bit too cheesy for the hitman I fell in love with but I will take it.” She laughed.

  She gingerly lifted the lid on the heavy box and put the packing material away. She looked up at him when she saw a rectangle object wrapped in a red silk cloth bag. “What it this?”

  “Open it.”

  She pulled opened the drawstring on the cloth bag and peeked inside. She scrunched her nose as she pulled it out wondering what it was and almost dropped it on the bed when she saw the words ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’ indented in cursive on the cover.

  “Ohh my god… ohh my god… is this the…” Neil’s chest warmed up when he saw the tears of joy in the eyes of his wife, the love of his life.

  “Yes, sweetheart.”

  “Neil… no, I don’t believe this… I shouldn’t be holding it like this.” She quickly grabbed the silk cloth and placed it on the bed.

  “I take it that you like your gift.”

  She got off the bed and into his arms. “Is this why you were delayed… I can’t believe it.”

  “It’s yours to preserve and to never let it become a topic of discussion like it did today.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Neil, Thank you… I have only dreamed of holding his book, I have one… is this really for me?”

  Neil laughed at the shocked expression. “Yes, you are the new owner they have been talking about on the news.”

  “And you were the buyer who spent all that money?” She playfully slapped his chest.

  “I made sure more than half of the price was going to Charity when I made that deal with the old owner.” Neil assured her.

  “Thank you!” She buried her face into his chest.

  “Are you happy, baby?”

  “Neil, what more can I want in my life? You made my life a real fairy tale.”

  “You are the queen of my heart and my kingdom, baby.” He sucked in her lip between his teeth and pulled her into his embrace, never wanting to let her go. He worshipped her with her lips and enjoyed the sweet moans that filled the night of bliss.

  The Singham Family Reunion

  There was a perfect chaos, but no one complained. In fact, everyone loved it.

  The children ran around the lotus pond, laughing and yelling while they splashed water at each other. Now that there was no longer a drought, the gardens in the Singham estate were restored to their former glory.

  Every room within the mansion was buzzing with excitement and laughter.

  Outside, in the courtyard, wrestling matches took place. The Singham brothers also participated in some of them.

  “Are you sure, you are up to it, old man?” Dev teased Abhay.

  Rana laughed as he shed his shirt, preparing to enter the wrestling arena along with his brothers.

  Abhay stretched his hands and then his neck. “I think I can handle wrestling
you both as well, little brothers.”

  There was laughter and everyone cheered as the brothers wrestled various opponents together.

  After a few rounds, Dev and Sabitha faced each other in the arena amid the cheers.

  “Be prepared to get your ass kicked again, Singham,” Sabitha taunted softly with a smile.

  Dev grinned. “Go easy on me, baby.”

  There was laughter and cheers as the pair wrestled with each other.

  The next event was target practice.

  Anika showed off her shooting skills that her husband had taught her all those years ago when they were newly married. Since then, she honed her skills during the festives.

  When it was Narmada’s turn to shoot, she hesitated. “I can’t,” she said.

  Anika frowned. “Narmada, you are one of the best shooters. You never missed even once so far.”

  Narmada watched Rana and blushed.

  “Ok. What’s going on?” Anika demanded.

  “Nothing,” Narmada stuttered.

  “You are a bad liar,” Sabitha said with a smile.

  Narmada smiled sheepishly. “Ok fine. Neil and I wanted to hold off until lunch time so make an announcement then.”

  “Tell us what?” Anika frowned. And then, “Ohh my god… really?”

  “Yes, we found out last night and wanted to share with everyone when we get together for lunch.”

  Narmada squeaked as Anika pulled her and Sabitha into a hug. Abhay and Dev patted the younger Singham brother on the back, congratulating him.


  Later that day, just before lavish meals were about to be served, Abhay addressed the crowd along with Anika. “Thank you all for being here,” he said. “I wish for us all to have many such celebrations in the future. Please enjoy yourselves.”

  The crowd let out a loud cheer before dispersing.

  The family assembled in the dining room. Until a few years ago, the large table, more suited for a palace, had been empty. The table was now filled with Singham heirs and their families.

  “Mummy, when can we open the gifts?” Jay asked.

  “As soon as we are done with lunch,” Anika answered her son with a smile. “In fact, since you are the oldest, you can lead all your cousins to the family room where we have arranged the gifts.”


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