by Gerard Colby
International Products Corporation, 775
International Security: The Military Aspect, 309
International Rice Research Institute, 655
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 404, 425, 540, 662, 703, 753
International Trade Fair, 382–83, 386–87
International Voluntary Service (IVS), 565, 571, 581n, 757
Intrauterine device, 476, 681, 775. See also Birth control; Population control Iran, 264, 783, 787–88, 793
Iran-Contra scandal, 280, 574, 824
Iraq Petroleum Company, 279
Iron ore: in Bolivia, 693–94; in Brazil, 136, 188, 215, 360, 403, 435, 618, 652, 669, 693; in Far East, 364, 548
Ironside, Rev. Harry, 64
Irving Trust Company, 620
Irwin John II, 332, 703
Irwin, Lord (viceroy), 53, 56, 57
Itáu/Portland Cement, 307
ITT. See International Telephone and Telegraph
IVS. See International Volunteer Service
J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation, 620
J. Walter Thompson agency, 186
JAARS: base in N.C., 291, 322, 359, 386; in Brazil, 319, 342, 436, 499; in Congo, 327, 340, 873n12; in Ecuador, 285, 287, 433, 603; to Far East, 208, 342; growth of, 282, 291, 321, 385; in Peru, 247–48, 283, 342, 490, 875n31; and Roman Catholic clergy, 323; support for, 202–3, 290, 342, 744
Jackson, C. D., 259, 262, 271, 295n, 321, 529
Jackson, William, 259
James Bay hydroelectric project, 719, 762
Jamieson, Frank, 180, 306, 310, 407, 455
Japan Society, 308, 559
Jaramillo Ulloa, Rafael, 681
Jari Forestry and Ranching, Ltd., 654
Javits, Jacob, 537
Jenkins, William, 70
Jerkins, Gertrude, 520
Jesuit Social Ministries, 745
Jewett, Sarah, 809n
John Birch Society, 409, 415, 453, 720
John Brown Academy, 63, 249
John Deere company, 695
John Paul II, 819, 828
Johns Hopkins University, 21, 100, 231
Johnson, Al, 123, 131
Johnson, Claudia Alta (“Lady Bird”), 586, 795
Johnson, Donald, 434
Johnson, Lyndon Baines: antagonism to Robert Kennedy, 536, 577; assumes presidency, 417, 421, 449, 455, 880n17; Calvinism of, 548–49; candidacy of, 324; dies, 711; and Nelson Rockefeller, 537, 588, 711; presidency of, 455, 468, 543, 557, 587, 602; refuses to run, 584, 586–87; as senator, 112, 310
Johnson, Orville, 874n36
Johnson, Robert W., 116–18
Johnson, Dr. Torrey, 202, 389
Johnson, Rev. William “Pussyfoot,” 28
Johnson & Johnson, 116, 138, 149, 299–300, 357, 446, 496
Joint Brazil-U.S. Development Commission, 259
Joint Post-War Development Group for Vietnam, 668
Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group, Greece, 433, 865n38
Jones, James A., 805
Jones, James Wesley, 471, 538
Jonsson, John Erik, 570, 761, 853n20
Journey to Manaos, 137
J.P. Morgan Company, 76
Jungle Aviation and Radio Service. See JAARS
Jungle warfare bases: in Bolivia, 512; in Brazil, 489, 503, 511, 534, 628; in Colombia, 395, 511
Junqueira, Antonio, 624
“Junta, the,” 92, 95, 108
Juruna, Mário, 803
Kahn, Herman, 615–16, 633, 686
Kaolin, in Brazilian Amazon, 655
Karamessines, Thomas, 865–66n38
Kasavubu, Joseph, 326
Keating, Kenneth, 399, 537
Kendall, Donald, 579, 701
Kennan, George, 214
Kennecott Copper, 703, 717
Kennedy, Edward, 584, 736
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 391–92, 415, 416
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald: appointments from Rockefeller Studies panels, 335–39; assassination of, 415–16, 738; and Berle, 375; and business, 357, 389, 401–3; in Colombia, 391–92; and Cuba, 343, 351–57, 405, 414; and David Rockefeller, 402–4, 411, 665–66; and foreign affairs, 410, 414; forms administration, 335, 337; liberalism of, 405, 414; and Nelson Rockefeller, 335, 371, 406–7, 411; and Peru, 397, 398, 458; popularity of, 405, 421; presidential campaign, 324, 329, 415; as senator, 267. See also Counterinsurgency doctrine; Ngo Dinh Diem; Project Eagle; Rockefeller, Nelson: and Kennedys
Kennedy, Robert Francis: assassination of, 591; and CIA, 416, 536, 538; elected senator, 536–44; and ITT, 404, 425; in JFK administration, 355, 357, 371, 398–400, 405; as JFK campaign manager, 336; policy conflicts with Nelson Rockefeller and Johnson, 537, 538–40, 541–42, 576–77; presidential campaign (1968), 586, 589, 590, 880n14; and Vietnam, 542–44
Kensinger, Ken, 874n36
Kerr-McGee company, 718
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 783, 796
Khrushchev, Nikita, 273, 274, 328, 333, 374, 400
Khuzestan Water and Power Authority, 788
Kibwe, Jean-Baptiste, 341n
Kidd, Baron, 593
Kietzman, Dale, 202, 318, 437, 488–89, 500, 558, 570, 651
Kietzman, Harriet, 318
Kim Il-Sung, 208
Kimball, Linsley, 293
Kindberg, Will, 489
King, Coretta, 336
King, John Caldwell (J. C.): in Amazon, 140, 143–44, 424, 446, 509, 511, 522; in Argentina, 233; and assassination plots, 325, 348, 354, 393, 410–11, 735, 738–39; in CIA, 149, 265, 325, 393, 497; and Cuba, 353, 356, 410–11; dies, 739–40; in Guatemala, 241; at Johnson & Johnson, 116, 138–39, 299; and Mafia, 348; and 1964 Brazil coup, 441, 446; in Peru, 494, 496–99. See also Amazon Natural Drug Company
King, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., 336, 578, 589, 731, 760
King, Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr., 795
King Hurley Company, 384, 490
King Ranch: do Brasil, 618–19, 821; in Texas, 75, 298, 761
Kintner, William, 327n, 359, 371, 390, 510, 748
Kirby, Alan, 579
Kirby, Fred, 579
Kirkpatrick, Gen. Lyman, 504
Kissinger, Henry: advises Nelson Rockefeller, 355, 452, 709; on Chase Advisory Board, 791; and foreign affairs, 601, 696, 707, 709, 765, 766; at Harvard, 309, 335, 355–56; and Nelson’s death, 795, 796; at Paris peace talks, 587, 595–96, 881n13
Kissinger, Nancy Maginnes, 709, 831
Kleberg, Richard J., Jr., 75, 139, 298, 618, 662
Kluckhohn, Clyde, 129–30
Knightly, Philip, 571
Knowland, William F., 238
Komer, Robert, 566
Korean War, 208, 222, 225, 245, 258, 260, 302
Korry, Edward, 663
Kosygin, Aleksei, 543
Kreig, Margaret, 497, 509
Kresge, Howard, 573
Kruel, Gen. Armoury, 447
Kubisch, Jack B., 775
Kubitschek, Juscelino: and Bolivian controversy, 303; and R. Campos, 437; as governor, 278; on Inter-American Committee, 663; as president of Brazil, 295–308, 314, 315
Kuhn, Loeb, 715n
Kuparuk oil fields, 718
Kurulu tribe, New Guinea, 366
Ky. See Nguyen Cao Ky
Kyes, Roger, 251
Labor movement: in Bolivia, 153–54; in Brazil, 190, 431, 443–44, 450; in Mexico, 84; in Uruguay, 641
Lacerda, Carlos, 261, 424, 441, 614, 617, 629
Land reform: in Brazil, 430; in Cuba, 314; in Guatemala, 238, 240, 244
Landabaru, Jon, 801
Langer, William, 856n38
Lansdale, Edward: and Cuba, 266, 312; and counterinsurgency, 343, 358, 375; in Philippines, 208, 235, 268; and Vietnam, 238, 265, 560, 565, 571
Lansing, Robert, 39
Lansky, Meyer, 517, 863n48
Laos, 238, 547, 556, 743
LaRotta, Ramón, 392
Latin American Business Highlights, 212
Latin American Free Trade Association, 645r />
Latin American Information Committee (LAIC), 381, 474, 708, 870n36
Latin American Institute, 496
Laymen’s Foreign Missions Inquiry, 39
Lead, in Amazon, 652, 669
League of Nations, 37, 156, 272
Lechín, Juan, 472
Le Cron, J. D., 159
Le Duc Tho, 709
Lee, Ivy, 19, 26, 97, 744
Legters, L. L., 47, 51, 60, 67, 87n, 124, 436, 697
LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 400, 569, 590
Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, 356, 359, 833
Le Tourneau, Robert, 245, 246, 247, 248–49, 514
Lewis, Drew, 767
Lewis, Norman, 4, 651, 778
Liberal party, Colombia, 164, 204, 387, 392
Liberal party, New York, 310, 538
Liddy, G. Gordon, 732
Light Companies of Brazil, 660
Lightner, Oscar C., 881n2
Lilienthal, David, 108, 668, 669, 788
Lilly Foundation, 569n
Limited war concept, 371, 375, 472
Limoncocha SIL base, Ecuador, 290, 360, 433, 487, 509, 603, 605
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, 295n, 355
Lindholm, Donald, 771
Lindsay, Frank, 372n
Lindsay, John V., 592
Lindskoog, John, 874n36
Linguistic Society of America, 66
Linhares, José, 187, 188, 189
Link, Walter, 360
Linowitz, Sol, 603
Lisu tribe, Thailand, 557
Litton Industries, 670–71
Lleras Camargo, Alberto: at Chapultepec, 168; as Colombian president, 176, 310, 312; and Cuba, 349–50; and “Great Lakes” proposal, 633; and Nelson Rockefeller, 168, 174, 310; as OAS chief, 209, 387; relations with U.S., 380, 391, 416; at U.N. founding, 174
Lloyd Aereo Boliviano, 118, 152
Lobatón, Guillermo, 491, 493
Lockett, Thomas, 128
Lockwood, john, 180, 210
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 342, 410
Loma Linda University, 509–10
Lomalinda SIL base, Colombia, 395, 487
Lon Nol, 758
London School of Economics, 312
Long, Huey, 863n48
Loos, Eugene, 485, 490, 499
López Contreras, Gen. Eleázar, 217
López Michelsen, Alfonso, 752
López Portillo, José, 802
Los Angeles Bible House, 42
Lott, Henrique, 654
Love, George, 426n
Lovett, Robert, 221, 337, 859n44
Lucas, Gen. Benedicto, 814
Luce, Don, 565
Luce, Henry, 287–88, 293n, 295n
Luciano, Lucky, 864n48
Ludwig, Daniel K., 406, 613, 633, 654–55, 670, 886n27. See also Antunes, Augusto T. A.; Chase Manhattan Bank
Lumumba, Patrice, 325, 339, 340, 493
Luykx, Nicolaas G. M. II, 555
Lyon, Floyd, 487
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 207, 208, 222, 231
McAteer, Edward, 804–5
McCarthy, Eugene, 584, 591
McCarthy, Joseph R., 231, 256
McChristian, Joseph, 433, 569
McClintock, John C., 115, 183, 849n10
McCloy, John J., 221, 231, 285, 435, 451, 849n10
McCone, John, 406, 411, 416, 473, 663
McCord, James, 731n, 732
McCoy, Frank, 118
McCracken, Rev. Robert J., 293
McDaniel, Sidney, 738
MacDonald, Ramsey, 55
McDonnell, James S., 116, 847n1
McDonnell Aircraft, 225, 847–48n1
Machado, Gerardo, 362
McKinley, William, 454
McLean Industries, 886n27
McNamara, Robert, 337, 374, 386, 399, 594, 756
Madeiros Compendas do Amazona Companhia (COMPENSA), 611
Maes, Ernest, 144, 146–47, 677
Magalhães, Juracy, 183, 259, 441, 452, 660
Magalhães Pinto, José de, 424, 441, 444, 617
Maginnes, Nancy. See Kissinger, Nancy Maginnes
Magsaysay, Ramón, 234, 235–38, 264, 268, 288
M.A. Hanna Company. See Hanna Mining
Maheu, Robert, 731, 739–40
Malaya, 133, 153, 208
Maldonado, Jorge, 772
Malmslrom, Elvira. See Townsend, Elvira
Malraux, André, 402
Manganese: in Amapá, 316, 432, 614, 659; in Amazonas, 652, 669; in other parts of Brazil, 298, 302, 428, 618; in Thailand, 557
Manheim, Paul, 887n32
Mankiewicz, Frank, 416
Mann, Thomas: as ambassador, 417; as assistant secretary of state for Latin America, 347, 429, 458; and Chilean election, 662; heads Alliance for Progress, 422–23, 438; Mann Doctrine, 449
Mansfield, Mike, 732
Mao Tse-tung, 35, 170, 208
Maracaibo, Lake, 77, 91, 220, 277, 436
Marcello, Carlos, 405, 413, 416, 517, 864n48
Marcona Mining, Peru, 703
Marcos, Ferdinand, 585, 799
Marcus, Stanley, 593
Márgain, Hugo, 799
Marighella, Carlos, 504, 647
Marks, John, 745
Marquardt Aircraft, 372
Marshak, Megan, 793, 794, 795
Marshall, Gen. George Catlett, 202–4, 208
Marshall Plan, 204–5, 226, 228, 230, 424
Marshall Plan for Latin America, 203, 205, 334, 348
Martin, Edwin, 414, 417
Martínez, Eugenio R., 413, 732
Martins, Carlos, 187, 190
Marusi, Augustine R., 831
Maryknoll order, 807
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, 497
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 478
Masterpieces of Primitive Art, 794
Mato Grosso, Brazil, 260, 298, 300–308, 315, 319, 424
Matthews, Grady, 204
Mauzé, Jean, 859n44
Maxwell, Nicole, 495–98, 505
May, Herbert A., 246
Mazzilli, Raimieri, 448
Means, Bill, 709
Means, Russell, 719, 763
Meany, George, 371, 441
Mechanized Agricultural Services Company, 216–17, 307
Médici, Gen. Emílio Garrastazú, 639, 648, 668, 695, 696
Megers, Betty, 688
Meirelles, Apoena, 624
Meirelles, Francisco, 624
Mekong Basin Development Project, 602, 668
Mekong River basin, 548, 561
Melgar Escute, Fernando, 771
Mellon, Richard K., 246, 886n24
Menchú, Rigoberta, 830
Mendes, Chico, 825
Mendoza, Gen. Juan, 771
Mennonites, 681, 775
Meriam, Lewis, 30, 67
Merriam, John C., 30
Mertz, Charles, 435
Métraux, Alfred, 432
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 609
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57, 796
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, 724
Mexicans in U.S., 121, 122, 454, 577–78
Mexican Institute of Linguistic Investigation, 66
Mexico, 62–63, 93, 94, 124–26, 243. See also Cárdenas, Lázaro; Chiapas
Meyer, Charles Appleton, 601, 648
Meyer, Cord, 357
Michigan State University, 268, 555
Middle America Research Institute, 320
Middle East, 228, 783, 863n17
Mielke, Elaine. See Townsend, Elaine
Milbank, Jeremiah, 293n, 789
Milbank, Samuel R., 435, 484, 486, 632, 885n7
Military Air Transport Service, 248, 342
Miller, Henry M., Jr., 843n9
Miller, Jim and Carolyn, 756, 758
Minas Gerais, Brazil, 181, 214–15, 297–98, 360, 426
Mind control experiments, 256, 265–66, 328, 737, 892n18
Mineração Além-Equador, 774
Minh. See Duong Van
Minuteman (ICBM), 372, 374
MIR. See Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria
Miranda Ampuero, Ramón, 770–71
Miró Quesada, Antonio, 459
Miró Quesada, Carlos, 459
Miró Quesada, Francisco, 460, 481, 771
Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF), 200, 202, 250, 284–85, 552, 877n15
Missionary collaborations: with business, 198–99; with CIA, 744–46; with government, 745. See also Summer Institute of Linguistics
Missionary Equipment Service (MES), 203
Missionary Indigenist Council (CIMI), 772, 803
Mitchell, John, 594, 595, 721
MKSEARCH, 504–5, 738
MKULTRA, 256, 265, 497, 504, 738, 851n33, 892n18
Mobil International Petroleum, 777n
Mobil Oil. See Standard Oil of New York
Mobutu, Col. Joseph, 339
Model, Leo, 712
Model, Roland, 702
Modern Language Association, 842n9
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 174
Molybdenite, in Vietnam, 568
Molybdenum Corporation, 662
Monje, Mario, 525
Monroe Doctrine, 166, 170, 176–77, 349
Montagnard tribes, Vietnam: to Bolivia, 748; and Green Berets, 265, 358, 552; and missions, 545, 553, 568, 575; revolt of, 571, 757; and SIL, 387; strategic position of, 553, 555
Montgomery, Lawrence: collaborates with CIA, 552, 877n15; in Congo, 340–42; and Helio airplanes, 282, 342, 490, 853n1; and Operation Auca, 287; in Peru, 206; and sale of first plane to SIL, 199–200. See also JAARS
Moody, Rev. Dwight L., 15, 42, 202, 293, 294, 836n5
Moore, Bruce, 874n36
Moody Bible Institute, 202, 888n77
Mora, José, 881n2
Morales Bermudez, Francisco, 756, 770, 772
Morefield, Richard, 811
Moreira Salles, João, 299, 304
Moreira Salles, Walther: as ambassador, 259, 299; and Bolivian oil, 304; business affiliations of, 428, 447, 611, 620; collaborations with Nelson Rockefeller, 301–2, 305, 607, 639; and Kubitschek, 305; mission for Quadras (1960), 351
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 21, 141
Morgenthau, Henry, 84, 96
Mormon church, 414, 484, 577, 717
Morningside Heights Association, New York, 295n
Morrow, Hugh, 795, 831
Moscoso, Theodore, 224, 356, 361, 402, 417, 422, 458
Mosonyi, Esteban, 686
Mott, John, 12, 32, 35, 39, 43
Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), 467–71, 490–92, 512, 515, 524
Munongo, Godefroid, 341, 341n
Muñoz Marín, Luis, 224, 313
Münzel, Mark, 778
Murchison, Clint, Jr., 880n6
Murphy, Margaretta. See Rockefeller, Margaretta “Happy”
Museum of Modern Art, 57, 80, 93, 96, 181, 295n, 795, 832
Museum of Primitive Art, 364, 794