Among the Mermaids
Page 19
A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown.
William Butler
Along with classic mermaid stories from such notables
as T. Crofton Croker, William Butler Yeats, and
Bret Harte, readers will discover mermazing tales and trivia
about mermaids from around the world, including:
Many people believe today that early explorer sightings
of mermaids were manatees. (Scurvy + many days
away from your lady = a blubbery creature looking
supple and bodacious.)
Blackbeard, the fierce and terrible pirate, was afraid
of his crew being lured into a watery grave by mermaids,
so he ordered his ships to avoid certain areas reputed
to have a high number of mermaid sightings.
Since 2009, the town of Kiryat Yam, Israel has offered
a prize of $
million dollars to anyone who can prove
the mermaid off their coast is real. The prize
remains unclaimed.
Plus shipwrecks, creepy creatures of the sea, real-life
mermaids, and firsthand encounters among and
with the merrow.