By Women Possessed
Page 98
literary property manager, 738
monkeys and, 59, 742–43, 745, 752, 753
royalties from O’Neill plays, 746
senile dementia, 751, 752, 753–54, 757
temper of, 741, 746, 749, 750
tombstone, Eugene’s, xxv, 599, 738
wills, 746–47, 759
O’Neill, Ella Quinlan (Eugene’s mother), 197–210
Agnes and, 124
appearance of, 172, 193, 208, 210, 365
bluefish or weakfish joke, 421
burial service, 208–9, 211, 226, 230
Catholic faith, 124, 166, 204, 325, 327–28
childhood, 204
death of, 85, 198–201, 201–4, 212, 228–29, 248, 267, 296
diagram of family by Eugene, 285, 325
Edmund (son), 171–72, 207, 240, 559, 615
estate of, 215, 221, 224, 225
funeral train, 201–3, 228–29, 537, 571
happy years, 206–7, 558
health, 156, 188, 192–93, 198
James’s courtship of, 204–5
James’s death, 161, 162, 164, 166
James’s estate and, 170–71, 172, 192, 198
love-hatred of Eugene for, xix, xviii, 35, 125, 139, 144, 170, 172, 187, 204, 238, 239, 282, 284, 495, 496, 536, 559–60
marriage, 206–7, 217, 238, 239, 558
morphine addiction of, xv, xix, xxiii, 109, 124, 139, 203–4, 210, 217, 231, 239, 265, 282, 324, 327, 496, 537, 558, 685, 722, 743
mourning by, 172, 193, 365
pianist talent, 204, 486
Shane and, 138–39, 160
touring actor’s life and, 204, 205, 206, 207, 239–40
unborn wishes about Eugene, xix, 6, 324, 495, 496
will, 198–99
See also O’Neill, Eugene; O’Neill, James; O’Neill, Jamie
O’Neill, Ella Quinlan (Eugene’s mother), plays and
All God’s Chillun Got Wings (O’Neill), 238, 239–40, 241, 244, 246, 247, 496
Cycle play, 462–63, 494–95, 496, 537
Great God Brown, The (O’Neill), 267
Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 536, 537
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill), xv, 18, 139, 205, 206, 207, 227, 365, 446, 498, 548, 555, 556, 559–60, 592
More Stately Mansions (O’Neill), 495
Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 172, 174, 362–63, 363–64, 365, 387, 388, 738, 755
Sea-Mother’s Son, The (O’Neill), 324
Touch of the Poet, A (O’Neill), 444, 462–63, 464–65, 489, 491, 494–95, 496–97, 498, 559, 744, 750
O’Neill, Eugene
allowance from father, 119, 141, 163, 505, 507, 535, 562
America as a “flop,” 625–26
anti-Semitism of, 569–70
appearance of, 3, 6, 9–10, 59, 108, 142, 157, 170, 202, 233, 250, 291, 307, 350–51, 382, 391, 425, 610, 624, 625, 627, 632, 633, 709, 715, 717, 719
birth of, xxiii, 305, 611, 612, 626
“bottom of the sea” (lost souls), 505, 516
charm of, xix, 35, 67, 103, 108, 233, 341, 358, 411, 526, 548, 624, 637, 654, 671
childhood, xv, 97, 109, 130, 139, 162, 163, 204, 217, 222, 225, 228, 239, 285, 305, 325, 365, 397–98, 400, 409–10, 413, 419–20, 421, 424, 480, 485–86, 495, 496, 611–12, 667, 722
death of, xiii, xxi–xxii, xxiii–xxiv, xxv, 32, 87, 106, 107, 305, 342, 517, 551, 572, 631, 647, 663, 675, 676, 709, 725, 728–29, 732, 733–34, 752
diagram of family by, 284–85, 324–25
Doctor of Letters from Yale, 292
Edmund (brother), 142, 167, 171–72, 207, 208, 226, 240, 325, 487, 615
Edward (grandfather), 158
Far East voyage, 56–57, 59, 60, 61, 62–64, 67, 68, 74–75, 77
French Revolution mocking scenario, 573
honesty of, xx, 28
hotels hated by, xxiii–xxiv, 162, 305, 733
Irish heritage, xvii, xviii, 89, 91, 136, 144, 158, 162, 169, 179, 187, 232, 251, 274, 397, 407, 415, 437, 448, 486, 488, 527, 548, 600, 613, 615, 669, 741
“Jekyll and Hyde,” Eugene as, 120
last words of, xxiv, 729, 732, 733–34
“Man with a Mask, The” (Sergeant), 29–30, 315, 624
mothering needs of, xviii, xix, 35, 36, 47, 219, 309, 400, 495
net profit made by, 715
Princeton dismissal, 101, 136, 163, 379
psychoanalysis, 281–82, 284–86, 291, 311, 324–25
success of, xiv, 32, 347–48, 374, 422, 436, 625
swimming, 28, 64, 216, 256, 263–64, 271, 275, 276, 296–97, 299, 301, 313, 355, 374, 385, 386, 390, 408, 411, 415, 450, 478, 490, 686
temper of, xix, 49, 51, 65–66, 67, 97, 98, 123–24, 185, 448, 449, 570, 588, 603, 634, 635, 652, 659–60, 661
See also drinking by Eugene; marriage of Eugene and Agnes; marriage of Eugene and Carlotta; neglected children; specific other O’Neills
O’Neill, Eugene (health)
appendix operation, 473–74, 475, 587
cerebellar degeneration, 735–36
dental work, 182–83, 360, 369, 370, 455, 456, 574
nerves, 3, 48, 53, 58, 64, 67, 72, 133, 139, 143, 148, 157–58, 170, 199, 201, 210, 265, 282, 318, 404, 435, 436, 438, 445, 478, 484–85, 489, 494, 510, 543, 545, 552, 574, 586, 610, 666, 668, 672, 702, 703, 713, 729
Parkinson’s, 572–73, 574, 586, 587, 600, 635, 664, 668, 669–70, 735
problems, xxiv, 64, 74, 150–51, 156–57, 159, 226, 306, 320, 328, 373, 391, 435, 436, 437–38, 440, 451, 466, 473–74, 475, 476, 478, 479, 480, 484–85, 489, 493–94, 502, 543–44, 545, 552, 553, 554, 561, 566, 570, 572–73, 574, 585, 586, 587, 591, 595, 598, 599, 600, 604, 617, 618, 620, 622, 624, 627, 630, 632, 635, 637, 638, 645, 648–49, 662, 663, 664, 666, 667, 668, 669–70, 672, 675, 676, 677, 688, 694, 702, 709–10, 715, 721–22, 723, 724–25, 726–27, 732, 735–36
prostatitis, 473, 474, 475, 478, 479, 493–94, 511, 512, 567, 722
tuberculosis, 63, 64, 90, 130, 162, 222, 232, 504
O’Neill, Eugene (playwright)
actors disdained by, 12, 462
American vs. European theater, 382–83
“birth pangs,” play writing as, 273
Broadway forced to accept him on his terms, 147–48, 154
credo, 168–69
critics vs., xx, 190–91, 258–59, 672–74
first recognition of, 75, 95
Ideal Theater dreams of, 236
Nobel Prizes, 218, 396, 468–72, 475, 479, 482, 520, 644
opening nights, not attended by, 3
plagiarism lawsuit against, 80–81
production shunned by, 436, 452, 469, 484, 549, 592–93, 605
Pulitzer Prizes, 3, 8, 13, 48, 161, 191, 215, 409
rights to Eugene’s plays, 723–24
royalties from plays, 290, 746
success of, 218, 396, 468–72, 475, 479, 482, 520, 644
writing as vacation from living, 63, 351, 592
writing days over, 664, 665, 669, 670, 672, 704
See also specific themes and titles
O’Neill, Eugene Jr. (Eugene’s and Kathleen’s son)
appearance of, 314, 353, 492, 620, 621
Barbara and, 293
bicycle accident (fractured skull), 273, 621
childhood, 213, 214, 621
Communist Party joined by, 492
death of, 728
drinking by, 621, 622, 680, 681, 682, 683
education support from Eugene, 213, 214, 256, 273, 442
Elizabeth “Betty” Greene (first wife), 385–86, 408, 508
Eugene and Agnes and, 213, 214, 216, 272–73
Eugene and Carlotta and, 353, 385–86, 4
08, 443, 480, 492, 508, 510, 620–22, 679, 684, 686, 705
Mat Burke (Irish terrier), 222, 278
neglected by Eugene, 65, 66, 109, 136, 138, 273, 506–7, 558, 570, 679, 680
Peaked Hill Bars, 373
PhD diploma sent to Eugene, 684
radio announcer at WTIC, 621–22
Ruth Lander (lover), 621, 679–80, 682, 683, 684, 710
Sally Hayward (third wife), 508, 510, 621
Shane and, 350, 480, 482, 612, 613
suicide of, 678, 680–81, 682–83, 684, 686, 687, 694, 696
Yale and, 350, 353, 386, 458, 479, 621–22, 680
See also O’Neill, Eugene; O’Neill, Kathleen
O’Neill, Eugene Jr. (Eugene and Kathleen’s son), plays and
Ah, Wilderness! (O’Neill), 412
Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 620, 621
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill), 613, 728
Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 386
O’Neill, James (Eugene’s father)
actor, xviii, xxiii, 12, 89, 109, 124, 136, 140, 141, 162, 166, 169, 204, 206, 251, 347, 462
Agnes and, 164–65, 167
allowance given to Eugene, 119, 141, 163, 505, 507, 535, 562
car accident of, 125, 148, 152
Catholic faith, 327, 328
Charles Racine passage paid for by, 101
childhood, 169, 250–51
death of, 161–67, 187, 248, 267, 439, 464, 722
diagram of family by Eugene, 285
drinking by, xv, 144, 145, 149, 162, 265, 504
estate of, 170–71, 172, 192, 198, 250, 251
Eugene and, 161–67, 187, 248, 267
Eugene vs., 125, 163, 348, 420
health, 85, 148, 158, 160, 161
Kathleen and, 136, 137, 163, 213
marriage, 206–7, 217, 238, 239, 558
Nettie Walsh divorce suit, 205–6
Shane and, 160
skinflint, xv, 162, 163, 222, 488
“snootiness,” 397–98
theater dying prediction, 627
touring actor’s life, xviii, 141, 142, 163, 169, 170, 171, 204, 205, 206, 207
“warning from the Beyond,” 166, 167, 168, 169
wedding gift (Peaked Hill Bars), 50–51, 125, 133, 569
See also O’Neill, Ella; O’Neill, Eugene; O’Neill, Jamie
O’Neill, James (Eugene’s father), plays and
Ah, Wilderness! (O’Neill), 420, 421
All God’s Chillun Got Wings (O’Neill), 187, 238, 239, 240–42, 244, 246, 247, 532–33
Beyond the Horizon (O’Neill), 152
Count of Monte Cristo, The (touring version), xviii, 141, 163, 169, 170, 171, 206, 207, 393, 464, 478, 559
Cycle play, 439–40, 460, 462, 464, 566
Desire Under the Elms (O’Neill), 187, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254–55, 257, 258, 669
Fountain, The (O’Neill), 187
Great God Brown, The (O’Neill), 267
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill), xv, 163, 187, 206, 548, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559
Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 187, 362, 363, 365, 388
Passion play fiasco, 266–67
Tale of Possessors Self-Dispossessed, A (O’Neill), 439–40, 460, 462, 464, 566
Touch of the Poet, A (O’Neill), 73, 187, 444, 459–61, 462, 463–64, 489, 565, 566, 744
O’Neill, Jamie (Eugene’s brother)
Agnes and, 88–89, 129, 188
childhood, 171, 197, 227, 230–31
death of, 226, 227, 232, 238, 248, 364
drinking by, 172, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202–3, 208, 215, 221, 224, 225, 226, 228, 504, 527
Ella’s burial service, 208, 226, 230
Ella’s funeral train, 201–3, 228–29, 537, 571
Ella’s terminal illness, 198–200
estate, 256, 271
Eugene and, 224–26, 228, 248, 256, 267, 271, 364
health, 224, 225–26, 228
measles, exposing Edmund, 171, 172, 559
replacing father, 170, 171, 172, 193, 197
See also O’Neill, Ella; O’Neill; Eugene; O’Neill, James
O’Neill, Jamie (Eugene’s brother), plays and
Days Without End (O’Neill), 401
Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 519, 525, 534, 537, 538
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill), xv, 73, 139, 227, 556, 557, 558, 567, 571
Moon for the Misbegotten, A (O’Neill), 73, 208, 227, 228–30, 525, 534, 557, 642, 643, 675, 744
O’Neill, Kathleen (Eugene’s first wife), 136, 137, 141, 142, 163, 213, 214, 256, 273, 349, 442, 480, 558, 683–84
See also O’Neill, Eugene; O’Neill, Eugene Jr.
O’Neill, Oona (Eugene and Agnes’s daughter), xix, xv, xvi, xx
Agnes and, 752
appearance of, 291, 563, 579
birth of, 273, 274
Brearley private girls’ school, 563, 564, 575
“don’t forget your Daddy,” 349, 387
Eugene and Carlotta and, 403, 404, 481, 482, 508–9, 509–10, 561, 563–67, 575, 576–78, 579–82, 705, 720
letters (from Marcus to Saroyan) written with Salinger’s phrases, 578, 582
marry rich/famous man goal, 509, 564, 581
murder of Finn (Irish wolfhound), 339–40
neglected by Eugene, xix–xx, 26, 32–33, 42, 48, 52, 61, 65, 66, 74, 133, 275, 302, 303, 321, 333, 336, 347, 357, 387, 403, 442, 506–7, 508, 567, 570, 709, 715
servants’ care of, 338, 341
Touch of the Poet, A, (O’Neill), 565, 566
See also Chaplin, Oona; O’Neill, Agnes; O’Neill, Eugene
O’Neill, Oona (Eugene and Agnes’s daughter), plays and
Cycle play, 565, 566
Tale of Possessors Self-Dispossessed, A (O’Neill), 565, 566
O’Neill, Shane (Eugene and Agnes’s son), xix, xv, xx
appearance of, 277, 291, 481, 489
birth of, 136, 138–39, 271, 332
boarding schools, 386, 480–81, 489
Catherine Givens (wife), 613–15
“don’t forget your Daddy,” 349
drug addiction, xx, 667–68, 685
Ella and, 138–39, 160
Eugene and Carlotta and, 386–87, 403, 404, 408, 442, 443, 481–83, 489–90, 507, 510, 561–63, 577, 613–15, 667–68, 705, 720
Eugene III (Shane and Catherine’s son), 613, 614–15
Eugene Jr. and, 350, 480, 482, 612, 613
fishing, 300, 301, 340, 341
health, 615
James and, 160
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill), 685
murder of Finn (Irish wolfhound), 339–40
neglected by Eugene, xix–xx, 26, 32–33, 42, 48, 61, 65, 66, 74, 132, 133, 143, 144, 145, 157, 170, 177, 215, 216–17, 248, 254, 256, 257, 261, 302, 303, 315, 333, 336, 340, 347, 357, 386, 403, 480, 481, 506–7, 570, 612
Peaked Hill Bars, 162, 168
royalties from Eugene’s plays, 746
servants’ care of, 169, 183, 186, 308, 338
Sheila (daughter), 340
suicide of, 684–85
See also O’Neill, Agnes; O’Neill, Eugene
O’Neill (documentary), xviii
O’Neill (Gelb and Gelb), xvi, xviii, xxi, xxiv, 672, 734
One More Victim: The Life and Death of a Jewish Nazi (Gelb, A. and Rosenthal), xvii
“Oneness of Mankind,” All God’s Chillun Got Wings (O’Neill), 247
“On the Beach” (O’Neill), 601
On the Track of Murder (Gelb, B.), xvii
“P., Miss” (Miss Pussy), 155, 156, 185, 358
See also O’Neill, Agnes
Paris Herald, 76, 80
Park Avenue duplex, 385–87, 390, 398, 402, 405, 406, 467
“paroxysmalo dipsomaniac,” 265
Part of a Long Story (O’Neill, A.), 86–87, 90, 342
Patterson, Robert Lee, 654, 660, 661, 662, 663, 702, 717–18
Peaked Hill Bars, 44, 50–51, 125, 133–35, 162, 163, 168, 169, 172, 176, 184, 185, 186, 214, 215, 216, 221, 222, 257, 259, 271, 274, 288, 289, 290, 373, 467
Pearl Harbor attacked by Japanese, 571
“personality studies,” 29–30, 315, 614
Phelps, William Lyon, 410
Phillips, Mrs., 198, 199, 200, 208–9
“Pig of the Hell Hole” (O’Neill), 533
Pinchot, Ann, 390, 391, 407
Pinchot, Ben, 24, 350, 390, 391
pipe dreams and survival, 520, 521, 522, 523, 532, 536, 541, 550, 627
See also Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill)
Pirandello, Luigi, 468
Pitt-Smith, George (Kathleen’s husband), 213
Pitt-Smith, Kathleen, 683–84
Playwrights’ Theatre, 87, 88, 91, 107, 119, 120, 122, 127, 129, 149, 176, 177, 178, 195, 351, 549, 651
See also Provincetown Playhouse
PM, 630
Poe, Edgar Allan, 302–3
“poet and mystic,” 259
See also All God’s Chillun Got Wings (O’Neill); Desire Under the Elms (O’Neill); Emperor Jones, The (O’Neill); Hairy Ape, The (O’Neill); O’Neill, Eugene (playwright)
Point O’Rocks Lane, xxii, 665–66, 667, 671, 675, 678, 686, 687, 688–96, 697, 703, 705, 706, 708, 711, 714
Polo, Marco, Marco Millions (O’Neill), 11
Portman, Eric, 744
Powers, Norman, 691
President Monroe (liner), 70–71, 72
Princeton, 47, 101, 136, 163, 379, 420
producers. See specific producers
Prohibition, 131, 143–44, 145, 185
prostitutes (good-hearted), 530, 711
See also Anna Christie (O’Neill); Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill)
Provincetown Players, xvii, 15, 27, 38, 87, 88, 91, 94, 97, 100, 103, 119, 122, 123, 127, 140, 152, 153, 159, 180, 182, 184, 190, 195, 196, 213, 216, 235, 241, 257, 420, 527, 579, 651
Provincetown Playhouse, 195, 201, 242–43, 257, 517, 639
See also Playwrights’ Theatre
Puccini, Giacomo, 130
Pulitzer Prize winners, 3, 8, 13, 48, 161, 191, 215, 395, 409, 424
Purvis-Stewart, Sir James, 265–66
Pyne, Mary, 87
Quinlan. See O’Neill, Ella Quinlan
Quinlan, Bridget (Ella’s mother), 204–5, 208, 487, 488, 558