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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

Page 10

by Timothy Beckley

  Certainly neither the public at large, and not even UFOlogists generally, seem thoroughly aware of the real risks UFO investigators run. In fact those UFOlogists who are aware of the suspicious deaths of some of their colleagues in the 50s and 60s, seem to believe that whatever forces and agencies that were then responsible have softened their tactics in the `80s and `90s. The evidence, as we have indicated, does not seem to support such a conclusion. There is no doubt, however, that the `50s and `60s produced some strange goings-on.

  Jessup and McDonald Undoubtedly the most intriguing (and perhaps appalling) deaths in UFOlogy were those of Dorothy Kilgallen, M.K. Jessup and Dr. James McDonald - the former an alleged accident, the latter two purported suicides. The details of these deaths, despite official pronouncements to the contrary, are disturbing to say the least. Each of the three individuals seemed to have much to live for, all were successful, and everyone of them was deeply immersed in the relatively new UFO-phenomena problem.

  Dorothy Kilgallen Dorothy Kilgallen was the most famous syndicated woman journalist of her day. Stationed in England in 1954 - 55, and privy to the highest levels of English society and its secrets, she wired two unusual dispatches which may have contributed to her death. The first, sent in February 1954, mentioned a "special hush-hush meeting of the world's military heads" scheduled to take place the following summer. The 1955 dispatch, which barely preceded her death from an alleged overdose of alcohol (a la quoted an unnamed British official of cabinet rank, `We believe, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, that saucers were staffed by small menprobably under four feet tall. It's frightening, but there is no denying the flying saucers come from another planet.'

  Whatever the source (rumored to be the Earl of Mountbatten), this kind of leak in the atmosphere of the mid- 50s was an unacceptable leak. It is well to recall that the secret CIA-orchestrated Robertson Panel had met in 1953 and issued the Robertson Report. Briefly summarized, this document-and the attitudes reflected there - represented a new hard-line attitude to covering up all significant UFO phenomena. The year 1953 and the meeting of the Robertson Panel truly initiated the UFO cover up as we know it today, with a few extra dollops having been added.

  Did Dorothy Kilgallen actually commit accidental suicide? There appears to be an excellent chance she had help.

  sleeping pills and Marilyn Monroe),

  Dr. James McDonald Dr. James McDonald, senior physicist, Institute of Atmospheric Physics and also professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona, died in 1971 purportedly of a gunshot wound to the head. There is no one who had worked harder in the 60s than McDonald to convince Congress to hold serious, substantial subcommittee meetings to explore the UFO reality of which he was thoroughly convinced. He was definitely a thorn in the side of those who maintained the official cover up and, needless to say, his passing to them would be a blessing.

  McDonald, allegedly depressed, shot himself in the head. But, alas, he didn't die. He was wheelchair-ridden but somehow, several months after his first attempt, he allegedly got in an automobile, drove to a pawnshop, purchased another pistol from his wheelchair, drove to the desert and did himself in. How convenient, one might say, for his adversaries. And McDonald, there can be no doubt, had made enemies. The question is: How much did these enemies aid and abet the demise of this most worthy and influential campaigner?

  Astronomer M.K Jessup When astronomer and archaeologist M. K. Jessup allegedly committed suicide in Dade County Park, FL., in 1959 certain alarm bells should have gone off. There is no doubt the well-known author of such influential works as The Case for the UFO and The Expanding Case for the UFO had been depressed. Things had not been going well for him, and he had, it must be admitted, indicated his gloom to close friends, Ivan Sanderson, the biologist, and Long John Nebel, the well-known New York City radio host. Sanderson reported him disturbed by "a series of strange events" which put him "into a completely insane world of unreality."

  Was the reality Jessup was faced with at the time "completely insane" or were there, perhaps, forces driving Jessup to the edge, forces with a plan? Anna Genzlinger conclusion: Remember, these were the days of secret governmental

  mind-control experiments which have only recently been uncovered. Certain facts about the case raise red flags. For example, no autopsy was performed, contrary to the state law. Sergeant Obenclain, who was on the scene shortly after Jessup's body was discovered, has said for the record, "Everything seemed too professional." The hose from the car exhaust was wired on; and it was, strangely, washing machine hose. Jessup died at rush hour, with more than the usual amount of traffic passing by. He had been visited by Carlos Allende three days before his death and according to his wife, had been receiving strange phone calls. thoroughly investigated his death. Her "He was under some sort of control." We know the navy was very much interested in what he was doing; and we all know, or should know, it is the ONI (Office of Naval Investigations) that has been in the forefront, from the very beginning, of the UFO coverup.

  And what of particular interest was Jessup investigating at the time? Something that was top secret and would remain so for some time: the Philadelphia Experiment. Dr. James McDonald tried to convince Congress to look into the UFO situation. He died after shooting himself a short while later.

  The late astronomer Dr. M.K. Jessup was the first to reveal details of the Philadelphia Experiment-he died a few months later.

  Frank Edwards Frank Edwards, the noted news commentator, died of an alleged heart attack on June 24, 1967, on the 20th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting. Was that coincidence?

  Probably not. Several other prominent UFOlogists died the same day, Arthur Bryant, the contactee, Richard Church, chairman of CIGIUFO and the space writer, Willie Ley. The circumstances surrounding the death of Edwards, who like James McDonald was pushing for meaningful Congressional subcommittee meetings, raise huge questions. It so happens that a "World UFO Conference" was being held in New York City at the Commodore hotel on that very day in June, chaired by UFO publisher and author Gray Barker. Barker stated publicly that he had received two letters and a telephone call threatening that Frank Edwards, who was not in attendance, would not be alive by the conference's end.

  It definitely looks like someone was sending a message. As an unhappy sequel to this account, Rep. Rouse, who had been supporting Edwards in his campaign for Congressional attention to the UFO issue, died of a similar heart attack shortly afterwards.

  The annals of UFOlogy are frighteningly filled with the deaths of UFOlogists from unusual cancers, heart attacks, questionable suicides and all manner of strange happenings. Did former Secretary of Defense James Forrestal really commit suicide as purported by jumping out a hotel window at about the time saucers may have been crashing down in the southwestern desert? Was UFO writer Damon Runyon, Jr.'s suicidal plunge off a Washington D.C. bridge in 1988 really an act of will? What really happened to Dr. B. Noel Opan who, in 1959, after an alleged visit by MIBs, disappeared, as did Edgar Jarrold, the Australian UFOlogist, in 1960.

  How do we explain the rash of heart attacks that took so many: Frank Edwards, Rep. Rouse, author H. T. Wilkins, Henry E Kock, publicity director of the Universal Research Society of America, author Frank Scully and contactee George Adamski? How do we correlate accurately the large number of purported suicides, including: Rev. Della Larson, contactee, author Gloria Lee (Byrd), Marie Ford, UFO enthusiast who discovered Larson's body, researcher Doug Hancock, and, more recently, researcher Feron Hicks? What do we do with the inordinately large number of cancer deaths which pepper the UFO field and burn doubtful holes in our credulity: Canadian researcher Wilbert B. Smith, Brazilian researcher Dr. Olavo Fontes, Jim and Coral Lorenzen (photos are earlier in this article), and the deaths of biologist Ivan Sanderson and CUFOS founder James A. Hynek (photo at the start of this article) (both from rare brain cancer)?

  Certainly not all of these individuals, as well as many other less prominent researchers that
space limitations do not allow us to mention, were marked for termination. Many, perhaps most, died natural deaths. But so many of the cases leave doubt; some seem to be branded by the mark of Cain. We know now how easy it is to induce strokes and heart attacks through chemicals, pulsed beams and microbes. We have learned that the federal government was (and still is) involved in PSI-tech research. An individual's mind is rather easily manipulated, and minds can be subtly beaten like putty into despair and madness.

  Ivan T. Sanderson

  The late Ivan T. Sanderson passed away unexpectedly. He was head of a major UFO/paranormal group! UFOlogy is not the safe, hobbyist pastime some would like it to be. There is danger, real danger in sticking your nose in places where the powers that be don't want you to be. Many of the deaths related above are highly suspicious. Some appear to be outright murder.

  What is the cause, who the villain? Again, it must be emphasized that the "problem" is complex. Rogue intelligence agencies, negative ET groups, freelancing PSI-tech firms, and reactionary cultist groups all seem to play, or to have played, a part in the more nefarious UFOrelated events described here including the possible homicides of UFO researchers in past

  decades as well as more recently. It seems highly likely that sometimes one or more of these agencies may be working together, either with or without the knowledge of the other's presence.

  What can we do about such a state of affairs? Several things. We can inform ourselves like good democratic citizens. And we can inform others. We can and must raise a hue and cry when we suspect foul play. If we are to protect our very lives and the democratic hopes we say we cherish, then we must not go, silent and ignorant, into the night, pretending an innocence we have not earned.

  Copyright G.C. Schellhorn

  The Mysterious Life and Death of Philip Schneider By Tim Swartz With assistance from Cynthia Drayer

  Al Pratt suspected something was wrong with his friend Philip Schneider. For several days in a row, Al had gone to Phil's apartment, in Willsonville, Oregon, saw his car in the parking lot, but received no answer at the door. Finally, on January 17th, 1996, Al Pratt, along with the manager of the Autumn Park Apartments and a detective from the Clackamas County Sheriff's office entered the apartment. Inside, they found the body of Philip Schneider. Apparently he had been dead for five to seven days. The Clackamas County Coroner's office initially attributed Philip Schneider's death to a stroke. However, in the following days disturbing details about his death began to surface, leading some to believe that Philip Schneider had not died from a stroke, but had in fact been murdered.

  to be an ex-government Philip Schneider's life was certainly as controversial as his death. He was born on April 23, 1947 at Bethesda Navy Hospital. Philip's parents were Oscar and Sally Schneider. Oscar Schneider was a Captain in the United States Navy, worked in nuclear medicine and helped design the first nuclear submarines. Captain Schneider was also part of OPERATION CROSSROADS, which was responsible for the testing of nuclear weapons in the Pacific AT Bikini Island. In a lecture videotaped in May 1996, Philip Schneider Schneider, "Philadelphia Experiment." In addition, Philip claimed structural engineer who was involved in building

  underground military bases (DUMB) around the country, and to be one of only three people to survive the 1979 incident between the alien Grays and U.S. military forces at the Dulce underground base. Philip Schneider's ex-wife, Cynthia Drayer believes that Philip was murdered because he publicly revealed the truth about the U.S. government's involvement with UFOs.

  claimed that his father, Captain Oscar

  was also involved with the infamous For two years prior to his death, Philip Schneider had been on a lecture tour talking about government cover-ups, black budgets, and UFOs. Philip stated in his lecture that in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution and form a treaty with extraterrestrials. The treaty was called the 1954 Greada Treaty. Officials agreed that for extraterrestrial technology, the Grays could test their implanting techniques on select citizens. However, the extraterrestrials had to inform the government just who had been abducted and subject to implants. Slowly over time, the aliens altered the bargain, abducting and implanting thousands of people without reporting back to the government.

  In 1979, Philip was employed by Morrison-Knudsen, Inc. He was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, New Mexico. The project at that time had drilled four holes in the desert that were to be linked together with tunnels. Philip's job was to go down the holes, check the rock samples, and recommend the explosives to deal with the particular rock. In the process, the workers accidentally opened a large artificial cavern, a secret base for the aliens known as Grays. In the panic that occurred, sixty-seven workers and military personnel were killed, with Philip Schneider being one of only three people to survive. Philip claimed that scars on his chest were caused by his being struck by an alien weapon that would later result in cancer due to the radiation.

  If Philip Schneider's claims are true, then his knowledge of the secret government, UFOs and other information kept from the public, could have serious repercussions to the world as we know it. In his lectures, Philip spoke on such topics as the Space-Defense-Initiative, black helicopters, railroad cars built with shackles to contain political prisoners, the World Trade Center bombing, and the secret black budget.

  Quotes taken from a lecture given by Philip Schneider in May, 1995, at Post Falls, Idaho.

  Railroad Cars "Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication, where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day excited, and he told me 'they're building prisoner cars.' He was nervous. Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles. There are 11 subcontractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland. He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government. "

  "Star Wars" And The Alien Threat" "68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. "Star Wars" relies heavily upon stealth weaponry. By the way, none of the stealth program would have been available if we had not taken apart crashed alien disks. None of it. Some of you might ask what the space shuttle is 'shuttling." Large ingots of special metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the Earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them. We are not even being told anything close to the truth. I believe our government officials have sold us down the drain - lock, stock and barrel. Up until several weeks ago, I was employed by the U.S. government with a Rhyolite-38 clearance factor - one of the highest in the world. I believe the "Star Wars" program is there solely to act as a buffer to prevent alien attack - it has nothing to do with the 'cold war,' which was only a toy to garner money from all the people. For what? The whole lie was planed and executed for the last 75 years."

  Black Helicopters "There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United States. For every hour that goes by, there is one being built. Is this the proper use of our money? What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us. I doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide. There are 157 F117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar. They can see you walking from room to room when they fly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air with a variation limit of one inch to 30,000 miles. That's how accurate that is. I worked in the federal government for a long time, and I know exactly how they handle their business."

  Terrorist Bombings "I was hired
not too long ago to do a report on the World Trade Center Bombing. I was hired because I know about the 90 some odd varieties of chemical explosives. I looked at the pictures taken right after the blast. The concrete was puddled and melted. The steel and the rebar was literally extruded up to six feet longer than its original length. There is only one weapon that can do that - a small nuclear weapon. A construction-type nuclear device. Obviously, when they say that it was a nitrate explosive that did the damage, they're lying 100 percent folks. I want to further mention that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it. " First, they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertilizer bomb. Then, it was 1,500. then, 2,000 pounds. Now its 20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertilizer in a Rider Truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know the chemical structure and the application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States. I worked on the Malta project in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate explosion would have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oklahoma City. It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would have never have done that kind of damage. I believe I have been lied to, and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that I have been lied to."

  In 1987 Philip married Cynthia Marie Drayer Simon. The two had met in June of 1986 at a meeting of the Oregon Agate and Mineral Society. As Cynthia put it years later, "He had so many interesting stories, so much information to share, we bonded and love began to bloom." Philip and Cynthia would later have a daughter, Marie Schneider. Unfortunately their marriage had difficulties. According to Cynthia, health problems contributed to their break up. Philip had multiple health concerns, many of which could have killed him. He had chronic lower back pain that never went away, even after a back operation. He had multiple Sclerosis, which was chronic and progressive. Occasionally he had to use, crutches, a body brace, leg braces, bladder bag, catheter, diapers, and a wheelchair. He often had to sleep in a hospital bed with railings, a helmet, and body braces. When Cynthia first met him he was taking Dilantin for seizures, and almost died 3 times from this medication due to an allergic reaction.


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