Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists Page 11

by Timothy Beckley

  Philip also had Brittle Bone Syndrome (osteoporosis) and cancer in his arms. He had hundreds of shrapnel wounds, a plate in his head with a metal fragment in his brain, fingers missing from his left hand. There was a scar that ran down from the top of his throat to below his belly button, and another scar that ran from just under his ribs, side to side. Cynthia would later state " Philip was a complex person. he had brain damage after a bomb was dropped on him while working as a civilian structural engineer for Morrison-Knudsen in Vietnam. He had a Rhyolite clearance. He was learning disabled, brilliant in some areas, yet unable to fill out a form in the Doctors office. Able to create time travel formulas, but unable to budget money; he had to file bankruptcy one year. I now believe that he had been 'deprogrammed' so that he could not remember most of his 'past' life. But something began to happen shortly after we first met. Perhaps because of the seizures, or because he changed his medication, or because he now had another person to talk to that was interested in what he had to say, he began to remember the old days. Being the scientific, logical minded person I am, I listened intently to his stories with a grain of salt, waiting for additional information to verify them. I can still remember the night he began to talk in some foreign language (sounded like Chinese and another night in what sounded like French.) Philip told me he knew 11 languages before the brain damage. After the space shuttle, Challenger, exploded, I visited Philip in his apartment. He had a large chalk board with complicated formulas which proved that a 'cosmosphere' had shot down the space shuttle."

  Cynthia also said, "It was a difficult marriage for both of us, which was complicated by a failed self-employed business selling rocks, minerals, and antiques, Philip's re-constructive surgery on scars on his chest, his lower back operation, my gall-bladder surgery and the birth of our daughter, all within a 1 year period. The pressures of our new family, failed business, and physical problems culminated in our divorce in 1990. Philip was an emotional abuser and could be very mean and abusive. He was a complex person - part genius and part paranoid schizophrenic. We had a bad marriage but developed it into a great friendship."

  One of Philip's more amazing stories was his fathers alleged involvement with the "Philadelphia Experiment." When Philip's father, Captain Oscar Schneider (Navy Medical Corp.) died in 1993, Philip discovered original letters in his basement. According to Philip, the letters were evidence that the Philadelphia Experiment actually existed, and that Oscar Schneider had been a participant in it after the crew members had been quarantined in a Virginia psychiatric ward. Captain Schneider supposedly autopsied the bodies of the crew members as they died, and found alien implants in their arms, legs, behind their eyes, and deep inside their brains. Captain Schneider was confused by these implants, so they obviously were not military. They had to have been alien in nature, and the small "transistor" like item was discovered before transistors had been invented. Here was evidence that either by accident, or on purpose, aliens were involved with the Philadelphia Experiment, and were probably responsible for its failure.

  Also discovered in Oscar's basement were photographs taken during Operation Crossroads, in which a nuclear device was used on Bikini Island. Authentic military photos taken from an airplane showed UFOs raising up from the lagoon and flying through the mushroom cloud. These photos however, mysteriously disappeared from Philips apartment at the time of his death.

  Some investigators in Philip Schneider's mysterious death have had problems believing some of the incredible claims he made before he died. Even those who knew Philip when he was alive didn't always accept the validity of his stories. Cynthia Schneider noted that when Philip was under crisis or pressure, he would tell people that he had been arrested, or that people from the sheriff's office or government had been at his door. This was the way he expressed his crisis. Unfortunately she claims, sometimes it was true, Like "the little boy who cried wolf," his friends became numb to his reports.

  Despite the fact that Philip's claims seemed too wild or disturbing to be true, he obviously believed in what he was saying. Philip claimed that his life was in danger because he was revealing the truth, a truth that some would kill to keep secret. He borrowed a gun from his friend Ron Utella, stating that he felt he needed protection and that there had been several attempts to have his car run off the road. In the end, though, Philip's safeguards were not enough to save his life. On either January 10 or 11, 1996, Philip Schneider died under mysterious circumstances.

  After the initial cause of Philip's death was listed as a stroke, Cynthia asked to see the body before it was to be prepared for cremation. She was dissuaded by the funeral director who felt that the body's advanced state of decomposition would be too traumatic. However, she could not shake the feeling that something was wrong. The next day Cynthia was contacted by Detective Randy Harris who said that "something was wrong" - that there were marks on Philip's neck. Philip Schneider's body was removed from the funeral home and autopsied by Dr. Karen Gunson, Medical Examiner for Multnomah County, Oregon. The autopsy revealed that Philip had in fact died as a result of having a rubber hose wrapped three times, tightly around his neck and tied in a knot. The conclusion from the autopsy was that he had committed suicide. He had wrapped the tubing around his neck, tied it in a knot, blocked the flow of blood to his head, became unconscious and finally died.

  More surprising was Cynthia's discovery that Philips lecture material, unknown metals, military photographs, and all notes for his unwritten book on UFOs were missing from his apartment. However, money and other valuables were left untouched.

  When he was found in his apartment, Philip's body was in an unusual position. His feet were under the bed, his head was in a wheelchair seat, at an unusual angle, the rest of his body was on the floor, hands by his sides. There was blood found on the floor near the wheelchair, but no blood was found on the wheelchair. There were no apparent wounds on Philip's body to account for the blood. No sample of the blood was taken due to the initial belief that Philip had died of natural causes. No suicide note has ever been found. In fact, Mark Rufener, a long time friend of Philip said, " I saw Philip the weekend of January 6 and 7th 1996. We were going to buy land in Colorado. We were excited because he was going to hire me to help write a book about his knowledge on UFOs and aliens, the One World Government, and the Black Budget. He did not commit suicide, he was murdered and it was made to look like a suicide. "

  When he was alive, Philip enjoyed eating out at the 76 Truck Stop in Aurora, Oregon. A waitress named Donna remembered his stops when they would talk about his work. Philip mentioned to her that there had been 19 attempts to stop him from talking. Donna states that Philip said "If they ever say that I have committed suicide, you will know that I have been murdered." She said that Philip believed he had a mission to talk about a government cover-up about aliens and UFOs, and that there were forces out to stop people who talked.

  Was Philip Schneider murdered? His ex-wife Cynthia believes this to be the case. She thinks that Philip was met by someone he knew and injected with a drug in order TO incapacitate him. The assailants then wrapped the rubber hose around his neck, asphyxiating him. In fact, shortly after Philip's death, several friends told Cynthia that they had seen Philip with an unknown blond women several weeks before he died. During the course of the meeting, Cynthia noticed a long-haired blond women in a car, watching the meeting through the window with a pair of binoculars. When they tried to approach the car, the woman quickly sped away. Cynthia later traced the license plate number and it turned out to be from a truck, with the plate reported as stolen. Cynthia thinks the reports of women with blond hair is significant because Cynthia's mother, through a channeling session, had told her that a woman wearing a blond wig was involved in Philip's death.

  Despite the fact that officials have closed the case as a suicide, and Philip's surviving siblings have tried to persuade Cynthia to accept the ruling, Cynthia has not stopped in her efforts to discover the truth in her ex-husband's death. She says that
she knows in her heart and soul that Philip would not have committed suicide willingly, and she still hopes that Philips blood and urine can be relocated by the Multnomah County Medical Examiner's Office and examined for traces of drugs that would not normally be there. However, as the days go by the reality for such tests grows smaller. She still hopes that someone will come forward with pertinent information to help her find justice for Philip's death. Until that time comes, Cynthia Drayer will continue her task, perhaps putting her own safety at risk. That prospect doesn't frighten her anymore, " I just want people to know the truth about Philip Schneider, a person who died trying to expose the difficult truths of this world."

  If you have any information concerning the death of

  Philip Schneider, you can E-mail Cynthia Drayer at: [email protected]

  Something Looks Strange My Friend Compiled By Robert Goreman On January 9, 1967, Mr. Edward and Mrs. Arline Christiansen and family returned home after a trip to Florida to their new house in Wildwood, New Jersey. A UFO sighting made the previous November was the last thing on their minds.

  At 5:30 PM, there was a knock at the door. A representative of the "Missing Heirs Bureau" said that he was looking for an Edward Christiansen who had inherited a great deal of money. This investigator dressed in black and stood at least six-foot-six with an enormous frame, with thyroid eyes, dead white skin, and pipe-stem limbs. His shoes featured unusually thick rubber soles. Despite his size, the visitor spoke in a high "tinny" voice that issued in an emotionless monotone, in clipped phrases, "like a computer." When he removed his jacket, he disclosed an official-looking gold badge on his shirt pocket which he instantly covered with his hand and removed.

  As he sought personal information to determine if he had located the missing heir, this investigator wheezed with labored breathing and his face got redder by the minute. He asked for a glass of water and swallowed a large yellow pill. He returned to normal after taking it.

  Arline and her seventeen-year- old daughter Connie both noticed that the inquisitor's too-short trousers had ridden up his skinny leg and saw a thick green wire that came out of his sock and disappeared under his pants. The wire seemed to be indented into his leg at one point and was covered by a large brown spot.

  Although UFOs were never mentioned, this case is pure MIB. When the visitor left the house and reached the road, he gave a hand signal and a 1963 black Cadillac pulled alongside with its headlights out. The stranger climbed into the car and it drove off, its headlights still off.

  Abduction Researcher Karla Turner The Men In Khaki by Greg Bishop


  The 1994 MUFON convention featured one speaker whose book I had read and who I wanted to speak with. Fortunately, I had an excuse for an interview because of a zine I was publishing at the time.

  The researcher was female, a rarity in the UFO field. She had written two books on the abduction scenario, Into The Fringe, and Taken, which impressed me as different views on the subject than were making the rounds at the time. There was little discussion of breeding programs or alien takeover of our genetic material. Instead, she examined what the phenomenon meant to the individuals involved, on a personal as well as a symbolic level.

  It was with a little nervousness that I introduced myself to Karla Turner. She turned out to be a polite, charming, and intelligent person, although I don't know why I expected otherwise. Perhaps it was the forthright tone in her writing, which conveyed a strong dedication and no-nonsense attitude.

  She agreed to an interview, which we conducted at the hotel in Austin where the convention was held. At this point, I was willing to accept most of the abduction stories as true, at least as many of the witnesses reported them. I still have little doubt that Turner was sincere and honest about her experiences, and those of her husband, who had both been subject to strange visitations for many years. She didn't really care about people who questioned her interests and tended to ignore all but those who could offer useful information in her quest for answers.

  The interview was published, and Turner took me seriously enough to keep up a correspondence for two more years, until her death in 1996. We talked on the phone once every month or two, and she suggested people and subjects that I might want to study. Most of them had little or nothing to do with abductions.

  Strangely, almost every piece of mail that I received from Turner showed evidence of tampering. Some were simply left open, while others were sealed in plastic with an apology from the US Post Office. I asked her about this, and she began to send envelopes with a piece of tape over the flap, writing "sealed by sender" over it. The tampering stopped. This sort of thing happened with only one other person, and he was a cattle mutilation researcher.

  One experience made me wonder about not just Turner herself, but the whole subject of abductions in general. On the night before our interview, I woke up four or five times: at 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. This is the only time this has happened in my life. Turner and others later told me that this was a little-known experience of many who had claimed anomalous interludes with the UFO phenomenon. My host in Austin, Wes Nations, told me that his neighbors had seen people in khaki outfits looking around his home the day after I left, and that a fire had broken out soon after they disappeared. It did little damage, and may have been a coincidence, but made all of us wonder just what it was that Karla Turner had uncovered.

  Listen to Greg Bishop every Sunday night at www.

  The Guardian Men In Black, An Investigation Subject Bob Oechsler

  Among the attachments included here are responses to questions submitted regarding CURSE.TXT, Guardian, "Original Guardian", Alien Liaison book reference authored by Timothy Good, etc. and the following file listings.

  [1] Biographical Information Sheet - Bob Oechsler

  [2] Guardian Investigation - UFO Video Case (February 1993)

  [3] Insider's Report - Investigating the Guardian Enigma

  The latter is an in depth report on the investigation through May of 1993. There have been other interesting revelations and discoveries since then that again tend to support more of Guardian's claims reported as "preposterous" by Robert Stack on the "Unsolved Mysteries" broadcast of 2-03-93. My personal experience indicates that this one case has been subjected to more diversified scientific scrutiny than any other UFO case. Much of that is no doubt due to the fact that there exists such an abundance of tangible evidence to work with, both tactile and corporeal. With that stated, I'll start by responding to the questions in order of number received.

  1) Unspecified Guardian question ... (Lee)

  [RES] ... Refer to attached [2] & [3] above.

  2) Was Bob approached by an MIB? ... (Leslie)

  [RES] ... While I have researched the MIB (Men In Black) phenomenon for several years and recently investigated a possible MIB incident in Maryland, I cannot confirm that I've ever been directly approached by anyone or anything fitting the common description. Suggested reading: The UFO Silencers, Mystery of the Men In Black authored by Timothy Green Beckley, Inner Light Publications 1990 New Brunswick, NJ.

  3) Was Bob's house broken into & was a (tape) stolen? (Leslie) [RES] ... There has never been any evidence of my house being "broken into". However, there was an incident in 1989 during the course of several field investigation trips to Gulf Breeze, Florida wherein several audio taped interviews and two very important computer disks mysteriously vanished from my somewhat less than perfectly organized home office. I should point out that we did find overt evidence of mail tampering between myself and Ed Walters including undelivered packages of photographic and mapping materials. The evidence was submitted to postal authorities and an investigation initiated which stopped the illegal practice at least for six months.

  4) Did Bob ever meet with the Guardian? What did he learn? (Dave) [RES] ... In November of 1992 while on location shooting part of the "Unsolved Mysteries" segment with the Cosgrove-Meurer Production Company, we received a telephone call at our hot
el in Kanata, Ontario from an individual who professed to know the identity of Guardian. I stayed an extra day after shooting just to meet with this individual who was providing numerous contact names, addresses and phone numbers for corroboration including that of the individual he claimed was Guardian.

  The person that I met with was a local college student who had known Guardian for 17 years and claimed to be long time friends. He reported an incident where his friend had shown the Guardian video tape along with other tapes, documents and photographs to a group of six people including himself. The incident was fresh in his mind because he thought all of this UFO stuff was nonsense and he remembers falling on the kitchen floor laughing in hysteria. His friend was so adamant about the veracity and authenticity of the material that he assured him that he was the Guardian and that it was all true. It wasn't until he heard and saw local news reports of eyewitnesses to the events and that NBC was in town filming that he realized there may be more to it than he first thought.

  I called the number he gave me for the Guardian and tried to arrange a meeting by leaving a message on an answering machine. Guardian called his friend back and left a message for me on his machine basically denying any knowledge or complicity. The more the friend challenged him, the more remote he became. However during the course of my investigation it became abundantly evident that this individual was in fact the Guardian of whom I was searching. Only forensic evidence is yet to be collected for final proof. Nonetheless I an quite convinced that I know who Guardian is and an awful lot about him and the events hr has been involved in for many years. I never believed it was necessary to expose him because all of the other witnesses and landing contamination effects was sufficient. to validate the case. The bottom line is simply that not one of Guardian's rather outrageous claims has been disproved and quite a number of them have so far been completely validated.


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