Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists Page 12

by Timothy Beckley

  5) Is the Guardian the same one as "original guardian" described in CURSE.TXT? ... (Peter) [RES] ... A review of CURSE.TXT reveals that "original guardian" referenced is an executive with the motion picture. My suspect is clearly not involved in that field. The so called "incident" occurred in a city east of Toronto, that is a rather large area. The video taped landing incident that I investigated occurred about 30 miles west of Ottawa, which is some 200 miles east of Toronto. The Guardian involved in the case I investigated was clever enough to put his fingerprint on the label of video tapes he sent out. That makes them unique in as much as it certainly cuts down on Guardian claimants and that's why we featured that issue on the "Unsolved Mysteries" and "Sightings" segments. The Guardian documents that I investigated referred to a roll of 35mm film of alien images that was submitted by an anonymous photographer to NRC (National Research Council) in Ottawa. We have not to date been able to verify if such a roll of film was received at that repository, but it does seem to coincide to a certain degree with the "original guardian" reference. In summary, there does appear to be some possible similarity in the two cases but there is insufficient detail in the CURSE.TXT report that I have to draw even the slightest parallel or even to determine if there exists a mergence of the two. It is difficult to give much credence to reports that are warranted by unsigned individuals and even more difficult to find rationale to prompt research and investigation.

  6) Was Bob ever taken to an off-shore research platform by the Gov't and shown an anti-gravity chamber? ... (Mike) [RES] ... As reported in the hardback book Alien Liaison - The Ultimate Secret authored by Timothy Good and originally published by Random Century Ltd, London 1991 (47 weeks on the London Times Best Seller List) and subsequently in paperback by Arrow Books Ltd, London 1992 and now available in the U.S. under the title Alien Contact published by William Morrow Company, NY 1993, the chapter called Cosmic Journey refers to a project which I was involved in under commercial secrecy contract to Kenneth Feld Productions Special Development Group out of Orlando, Florida. The project was sanctioned by the White House Office of the National Space Council and by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the latter of which I was a former employee during the midseventies. I was retained for the project due to my robotics expertise and involvement in the adaptation of the manipulator arm for the Shuttle Project as well as my expertise in innovation of RF remote control systems, and all of that not withstanding my UFO research credentials.

  The activities referred to in the question relate directly to my involvement with a former astronaut and Air Force General Officer in the U.S. Intelligence establishment at the Pentagon. On a project trip to the Houston area, I was taken along with a group that filled three unique helicopters to a NORAD (North American Defense Command) facility located on an off-shore platform off the Gulf Coast between Mobile, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida. We were flown from Ellington and were on the platform little more than an hour at most. Refer to one of the above books for details. During the same visit to the Houston area I visited a facility southwest of Houston referred to as the Micro-Gravity Research Center. It did not involve to my knowledge the swimming pool facility which I believe is located at the Johnson Center complex and did not involve the famous airplane retro gravity airborne project. This facility housed a micro-gravity chamber which was encompassed in a room approximately 20' x 4O' and housed several dozen if not hundreds of experiments, protein crystal experiments being one of the most notable to me. A small scale model of the manipulator arm on the shuttle was previously arranged and set-up for me along with a computer simulation for modeling modifications. The purpose of my visit was to install design changes with limiter stops and axis weight changes for adaptation to a gravity environment for the full scale model for the Cosmic Journey Project. I believe the micro-gravity environment was effected by an unusual lighting system installed in the ceiling. The effect was analogous to what it might be like if one could stand inside a florescent light tube. For more information, again refer to the above referenced books.

  7) Was the space tracking station (off-shore research. platform) on the "fence" off the SC coast? ... (Peter) [RES] ... The facility was not on the Atlantic Seaboard, see question six above for location. I am not familiar with the reference "fence". The off-shore facility was not to my knowledge a research center. It was an on-line NORAD monitoring facility with capabilities far exceeding ordinary space tracking.

  8) What was Bob's position at NASA? What does (position) mean? ... (Mike) [RES] ... My NASA credentials are referenced in the book Alien Update authored by Timothy Good and published in the U.K. by Arrow Books Ltd 1993. The photo section depicts my original NASA identification photo badge with security number in black and white, the original is in color. My position was titled Mission Specialist which is a catch all reference given to about half of the employees at the Goddard Space Flight Center, the rest were referred to as Operations Specialists. My job entailed project engineering, documentation and sub-mission appraisal. Some of the projects that I worked on included the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (docking collar latch mechanism), the IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer), the manipulator arm connecting mechanism for the Shuttle Project and several DOD (Department of Defense) missions. I had no interest or knowledge of the UFO phenomenon during my tenure at NASA and have repeatedly announced my failure to recognize the connection to my work at NASA and my subsequent UFO research other than as it has applied to the Cosmic Journey Project. I continue to be amazed at the wild conspiracy theories and the constant speculation about my supposedly working as some kind of a mole for the Gov't. My position has always been that if the Gov't doesn't know what UFO researchers have discovered, then they ought to know and probably do know a great deal more than all of the researchers combined.

  9) I'm still wondering how he managed to go from doing freelance research (under NASA auspices) on some video tapes taken by a contractor to being able to order a military polygraph for a Canadian official that was allegedly taken against her/his will aboard an ET craft, ... (Bob Perse)

  [RES] ... Since you're wondering, perhaps I can shed some light on the issues for you. Actually I prefer interested individuals to ask this sort of question rather than blindly speculate. First let me clarify the "freelance research on some video tapes" issue. As a video and photographic analyst, I was very interested in the depiction at close range of a UFO craft in flight shot by Ed Walters in Gulf Breeze, Florida on December 28, 1987. The moving images afforded an opportunity to evaluate the fundamental operational physics of the craft and since I had been cited by the United States Chamber of Commerce for my work in field applications technologies in robotics there existed a natural interest in determining the prospects of the video taped object being a remote controlled model. Therefore I was asked by several groups including "Unsolved Mysteries" and the Fund for UFO Research to have a look at it. I was looking for an independent lab where I could conduct my analysis in privacy and without commercial expense. Since I have several former associates still working at GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Center) within thirty minutes of my home, including the local MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) director of investigations, it was natural to inquire of the possibility of conducting my work in their rather well equipped studios during off-peak hours. Arrangements were made with the section director at GSFC TV Studios to move the necessary equipment into one of their editing studios. There was no official inquiry on the part of NASA HQ nor GSFC hierarchy since the station which is closed circuit was operated by Bendix. Therefore the work I was doing was clearly NOT under the "auspices" (look it up) of NASA.

  The second and independent issue which does not appear connected in any way that I can imagine relates to the Guardian Case. The Canadian Official initially contacted me anonymously by mail, but included enough information that I was able to locate the individual due to my knowledge of the landing area. The individual claimed to be having explicit memories relating to the landing event depicted on t
he "Unsolved Mysteries" broadcast. I did not learn until later that this individual had significant credentials within the Canadian Government. The claims involved witnessing the landing event, being taken onboard the craft and interacting with not only the alien entities depicted on the program but also a human being of a specific nationality as being in charge of the operation involving the craft and entities. There was never any allegation regarding being taken against anyone's will since no invitation was extended or refused.

  The issue involving the taking of a polygraph examination of the claims was raised due to the sensitivity of the witness' position within the Canadian Government. Since the witness was not acting on behalf of any agency of the Canadian Government and the onboard events did not directly involve same (in other words the witness was not onboard as a representative of the Canadian Government), there existed a need for specific anonymity in order to avoid the appearance of a potential international incident. For clarification it should be noted that the witness' voice and/or likeness would be readily recognized at any Canadian Embassy throughout the world. Therefore in order to establish credibility for the claims of an anonymous witness, it was clear to all interested parties that a polygraph exam of the witness claims would be required for the record to be included as a valid contribution to an already complex case. I did not order a military polygraph, I selected a polygraph examiner in Canada who had been trained by the U.S. Military. Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee (Ph.D. Optical Physics and Exec. Dir. of FUFOR) assisted me and the polygraph examiner in developing the questionnaire strategy in consultation with skeptic Jerry Black who arranged the polygraph for Travis Walton, Allen Dallas, etc. just before the 1993 release of "Fire in the Sky". We wanted to be sure that any positive polygraph result could not only be supported, but subjected to review by other examiners.

  It seems to me that this last question poses some important points that should serve these inquires well. We need to be very careful about jumping to conclusions. It does not seem fair to me that just because someone exercises care and diligence in investigative technique, that somehow this correlates with heavy handed old fashioned CIA tactics. Or somehow suggests that the analyst or investigator is secretively entrenched in some covert government plot. I do recognize that conspiracies have and do exist, but my experience suggests that such activity is vastly overstated in UFO research activities. It's really not needed here as most researchers in this field tend to bicker and debate so much that precious little actual research ever gets accomplished much less accepted. When it comes to establishing public opinion the tabloids win hands down it seems simply because they are so well financed.

  Hope this proves helpful and doesn't bore anyone to tears. Thanks very much for the questions. I believe the Guardian Case will eventually make for a good book and could serve as an excellent template for future investigations of this nature. If you think writing a book is going to make anyone rich, I suggest you try getting something published. It always amazes me when skeptics try using the old rich and famous explanation to attempt to discredit witnesses and researchers/investigators. It is quite a naive ploy in the eyes of the informed.

  Thanks again, Cheers.

  BoB Oechsler

  Biographical Information Sheet - Bob Oechsler BoB Oechsler: Pronounced X-ler

  Former NASA Mission Specialist

  Goddard Space Flight Center

  Greenbelt, Maryland

  Who's Who Listings

  Who's Who in the East

  Who's Who in Finance and Industry

  Who's Who in the World

  International Book of Honour

  Author - The Chesapeake Connection

  Contributing Author: The Gulf Breeze Sightings - Walters

  Wm. Morrow, New York 1990

  * Alien Liaison - Good

  Random Century LTD, London 1991

  The DFO Report 1992 - Edited: Good

  Sidgwick & Jackson, London 1991

  Alien Contact - Good

  Wm. Morrow, New York 1994

  Alien Update - Good

  Arrow, Random House, London 1994

  * 27 weeks on the London Times Best Seller List.

  Lecturer: The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia

  Speaker: The United States Chamber of Commerce

  International Television exposure:

  NBC - "Unsolved Mysteries" (Regular Consultant)

  ABC - "America's Best Kept Secrets"

  ABC News - With Science Editor Jules Bergman

  CBS - "UFOs: The Best Evidence" (Award Winning


  FOX - "Sightings"

  Syndicated - "Now It Can Be Told"

  Central Television - London

  BBC - London

  NTV - Tokyo, Japan

  RAI - Rome, Italy

  META - Berlin, Germany

  Technical Expertise: Photo & Video Analysis

  Invented process for converting nighttime Polaroid images

  into almost daylight conditions for easy analysis.

  Professional Expertise: Robotics Field Applications Technologies

  Electro-gravitics Research

  Radio & Television Broadcasting

  Primary Guidance within the U.S. Intelligence Community:

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Science & Technology

  U S. Naval Intelligence - Director, Naval Ops Air Warfare

  National Security Agency (NSA), Institute of Def. Analysis

  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

  Executive Branch - Defense Science Board

  Guardian Investigation – The

  UFO Video Case

  February 1993 The Ottawa, Ontario UFO Landing reported by the anonymous Guardian has resulted in a year long active field investigation. I believe it to be a landmark case which involved the complete cooperation of several agencies in Canada including the Department of National Defence. DND has participated actively in the investigation to the extent of providing an alert team ready to respond to any continued helicopter harassment activity at the site and witness residence. Although we have interviewed several witnesses to this helicopter activity, we have yet to identify the perpetrators in spite of several photographs taken at times of intrusion.

  Transport Canada has been quite cooperative in providing classified radar data at the site location. The National Research Council has been receptive to my investigation of Guardian claims, classified helicopter research activity and has provided access to CSIS, the Canadian Secret Intelligence classified radar data at the site location. The National Research Council has been receptive to my investigation of Guardian claims, classified helicopter research activity and has provided access to CSIS, the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service. Energy, Mines and Resources have provided aerial photography for the research area. Canadian UFO author Arthur Bray and researcher Graham Lightfoot have provided invaluable assistance in the investigation. CUFORN, the Canadian UFO Research Network has been helpful in providing me with a background on Guardian's prior UFO report for 1989 and original materials they received from Guardian including photographs and video tape.

  Scheduled broadcasts of the investigation by network television include NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries" (February 3rd) and Fox's "Sightings" (February 12th) clearly achieve Guardian's implied interest in widespread exposure for alien UFO activity in the Ottawa Valley area. Television attention of this caliber should give significant credit to the investigation and open the door for those reluctant to come forward for fear of ridicule. These broadcast provide the first international exposure for this case which centers around the events instead of the anonymous Guardian who video taped the extraordinary landing event.

  Guardian began reporting UFO incidents in the area where the landing occurred as far back as November of 1989. The landing was video taped without the knowledge of other witnesses to the event on August 18, 1991. We discovered the landing site and witnesses on May 10, 1992 and began an investigation based on contamination evidence suggesting an
extraordinary event which affected the site. I have testimony of several experts in diversified scientific fields which strongly argues against human technological involvement in the event.

  The size of the craft was approximately 20-25 feet in diameter as determined by correlating field tests. The flares or Pyrotechnic activity at the site has been determined to be of unknown origin, not compatible with any universally known compounds. The craft depicted in the video apparently left residue elements identified as not being indigenous to the site. Acoustics analysis of the video tape correlates with the geography and particular topography of the investigated field site. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) from a Digital Audio Tape (DAT) taken from an original Guardian supplied copy of the video detailed no evidence of electrical fields, repeating pulses or oscillations within the detection frequency range of the recording equipment used, yet all ambient sounds typical to the scenario depicted in the video including the distant sounds of barking dogs, wind noise, insects, camera operator breath walking as well as camera equipment noise in close proximity to the microphone were all identifiable. No unknown is could be attributed to the object or pyrotechnics depicted in the video.

  NBC invested in excess of $115,000 unsuccessfully attempting to duplicate the effects in the Guardian video and concluded that to fake what was observed in the video would have taken a sizeable investment and would have been virtually impossible to Pull off without the cooperation of the residents in the neighborhood, some of whom have agreed to polygraph examination in order to refute that possibility. Even NASA's JPL was unable to find evidence of hoaxing the event depicted in the video.


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