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Alicia... The Unleashed Series (Erotica)

Page 4

by Vivien Sparx

  I have always had a dominant streak. I’ve always enjoyed the power that a woman who looks like me has over men. Most guys are so desperate for adventure; they’d chew off their arm if they thought it meant getting some hot pussy with a woman who looked like a glamour-model. Harold was like that; the poor shmuck worked a boring job and lived a boring life. His one thrill was our occasional meetings.

  Today was going to be a day he would never forget.

  Alicia stood in the doorway and looked on. Alistair had dressed her in a royal blue corset and panties, black stockings and thigh-high boots. She was dressed for femdom… but would she be able to pass the challenge of acting like a mistress with a trained, experienced sub?

  It was time to find out.

  “Ah, Mistress Alicia,” I cooed from my chair in the center of the room. I was slumped back, relaxed with my legs spread wide and Harold’s tongue massaging my clit. My panties were draped over one of the chair’s armrests, and my bra was on the ground. “I have everything you requested for today’s session. You will find them all laid out on the bench.”

  Alicia nodded and stepped across to the bench where Gustav had fucked her just twenty-four hours ago. Arranged on the bench-top was a bamboo cane, a flogger whip, a black dildo attached to a leather strap, and two strap-on cocks, complete with their harnesses. I watched Alicia touch each of the items, and as she did I sensed her confidence begin to grow.

  “Excellent,” she said at last.

  Hearing Alicia’s voice nearby made Harold pause for a moment. I felt the pressure of his tongue on my pussy change as if he was pulling his head away to catch his breath.

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” I shouted at him instantly. I grabbed an angry handful of his hair and pulled his mouth back onto my pussy. I held him there. “Don’t you fucking dare stop licking my pussy until I tell you, you fucking piece of shit!”

  Harold made a small whimpering noise, but it was too late. I was angry with him.

  I ground my pussy onto his tongue for a full minute, not allowing him any chance to breath. Harold snuffled and drooled and groaned. I didn’t care. When I was sure he was at the limits of his endurance, I let go of his hair and pushed him hard away from me. He fell weakly to the floor and lay on his back. I don’t think he was game to move.

  I sat for a moment longer. I realized I was panting, and I’m not sure if that was from Harold’s efforts with his tongue, or my sudden flash of anger. Finally I stood up. Alicia joined me beside the chair and we looked down at Harold.

  “Its name is Harold,” I said in a bored tone. “He’s a pathetic piece of shit. Hopefully you won’t find him too disappointing.”

  Alicia nodded. Then she took a long deep breath and exhaled slowly. I watched her face, and saw the change in her expression and demeanor; watched her attitude and persona seem to transform.

  “Where is the rest of his cock?” she said, and I blinked with surprise. The tone of her voice was so…. so perfect! In an instant the girl who had submitted to Gustav’s demanding punishments was gone. In her place had appeared Mistress Alicia.

  I was so pleasantly surprised it took me a few seconds to get back into my own character. Finally I said, “There is no more.”

  Alicia screwed up her face as if she had just seen something truly revolting. She turned and picked up the bamboo cane from the bench top. Using the tip of the cane, she lightly prodded Harold’s cock, as if she were trying to turn over a leaf that might conceal a spider.

  Harold flinched instinctively. He screwed his eyes shut.

  “Get up, you fucking worm,” Alicia hissed. Harold jumped to his feet and stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

  Together Alicia and I inspected Harold Sandmeyer. Every once in a while Alicia would make a comment and poke at him with the cane.

  “He’s fat,” she said. “His skin is soft and pudgy.”

  “And he has the cock and balls of a ten year old boy,” I added. “But he can be obedient… when properly encouraged.”

  Alicia made Harold open his mouth and stick out his tongue. “Clearly he wasn’t made for fucking,” Alicia said, her tone disapproving. “Is he any good at licking pussy?”


  “Hmmmm,” Alicia frowned thoughtfully. “How long is this worm here for our entertainment?”

  “Until midnight, if you wish.”

  Alicia smiled. “Good. In that case, I need Alistair to help me find some clothes. In the meantime, can you make a phone call?”

  And then we stood together in the corner of the games room for a moment while she whispered to me what she wanted….

  When Alicia lead Harold back into the games room thirty minutes later he was dressed in a white corset and lacy panties. Alicia had stuffed the cups of the corset with thick socks. Then she had made him up with red lipstick and green eye shadow, and thrown a blonde wig on his head. The end result was a hideous, overweight parody of a woman. Harold’s complete humiliation showed in the deep red blush of his cheeks.

  He clumped over to the bench in high-heel shoes that his feet did not quite fit into.

  “What do you think?” Alicia asked me. She swatted Harold on his panty-clad ass and he turned around for my inspection.

  “Pretty,” I said through a wide smile.

  “I think so too,” Alicia said. “He was certainly no use to anyone as a man. Maybe he will make a better woman.”

  I stepped close to Harold and reached my hand down inside the front of his tight white panties.

  His little cock was rock hard!

  “My goodness!” I said in mock surprise. “Mistress Alicia, our little slave girl has a fucking hard-on!”

  I pulled the knickers down Harold’s thighs and pointed at his little cock. Alicia knelt down to look in amazement. I stroked him a few times, and then took a grip of his balls.

  Harold grunted.

  “You horny little slut,” Alicia mocked him. “Well we can’t let that go to waste. You’re in heat!”

  We ordered Harold to remove his panties and bend over the hard wooden bench. Alicia and I pulled on our strap-on cocks. Mine fitted perfectly, the strapping snug around my waist, the seven inch pink cock jutting from my groin and bouncing each time I took a step. I helped Alicia fit her own harness, adjusting the clips until the unit sat firm around her hips.

  While we made the adjustments to her strap-on, Harold waited, spread-legged, bent over the bench top.

  “The arrangements you wanted have been made,” I told Alicia. I squeezed some lubricant onto the end of each rubber cock and began to coat their entire lengths. “Everything should be in place by 6pm.”

  “Excellent,” Alicia smiled grimly. “We better make sure she’s ready.”

  I stood behind Harold and squirted more lubricant onto my hand. Then I began to massage his ass. Harold let out a simpering little moan. I eased one, and then two fingers deep inside him, swirling them around. “Spread your legs wider, bitch,” I demanded. Harold did a little shuffle. I forced a third finger into his ass. Then I lined up the head of my rubber cock against the tight puckered opening and began to push.

  Harold went rigid for a moment. I could feel the tension in his body, so I reached down and tugged hard on his balls. “Keep fucking still you little bitch!” I hissed. “Don’t fucking move. Your boy-pussy is for my pleasure, so stay still and take it. Understand?”

  “Yes Mistress,” Harold muttered. It sounded like he was sobbing.


  Out of the kindness of my heart I gave Harold’s boy-pussy a few seconds to adjust… then I began to force my cock deep inside him. Harold was clenching and unclenching his fists, but to his credit, he kept still. I quickly built up the pace of my strokes as his ass adjusted.

  Every few strokes brought new moans from Harold as the head of my cock massaged his prostate. And as I built up rhythm and began to pump my cock deeper inside him, his moans began to sound less pained… and more pleasurable.

  Alicia noticed. />
  “Listen to our bitch!” she said in amazement. “She’s really getting off on being fucked.”

  I grabbed hold of Harold’s hips and ground my cock further inside him.

  I’ve had a few subs like Harold over the years, and I’ve watched a lot of strap-on porn… and the one thing I’ve noticed is that gals (me included) can never fuck the way a guy does. I don’t know if guys are born with a certain rhythm, or if it just comes from plenty of practice, but I could never get a good, constant pattern going. I felt myself beginning to lose my momentum as I tried to fill his boy-pussy to the brim with rubber.

  I fucked Harold for a good ten minutes. By that time I was getting tired. I had a glistening sheen of perspiration across my forehead and breasts.

  “Tag,” I said at last. Alicia had been standing off to the side and watching me fuck Harold. Now I eased myself out of him and she took my place.

  Alicia’s cock went all the way inside Harold with the first stroke. She started slowly, grinding her hips, and then finally she leaned over his back and bit his shoulder. Her hips humped his boy-pussy with an insistent tempo.

  Harold was panting. His breath was a series of short gasps and groans. He really was getting off on this!

  After a few minutes, Alicia pulled her cock out of his pussy. “Turn around and get up on the bench,” she barked. “I want you on your back with your legs spread.”

  This looked familiar! Alicia was going to fuck Harold the same way Gustav had fucked her yesterday. Harold got quickly into his new position. His tiny little cock was standing upright.

  Alicia put her cock against his boy-pussy, took a hold of both his quivering legs to keep them spread, and eased herself into him. Harold groaned.

  I came around the side of the bench and watched.

  “You’re such a good girl,” I said to Harold. I reached down and squeezed one of his padded breasts, and then my hand snaked down to his cock.

  The moment I touched the head of Harold’s cock, he jumped. He was so sensitive! I waited for a moment, and then lightly wrapped my hand around the head of his prick.

  “Aaawwww!” Harold groaned. I gave his cock three quick strokes and then stopped.

  “Do you want to cum, sissy boy?” I asked.

  Harold turned his head to look at me. The pleading expression on his face was pathetic. “Please!” he breathed. “Please let me cum Mistress Julia.”

  “Well, I don’t know….” I teased. I touched his cock again, and it began to jerk.


  I looked at Alicia. She had slowed her pace and was now fucking Harold’s boy-pussy with long slow strokes. “What do you think, Mistress Alicia? Has our little slut earned an orgasm?”

  Alicia’s expression became suddenly stern, and she stopped pumping into Harold’s ass. “You can cum on one condition, slut,” Alicia said.

  Harold’s head spun to hear Alicia’s demand.

  “You will do anything we command you to do, and you will not refuse anything we instruct you to do until this session is over.”

  “Yes,” Harold said instantly. “Yes, Mistress!”

  “You swear this?”

  “Yes, Mistress Alicia!”

  We exchanged glances. I saw Alicia wink at me. I was having the time of my life with this girl!

  “Very well, bitch. Cum,” I said.

  Alicia began to pump her cock into Harold’s pussy with short, shallow strokes and I reached down and wrapped my hand firmly around his shaft. Harold let out a slow moan, and his hips began to buck in time with Alicia’s cock. Then suddenly he was tensing. His whole body began to tremble. It was like a human having an earthquake.

  “Aaaaaaahhhhhh!” Harold groaned. His cum erupted from the head of his cock like a geyser. One jet sprayed into the air, then landed in a puddle on his lacy white corset. Instantly a second, and then a third smaller gush exploded from his cock. Harold sounded like he was sobbing with the relief of his orgasm.

  In all the twisting, groaning tension of his orgasm, Alicia had pulled her cock out of his ass, and he hadn’t even realized. He lay on the bench top, his body trembling, his chest heaving for air, his face flushed, and his body slippery with sweat.

  Alicia and I stepped away from the bench, unfastening our strap-on harnesses and letting them drop to the floor. We were in no hurry. We waited until the last tremors of Harold’s ejaculation had passed and he had regained his composure.

  “Do you enjoy being our little fuck pussy?” I asked Harold.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said with such sincerity that I actually believed him.

  “Good,” I was gently rubbing one of his padded breasts, “and do you like being a woman? Being dressed up, I mean, and then being taken by a big hard cock?”

  “Yes, Mistress Julia.” He answered.

  I smiled. While I had been questioning him, my finger had lazily begun to trace its way down his stomach.

  “Very good. We’ve decided to help you become as close to a real woman as possible,” I purred. “Would you like to be called Cynthia from now on?”

  “If it pleases you, Mistress,” Harold said.

  “Oh, it does please me. It pleases me to see you so keen to get in touch with your feminine side,” I explained. “Now…. open your mouth so I can feed you all this nasty man cum.”

  Harold hesitated… and then reluctantly opened his mouth. The fleeting seconds of his passion had long gone. He wasn’t horny anymore. And he realized that what he had said in the heat of the moment now had consequences.

  Alicia had come up beside me. She dipped her finger into a thick gooey puddle of Harold’s cum and held it over his open mouth. Then she slowly turned her finger; a long drizzle of cum trickled onto his tongue.


  He did.

  Then I scooped up a wad of cum and wiped it around his lips. He licked at it.

  Alicia fed him the last of his own cum, making him suck the creamy jizz noisily off her fingers.

  When he had swallowed all of his own cum, Alicia flopped into the chair. She hung one long booted leg over the armrest and began to massage her pussy. She was really wet!

  “Come and lick my pussy,” she demanded.

  Harold crawled across the floor and began to enthusiastically lick and nuzzle at her pussy lips.

  I took the opportunity to sneak across to the games room door. On the floor was a small piece of paper. I recognized Alistair’s handwriting. I stepped from the room.

  When I came back, I had a man with me. But not just any man.

  I only knew him as K-Tone. He was a giant; broad across the chest with a huge muscular physique. He was an avalanche of beautiful black skin.

  K-Tone’s gig was as a black bull for cuckolds. There were a lot of guys who got their kicks from seeing their wives fucked by a black bull. K-Tone would screw the wife while the man watched. Then he would make the guy his bitch as well. Sometimes he even hired himself out for breeding parties when white women wanted to be bred by a black bull and fall pregnant. It was the ultimate cuckold experience, and K-Tone was ‘da man!

  “Look, Cynthia,” I said. In response, Harold pulled his head from between Alicia’s long gorgeous legs. His chin was glistening slick from her pussy juice. “Look who Mistress Alicia has arranged to fuck you,” I said excitedly. “K-Tone is going to make you his bitch.”

  Credit where it’s due. This had been Alicia’s idea, and it was her request that I make the arrangement.

  K-Tone stood naked before the chair like a colossus, his eyes fixed on Alicia, and Harold on his hands and knees between her legs. They were looking up at K-Tone. Harold made a breathless, formless noise of fear.

  I wrapped my hand around K-Tone’s cock. It was only semi-hard, and already it looked like a monster. I felt my pussy throb just from feeling the hardness and the length of him.

  K-Tone let me stroke him for a minute or so, and then he got down on his knees behind Harold’s upturned ass. Without a word K-Tone forced Harold to
spread his legs and Harold meekly obeyed. Alicia pulled Harold’s face back down onto her pussy and used both hands to hold him there.

  Then K-Tone began to stuff his huge cock into Harold’s boy-pussy.

  Harold began to squirm. From between Alicia’s legs I could hear him squeal each time another inch of K-Tone’s massive black cock drove into him. But K-Tone was insistent. He continued to grind his cock deeper, his huge hands like baseball gloves on Harold’s corseted waist.

  Finally Harold stopped moving, and I wondered for a moment if he had passed out. But Alicia had pulled him from her sopping pussy and laid his head on her thigh. She was holding him there, bracing and supporting him while K-Tone began to fuck him with slow regular strokes.

  “Yeah,” K-Tone said in a voice that was like a deep boom. It was the first time he had spoken since entering the games room. “Take my cock up your pussy, bitch.” He rumbled. ‘You’re mine. You’re my fuckin’ whore!”

  Harold whimpered. K-Tone dug his fingers into the soft skin of Harold’s waist to hold him down and began to fuck harder. Then he leaned over his new bitch, his weight heavy, and I saw him slide his hand around to hold Harold’s little cock.

  “You’re my fucking bitch,” K-Tone repeated. He was rubbing Harold’s cock between his fingers. “Fuckin’ say it! Say your pussy is mine from now on.”

  Harold grunted. He was breathing like he was on the verge of a heart attack. “I’m your bitch,” he moaned. “You can fuck me whenever you want.”

  “Yeah!” K-Tone smiled his victory. Then he pulled his monster out of Harold’s boy-pussy and stood up. He took his cock in one hand and pulled Harold around, up onto his knees before him. Harold opened his mouth and K-Tone filled it with his cock.

  “Suck me!” K-Tone’s voice made it clear that Harold had no choice but to obey. Harold did the best he could, swirling his tongue around the huge head of the black man’s cock, and trying to suck him into his mouth.

  K-Tone put his hands on his hips and began to thrust. Alicia and I were watching on with delicious fascination. Harold had managed to get half the length of K-tone down his throat.


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