Chance (Rusted and Reckless Book 1)

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Chance (Rusted and Reckless Book 1) Page 8

by Charlotte Casey

  “Cheer up, Greer.” Rory slapped his shoulder after getting out of the car. “At least you have me to interview with.”

  Yeah, great. Rory always ended up telling embarrassing stories about whoever he was with.

  “What should I be doing while you’re at your interview?” Ava asked. “Should I stay here or go with Jason and Sawyer?”

  He hadn’t thought that she wouldn’t want to come with but why would she? If he was giving her the concert experience that should include sound check, not a radio interview. The thought of not having her beside him turned his stomach. Greer had gotten used to having her hand in his or her body nestled in beside him.

  Greer hung back with Aveline while Sawyer started to check them in. “Either of those is fine, if that’s what you want to do.”

  She gave him a polite smile, the one that you used on relatives at Christmas when, for the third year running, they got you the same mini crock pot. “I’m fine to do whatever.” It was a meek answer. There was something she preferred to do. He could hear it in her voice and the way her eyes darted from his.

  “But what do you want to do?”

  She bit her lip as she considered his question. “I want to go with you.”

  Well that was a mighty fine answer. Greer ran his finger down her jaw and tilted her chin up. “Then that’s where you’ll be.” He kissed her once, slow and lazy, as if they were still in bed with no obligations waiting for them. Her eyes opened with the pleasure of a happy woman.

  “Yo Romeo!” Rory yelled across the foyer. “We got you a separate room from the suite so you two can-”

  Sawyer slapped a hand over Rory’s mouth.

  Aveline jolted back at the sudden and boisterous intrusion into their otherwise perfect moment. Greer wouldn’t let her move. He kept smiling at her, stroking the soft skin of her cheek even as her eyes went wide at the echo of Rory’s words.

  “Appreciate it,” Greer yelled back.

  She buried her red face in his chest. “I hate you both,” she grumbled into his rumbling chest. Greer couldn’t contain the laughter at the sight of her pink ears.


  “So we’re back with Rory Freeman and Greer McQueen of Rusted and Reckless. Did those pictures uploaded to Twitter yet? Yeah, awesome. In case you missed it. Rory took over our reception desk and phone line last hour and caused quite a commotion when Luke Bryan called in for a phone interview with our sister station.”

  “Hey, he still owes me twenty bucks from a poker game last March,” Rory said grinning.

  “It is never boring when you boys stop by,” The DJ, Moose, said in a laugh.

  Aveline was standing at the back of the room, grinning as Rory made a fool of himself. He was like a puppy, even when he shreds a brand new twenty-eight pack of toilet paper, that you just bought, into hundreds of thousands of tiny pieces all through the house, you just can’t stay mad at him when he wags his tail and tilts his head.

  This was another one of those firsts for her. Aveline had never been in a radio station before. Greer and Rory looked at home here. They even knew right where the break room was for coffee. She just trailed behind them, taking everything in.

  “Moose, you know we love coming here,” Greer chimed in. “Salt Lake City fans are amazing and we always leave here drunk off our asses.”

  “That’s what we like to hear!” Moose fit his name but not his voice. If Aveline were to close her eyes and envision a body to go with the smooth yet slightly nasally voice that was Moose, she would see a younger man of average height and weight. He would wear glasses and owned one of every color V-neck shirt from Target. What Aveline actually saw was a heavy set, balding man who had eyebrows that were like two furry red caterpillars.

  “Greer, I have to ask you something.” Moose began flicking his eyes over to where Aveline stood in the corner. “Is that University Girl that you brought with you today?”

  While Aveline was busy choking, Greer laughed easily into the mic. “That sure is.”

  “Ho Hoh! I love it. Come on up, Sweets’. Say hi to the listeners.”

  Greer reached a hand out for her and she took it as she came over to the mic. “Hi.”

  Moose picked up his phone and snapped a picture of Greer, Rory and her. “She’s so cute,” he said to Greer. “Just this sweet little package of adorable. Even her voice is cute. I saw the pictures from last weekend and the rumor mill has been going wild, which I’m sure you know.”

  Greer nodded, Rory snickered and Aveline let out a very flattering “Huh?”

  Moose thankfully ignored it. “You have to tell us all about this budding romance. It's the love story every girl wants to be a part of.”

  “L-love story?” she choked out. Aveline looked to Greer as she laughed awkwardly. He looked to be enjoying her embarrassment. “Ha ha. It’s not a l-love story, Moose.” It was more of a “I just want to be naked with him story, and maybe later on down the line have his babies story.” But love? Nah.

  “Is that so?” Moose said, clearly no believing a word she said. “I see Greer is neither agreeing nor denying it.”

  Greer leaned into the mic and very clearly said, “no comment.”

  Aveline gaped at him. No comment. Really? She was making a fool of herself right now and all he had to say was no comment.

  “It looks like trouble in paradise, Moose,” Rory said butting in. “Aveline, when you are done slumming it with this bassist, let me know.”

  She was close enough so she slapped him upside the head.

  The room erupted in laughter and Rory’s “Ouch,” was drowned out.

  “Will you be at the concert tonight, University Girl?”

  “Hell yeah she will be,” Rory cut in before she could answer. “She’ll be right backstage where Greer can make googly eyes at her. Sorry Salt Lake, looks like you all have to share Greer tonight with Aveline.”

  It was probably because Greer had been holding her hand the whole time and had kissed the back of her neck just then, but the shock of being pulled into the interview was beginning to wear off. She found it was easier to talk when she thought it was just the four of them in the room and not thousands of listeners on their radios. Aveline turned her head as she leaned into the mic and looked straight at Rory. “I hate to break it to you Salt Lake, but I don’t share.”


  She was up on stage sitting at Jason’s drum kit as he explained to her the basics of how to play the drums. That was the one instrument Greer never liked to play. Give him something with strings and he was good to go but hand him sticks and he was clueless. Jason had her hands over top of hers, which held the sticks and moved her arms wildly around as he played a part of Whiskey O'clock.

  Greer smiled as he watched her laugh. He sat in the seats, a few rows back and enjoyed the show.

  “Jason loves her,” Sawyer said as he took the seat beside him.

  “Yeah.” His friend did love her, for him. Ava told him earlier that she thought their “bromance” was cute. Someone had been talking to Rory, he thought. “You going to try and scare her off again?”

  Sawyer looked down at his go cup of coffee and grimaced. “That wasn’t my intention.”

  Greer knew that but he still had to give him hell. “I know. You are just a Momma Bear protecting her cubs. Can’t fault you for having my back.” Unfortunately, Sawyer had made some decent points the previous night which led to a few discoveries. Aveline wasn’t looking for anything serious. He hadn’t been either, until he had finally met Aveline.

  Serious was so severe of a word. What he wanted wasn’t just a weekend of sex and then go on their merry way but he wasn’t looking for marriage either. Greer just wanted to have Ava in his life more than what she had been. He wanted her at his shows and in his bed. He wanted to share kisses and smiles with her. Go to dinner and catch a concert every now and then. He wanted to study and discuss books together. Serious didn’t describe what that was.

  Greer wanted to be happy with Aveline.r />
  “What are you wanting out of this?” Sawyer asked nodding to Aveline on stage.

  Fucking mind reader, that one. “Not sure yet. More than a weekend fuck.”

  He nodded, understanding. “I like her. I think she’s good for you.”

  “Well since I have your approval then I guess I’ll keep seeing her.” Asshole. “So I found out that Jamie is released next week. Mom is ‘cautiously optimistic’ this time.” He unfolded his arms so he could air quote it. “Bunch of bullshit and I told her as much. He always comes out more fucked up than when he goes in.”

  “You need to keep your distance from him,” Sawyer warned. The guy was not a Jamie fan, none of them were. His brother was a black hole and drug everyone down with him into whatever shit he was part of at the time. Plus, it was Jamie who got Nix started on heroine. “If he calls, you say no to whatever he asks.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He did, but he always ended up caving for his twin brother.

  Sawyer didn’t look like he believed him. “Give me the phone next time, I’ll have it so he never calls again.”

  Sawyer hated Jamie, after what he got Nix into, they all hated him a little bit. His mom, however, was a big softy for his twin. Every time he went to jail she would grow a backbone and say she was done with him but by the time his sentence was served, she was washing his sheets and preparing his favorite meal for his homecoming. Greer couldn’t blame her entirely for her skewed view of his brother. Jamie could play her like a fiddle. He hid most of his crap from her and could sweet talk himself out of most anything. Their dad barely spoke to Jamie when he was home. Glares and grunting were the best he would get. Dad saw through the bullshit just as Greer did, they just had yet to convince his mom of such yet.

  “Thanks man. I’ll tell you if anything comes of it.”

  “When,” he said stoically. “You know he’ll call. It’s just a matter of when.”

  Yeah, he did and he would. Jamie always hit him up for money.

  On stage, Aveline was giggling like mad as Jason waved her arms around and made monkey noises. Sawyer stood and left Greer to his show. He’d call his mom later and tell her not to give Jamie his new number. He’d get it anyway, he always did, but maybe Greer could buy some time at least.

  “Greer!” Kelly yelled from behind his panel. “Get your ass up there.”

  Apparently Jason was done and Greer was up. Jason dipped low in a bow over Aveline’s outstretched hand and thanked her for helping him. As he walked off stage, he gave Greer two thumbs up. “I warmed her up for you.” Greer saluted him with his middle finger.

  Aveline smiled as Greer made his way to the stage. Maybe he could show her how to play the bass? Stand behind her and lead her fingers along the strings. Whisper instruction and praise in her ear. Nips to her throat when she messed up and kisses when she did it right.

  Hell, maybe Jason was on to something with this hands on teaching thing.

  Chapter Eight

  Aveline was drunk on the energy from the concert. She danced and swayed from backstage to the car. Greer had barely taken his eyes off of her the whole night. She was a country boy’s wet dream in a short little dress with a skirt that flew out when she twirled and a good set of brown boots. Nothing fancy there, just well-worn leather. She was looking fine, too fine. So fine that his words dried up in his mouth when he saw her.

  Part of him had wanted to hide her away for only him to enjoy but then he thought about the jealous looks he’d get from everyone. Yeah, she was with him.

  Damn, in that dress, he was with her.

  But they had shared enough of their time. The show ended. The guys split ways. Greer led her from the stage with a heat in his eye that needed to be quenched. At some point she must have caught his mood because she went from happy concert goer to hands up his shirt, nails on his skin, lips at his neck.

  Damn him for not getting a limo. Greer wanted to touch, wanted to taste but his hands were busy steering the car to the hotel.

  “Ok Sweetheart, you need to stop. It’s not fair.”

  Fuck them for picking a hotel on the other side of the city from the stadium.

  “This is payback,” she whispered in his ear. Her nose running up the column of his neck.

  “For what?” Goddammit! Why was he hitting every green light? Any other time and it would be red, red, red. But not tonight! Hell no. The powers that be want to watch him squirm tonight. Ten seconds at a red light could give him ten seconds of touching and kissing up on this sexy as sin Aveline.

  “For whatever you have planned later. I know I’m going to be begging you to stop at some point, and you won’t, so this is pre-payback.”

  Fuuuuck. He might come right then and there. Just call him Mr. Cream Jeans.

  She was leaning over the middle console sucking his ear. Not just sucking, sucking was such an inferior word for what Aveline’s mouth was doing. The way her tongue traced the edge of his ear and the nip of her teeth on the lobe was an epiphany of sorts.

  This woman must stay in his life.


  They needed to find a bed. Now.

  “You guys were really good tonight.” Aveline tugged on his shirt until she found skin and ran her hands over his stomach.

  “Thanks,” he said in husky breath.

  “How far are we from the hotel?” Her fingers dipped beneath the waistband of his jeans and ran from hip to hip.

  He had to think real hard whether stop signs actually meant he had to stop or if it was a mere suggestion.


  “Hmm?” he asked, looking at her and almost unable to look away. Aveline’s cheeks were flushed and she had this fuck me look in her eye that begged to be obeyed. He wanted to obey that look if it meant her fingers would dip lower.

  Cars needed to come with a caution label, “Do not operate while intoxicated on a beautiful woman.”

  “How much longer?” He followed her swollen lips with his eyes. Staring like a pubescent teenage with his first boner.

  Greer cleared his throat. “Ten minutes.”

  That hand started moving back and forth under his jeans again. “That’s enough time,” she informed him with a smile.

  Time? Time for what?

  Her delicate fingers stopped at the button and flipped it open.

  “Oh, no. No no no. Ava, you don’t have to…just a few more minutes and then…oh fuck.”

  She reached in his boxers and touched his cock. No hesitation, nothing tentative, just full hand to cock contact.

  Stars might have flashed before his eyes. Or maybe that was the flash of the street camera as he ran the red light.

  She pulled him free of his jeans and ran her hand up and down his length. The smile on her face as she took in the sight of him would come back to him time and time again in the future. The ways she sucked in the corner of her mouth and bit. The way her eyes flicked up at him to see if he was right there with her. The way she licked her lips and then…

  Oh god.

  She wasn’t.

  No fucking way.

  “I’ve always wanted to try this,” she said, her warm breath hitting the head of his cock.

  “Oh, fucking A,” he thought when Aveline’s mouth engulfed him.

  Road head. He was getting road head.


  The single groan of tortured delight that came from Greer as Aveline dipped her head and covered his cock with her mouth was divine. It was almost as good as his look of utter surprise when she started to unbutton his jeans or the quiet little, “Oh fuck,” he kept moaning every so often. Every time she took all of him down her throat his thighs would tense and the car would jerk. And every time, it made her smile.

  The power she had over him right now was intoxicating.

  “Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck,” he murmured as she ran her tongue from his balls to just underneath the tip of his cock. Aveline sucked him whole again with a loud “Mmmmmmm,” and bobbed her head as the firm length of him became even har

  “Yes. Here we go,” he said right before turning abruptly off the street. Aveline bumped her head into the steering wheel. When the car came to a stop she lifted her head to see what had happened. They were in a…where were they?

  “This is will do,” he said turning off the ignition.

  “Do for what?” The sudden change in atmosphere threw her.


  She barely had time to catch the wicked little grin he had on before his hands found her waist and pulled her across the car into his lap.

  “Oh, I think I can get behind this.” Or on top, as it was. Aveline threaded her hands through his hair and pulled his face closer. Their lips met in a clash of delirious lust. Days of endless teasing, heavy flirting and a night stretched up against him had driven her mad. Since waking next to Greer, as he cupped one hand over her breast and the other nestled in between her legs, Aveline had been in a perpetual state of need. Every touch kept her on edge. Every kiss brought her higher.

  When he was on stage, she swore that she had never seen anything sexier in her entire life. Aveline had never been one to lust over the musician. If she found someone attractive, then she found them attractive. Playing a song wouldn’t help or hurt their image. But Greer was something different, entirely. When he got into a song and moved with the music, you could feel as much as see his passion for what he did and that was sexy as hell.

  “Where are we?” she asked between kisses.

  “Does it matter?”

  He had a point.

  His hands had lifted up the skirt on her dress so that he could run his palms up her thighs and cup her ass. Thank god she was wearing the only sexy pair of panties she had with her. With a tug, he pulled her down and onto his cock. Aveline let her head drop back and a happy sigh leave her lips.

  Oh hell, she wanted on that. She wanted to push aside her panties and sink down on to him, one deliriously slow inch at a time.


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